choupunk · 7 years
[Everyone I followed and everyone who followed me here, they’re all completely gone.]
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choupunk · 10 years
  "Hmm, I think it'll taste just fine. I'll let you know if I need it warmed up." 
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  "Sorry about all that... I didn't know you already had food on you!"
  Hot cocoa? Even he was picky about that. Hot cocoa is a weird-tasting chocolate concoction of cocoa and milk. Sometimes marshmallows are added, but that doesn't exactly make it any more delicious.
  "I don't really... drink chocolate stuff. Do you have any apple cider to heat up instead? I'll even go with heated strawberry milk. Anything that isn't chocolate, please? If none, I'll stick with tea."
  Punkish stares hard at his dinner. Was this kid for real? Like hell would he throw any of this food away. He licks his lips, feasting into forkfuls of rice and curry.
  "If you can't finish your meal, I'll gladly finish it for you." They never did eat dinner together, did they? Nor did Asymmetry had knowledge of how much food Pun consumes on a daily basis, unless he were feeling sick.
  "This is pretty good. I really love the rice. It's pretty warm, too. I really like this." He laughs a little, taking a sip of his drink that was freshly placed on the table.
  Pun sat next to Asymmetry, noticing bits of meat on the boy's cheek. He leans in to lick it off and Pun wipes his mouth on his sleeve.
  "Can't put any food to waste. Make sure you clean your face with a napkin or something. I'm gonna get some more curry and rice!"
  Pun leans in at the table, putting more rice than curry on his plate. For once, Asymmetry can witness how he eats.
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choupunk · 10 years
.  The blond hugs himself, shivering. "I am already freezing out here. I always fail to bring a sweater... I can't wait for summer."
  The hottest season of the year is his favorite of the year. Same for fall as it wasn't too cold. Spring is rather could since it's the season right after winter while fall comes after summer. But enough about weathers, what warms him is seeing Asymmetry.
  Pun strolls into the house, following behind his friend.
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  "Aren't you a gentleman," he teases in a joyful manner. He knows Asymmetry means well and has good manners. He seats himself on the assigned chair, optics following the other male.
  "Umm, I'm not so sure. Maybe if you have any candy? I'm sorry... I didn't bring any with me— Wait a minute!" He digs into the pocket of his vinyl shorts, holding out a deformed chocolate. "Oh... It already melted a little from earlier. I'm sorry. Do you want it? It's creamy vanilla from the inside. It's not too sweet."
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  He leaves the chocolate on the table, "I don't really drink tea. Tea sounds good, though at the very moment. I ate before getting here, I haven't had any dinner yet. I'm sorry if it's too much of a hassle for you with cooking and stuff. I can't even help because I only know how to use the microwave... I burn food a lot. At least I can make eggs. Unless you wanna eat five eggs for us each at dinner, I can go boil them." He rambles on, not paying attention that Asymmetry already has food.
  Punkish thinks back of home, the way he cooks meals is absurd. It's always the microwave or the pot. He'll either heat sausages and other meat products in the microwave or boil them inside a pot. It went like for all sorts of meals. He was lucky enough to own a waffler maker and put any type of batter inside of the mold.
  Other things he's good at making is drinkings and cold treats. Using a blender to mix ingredients for ice cream or create cocktails without a trace of liquor.
ᵂᵉ ᴳᵃᶻᵉ ᴬᵗ ᵀʰᵉ ᶳᵃᵐᵉ ᴺᶤᵍʰᵗ ᶳᵏʸ
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choupunk · 10 years
ᵂᵉ ᴳᵃᶻᵉ ᴬᵗ ᵀʰᵉ ᶳᵃᵐᵉ ᴺᶤᵍʰᵗ ᶳᵏʸ
  It has been too long since the blond's last visit with Asymmetry. He may have been in the observatory all this time. Hadn't it been a year? A year without seeing each other. A year of not talking. A year of no texting or calling.
  Has he been okay through the twelve months? When the sun sets, Punkish calls for a cab. He tells the driver of his destination, which is a train station.
