charlesmckinnon · 2 years
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Black Bear (2020)
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
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THE VAMPIRE DIARIES (2009—2017) S01E01 “Pilot”
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
“You see, she says slowly, I was always desired. But now I am valued. That is a different thing, I find.”
— Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
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Annihilation (2018) Directed by Alex Garland
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
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Reality Bites (1994)
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
finn plucked the glass up into his hand and leaned back on his chair, obviously pleased with himself. mary looked at maebh very seriously and tucked her finger underneath her chin. “if i ever even think about it? shoot me dead.” although when he phone buzzed, she leaned over to make sure it wasn’t the food. unfortunately. it wasn’t. silence engulfed the room as both finn and mary became busy with their own things.
“Finn can do the shooting,” Maebh said decidedly, picking up her glass. Although if it came to either of them yielding a weapon, Maebh was far more likely it would be her. Honestly, she was surprised Morag hadn’t equipped her with one already at this point. She took a sip of her wine, waiting for someone else to pick up the conversation. Her impatience was obvious as she set down her glass with a deep sigh. When she didn’t get an immediate reaction, she let out a childish whine. “Why are you both being so boring?” she said. “Finn is home and we’re supposed to be gossiping and getting drunk and having a good time.”  
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
finn only looked up from his book to frown - or rather, look offended. “ma! tell her to let me have the wine!” he complained, in exactly the same tone that maebh had used earlier. it was an effort not to smile at the familiarity of it all. new zealand was nothing like this. his mother’s quick response helped.
“maebh, give your brother some wine. be fair.” mary said as she moved to sit herself down at the kitchen table with them. “mine. she’s taken up some kind of community centre club. be nice when it comes up, even if it’s boring, okay?”
“How is it fair if he doesn’t do what I want?” Maebh whined, although she was already pulling out another glass. With her back turned to them as she poured, she was smiling to herself. It was no secret that she was the closest with her brother than her other siblings; she missed the banter. It was much more catty between her and the twins. She turned back around and set the glass down in front of Finn before sitting down with her own glass, the bottle ready on the table for when they would inevitably fill it up. “A community centre club? That sounds like the most boring thing on the planet. Please tell me you won’t join one of those when you get old?” 
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
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Jonathan Carroll
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
“from that chinese place down the road. finn, stop reading,” mary said as she opened the fridge to pour herself a glass of juice.
“dad’s bordeaux. and no,” finn answerer, taking a seat at the kitchen table. he leaned forward on his elbows, obviously just being stubborn to annoy maebh. they’d been apart for some time now, he was behind on his irritations.
“i tried,” mary shrugged. they were old enough to fight their own petty battles - not that that would stop maebh from enlisting her parents to help. “are you going to be here tomorrow? your grandmother’s coming around for tea.”
Maebh moved to pull out the Bordeaux as instructed, pointedly picking one of the more expensive bottles. She rarely spent so much on wine at home, mostly because she wasn’t that picky about how it tasted. It was only really around Morag or if she was stealing from her parents’ house that she would drink wine so nice. “Then you don’t get to have wine,” she said childishly to her brother, only pulling out a glass for herself. As she rummaged through a drawer for a bottle opener, she answered her mother. “Which one? Yours or dad’s?” she asked, as if it would change her decision on whether she would be around. Maebh was pretty sure she’d lucked out with liking both sides of her family; then again, she’d also allowed herself to be doted on since she was little to make being around them so enjoyable. 
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
never in his life had finn been happier to be home. although he’d enjoyed his time in new zealand — he was a homebody at heart, and he and adam both knew that the moment they returned it was going to be for good. whilst they were house hunting, they were staying in finn’s childhood room. whilst adam was out with lena, he was happy to be spending time with his family. he’d taken his spot at the kitchen table to read and had only moved briefly to greet his sister.
mary was more than happy to have all of her kids under one roof again, although most of them now lived at home — maebh was the missing puzzle piece. although she was pottering around the kitchen, of course it wasn’t to cook. “our rider is called-” she checked her phone to confirm, “-petyr. he’ll be here in twenty minutes if you can wait that long. i see you’re already prepared.” as she walked past, she patted maebh’s side to get her to step out of the way as she went to put a pot away in the cupboard behind her. upon realising she couldn’t reach, finn swooped past and put it away for her without lifting his eyes from his book.
