clevernessnbooks · 10 years
"Oh, you've just been picked up by a professional Quidditch team," Hermione's tone dripped with sarcasm as she rolled her eyes, all the while a genuine smile crept across her face.  "You say it so nonchalantly! That's amazing, Ginny. Isn't that exactly what you were aiming for?" She gave the other witch no time to answer, despite fully expecting one, before her next question. "Have you already moved in?"
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Ginny quickly moves to sit next to Hermione. She doesn’t understand why nervous butterflies are flitting around inside of her. “Oh, that’s great, good for you.” The Department of Magical Law Enforcement rings a bell inside her, but before she can analyze that further the bartender brings her second drink. She finishes that in one gulp, too. "Oh, I’ve been picked up by the Holyhead Harpy’s. I’ll be Chaser next season, so I got a flat in Holyhead. Percy helped me finalize my contract today, actually."
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
It was ten minutes before she needed to be up that Hermione Granger's chocolate brown eyes fluttered open to be greeted by the still-dark new day. The witch only allowed herself a few short seconds to acclimate herself to her new-found wakefulness. Hermione's eyes flitted toward the Muggle alarm clock that sat on a nightstand next to her bed. It read 4:40 while it's soft glow illuminated the shape of her wand that lay in front of it. She could have stayed there in bed and allowed herself to fall in and out of sleep for ten more minutes but she never got the chance to consider it. Grogginess would not put a stopper on her excitement today -- a day she had been waiting for since last Monday. The day before she had resolved to not allow herself to go to her bedroom with a book in hand. A tactic that would ensure she was well-rested and not distracted for just 'one more chapter,' so really it was no surprise that she had woken up a bit early. Her morning routine went on without so much as a hitch -- she did as much as she could get done the night before, showering, laying out her clothes, etc., to avoid any timing conflicts. The only somewhat difficult task left would be taming her hair, something she now took care to do each morning -- it added to her professional appearance.
"Yeah, I'm just here a bit early so I'll be heading to my office now too," she told a co-worker as they had excused themselves to start shift. A bit was an understatement as the pair had chatted for nearly 15 minutes before parting ways and Hermione still had 30 more minutes until the new-hires were supposed to be arriving. The bookish witch's office was exactly what you'd expect, neat and orderly with a touch professional decor. Though the room was already pristine, Hermione went about 'straightening it up,' so that it was presentable. It wasn't until she had double checked for any place she may have missed while dusting, and all of the books were upright on their shelf before Hermione finally clapped her hands together and allowed herself a quick peek at the clock.
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There was still about 15 minutes left before the new-hire. While dusting her desk she had set down some paperwork on one of the arm chairs and had forgotten to return it after so she went to do so now and when she did she fully intended on reading them over. Even if they weren't intended for her. Hermione was quickly distracted from scanning over the words written on the parchment by suddenly remembering that she wanted to have tea ready to pour. She hurried to the opposite side of the office, parchment still in-tow until she reached her destination, and added water to a tea kettle that had been charmed to self-heat. While Hermione waited she set out two teacups and allowed herself to get lost in her thoughts, most of them consisted of what training the new-hire would be like and what kind of things she'd say when giving explanations but she also briefly entertained the idea of being regarded as a 'cool boss.'  A few moments later the kettle whistled and startled her, causing her train of thought to become temporarily derailed. It was with a careful touch that the witch lifted the kettle and began pouring tea slowly into the first cup while she wasted no time at all going back to could-bes and what-ifs. For instance, should she call them by first or last name? Actually, what was their name? Curious eyes wandered back to the parchment that she had set down before starting the tea. She quickly scanned over the words on the first page only stopping when she came upon the words "Zabini, Blaise." 
Hermione could feel every drop of excitement draining out of her, or perhaps that was the tea that she had yet to stop pouring into one very over-filled tea cup. In fact, the witch didn't notice what she had been doing until she heard the soft pattering of liquid hitting the rug below. She didn't even have time to curse herself under her breath before there was a knock at the door. She really wanted to say 'oh no, please come back later,' but instead... "Come in!"
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
  As requested by: theoteddynott
Name: Leaf Nicknames: Leaferson, Leaflet Birthday: July 27th Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Height: 4'11"
Favorite color: Neon orange. Time and date at current moment: 2:45pm PST, November 21st, 2014 Average hours of sleep: 4-6 Lucky Number: >_> 420 ayy Last thing I googled: "pansy parkinson's birthday" for persephone-mason First word that comes to mind: Hope. One place that makes me happy: Disneyland. How many blankets I sleep under: Threeish
Favorite Fictional Character: I have way too many favorites to list. Book: Harry Potter and the All of Them. Animation: The Lion King TV show: The Walking Dead Favorite Beverage: Most fruit juices~ Favorite Food: Tie between spinach and sushi. Last movie I’ve seen in cinemas: The one with Groot!  Dream Holiday: Disneyland or camping. Dream Wedding: Not big on weddings, really. Dream Job: Still trying to decide. I used to want to focus in on early childhood education and education in general but lately I'm finding myself more interested in the fields of computer science/engineering. 