  It's a better form of transportation, the train will stop at the station closest to his friend's home. 
The sky is turning dark blue when he arrives, feeling completely safe in such an isolated environment. 
  He runs up in the foresty area to the entrance of the house, hitting the door hard with his knuckles. He knocks three more times, pressing his ear against the door. Sadly, it's hard to hear any footsteps. 
  When the door does creak open, he immediately hugs Asymmetry tight.
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  "I've missed you so much!"
  He eventually lets go, scratching his cheek. "Sorry about that... It's been a long while and I missed ya so much." He lightly laughs, tapping his feet. "May I come in...?"
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choupunk · 11 years
Gonna head to bed, but is the PD group active?
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choupunk · 11 years
Closed accounts.
Every roleplay blog made will no longer be in use.
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choupunk · 11 years
http://beepingcat.tumblr.com/ is trying to kill herself today.
I have school in about half an hour and I don’t know what to do anymore! She’s told me she probably won’t be on today and that she swallowed whatever was in the cabinet.
I’m crying so hard and I don’t know what to do.
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choupunk · 11 years
Forum made.
Message if anyone wants the link.
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choupunk · 11 years
I'm looking into creating a site for Vocaloid/Utau/etc. roleplaying.
Is there anyone who is interested in joining (message here or inbox)?
If it's PG-13, will you keep it at that?
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choupunk · 11 years
M!A Prompts for everyone: Feel free to add some.
Servant of Evil: Muse feels as if it has to protect (Anon decided who) from all evil, no matter what Muse has to do it will try to make the other happy, lasts for 2 Days
Daughter of Evil: Muse starts acting like a tyrant, maybe will even fall in love and if there's not enough attention for muse it will go on and get mad. Lasts for 3 Days
Re_Birthday: Muse regrets everything bad they have done, it will feel as if everyone left them because of that, it will just be sad all the time, hoping that the people around it will forgive it's Sins. Lasts 2 Days
Regret Message: Muse feels as if (Anon decides who) passed away and it's their fault, this causes Muse to grab onto something the other held dearly and not let it go, hoping that through a wonder their dearest friend comes back to life, lasts 3 Days.
Judgement of Corruption: Money is the best Lawyer in hell. Muse will be corrupted by money, if somebody gives them money they'll be like your best friend, if you don't have money you're dead to them. Lasts for 2 Days.
Heartbeat Clocktower: Muse has lost it's most dearest friends and starts to explain it's whole being when asked, it sees itself as the collector of it's own personal sins, waiting for Lust and Envy to be collected too. Lasts 2 Days.
messiah or desire: Muse never experienced love and isn't sure how to react to it's feelings towards (Anon decides) and so is a sadistic asshole who tries to hide it's feelings behind a masquerade for 3 Days.
fake or fate?: Muse feels abandoned by (Anon decides) and can only cling onto the happy memories with decided person, even if the person accidentally (or maybe not so accidentally) hurts them it only hurts them more mentally. Lasts 3 Days.
The Game of Life: Oh, welcome to the show, muse has expected you. May you be someone from their first life? Or maybe even their 10th life? Muse has gone through many different lifes (gentleman, delinquent, blind pianist, dreadful man, feminist, corrupted, millionair, a mourning woman, a stressed mangaka, a pedo***** teacher and something so gruesome they tried to forget), so what is their next life? The Anon decides how their life looks like for the next 2 Days!
Death should not have taken thee: Alas, death should not have taken thee, muse! Suddenly the Mun decides that the muse is a hero who is out to be a Hero! Oh no, even though Muse isn't strong enough to be a hero, the setting is already lost! If the die they will be revived but they do not like how they treated and especially not how the "Majesty" doesn't take this seriously! Lasts for 3 Days.
