clemkaplan · 3 years
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"Let Me Go" Behind the Scenes with Lucy Boynton
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clemkaplan · 3 years
Open Starter: @slchat
Location: 24/7 Fitness
It was nice, the perks that came with his job. Of course, it was only because he had succeeded at it, but he didn’t take that lightly, especially when it meant that his schedule was open at his choosing. He was very much in love with the idea of being a crazed and isolated writer, locked away in his place with a typewriter and papers thrown about as he sat in a robe surrounded by pizza boxes and dirty coffee mugs, but it only ever lasted all of a day before his inner neat freak cleaned it all up and his need for social interaction dragged him out the house. Today was one of those days, where after fourteen hours of backspacing on his laptop, he decided to hit the gym after breakfast and a shower. It wasn’t the most ideal place to meet and have meaningful conversations with people, sure, but Shep had mostly just wanted to be around people that weren’t only alive in his head.
After a stretch and a warm-up, he headed toward the bench first and started loading weights on, the only person in there who wasn’t listening to music, because the only music he really liked wasn’t ideal for working out. It was the very fact that most people were zoned out with their earbuds in that made it hard for him to find someone he didn’t feel bad bothering, jumping at th chance when he saw someone without them in walking by and calling out to them. “ Hey! You mind giving me a spot for a second?”
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she preferred working out outside. the sun warming her up but the breeze cooling her down. the ups and downs of the road that couldn’t be replicated in a gym. but change was good, and she liked seeing how much faster she could run on a flat treadmill rather than a hill. she ran, lip syncing to whatever song came up on her playlist before cooling down with a walk. he stopped her as she was walking by, ready to get a paper towel and wipe down the equipment. she tilted her head and looked at him, eyes wide and worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. “sure, but i don’t think i could do you any good if it were to fall. i don’t know my weight limit, but it’s under that. if you’re confident that you won’t drop it, i’ll help. if not, i’ll have to figure out how to clone myself before i can,” she rambled, now eyeing the weights like some kind of monster.
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clemkaplan · 3 years
[ CLEMENTINE KAPLAN. 32. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER ] is here! They’ve lived in Silver Lake for [ TWO MONTHS ] and are originally from [ BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS ]. They are an [ EVENT PLANNER ] and in their downtime love [ GARDENING ] and [ HORSE BACK RIDING ]. They look a lot like [ LUCY BOYNTON ] and live [ ON SILVERWOOD TERRACE ]. (ooc: nel, 20, she/her, pst )
hlo besties, i’m nel and this is clementine !! she’s inspired by marie antoinette and is a new muse, but i’m super stoked to be playing her !! this all got a bit long, so love you if you read it all <33
here’s her pinterest board xx
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tw: drugs, overdose, death
the youngest of four children, clementine kaplan was used to being spoiled. she loved her mom. she loved her dad. she loved her brothers. she loved her sister. it was the perfect life.
she was a jester, wanting to make her family laugh, whether that was creating dances or one woman plays, she wanted to entertain. they’d indulge her, congratulating her and encouraging her.
her heart was full. full of love and toys and dresses and bows and friends. she got everything she asked for. one glance of her big, blue eyes and the world fell into her hands. it was all she knew, not knowing how lucky she was. her older siblings protected her and guarded her, keeping her safe from the pains of the world, while she skipped through fields and picked the neighbors’ flowers.  
she did well in school, but she was always distracted by her friends. if they wanted to go to the park, she’d drop everything to go with them. and when they were in high school and the park turned into a party, she’d be the first to say yes. she danced the most and laughed the loudest and smiled the widest, capturing the attention of everyone around her. it was bestowed upon her like a crown created only for her head. she was indulgent. she was wasteful. but she didn’t even realize it was wrong. she left a trail of hearts in her wake, from friends and lovers alike, growing bored after she filled her stomach. it wasn’t meant to be hurtful, but she only wanted to be so full of joy that it was leaking out of her ears.
she was accepted into boston university for hospitality administration. it was the best news. she could stay home and live with her family forever. her jubilation was tampered as her sister sophie started dating alex. he was trying to take her precious sister away as she spent more time with him than with clementine.
