cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
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Didn't you say something.. or was that not you?
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"Wait, I’m lost.. What?"
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
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"Wait, I'm lost.. What?"
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
Cherry looked at Nick and Lily looked at Ethan as the two men stood up, they went out of the restaurant to talk and it made the two girls look back at each other "I didn't know you were close to Nick" Lily said, which made Cherry smiled "Well, I didn't know that you two even talked to each other" she responded with a giggled "Yeah, we kind of hang out every now and then" Lily shrugged, which made Cherry raise a eyebrow at her. How come she never came up in conversations? Were they friends before her? Sure, Nick didn't seem much of the type who'd have friends who were as innocent as Lily and he didn't really talk about himself much - but Cherry simply never saw this friendship happening. She would have also voted against it too, if someone asked her if the two would be able to get along if they met "How'd you two meet?" she asked, honestly curious now. With that, Lily told their story. She smiled the whole time, she smiled in quite a different way. It made Cherry smile even wider to herself, noticing how she actually liked this boy - must be the first by she liked too, cause she didn't know how to hide her emotions when talking about him.
Birthday || Ethan, Lily, Nick & Cherry
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
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How's the band and all..?
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That’s good.. I’m good.. Yeah
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
Cherry blushed at what Nick said, he knew that she was into him and it made her step on his foot. Then, Etahn responded. It made the girl look up at the man and smile at him, before Lily then looked at Nick and smiled at him when he looked at her "We didn't order yet" Cherry spoke, as she got the menu on the table and started browsing through it "You guys can pick anything you want, it's our treat" Lily then added, shrugging "Well, technically our parents are paying" Cherry giggled right after, as the two browsed their menu and tried their best not to look at the person in front of them - which were the guys "So, what do you want?" Cherry asked, as she looked over to Nick and smiled at him.
Birthday || Ethan, Lily, Nick & Cherry
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
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That's good.. I'm good.. Yeah
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So, how are you?
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
Cherry and Lily are good friends, though they mainly talk about things that are not related to family, friends or romantic relationships. Mainly because, they were still both at the process of getting the feel of trusting each other. Of course, one of the things that two bonded over is the fact that their birthdays were on the same date - though Cherry is older, while Lily is the younger one. The two planned on celebrating their birthday together at a restaurant, where they would invite one person each. Of course, Cherry invited Nick and Lily invited Ethan. All four of them didn't know the other party was going to be there and it shocked them all. Cherry with Ethan. Lily with Nick. Ethan with Lily. Nick with Cherry.
When the men questioned what was going on, Cherry bit her lower lip and said "Uhm, Lily and I are friends and we share the same birthday. We planned on celebrating it together, with one person invited from the other party" as she shrugged "So, Ethan and Lily.. You two are siblings or cousins?" she then asked, as she raised an eyebrow at Lily - who had no idea that the blonde had a thing for the relative "We're cousins. How about you and Nick?" the younger girl responded "Are you two together?" she then said, which made Cherry shake her head and giggle to herself "He's just, my Best Friend"
Birthday || Ethan, Lily, Nick & Cherry
Where did the weeks go? And the months? In the beginning of 2014, it felt as this new year would go slower forward than what the year before went but it was the same. Sometimes it felt like the months ran away as fast as as the train rushes quickly past on railways towards their destinations. The summer disappeared into the thin air and now it was autumn and the last day of September, the month that came after August neared its ending, but it was a special last day, especially for two girls. It was Cherry Jenkins and Lily Wolf’s birthday. They’d planned their celebration together and had ordered a table for four on Villard, a restaurant by Michael Richard, that was described as a taste of New York’s golden age, which dates back to the mid-1800s. Cherry had invited her best friend Nicholas Waldorf, who had no clue that also Lily would be there. The same had also been informed to Ethan Wolf. His cousin Lily only gave him a time when he had to be on the restaurant but left out the rest of the details.
Nick and Ethan had no idea that they were both going to the same restaurant and celebrate same people. As always before Nick was going out somewhere he stood in front of the mirror and tried to fix his hair the best he could, no matter how long it could take sometimes. No way that he went out with messy hair. When he was done with everything that he had to do before he could go out from his apartment he grabbed his keys and stepped out of the apartment and closed the door and locked it. Then he ran down towards the doors and stepped out from the building and walked towards the restaurant.
Ethan was afraid that he would be late. He forgot the time now and then but that was because of reasons. Although he could get better on it. He was just too lazy sometimes to care about whether he would come in time or not. When he saw what the time was he ran the fastest he could to the restaurant from his destination. He had walked around the city out of boredom. Finally outside of the restaurant he saw that he was almost fifteen minutes earlier and he took up a cigarette package from his jeans pocket and pulled out a cigarette from the package and put it between his lips then lit it. Ethan leaned against the wall and took a few puffs from the cigarette but when he saw a familiar face walking towards him he tossed it onto the ground and extinguished it with his foot. A frown forming against his face when he saw who the man was.
"Oh, it’s you.." He murmured sarcastically to the man, who laughed when he heard his words then his eyes rolled when his laugh had faded away "Do I know you?" Nicholas Waldorf grumbled. They stared at each for a few minutes before a snort escaped Ethan’s lips and he turned towards the door and opened it. Then he saw a smugly smirk on the other man’s lips and he walked into the restaurant. What the hell was going on? The door behind the younger boy closed and he walked towards the reception to ask where Lily’s table was. The woman behind the front desk said to the boys to come with her and a giggle escaped her lips when she walked away towards their table with them after. When they were by the table where their friends sat the woman smiled to Nick and Ethan and nodded her head before she left. Ethan’s feet had frozen solid on the floor and his mouth was wide open, as if he was going to say something and Nick turned around to look at the young woman when she walked back to the reception desk "Um.." A voice said and the older man turned around and walked closer to the table to sit down "Is this uh..uh…" the standing boy murmured but then sat down without saying anything. The man with green eyes broke the silence that had filled the table and stared at the blonde girl in front of him "What the hell is going on?" he asked her and raised his eyebrows.
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
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Ohh, I see. Sorry, I haven't gone out in a while now. Welcome though! I'm born and raised here actually
Yeah, I am indeed. Well, fairly new at least. I’ve been here for a month or maybe two months already. What about you?
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
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So, how are you?
Yeah it is. No worries.
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
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"We just ate dinner and, yeah.."
"I’m sure. What did you get up to?" 
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
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Well, it's nice to meet you Becca. Are you new here?
Nothing to thank me for. Nice to meet you, I’m Becca.
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
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Yeah, that's true and.. thanks..
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"I usually have big parties for my birthday, but this year - I just celebrated it with four people and it was just as fun"
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
Cherry bit her lower lip at what the man said, and thought to herself if she really should make a move on Ethan or not. Then, she looked up at Nick when he requested for them to go out or do something aside from talking - it made the girl kiss his cheek again and nuzzle into him lovingly "Wanna have sex?" she asked jokingly "Kidding, wanna go out for a walk or a drive?" she then said, as she pulled back from him and pushed back his hair. The girl was surely comfortable with the man already, he was Best Friend now and he knew that.
Explicit || Nick & Cherry
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they’re not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they’re not so bad.
Arnold H. Glasgow (via thoughtsdetained)
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
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Yeah, less planning. That little celebration of ours was kind of a last miute thing
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"I usually have big parties for my birthday, but this year - I just celebrated it with four people and it was just as fun"
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cherryjenkinscherry · 10 years
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"Well, this beats that. Soo"
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"I usually have big parties for my birthday, but this year - I just celebrated it with four people and it was just as fun"
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