chen5787-blog · 4 years
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
Today I had the urge to buy things on impulse that I shouldn’t have. A friend on Instagram was selling her dress for 70% off new and I really really liked it. I told myself yesterday that I wasn’t going to spend more money but I really liked this dress. I talked my way out of feeling guilty by saying “she’s a friend, the money is going to good use” and things of the like. The dress was $35. 
After that I was finish my paper for Discontents when my bf said I should get this new game. The game only ran on a Windows computer and I have a Mac book. Originally I thought that was that, and I wouldn’t be able to get the game. But it made me more curious to find out if Window’s games could be played on Apple products. I spiraled into a rabbit hole and found a way to download Window’s program onto my Mac book. After I went through all that trouble of downloading and restarting my computer 3 times, I decided that I might as well get the game. I ended up paying $13 for the game. I really shouldn’t spend anymore but the game is really fun. 
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
Today I got paid from work but also spent a lot.
This morning I got my bi weekly payment for my 10 hours a week. I called the tattoo parlor to schedule my appointment and my guy is booked out two months so I scheduled the soonest I could. They asked for a deposit so I spent $200 on a non refundable deposit so I guess theres no backing out now. The guy charges $175 an hour and my slot is 5 hours. I hope it is worth it. I’ve spent a lot of time looking for artists and hope that his design is something that I like. Otherwise we will have an issue. I am excited and nervous that I am going to be spending close to $800 for not even that large of a tattoo, but I guess tattoos are expensive. 
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
Today I lost money from a subscription I should’ve cancelled before.
I got a charge from an athletic wear company Fabletics for a monthly fee of $50. It is super annoying because I bought something there like one time before and they send you monthly things to remind you you can skip the month if you dont want to pay. I usually skip cause I don’t shop there anymore and the last time I tried to cancel my account the guy was like “oh keep trying it out for a bit longer”. Today I am super annoyed cause they charged me but I never got the reminder email because their mail has been going straight to my spam. I am trying to save right now to get a tattoo but now I’m $50 shorter. I have to place a deposit on the tattoo after I get paid now.
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
Today I went to class and then took the Lightrail back to campus. I need to start saving money because I want to get a tattoo. I scheduled an appointment with an artist and they charge $175 an hour. I paid a deposit but the total for 4.5 hours will be close to $800. Tattoos are expensive and I have to work on saving. I went to bed at 7am today so I needed something to keep me awake at work. My friend got me a bubble tea. Boba is defiantly a pick me up and I’m always happy to have it. At work there was a lot of technical difficulties and I was not able to do as much homework but for once I was doing something related to my job which makes me feel like it’s worth getting paid. I get paid on Wednesday so hopefully my one day of hard work will be sufficient to be paid.
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
Today I slept until 1pm and basically stayed in bed watching anime till around 4pm. When I finally got up I bought a mouse pad on Amazon for $15 cause I was really fed up with using a sheet of paper for my mouse pad. I have glass desk, which is really helpful for art when I need a light box or when I’m cutting but when it comes to using a mouse it sucks. Even though I’ve had this desk for maybe 5 years now, I never bought a mouse pad but I finally gave in. It arrived but I haven’t gone down to pick it up yet. I think when I have it I’ll be really happy to use it. 
I stayed up really late again because I was on call with a friend. They asked for my help and contribution in creating a graphic novel and we went over different ideas and stuff that I had. I haven’t really asked for anything in return because I enjoy brainstorming and creating characters. 
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
Today I spent a lot on food.
Today was the Mid-Autumn Festival which is basically like a Chinese thanksgiving. I got together with my family in the morning and after I went with my two friends to Keefer Court bakery to buy moon cakes and dinner. We ended up spending $20 on two moon cakes, two char shui bao and a red bean pineapple bun. On the way back we stopped for bubble tea and spent $4. We got a discount on a large The food was so good and we ate it all in an hour. 
After we got back we watched CASA’s moon festival event and made lanterns and origami. All the materials were passed out from CASA for free. After we drank a few bottles of soju and beer and watched BTS music videos. 
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
Today I consumed very little because I slept most of the day.
Today I felt super lazy and I went to bed around 6am. Before I feel asleep I played around with some new makeup and took some pictures. I ended up waking up around 1 and watched some youtube till I had to leave for work at 4:45. I ate a bagel at 5am and had some orange juice and then I ate some noodles at 3 before I left. Im still in the habit of not sleeping well but my body seems to be adjusting for now.
