Few features of a good home theater projector
There several things that make a projector good for home theater applications as opposed to presentation duties. Many projectors on the market are either business presentation projectors or adapted from them. Presentation projectors are optimized for PowerPoint and other business presentations.
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In the presentation environment brightness is king. It is important for the material to be brightly lit to enable easy viewing in a lit room. It is not so important that the colors are perfect. After all, who really knows what color red is supposed to be on that pie chart anyway? Greyscale tracking is not relevant either if it meets some arbitrary minimum standard. Likewise, the black level is not all that important and is usually sacrificed to achieve better brightness. Brightness always plays the most important role in choosing the best quality projectors. If you want to get the best video watching experience, give more concentration to the brightness of the projector.
The reproduction of full motion video for a presentation type projector does not need to meet the same standard that a home theater projector must meet. If there are some motion artifacts present, it really doesn't matter to a great extent. Eliminating the artifacts would have raised the price of the projector, angering corporate purchasing managers, and reducing the number of units they could fit in the annual budget.
Home theater projectors, on the other hand, stress the very performance parameters the business presentation units don't. In most home theaters, there is good light control. Most digital projectors have ample brightness for normal screen sizes. Black level and low-level detail, however, is extremely important to reproducing film-like images.
Projectors can be available in many price ranges. From the regular to the premium category, every type of projectors is available as per your need. There are projectors which come with superior quality and great images and videos. To buy these, you have to spend thousands of dollars. However, there are also projectors for those on a budget, but you might need to compromise the quality while buying those.
Color rendition is also critical. Going together with accurate color rendition is accurate greyscale tracking. Inaccurate greyscale tracking will cause the shade of grey to be biased too far toward one of the primary colors. It can also change with brightness, being for example, too far towards blue in the bright areas of the picture and too green in the darker areas. The color information is laid over the black and white, called the luminance, information. That is why accurate greyscale tracking is so important for a good home theater projector or any other video display for that matter.
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