The Wolf that fell in Love with little red Riding hood: Oh Muse, why are your Ears so big? Why do you have so big eyes and why those long claws? Muse is turned into a half Ookami! And what's this shy little (Anon decides who) that walks through their forest? Muse suddenly falls in love with them, but because it is forbidden by god they can't do anything but watch over them, what a tragic love story! Lasts 2 Days.
First Love Academy: Oh, Hello Class President! Um..ah...the weather is surley nice today, isn't it? Suddenly Muse is a shy no-good or a popular womanizer/maneater and in love with the "class president" (Anon decides who), so I wrote you a 7100 Word Letter, do you have time on Saturday? Lasts 3 Days.
Superhero: I will save the world! Muse suddenly wants to be a hero and thinks the biggest enemy is the Government! If this will end good? What about just kicking butts of thiefs? You don't want to end in Prison for messing with the Government, do you? (Anon decides how long)
trick and treat: Your Puppet came to life! Muse thinks they are the long forgotten Puppet of (Anon decides) and wants them to remember, even though they may suffer terrible nightmares they are trying to be nice, despite being a little too much mischievous. Lasts for 3 Days.
Rotten Girl Grotuesque Romance: A bloody kitten head for you, who loved kittens so much! Muse is a crazy Psychopath in love with (Anon decides), if somebody comes too near to their beloved, prepare to die. Of course a bloody Kitten head everyday for the beloved who loves Cats so much! Lasts 2 Days.
Bacterial Contamination: "We're going to ignore her, aren't we? lol" Muse is a victim to bullying and even though they want someone to rely on they can't find a friend. But what's this? The bacterias of mobbing are all over the muse, causing everyone around them to also get them! Lasts 3 Days.
Rolling Girl: "This all must be tiring for you?" Muse is pushed around and doesn't do anything right in others view. Trying to overplay it all Muse is getting more depressed over the time, but what if somebody notices and tells them to stop holding their breath? Lasts 2 Days.
Stop nagging me: My god can you stop nagging me!? Muse is annoyed so easily it's ridiculous, one wrong word said and they are going to be like "Can't you leave alone for just 1 second?" Lasts 10 Hours
Brother is worried: I love "Sister"! Muse is in an obsessive love with (Anon decides) and wants them to not show too much of themself or do something that could be bad for their health, in other words muse is like an annoying all-time worried big sibling. Lasts 6 Hours.
No thank you: No thank you, leave me alone. Muse is sick of their daily life and their frustration keeps building up, not wanting more stress they will say "No" to everything, no matter if it's a good or bad offer/question. Lasts 1 Day.
Heartbreak Headlines: Your love could save someone from loneliness! Muse is shocked about how many people are alone lately and tries to play cupid, even if stopped by quite a few people. Lasts 2 Days.
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choupunk · 11 years
  "It's not a problem, don't get too excited." He shook his head. "16...?" He didn't give a direct answer. "I am probably a little younger than you."
  "It has nothing to do with me but with Len. I wouldn't want to hear any bad news, but neither would I want them to kept a secret from me."
  He looked down at the small packet, treats? It had been so long since someone gave him anything. "Wow... That's so nice of you." He opened it and happily took a bite, it was delicious! "You're really good at baking." I would have a tray full of burnt cookies if I ever made any.
  "The way you dress... Where exactly are you from? You look really formal than what people usually wear out in the streets."
Aku Len has entered the yard.
Hearing Punkish be so calm and accepting calmed Allen, getting him as excited as a puppy. Eyes glowing and cheeks blushing, he smiled.
“Ah? Yes! Thank you for being so kind~ Me? I am 16. You are the same age..? “
He face him more, feeling better. Why was I so worried? Len said Pun was nice. He’s very cool too. The piercings look good on him. He laughed a bit, rubbing his hair.
“I’ll be good, Pun~ I wouldn’t ever betray you. Ah, that is right-“
Reaching into his coat, he put a tiny packet in Punkishs’ hands.
“Fresh cookies I baked for you. I wanted to bring a gift.”
