Installing 60 fps patches - Citra Support - Citra Community
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Back to ppsspp. Search Member List Calendar Help. Login — Register. Pages 59 : « Previous Threaded Mode Linear Mode. Post: Ohh and i've updated the list again. I've been having to disable 60 fps before in-engine cutscenes. Btw, the first Code Crimson mission "Behind Enemy Lines" at the end of Chapter 2 was not completable on previous version. After collecting all the documents in the mission you're supposed to get a COMM message then get teleported to a new area. Worked fine in 30 fps, but in 60 fps the teleportation didn't happen. I'll see if new patch somehow fixes that. Edit: Mission is still broken. Picking up the final document does not trigger COMM message. Thanks for testing. Update 5 should have it fixed. Let me know, if there are any other missions which never trigger some kind of events. It's hard to keep the track of everything because of the patch size, so hope there will be no new bugs like last time;c. About stability, while testing the patch was stable for me, althrough I didn't really had time to test earlier versions much. Thanks, fix in Update 5 worked. I'll keep saves at the start of every chapter so I can rush through and test the other missions eventually. Something strange happened, though. A Golem in the mission was double speed at first. Disabling the patch returned speed to normal. Re-enabling doubled his speed for a second, but he slowed down after that. I couldn't replicate it after that, so it's not too major. Stability is fine for me, as well. I always have CPU clock maxed, though. It never seems to cause any problems. Another update , since I broke movement speed in world map and many cutscenes by one of the earlier fixes. And by speedup it's animation or movement speed as it uses different code. If it's animation speed it's probably caused by the hackish workaround for Ifrit fireballs althrough I don't think my golem summon was triggering it with any attack. I really need to find a better way to deal with the fireball I guess, but for now fail miserably at figuring out where it actually get's broken. I was finally able to replicate it and found the actual problem. Turns out going from Update 4's disable code to Update 5's 60fps code doubled the speed of a few things. Sorry about the false report Jeez, another update? You're pumping these out super fast. I'm about to start on Chapter 3 combat exercises. I'll update this post afterwards to let you know if I find anything. Persists until patch is toggled or certain animations cancel it. I checked against forced double speed, and it isn't quite that fast. Reloaded and tested with previous patch, and problem occurred with it, as well. Edit3: Ace's attack animation speed is fine, but his cards fly faster looks like double speed. Edit4: The level 99 enemies on the world map have faster animations. Patrolling movement speeds seem faster, but chase movement speeds are unaffected. May have been from one of my characters dying, as it happened at about the same time. Edit6: Patch seems to heavily affect calculation of spell costs. This will complicate further testing, as I'm almost always out of MP now. Edit7: Not sure if the countdown during chapter 3's first mission, "Iscah Infiltration," was supposed to go faster than 1 per second, but it was. It wasn't much of a time constraint for me, though. Done for today. I'll tackle second half of Chapter 3 and the Code Crimson tomorrow. BUT I found a different address to modify and then the games are playable, now with only some minor time issues. I can post these codes if someone can test them. I can't play rhythm games too well on emulators. Input lag, I suppose. I adore Patapon, though, so I'll test either way. Alright, I'll try that, post the USA version for completion sake, and begin testing immediately. Edit: Removed pointless Patapon code. It's my pleasure. I was just playing my third favourite FF and pointing out problems while you're the one that's doing all the tedious work. Rechecking potential problems is the only thing I have to go out of my way for. I guess I should start testing seriously since I want to help as much as I can on making this play normally. On to testing. I'll update this post throughout the day to report all findings. Edit: Trying a new report format. I'll bold the item and explain all problems after. Should prevent messy reports like yesterday's, and I'll continually edit each item's explanation until I say I'm done for the day. Projectiles : Most projectiles confirmed to be sped up. Same is probably true for all charge ups. Other Abilities : 1. The fiery red circle of Nine's Jump appears and hits enemies before he stabs the ground. It seems like the fiery circle is it's own animation tagged onto the end of the Jump animation. Queen's Cross Judge rotates at double speed. Anytime King is still his shots take double ammo and hit twice standing attack, post-dodge "crouching" attack, and Endless Waltz. Doesn't happen when locked on nor when moving, but he shoots twice as fast instead. Basically, anytime he's shooting his DPS is doubled. It's harder to confirmed triggers since I have to watch Machina while playing other characters. It seems to happen during Imperial Army Commander's grenades, Nine's High Jump, occasionally during King's new still-standing "double shot," King's Powered Bullet, and maybe when switching between the two characters that aren't Machina. Edit : Queen started going faster at some point. Nothing that triggered the other characters would trigger her, so it seems like the triggers are extremely selective now. Scenes : The panning and text of the Moogle Class scenes go at double speed, but audio is normal. Minor Details : Listing these in case you