urgent commissions
overdrafted by about $55 and have some pending bills incoming that i’d really like to be able to pay, working fulltime and split expenses with 3 others but it’s still impossible to keep up between rent, cost of groceries, loan repayments, etc.
i’m opening commissions back up! my commission info is here, send me a DM if you’re interested!
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2 years since joining the fandom and i still cant get behind jesslake as a ship not a single romantic depiction of them has felt in character :/
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Good evening Rymin community :)
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hey guys, so my boyfriend @thegreasepuppy is in some pretty serious pain lately and needs emergency dental work asap.
after wrestling back and forth with several dentist offices and the insurance company, and pretty much needs $2000 before he can eat properly. if you could spare anything at all that’d be absolutely fantastic and if not, please spread this around. i really hate to see him in so much pain.
donate here
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rymin week day 3: colors/alternate ending @ryminweek
i bet the sunsets r rlly pretty in powell lake
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rymin week day 1: dreams/childhood @ryminweek
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Good evening here’s Gage(bard) and Nevsky(wizard) aka my boyfriend and I's  rymin DnD inserts 
Nevsky design courtesy of @hexhells​
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related 2 ppl calling min-gi’s parents abusive for [checks notes] trying to help their child succeed in a racist society the only way they know how, it is Absolutely Batshit that people are (while they’re at the racism!) now deciding to call Ryan’s dad abusive too. for lightly smacking his kid on the back. like no it’s not the best way to stop a toddler from running around, whatever. but let’s b real the only reason he’s being judged so hardly for something that his kid forgot in literally three seconds tops is because he’s not white and people are looking for reasons to demonize a character of color
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inspired by a stupid ass twitter thread from a white person that called min's parents abusive because they were [checks notes] squinting to read min's acceptance letter (i wish i was joking): if you're white, please understand that min's relationship with his parents is the experience of having nonwhite immigrant parents who just want you to succeed and be safe in a racist/xenophobic society. i'm tired of people calling min's parents abusive and it's obvious that they don't understand
is it true that they were rather dismissive of his interests, causing him to reject them and contribute to his falling out with ryan? absolutely. were they doing it just to be assholes and to purposefully hurt min? definitely not. them being dismissive if anything is more like they just don't understand rather than them intentionally belittling his interests, plus projecting their own fears onto min (especially considering min would later project onto ryan in the astro queue car). min's parents aren't perfect but they're not abusive.
i'm asian myself and i can confirm that book 4 was incredibly accurate about asian parents. i'm in college to be an illustrator and while my parents are supportive of me, they're also always worried about my grades and if i'm doing okay in my classes. my mom didn't go to college while my dad was forced to study nursing because HIS parents wouldn't let him become an artist.
if you're white and you think min's parents are abusive consider why you're quick to label poc as abusive the moment they're not 100% perfect lmao (i'm looking you, people who also call min himself abusive). and a big friendly reminder that min and ryan being asian-canadians are a major part of their character arcs.
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My beloved long haired Ryan
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Album redraw of a nifty Hayley Kiyoko EP :)
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twin tapes lighting breakdown
So i watch twin tapes A Normal Amount and my last watch through i noticed some interesting things about the lighting!!!
The biggest thing is what i’ve dubbed the Golden Memory lighting. Throughout the flashback in the episode there is golden lighting where, normally, there wouldn’t be in real life. The first example is in the barbeque scene. The entire scene is lit with this gold lighting that, unless it’s close to sunset, doesn’t really make sense. The memory feels warm and fuzzy, hazy around the edges. Memories they treasure, hence Golden Memory lighting.
The golden light is most prevalent here, when its established that they love to play music, and do it together. The golden lighting from here out becomes a motif for their dream.
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The next example is the scene in dumpty’s diner. From the outside shot we can see that the lighting is normal for midday, sky is blue and everything, but once it cuts to the inside where ryan and min-gi are, the lighting through the windows is golden and hazy again. Compare this to not only the outside but the second diner scene where the lighting outside is normal compared to the time of day. This is the establishing of their dream to play music together, both of them being framed in it when they shout “new york city!” a promise of their future.
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When they’re playing music in min-gi’s living room, ryan is sitting next to the window where outside, you guessed it, is the golden light. While ryan is being lit by it, min-gi is across the room outside of it, blending into his house with all the blue tones. This here is the initial separation between them, ryan committing to the dream and min-gi backing away from it ever so slightly (“its just not a proper band name”)
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The next moment, the big one, is the actual separation at the battle of the bands. While ryan is facing towards the stage, where the golden light is, min-gi never gets close to it, running away from it. As he’s racing out the door you can see that while ryan is completely inside of it, chasing the dream, min-gi is turning away from it, abandoning the dream. Though, ryan’s also in shadow, since although this is what they wanted, he’s not doing it WITH min-gi, so it’s not the true dream.
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After this is the split screen where there are a looooot of good moments. Ryan driving away from powell lake, again the entire scene is golden, but ryan is in shadow. He’s chasing the dream but...without min-gi.
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While ryan is performing he is constantly being lit in red and yellow lighting, because his color palette is warm tones. Though the only time he is not being lit in warm tones is when min-gi plays the stylo on the other side of the screen during “yeah we’re gonna live on the sun”, where the lighting is purple -- the color representing both of them. It shows that theyre still connected even if theyre not in the same place, still chasing the dream together despite a minor setback.
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The next time is min-gi playing ‘my dad’s van’ in the diner. You can see that he’s being lit with warm lighting despite him supposedly closing out for the evening. (ryan is in an entirely yellow room since he’s playing, and they actually came up with ‘my dad’s van’ in the living room scene, so its kinda THEIR song). It shows that he’s still thinking about the dream, just a subtle nod included next to the fact he still has the stylo and knows the notes. (bonus points for the purple streamer on the light)
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And then the next is when min-gi is packing for college. Outside the window is that golden lighting and in the framed picture of them the background is entirely golden. Thats a treasured memory of them together. And even though he’s shutting out the dream outside the wall of his house its still THERE lingering in his mind.
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And then ryan coming home to powell lake at sunset, in the golden light, going home to /min-gi/ to restart the dream again and to do it together like they had planned before.
the outside and inside of the diner has purple neon lighting and we all know purple is their color...the meeting of the dream once more. the place where it all started. min-gi being lit by warm light and ryan by cool when they see each other again. min-gi letting him back in, to his side of the screen, colored in blue. (credit to @lakesbian for noticing the purple lighting. i am going insane)
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And i know the train wormholes are always golden but...they’re stepping into it about to get therapy-ed into realizing they’re soulmates and they HAVE to do it together or not at all.
that golden light comes back in what i think is the penultimate of their relationship, when ryan sees min-gi playing the stylo in episode 10. the light falls on his eye, looking at his dream. not just min-gi playing with him, but /min-gi himself/
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thanks for reading!!!
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u know how theres that picture of jesse and nate doing matching sibling costumes 4 halloween. cosay sibling Trio matching halloween costumes…idk what they’d all dress up as so for now i’m just mentally throwing fangs on lake
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olympics got me on some shit here's gymnast ryan
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i wonder if amelia ever got to fit her wedding dress
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designated rymin album cover redraw
(from this!)
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