"What did you order?" Maebh asked, although she already had a suspicion that it would be Chinese. They'd had a favorite place in the area for years, and it was one of their go-tos for comfort food. She moved out of Mary's way, instead going over to the large, temperature-controlled storage her father had put in for wine. "What are we drinking?" she asked, directing the question at Finn. She glanced back at him and rolled her eyes. "You haven't seen me in ages and you're going to just read? Ma, tell him to stop.” 
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
mary wished laura could just read her mind. see her memories as they had unfolded and already know the deep regret that had a hold on her heart. “well… when they say rich guys love coke they’re right?” she bit down hard on her lower lip to counteract the horrible nerves bubbling in the pit of her stomach. they always said at meetings that it wasn’t the apology that counted, it was what you did after. the real change. but it was hard to look at herself in the mirror and see a change when she had gone right back to square one in the span of a few minutes.
“do you, though?” mac’s version of a life looked very different than charlie’s. he needed adventure to live. he needed light and love and he was good at seeing the positives of a life well lived — charlie? not so much. even though malcolm tried his best to pass on that spirit, it didn’t always work. but a brunette that had him going back for seconds? “my man! that sounds like you got yourself a good old fashion fuck buddy!” he said excitedly, reaching over to ruffle his hair. “i can’t believe you’re not even going to show me a picture.” a pause. “maybe i should go downstairs and ask security,” he ponded as he backed up towards the kitchen door.
Laura stilled for a moment, just a moment. She wasn't looking at Mary, but the other woman was exuding pure nerves like she was scared of what Laura may do since she had broken her sobriety. Laura wasn't, however, the type of woman to lash out or react badly. Laura enjoyed having a handle on things, taking a step back and thinking rationally about next steps. It was part of the reason she knew her and Mac paired well; she could handle talking him through things without being overwhelming about it. She also thought it was why she felt like she worked well with Mary, as both some sort of mentor and friend. Being a cop wasn’t what got Mary to come out of her shell, it was just being a person that had. "Okay," Laura said, moving back to get the egg replacement she was going to use to make Mary an omelet. "Are you feeling alright?” she asked. She followed up with, “Is there a reason that you decided to go out?" She thought about Charlie for a moment; if anything was making her angry, it was that. Him. Laura never saw him as the type, but she wouldn't be surprised if any man took advantage of that situation. But at the same time... it was a bar or a club or wherever they’d been. People went out and did all types of things and then hooked up. She decided to simmer over that later; it wasn’t more important than Mary’s wellbeing in this moment. 
"Yes, I do. You're supposed to be proud of me, you know. For going out and getting drunk and laid," Charlie said, giving Mac a look. At least, that was Mac's usual reaction when Charlie did any of those types of things, especially without Mac's coercion. He groaned as the other man messed up his hair, reaching up to push it back into place. It had already been slightly messy from sleep, but he had a habit of pushing it back regardless. Thinking on it, he wouldn't mind having sex with Mary again, but it always felt like they were toeing around something dangerous. There was a reason they were keeping it a secret, although at the same time he wasn't really sure what that reason was. Still, he couldn't be sure that it would ever happen again. The way she kissed him when she walked out - well, it felt almost like a goodbye kiss to him. At the pause, he already knew Mac was coming up with an idea, and he was already shutting him down before he finished the sentence. "Don't. Just let me have this, asshole," Charlie said. "Go get your computer so we can look at your contract or whatever."
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charlesmckinnon · 2 years
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