plan to finely polish the patch. There's a frame or two in the Relic spinning animation that glitches out. Seems to be when the animation loops. The fountain water in the Fountain Plaza is going double speed. Unnecessary reapplication of scaling fixed in newer builds. The double speed of the Alto Crystarium causes a sizable performance hit. It's one of the most resource heavy parts of the game. Side notes: 1. Decided to test all projectiles since you mentioned projectile animation I had thought it was only Ace's cards before. Personally, I like the enemy bullets being faster for realism and difficulty purposes. It also makes Cater more potent which she kinda needs later on. I wouldn't mind this staying if it weren't for the fact that it buffs the already powerful Ace, and it makes speed stat for spells a little less useful. Seeing enemies die while Nine is still in the air is hilarious. It's a decent buff to Nine, but it just looks silly and broken. Seems like King is the most powerful character at the moment. He ain't playing games with those fast bullets and double shots. Trying to find and fix everything affected by the Ifrit fix must be a pain on your end. Alright, I'm done for today. I got sidetracked, so I couldn't fit the Code Crimson into today's sessions. Most characters and all four of chapter 3's combat exercises done. Next Code Crimson and a rehash of character testing when there's an update. Thought I should bring attention to that. Gehrich thanks for the detailed list. I guess the code which I forgot what was doing and was multiplying cost of spells was used for their speed previously;p, since I remember doing something with spell speed earlier;x. Oh well, have to do some things differently. Didn't really knew I patched relic animation already, heh probably accidently by something completely different, or it's just a rounding issue. Anyway I'll probably not have much time until the weekend, so will mess with it all then. You're right. Idk what I was thinking. The only way it would affect performance is if it reloads textures when they loop. The textures in this game are pretty heavy, though, so it may help. I decided to work on other things today. I'm gonna need to eventually bite the bullet and attempt to find speed modifiers. Corrected the Patapon USA code. I tested for a very short period since I was able to reduce input lag. Patapon test log Scenes : The very start of the tutorial cannot be played in 60 fps. It fades from black fine, but it fades back and forth after reaching a certain point. It seems to require pressing O twice as fast to trigger the following scene, but that would be off rhythm. Timing : Perfect timings seem to require more precision. Enemies : Dragon in tutorial has double movement speed. His animation speeds are normal. I don't think this game is benefiting much from 60 fps since the vast majority of the game is 2D animations. As far as I can tell, the only uses for this are smoother camera pan and adding a "hard mode" by making perfect timings tighter. I'll continue testing if someone really wants to fix the problems for such a small payout. English American. GamerzHell Senior Member. Posts: Joined: Feb Reputation: 5. Gehrich Junior Member. Posts: 14 Joined: Apr Reputation: 1. LunaMoo Posting Freak. Posts: 1, Joined: Sep Reputation: Posts: 66 Joined: Nov Reputation: 8. I also have 60fps cheats for Patapon 1 and 2 I am sure that it's possible with Patapon 3 too , with these games we can NOP any of the sceDisplayWaitVblankStartCB and they will run at 60fps, but are like at double speed. BUT I found a different address to modify and then the games are playable, now with some timing issues. I can post these codes if someone can test them EDIT: Patapon games are 2D, after some real testing by Gehrich, it's obvious that this patch is not worth the issues it brings, so I deleted the cheats. If you still want to test the codes, with cheat engine enable the HEX checkbox and search for the value "", you will get less than 20 results and the one we want is usually the first one, replace it with "" and that's the cheat. The fact that I could not find the codes for these does not mean they should be ignored for future attempts, maybe I missed something and someone else can find them. And a lot more games that I forgot - - - stranno MGS Portable Ops speed modifier must be changed before the game start otherwise it will not work, it should be the same for Ops Plus. You can follow my tutorial but instead of searching for 1 or 2 according to the game FPS, search for 15 20fps and 10 30fps and freeze the value with cheat engine enabling the checkbox of the address before you start a mission to test it. LunaMoo Thank you for your advice about the speed modifiers, no luck with any game yet but at least now I have more options to try. Posts: 2 Joined: Oct Reputation: 0. If you play in time trial, zone or free play modes it runs at 30 fps If the game is running normally with the breakpoint enabled, then disable that breakpoint and continue the search for another "vblank". At some point you will find a vblank that pauses the game with a breakpoint on it, look around for an opcode with a "b" like "b 0x08ABC" , right click it, click on assemble opcode and enter "nop", now go play the game. If it runs at 60fps, right click the address you found with the "b" and click on copy address. If we decrease this copied address by , we have the CW cheat for the ini file. You can use the same values I posted above with the address you found for the CW cheat. After playing for a while with the cheat enabled I thought the same about it, it's just not worth it. Let me know some games with this behavior and I'll give them a shot. Posts: 13 Joined: Feb Reputation: 0.
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