clicksightmedia · 3 years
How do Filipinos express their opinions and ideas using media?
Filipinos express their opinions and ideas diplomatically and with humility to avoid appearing arrogant. The media in the Philippines are often remarked upon as being the freest in Asia. Feel free to express their opinions and knowledge.
The Importance of Freedom of Expression- Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression this right includes the right to hold opinions without interference and to seek to receive and impart information and ideas through any media.
Freedom of expression is a key human right.
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clicksightmedia · 3 years
What are the media outlets used in Philippine communication media?
(TV, Radio, Newspaper)
The goal of media is to share an advertising product or message to the audience through the media using magazines, newspapers, TV, radio, etc. media channels for their product. Media is
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clicksightmedia · 3 years
Tips get the good source and prevent fake news.
1. Belittle suspiciously
2. Check the source if it’s legitimate name
3. Look if they have a particular bias
4. Differentiate the bias to fake news
How Philippines do control misleading information in communication media?
The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines decided to stop the spread of fake news. Misinformation multiply quickly, appears everywhere, and infects our newsfeed in social media and also our daily life. People spread rumors using "Mouthbook" faster than any social media app. The messenger edits the source what they say the receiver will believe was true.
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clicksightmedia · 3 years
How Philippines do control misleading information in communication media?
The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines decided to stop the spread of fake news. Misinformation multiply quickly, appears everywhere, and infects our newsfeed in social media and also our daily life. People spread rumors using "Mouthbook" faster than any social media app. The messenger edits the source what they say the receiver will believe was true.
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clicksightmedia · 3 years
what are the importance of communication media in the PH?.
Communication media is a tool that can convey information to the citizens. Television, radio and newspaper are the traditional way of distributing information. For Filipinos, listening to radio, watching television and reading newspaper almost every day is a way for them to stay in connected to the rest of the world.
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