chrismoyer ยท 6 months
Instacart is a bittersweet company for me as I bought shares on IPO day and lost $10 in one day.
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Data post
I'm excited to see how my Instacart data log is collected and evaluated. Understanding this source of technology has made me open up and think about how It's actually being used and how my time and capability is when going to the grocery store.
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chrismoyer ยท 6 months
I love the soup idea. I make a version of that but with corn and jalapeno peppers.
Foods I want and drinks I want.
I love bacon potato cheddar soup its my favorite dish. and my favorite fall drink is usually just hot chi coffee.
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chrismoyer ยท 6 months
what do you like most about your learning?
I liked the project where we had to create content. This was a huge project, but I liked how I could use the skills I learned and apply it to a project.
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chrismoyer ยท 6 months
what do you like the most about your essay.
The thing that I liked most about my essay was how I related my learnings in this class to my real-world applications such as resumes and written reports. I will pull from many different topics that we covered in my new job as a field safety specialist.
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chrismoyer ยท 6 months
I like how you included nonverbal communication.
Brainstorming: communication
Communication is the basic level of conveying information from one person to another person. This can be done at a multitude of levels. People can communicate with their voices, hands, eyes, signals, and more. When I am with my best friend, I can communicate with her by using our facial expressions. There are specific faces we will use when we need an out of a conversation, when we are thinking "wtf", and other variations of this.
Everyone communicates, sometimes it just looks different than the typical "conversation". I think this is where some people get tripped up. You don' always need to conversate, to communicate.
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chrismoyer ยท 6 months
That is a great quote. I like your thoughts.
Brainstorming: creativity
To me, creativity is different to everyone. I create things with words, meanwhile one of my best friends create things with paint. Both of these require creativity, yet they look completely different. I often think back to the "beauty is within the eye of the beholder" sentiment. I really do believe this is true. There are so many times when I am in an art exhibit with another one of my best friends, and he sees the beauty in simplicity. Meanwhile, I am trying to understand why there is a big canvas with a singular dot in it, because "even I could do that".
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chrismoyer ยท 6 months
Dr P Game
My favorite sweet thing this time of year is Hot Chocolate
It's nice and sweet and warms me up when it's cold out.
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chrismoyer ยท 6 months
what is learning?
Learning to me is in everything. Whether you know it or not you're always learning. Things such as trying new foods is learning. Talking to a stranger is learning. Then there is always the conventional learning such as in a classroom setting.
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chrismoyer ยท 6 months
what is your writing process?
My writing process consists of many different things. I typically start with the ideas part. What am I writing and why. Then I think what are the questions that I need to answer or what is the message I'm trying to convey. Then I start with a rough draft and my final draft then peer editing. Then I fix it all up and turn it in.
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chrismoyer ยท 6 months
how do you understand creativity?
Creativity to me is something that everyone views differently. You can be creative in anything. You can do this through design, painting, writing, presenting or even dance. Everyone has their own style of creativity. Sometimes it just takes a little exploration.
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chrismoyer ยท 6 months
how do you understand communication?
Communication to me is anything that is conveyed to another person. There are many different ways this can be done. You can do this through text, email, in person, on a poster, on a presentation or even social media. everything you do and say can be a form of communication. A great example of nonverbal communication is body language.
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chrismoyer ยท 7 months
I like this tip. You know the saying keep it simple stupid. Users understand more simple content better than content that's long and over explained.
When of the tips I included in my how to write guide is to post only one image on each post. My project's platform is instagram, however I feel like this could also be relevant for other spaces. Having multiple images or slides on one post can overwhelm viewers and often times, viewers do not feel the need to swipe through different slides. Keeping just one image makes the post quick and to the point.
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chrismoyer ยท 7 months
I think that it's a great idea. Being able to show those tips and tricks will help bring it all together.
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Peer review questions!
I know I literally just posted this but seeing it made me think of something and I want to run it by yโ€™all! I like how the content becomes more and more โ€œcompleteโ€ as the guide goes through the steps. What Iโ€™m wondering though, is if I should make another fake post with ALL of the tips and tricks at play to separate the โ€œcreated contentโ€ from the content I made to help visualize the steps? Or would having two posts confuse the reader as to which picture the final step represents? Iโ€™m more worried about how the guide would flow naturally than having too many pictures
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chrismoyer ยท 7 months
Dr. P Game
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As I am doing this project one of my favorite snacks/ drinks is coffee. I am currently drinking one while writing this. Anyways keep your head up we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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chrismoyer ยท 7 months
Peer Review 3
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This question is going out to those who are making videos. With the videos being so long and taking up so much space, how are you turning them in. Another question is do you have any advice from exporting a video from your phone to a computer? I am havening trouble with this. What have you found to be the best software to edit your videos?
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chrismoyer ยท 7 months
Peer Review
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I know this picture isn't the best. But My question to you is, is this an acceptable format for my how to write guide? I tried to focus on built points and small paragraphs to make it easy to follow and understand.
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chrismoyer ยท 7 months
Peer Input
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What is something I can improve on?
My question to you all is, Is a YouTube video around 15 minutes a good time frame for a sample content? My whole research question was about how long a video should be. Based off my research the longer the video the more interaction and revenue a Creator gets (Like and Ad revenue). For example, this photo was based off my sample content (How to wash your car properly). This process gave me over 30 mins of footage, but I speed up areas that are of me doing what I say to do. What are your thoughts?
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