chaldeaservants · 6 years
Update: Hiatus Extended
Hey guys!! Mod Robin here!!
so remember how i was talking abt wanting to get a queue up and ready for after exams?? well   haha that didnt happen   lays down
Moreover, I’m leaving on a trip for two weeks literally like.. two days after my last exam, so that doesn’t rly put me in a great place writing-wise ^^;
I’ll have to ask for your patience for a couple more weeks! and after that, I think I’m gonna try and get in a second mod bc. wow having some backup here would really be helpful ^^;
i’ll admit it..... im down on my knees rn......... but there’s no way in hell im goin down without a fight, so I’ll do my best to keep this blog going and keep those posts coming!!
(after the next couple of weeks of course ^^;)
anyways thats all!! peace yall, I hope yall are having great lives, and i’ll be back soon~~!!
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
youre in the home stretch robin!!! kick those exams to the curb, you can do it!! I look forward to coming back after the return of your wonderful writing once I get thru my own exams on April 27. until then, let’s both do our best! take care, don’t push yourself too hard, and as always, im wishing you all the best! 💖💖
Thank u sweetie ^^ im almost down but im not out........... im too strong for exams to defeat *flex emoji*
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
HI GUYS im alive!! Somewhat!!
Anyways just wanted to pop in and throw this list at yall- this is a blog i follow and it honestly lists a whole bunch of other rly good fate hc blogs so i thought yall might wanna see it!! (Also @fate-grandorder-imagines thank u so much for ur kind words in blushign- i follow ur blog on my main acct and it Good)
Sorry for being so quiet!! I def intend to get the queue back up and running around the 23rd, and i'll do my best to get back to posting the leftover white day stuff after that!! anyways thats all ashfk *bows out*
-Mod Robin
Hi there, I just stumbled onto your blog and I must say that I really love your works (especially the headcanons for Karna stole my heart) and you seem to be a very nice and sweet person as well >
Oh myyyy this is so sweet of you, thanks a lot darling you just made me smile so hard rn! Thank you for being so kind and I hope you enjoy your stay in this hell of a fandom! 🌺💕
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I’m fairly new to this fandom myself so I’m surprised you found my blog before anyone else’s but of course I’d be glad to recommend you my faves:)
 I’d suggest:
@thegrandorderproject this blog was one of the first fate imagine blogs that I followed and that inspired me to open another’s headcanon blog so yes, definitely check them out and give them a follow - their works are amazing!
@chaldeaservants - another one of my absolute faves, I actually have notifications on for this blog and it’s currently on hiatus but I’m sure the mod will be back soon!
@unlimited-fate-imagines - the mod of those blog must be one of the sweetest mods I’ve ever met and she’s always puts a lot of effort in heir works!
@chaldeasinbox - this Blog has been on hiatus for a while now but if you’re looking for spicy sinful stuff then this is the right address for you
@namelessarcher - this goes without saying but another of my first and still most loved fate blogs I followed, I can wholeheartedly recomment it!
These are all the blogs I’m following and I’m kinda running out of words of praise rn because all of them are awesome so please visit all of them :)
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
so. i figured i should let u guys know buT.... university exam period is coming up soon, meaning my free time will be goin down the drain. In the interest of keeping my grades up, I will be putting this blog on hiatus until April 23rd, which is my last day of exams.
I’m sorry that this is coinciding with my White Day stuff! But..  when it comes down to it, I know i have to be responsible and focus on my work ;w; so yea.. as of tonight, I won’t be posting any more hcs til my exams are done
BUT its not all bad! I have a few things planned for after the hiatus, including mod submissions!! (yes i will finally try and take on someone else to help me with this blog)
SO I’m very sorry about this, and since I’m sure most of yall have taken exams before, i hope you understand the hiatus ^^;
 Again, I’ll be up for chatting through asks- just no more hc posts! And i intend to come back to this blog after abt a month, feeling reinvigorated and hopefully with a healthy queue built up
Anyways! I love yall, and you’ll be seeing content from me in about a month!! Au revoir~
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
Diarmuid: Relationship + NSFW
anon: heyeyey. Could i maybe request some sfw and nsfw headcanons for Diarmuid??
A/N: yes you absolutely may............ u know what the good stuff is clearly
- If I said that he was anything other than the perfect boyfriend, I would be lying. Diarmuid is a romantic at heart with about 18 metric tons of kindness, patience, and a good nature to back it up.