(note: i didn't tag anyone because i suck. <3 )
ooc: survey
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
The bookish witch motioned for Ginny to come and take a seat near her just as her Nettle wine arrived, the same bartender immediately began on Ginny's second order. Hermione was entirely too blinded by excitement to notice that Ginny didn't ...quite share her level of enthusiasm. Hopefully the wine would kick in before she caught on. 
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"I've been good! I've changed departments within the Ministry now. Magical Law Enforcement. It's gone really well and I'm actually going to be training someone new soon," this was all said in one breath. It wasn't  until she took another that she finally added, "and you! What have you been up to?"
Ginny turns to Hermione with obvious surprise on her face. The two have barely spoken in the past two years. Ginny slowly withdrew, and after the breakup Hermione never came around to family events.
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She specifically come to Hogsmeade to avoid people from her past. Now she’s stuck here with Hermione, who had always treated Ginny like annoying little sister. Suddenly she feels like a total idiot. Why has she come out again? She can’t remember. "Hi Hermione, it’s been a while!" Ginny smiles despite her anxieties. "How have you been?"
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
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It wasn't often that Hermione ventured out to the 'bar scene' but as soon as she heard a familiar voice she was glad she did tonight. Without hesitation the witch's head whipped around so that she could put the voice to the face. "Ginny! It's so nice to see you," she said with a smile. The ginger was a sight for sore eyes as Hermione hadn't seen much of any of the Weasleys for a few months now -- except for in passing, of course. 
Enough has finally been enough. Ginny is ready to get out of the house and make some friends. It’s the first time she’s been out in months and she feels so awkward, but she can’t stand being alone right now. The first thing she orders is a firewhiskey for her nerves, and she takes it in one drink. “Get me another.”
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
"He's doing great! I do think that he misses the freedom of the school grounds, though." Hermione allowed herself a laugh. "Yes, see you!" And then she was off, from wherever they were. 
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  "Oh, yeah! I forgot about Crookshanks. How’s he doing?" Persephone had time for, like, two thousand cats. "Yeah, definitely. I’ll see you then?" 
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
"Well it's interesting that you've gone out of your way to talk to me," she half-spat at him. "Anyway, I'll keep that in mind." His answer had shaken her but she did her best to keep that from him.
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  "You just always annoyed me. You talked a lot. And honestly, that shouldn’t be a huge surprise for you. It’s not like you were best mates with the Slytherins or anything… Then again, we wouldn’t want a Gryffindor in our midst anyway. Anyway, you talk to much, and that’s the point I’m making here."
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
"Always...?" It was obvious from the witch's tone that she wasn't entirely convinced. 
"Well, I’m always cute."
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
"And just what is it that I've done to make you think that I'm 'just as obnoxious as usual,' Nott?" Hermione asked defensively, though she made an attempt at masking it behind amusement. "If you're going to suggest that I change in some way you might have better luck if you explain just what has bothered or offended you." 
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clevernessnbooks "I see you’re just as obnoxious as usual. Change is good for growth you know, Granger. Who knows? It might make you a better witch… In the cultural sense, of course, seeing as you didn’t grow up in our culture."
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
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Honestly, that’s just kind of cute. 
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
"No, I already have Crookshanks." That and she couldn't really dedicate any time to a new kitten with her new and upcoming job responsibilities. "Anyway, Magical Menagerie tomorrow around 6?" 
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  "I think Magical Menagerie would be the best place to go, seeing how it’s the closest to both of us. I don’t even know where else we could go. Are you planning to get a cat too?"
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
"Of course I did," she answered as if there were no other alternative. "Well, do you plan on getting the kitten from Magical Menagerie? If so we should just meet there."
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  "Did you do that with Crookshanks?" She raised an eyebrow, putting her hands on her hips. "Great, can’t wait! Where do you want to meet?"
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
"...But the poor thing will get so much culture shock from the separation from it's family already." Hermione resigned quickly despite how ignorant Persephone was being.  "Fine. Tomorrow it is." 
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  "Oh, really? I don’t know. I kind of just want to go and get the cat. Do you want to go tomorrow, like after work, maybe?" She was basically ignoring Hermione’s little monologue about getting a cat. She was lonely and wanted a cat now, not in like a week or two.
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
"No, no. That won't do. You should get the supplies first so that when you go to meet the kitten you can bring along a toy that already has your home's scent on it. Then you should bring it along each time you meet with it before you take it home. That way it has something familiar in a new place."
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  "Well, no. I’m just going to get everything when I go there. Probably a kitten."
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
"Well, have you already got the necessary supplies for a cat? And will you get a cat or kitten?"
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"Definitely! We can go together. Pick a date when you want to go and we’ll go!" 
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clevernessnbooks · 10 years
"You should! Cats are lovely for companionship. When you go to get one you should let me know so I can tag along with you."
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"So, like the shop is going well and all, but living on my own sucks. I’m so lonely. I might adopt a cat soon or something. That would be nice."
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