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
Today was crazy and I spent a lot of time and money on printing
Today I woke up late. I was supposed to get back to campus early to go print off transparencies for my photography class but I didn’t make it in time. I went to my history class and got back to campus. I went to my second class then hopped on a campus connector to the St Paul campus. I needed to print out transparencies to expose my cyanotypes. When I got to McNeal my transparencies I got were way too dark so I had to print out a lot of tries before I got it right. I ended up spending $12 on printing them out. It was frustrating because I didn’t even need to do the transparencies. The cyanotype project was meant to be exposed with objects around your house but because I live in an apartment on campus there wasn’t a lot of nature to use around. So to make it more interesting I invested in printing the transparencies.
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
Today I mostly did a lot of homework because Monday is a crazy day.
I woke up at like 4pm today and realized how much homework I still had even though I tried to get ahead. I had to do a lot of research for History of Graphic design about early Chinese writing forms. The topics were super interesting to learn about it and I went into a spiral. 
I took a break in between projects to watch anime and I ended up finishing the first season of Kaiji. I was going to start another one but then the website I usually use to watch didn’t have this particular anime. If I want to watch this I will have to subscribe to an actual site for like $6 a month.
When I was going to bed I realized I forgot I had 50 sketches due for Identity and symbols and so I finished them quick before sleeping.
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
Today I bought a lot of stuff because of random ads I saw.
Today I got up at like 4pm and started working on some homework. I got distracted by social media and ended up consuming a lot of useless content. I saw an ad for a pretty corset top which sent me in a spiral looking at vintage websites for used clothes. This eventually led me to buying a few makeup items because there was a sale for like 50% off and a new pair of pants cause they looked pretty and were also on sale. 
I’m really easily persuaded by sales and will buy something even if I didn’t intend on buying it before. I ended up spending $70 of so and will be getting a lot of separate packages. I also bought a new water filter for the mini fridge in my room. This will be nice then I wont have to leave to go to the kitchen to refill my water bottle with room temperature water. The pitcher was $15 and seemed worth the price. Later, I went to the ASU discord party and played some games with people in ASU. It was fun and I got to know new people. We exchanged social medias. It was fun but all that social interaction made me tired. 
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
Today I mostly just slept through the day and watched anime all night.
I brought my cat to my bf’s this weekend and when staying there I made pizza from scratch. Making food from scratch vs buying frozen things makes me really happy even though its something simple like pizza. I think I put too much cheese on it though because I ended up with a stomach ache. 
While eating we watched Kaiji, an anime about gambling and risk. I ended up watching it almost all night and went to bed around 8am. My bf stayed up tlll 11am playing league. Both of us have a terrible habit of not getting enough sleep. We basically slept till 5pm. We ate leftover pizza and continued being bums. Sitting around and doing nothing makes me relaxed and I enjoy days like this. A day to just be lazy. 
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
My consumption today was limited. I am noticing I am getting less and less sleep.
Today I didn’t have class in person. I slept till 1pm and got up to work on homework. I watched youtube and made leftovers to eat. I haven’t gone grocery shopping in a while and I’m running out of food. 
I went to work at 5pm and was supposed to do some homework but for the first time I got a request to print something. I have never worked in the printing labs before this year and even though this is my 3rd week working, no one has come in. I had to look up on the intranet how to use the plotters and then how much to charge the guy for his prints. I ended up printing a few error ones because the printer wasn’t working right and I was still trying to figure it out. Because it was my error I didn’t charge him for the botched ones. He ended up having 18 posters in total. After work it was super late, I fed my cat and went to bed.
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chen5787-blog · 4 years
Today I woke up at 9:30 for class and stayed in class till 5pm. I had breaks on and off and I took naps and ate a bag of chips from Trader Joes. They are spicy ghost pepper chips and I usually don’t get spicy chips. My favorite is bbq but I couldn’t find it that day so I decided to try the spicy ones. I don’t do too well with spicy things but I am trying to increase my tolerance. So far I can only eat one chip at a time. Kinda makes me sad because when I eat chips I like to eat a lot for the crunch factor but with these I cant handle a lot because of the spice. So by the time I go through one, it doesn’t seem that crunchy. 
After my classes I went back to CVS to buy more hair dye and got two more  $12 boxes. I used both of those together at once so I could have more coverage for my full head. This is what I should’ve done the first day to get it more even but it turned out ok. I think I will have to go back and buy more because I do still want it to be lighter. It is also cheap box hair dye so I didn’t have high expectations. Honestly though, I think the product is effective, and the parts I covered right do seem to match the advertised color. At this point I think it’s user error. It also didn’t take as long as the first day which my arms are thankful for. 
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