at the last second, she decided to stay in a dorm at college and that spurred her long nights of drinking and doing drugs. she was gluttonous, ravenous, and completely blind to the fact that she had a problem. she’d come home high. she’d go to class high. by some kind of miracle, she managed to graduate with her b.a. and moved back home, where her parents accepted her with open arms. she was their baby after all.
it all came to a head when sophie announced her engagement. that was it. that was the end. she had found a new family. she went to the club with her boyfriend at the time, and the next morning, she woke up in a hospital bed. she had overdosed. she cried for hours after her parents told her, sending them out of the room. she was embarrassed to have been brought so low.
clem went to rehab and was there for a month. her parents gave her a job working at their event management firm. it was low responsibility, but her first true responsibility nonetheless. she went n.a. meetings and started gardening. she went back to riding horses, her sport of choice from elementary to high school. she was doing well. she was stronger than before. she still went out with her friends and she still danced, but the only high she got anymore was from all eyes being on her.
the world came crashing down when sophie died. sophie. her sister. her best friend. one day she was there and the next day she wasn’t. close to relapsing, one of her brothers found her before she could. she went about her daily life as a ghost. it was like a raincloud followed her wherever she went. clem threw herself into work as a distraction and moved up the ranks of their business. she cherished every time she got to talk to someone. she reached out to everyone she met and tried to be kind, but she was always dragged down by her own problems.
it’s been hard for her. it still is hard for her, but she worked so hard, her parents have put her in charge of their expansion to l.a. she packed up her bags and moved, excited at the prospect of a fresh start.
being the baby of the family, she was sheltered growing up, getting what she wanted when she wanted. she knows she’s privileged, but so used to this, she can be a bit insensitive sometimes because she doesn’t always grasp the extent. she is selfish and likes to take, but she is kind and inclusive. she is confident and outgoing and blunt, but she is scared of outright calling someone out. though, things don’t always come out the way she means them. she enjoys having fun and meeting new people, but she can be a bit of a flake because she wants to constantly be entertained, and can’t properly communicate about wanting a relationship to end. she’s a hard worker, but she also loves not having to work.
her love language is acts of service.
since she just moved out here, she doesn’t have a pet, but she always had dogs growing up. her parents would end up taking care of them, but she always called them hers.
she is incredibly lucky. will find twenty dollar bills on the ground. has a collage with all the four leaf clovers she’s found hanging up on her wall. she can still drink without wanting to relapse.
every morning, she goes for a walk on the beach. she likes to start her day off with fresh air and the feeling of sand beneath her toes.
every sunday night, she takes a bubble bath and does a face mask. she finds it relaxing and thinks it’s the perfect way to start her week off right.
she actually hates clementines. she only likes berries.
does NOT talk about her past drug problem.
she was closet with sophie. she’d understood clem in a way no one else did because she understood her heart, and seemed to always knew what she was thinking. she’s trying to be her happy self again, but it’s hard without sophie, made even harder knowing that alex is out there alive and well. it’s not fair, and she and the rest of the kaplans still blame him. she’s hell-bent on never forgiving him and never letting it go, the one grudge she has and one she’ll nurse until she’s six feet underground like her sister.
she hasn’t been here long, so she probably won’t have a ton of established connections.
enemies: someone who is jealous of her because she lives in her own little bubble, and it rubs them the wrong way that she so easily gets what she wants.
friends: coffee buddies or bar buddies or walk buddies, etc
neighbors: maybe she’s tried to recruit them to help with her garden.
someone who has known her from her past. friends from boston. enemies from boston. exes from boston. someone who knew her in college and saw how wild she got. people who knew her sister.
a plot based on this!!!
i’m so down for not plotting nd just seeing how the thread goes <33 bt also if any of y’all have a dream plot you really want nd think she could fit, i’ll be so down for it. or if you wanna plot bt don’t have ideas, i love quotes nd applying them to rp situations, so hmu if that’s what you want !!
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clemkaplan · 3 years
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Lucy Boynton for Who What Wear
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clemkaplan · 3 years
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details @ The Met Ball 2019 - Lucy Boynton
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