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choupunk · 11 years
  After what Allen had told him, it didn't take Punkish long to think about it. So this was the boy Len had mentioned before. "Oh. So you two are dating?" He laughed at him, "Jeez, calm down! It's not like I'm going to hurt you or anything... Then again, I could."
 He smirked at him, biting on his bottom lip. "If you do anything bad, expect to get a talk from me. From what I see... I think I'm a lot stronger than you."
  Punkish backed away from the other blond, "Su-sure! We can be friends... You're very enthusiastic about it." He wiped sweat off from his forehead and pursed his lips. "Well, I'm not sure how we're supposed to be friends. How old are you, anyways?"
Aku Len has entered the yard.
“Your welcome~ You are a very cool person…”
Ah, Punkish is nice…that’s good. Well, I have to tell him now. If i keep stalling, I know i won’t get it to his ears. Eyes closed in worry, Allen hunched and went quiet. 
“Y-yes…Well. I’ve known your brother for a while…He’s very nice. A happy person. A week and a half ago…well. H-he asked me out. I didn’t want to be ill, so I said yes! T-though..the more we spent time together, the more I liked him. What’s the use to be alive if you can’t make people happy, right?..I..I hope your not mad at me… I couldn’t get from the princess to tell you sooner…”
His face eyed Punkish with energy. 
“I wish to be friends with you too! It would make Len very happy…”
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choupunk · 11 years
  "It's nice to meet you, too." Punkish easily became social with the other boy, smiling at him. "Haha, I'm cool? That's nice of you to say!" He tilted his head, "Well, it's not a problem, I didn't expect to have a guest come over but it's not a problem."
  He lazily leaned on the couched, crossing his arms, "Since you know Len, what do you want to say, is there something you want to talk about?" He must be is friend. He didn't think Allen could possibly be dating his little brother, it hadn't crossed his mind.
  He fixed the four lip piercings on his lips, he didn't always had them on, he was waiting for the other boy to tell him more.
Aku Len has entered the yard.
“Y-yes! Thank you, Pun…”
Allen quickly entered and place his boots by the door. How would he word it? I’m dating your brother? I cherish? I want us to be friends first. He shyly put his bum on the couch and pouted. Eyeing his feet. 
“I-it’s very nice to meet you. Len has said very good things about you. You seem very cool too, to me. You feel like a warm person…~ I’m sorry to come here so sudden..”
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choupunk · 11 years
  "Allen, huh? Name's Punkish, you can call me Pun." He nodded, "I'm his brother." He puckered his lips and furrowed his brows, "He wanted us to meet? Well... Come on in."
  He trusted Len, he is his little brother, so Allen must be a good person. "You can have a seat right there, please remove your shoes."
  Punkish allowed Allen into the house and closed the door, he sat down on the couch and looked intently into his eyes, waiting for the other male to say something.
Aku Len has entered the yard.
It was dark, but Len wanted Allen to visit his ‘brother’. The name was Punkish. A cool name, but it was worrying. This was important. If he knew that Allen and Len were dating, keeping him happy would let them be friends. The place was normal, quiet too. The frail pale hands went inside the gate and nervously pondered by the door. 
It opened, with a kindly taller blonde male there. This…was Punkish? His clothes were very cool as well. With a calm sigh an bow, Allen greeted him.
“H-hello~ My name is Allen. You are Len’s brother? He told me he wanted us to meet…”
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choupunk · 11 years
Aku Len has entered the yard.
  Who could be here at this hour? Half an hour past 8 PM. He sets down his book and scarfs down the rest of his dinner. He can hear the gate slowly close itself.
  I can't leave the house yet if someone's here. Punkish fixed his hair and tied it back up. The light outside was turned on. He was mostly stalling, would they walk away? I'm not in the mood seeing someone.
  He pushed the feeling aside and opened the door, "Who is there?" This boy was shorter by a few inches. "... Who could you be? Are you a friend of someone? I've never seen you in my life."
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choupunk · 11 years
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choupunk · 11 years
My friend wants new people to RP with! Please follow and RP.
Her accounts are: 
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