circadiem · 5 months
sakuatsu college au meet ugly: omi always sits in the second to last row of lecture halls because crowds stress him out and he likes to be one of the first out of the building, but doesn't like his head touching the back wall. anyway mid lecture atsumu is talking in the row behind him and omi types "SHUT THE FUCK UP" in size 96 font on his notes document and holds up his laptop for atsumu to see
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circadiem · 5 months
The original percy jackson series is about cycles of abuse and neglect, right. Were introduced to percy as a kid who has clearly been left behind by a school system that has given up on him, restless and unengaged and self-defetist because hes been given nothing that works for him and no one even tries to meet him where he is. Then hes told no, listen, your neurodivergence is amazing and you just need to be given something that actually utilizes your unique palatte. And thats obviously the uplifting idea rick wanted for his kids, right. But once we get to know chb the same cycles are happening there too. There are kids "left behind" there too for one reason or another, because their parents dont want to claim them, because their parents werent important enough to get a cabin. Do you get it, all the kids who dont fit the most common neurotypes get shoved into the same closet. Kids are being left in a cruel world to fend for themselves without the tools they need. Theyre dying because no one bothered to accommodate them. Its such an obvious parallel that the first chapter introduces a teacher whos written to be especially hard on percys disability and she turns out to literally be one of these monsters trying to kill him. Meanwhile sally jackson tells him she named him after Perseus because she wanted a redemption for a hero whos story ended in tragedy. Meanwhile every book in the series replicates a greek myth step for step until the moment they break the cycle. Annabeth, playing Odysseus, is talked down from her hubris and grounded by her friends. Percy, playing Heracles, meets someone wronged by the original Heracles and rights his wrongs by refusing to go down the same selfish path as him. Monsters are reborn because they are--as the books explicitly call them--achetypes. These kids are stuck inside the cyclical nature of mythology because thats what happens to mythology, it gets retold over and over again. But these are the kids who have to live it. The series ends with percy being offered immortality and he rejects it because he wants to use his godly favor to force them to break their cycle of neglecting their kids. The series ends with a declaration that we cant keep letting this happen. The very first book offees the same choice. It ends with percy refusing to keep the head of medusa as a spoil of war, refusing his heroic reward. He lets his mother have the head and use it to kill gabe. Isnt that fucking crazy for a kids book? Gabe wasnt a Monster. He wasnt going to Turn to Dust and Disappear in a narratively convenient way. He was a living breathing mortal dude and percy and his mom killed him without remorse. Break the cycle of abuse!!!! Dont let this happen again!!! Anyway thats why the original percy jackson series is Hey where are you going with our breadsticks
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circadiem · 6 months
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circadiem · 11 months
In light of Bloomsbury announcing 4 more SJM books, let's not forget about SJM's other planned series...
Twilight of the Gods.
[SJM universe spoilers!]
Back in 2015, SJM started a Pinterest board for 2 new book series that were connected in some way; one was Crescent City, and the other was called Twilight of the Gods. On her Twitter, SJM mentioned that she had been working on both for quite a while, and that it was soon time to release them into the world.
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Around the same time, a series called 'Twilight of the Gods' was mysteriously added to SJM's official Goodreads catalogue.
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'Twilight of the Gods' is another word for Ragnarok; a famed tale of Norse mythology where the Gods and giants/demons across all worlds came together to fight a giant battle that signified the end of the world.
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Thus, I believe that 'Twilight of the Gods' is SJM's next series; it will be a Ragnarok retelling, and all of the characters from TOG, ACOTAR and CC will join together for a cataclysmic battle against the Asteri and the Valg (because lets not forget that Orcus and Mantyx are still unaccounted for...).
'Twilight' is also another word for Dusk; considering the lost Dusk Court, and 'Dusk's Truth' - it matches up perfectly.
With this in mind, consider the numerous references to Norse mythology that SJM has already scattered throughout her books:
Feyre as Freya: Freya was perhaps one of the most renowned Norse goddesses, and was Queen.
Nesta, Emerie and Gwyn as the Valkyries: An obvious one, but the Valkyries originated from, and had a huge part to play in Norse Mythology (Ragnarok especially).
Lucien as Loki: According to Norse mythology, Loki is often depicted with long, red hair. He is also seen as a God of fire, and is commonly associated with foxes.
Danika (Fendyr) and Fenrys as Fenrir: Fenrir was a renowned monstrous wolf of Norse mythology. Fenrir being 'unleashed' is one of the key events of Ragnarok.
Hunt as Thor ('Thurr'): During Ragnarok, Thor has a famous battle against the 'Midgard Serpent.' Consider the snake that Hunt is holding on the cover of HOSAB. 
Midgard: is the 'Earth' world in Norse mythology.
Hel (spelt the same way): Is the 'underworld' of Norse mythology.
SJM also used to have a Pinterest dedicated to Twilight of the Gods, and although it is deleted now, @oohthefeels on tumblr made a post back in 2016, explaining what was on there:
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The cool ass armour in question:
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Ultimately, I personally believe that SJM has been planning everything for a long time - and that her plans for the multiverse are so much greater than she's telling us.
And a full crossover multiverse series? I for one, think that would be epic.
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circadiem · 11 months
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Dropping the latest sketch-a-wish, voted on by my wonderful Patreons for May! A scene from Fourth Wing by @rebeccayarros featuring Violet, Tairn, Andarna and a blue smear in the sky named Sgaeyl & Xaden (I was tapped out of dragon juice by this point) I’m not sure if anyone here has heard of this book yet? 🤔🤔🤔 hmm…
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circadiem · 1 year
TOTK missed a huge opportunity to use Dark Link. Not the costume, the actual Dark Link.
It would have made the Depths even more terrifying if Dark Link was just patrolling around, looking for the player with AI programming.
Especially since the Depths are supposed to be a mirror of Hyrule.
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circadiem · 1 year
TOTK missed a huge opportunity to use Dark Link. Not the costume, the actual Dark Link.
It would have made the Depths even more terrifying if Dark Link was just patrolling around, looking for the player with AI programming.
Especially since the Depths are supposed to be a mirror of Hyrule.
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circadiem · 1 year
*Shadow & Bone Season 2 scene prediction*
Jesper after Wylan blows some shit up:
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circadiem · 1 year
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circadiem · 2 years
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A scene from Play Among the Stars by @not-the-kind-you-save
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circadiem · 2 years
is this how ppl felt when jesus died
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circadiem · 2 years
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circadiem · 2 years
the clear cut parallels between rin, nezha, and kitay and the trifecta never fail to make me sob. like speer and mugen, the second poppy war and the third poppy war. riga loving and betraying daji, nezha loving and betraying rin. the friendship between jiang and daji, the friendship between rin and kitay. both groups leaving only one of them to rule. their shared complicated love and loyalty and hurt between each other. jiang and rins final moments of clarity. they followed right into their predecessors footsteps and didn’t even know it. both groups were supposed to be unstoppable forces but ended up being torn apart by each other.
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circadiem · 2 years
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I'm slightly stressed <3
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circadiem · 2 years
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Absolutely beaming right now
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circadiem · 2 years
alright, if ANY of you punks start bullying a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD KID for doing a job on a fictional series it’s On Sight
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circadiem · 2 years
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about to commit crimes for walker scobell aka our percy jackson
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