- Like, seriously; if you ask anything of him, he’ll do it for you. Like his loyalty as a servant, Diarmuid’s loyalty is not to be trifled with, and once you’ve earned it, you’ve earned it forever.
- He falls in love very easily, which is somewhat ironic because his charmed beauty spot does the same for everybody else.
- But, really; it only took you being his master for about three days for him to get a massive crush on you, and he was more than happy when it turned out that you liked him back.
- Though he’s a romantic, Diarmuid is actually quite nervous about the idea of someone else loving him (which is ironic because he’s perfect but anYWAYS); he’s nervous because he’s worried that if someone likes him as much as he likes them, he doesn’t want it to turn out that they only like him because they were charmed by his mark.
- Indeed, if someone were to fall in love with Diarmuid, he would of course want it to be because of him as a person, and not because of his face.
- He actually has legitimate reason to fear this, too- in his past life, the princess he loved, Grainne, fell in love with him only because of his face- and, well, that turned into a whole mess.
- Still, though- he has nothing to fear with you. You’ve told him time and time again about how kind he is, and how gentle he is towards you, and how you love his earnest and devoted nature- and though it took some time, he came to trust those words.
- And so, Diarmuid is more than happy to love someone he knows will love him in return, for his heart and nothing else.
- His romantic nature isn���t just something you see in the way he treats you- no, it spreads to the bed, as well. Diarmuid is the sweetest thing in bed, adorably confident and determined to make you feel as good as possible.
- He’s fairly vanilla, too- Diarmuid prefers positions where he can see your face and look into your eyes, so usually missionary is the way to go. Still, though- it’s not like you’re ever going to get bored of it, especially when you have a man like Diarmuid in your arms.
- He loves to treat you like his princess. He’ll undress you slowly beforehand, taking off your garments one by one, before guiding you to the bed and kissing you all the way up and down your body.
- When you have sex, he just wants you to sit back and relax- Diarmuid is fully ready and willing to handle all the work himself.
- Foreplay? An absolute must. Half the time, the two of you don’t even get all the way to penetration- you’re fully satisfied just with using your hands and mouths on each other, until the both of you have finished.
- Diarmuid is fully willing to end without finishing, if you finish before he does- however, you would feel bad if you ever actually let him walk off without being satisfied, so despite his gentle protests, you always make sure that both of you are happy from the experience.
- He isn’t particularly loud- the sounds Diarmuid makes are closer to soft groans than full-blown panting and moaning. You’re curious to find out what he sounds like when pushed to the brink like that, though- maybe having him submit to you would make him a bit louder...?
- Regardless, though- there’s always a lot of love and trust between the two of you whenever you share your bed. It’s really closer to lovemaking than it is to sex, and you love it, in all its sweetness and diligence (just like you love your boyfriend)
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
for the billy the kid meme I imagine master going “welp time to move on to tumblr”
Tumblr’s been banned on the Chaldea wifi for years. Da Vinci tries to bring back the Mishapocalypse every year after she had a hand in starting it the first time around, and Dr Roman has had Enough
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
Question: Why does Jekyll not stay the night with his s/o? Also, another, who is now your favorite? (Also!! I really do love your writing, it's such high quality, and I love checking it for new updates and reading everything, thank you for sharing it with us!!!) (May your life be well and happy!)
OH RIGHT i forgot to write that in- anyways hes scared that putting himself in a state as unguarded as when hes asleep might let hyde come out- jekyll knows its irrational but still has a lot of fears surrounding that ^^;
(little does he know that hyde likes u too ohoho- anyways-)
(thank u also asdfghj)
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
Jekyll: Relationship + NSFW
anon: we've had relationship headcanons with Hyde but none of the soft boy himself so can we have some sfw and nsfw headcanons of the best boy Jekyll?
A/N: absolutely!! hes a good boy and deserves all the healthy relationships after all ^^
- Compared to his Berserker counterpart, Jekyll is nothing but kind and sweet towards you.
- He’ll often greet you in the morning with a light knock on your door, followed swiftly by breakfast- Jekyll tends not to share your bed at night, but still does his best to be the first face you see in the morning.
- Ironically, the serum that turns him into Hyde gives him a small amount of comfort. Before, he lost control over Hyde, until he needed it to turn back into Jekyll- however, since it’s become his Noble Phantasm, he now has control over the violence inside.
- This means that, although Jekyll still fears Hyde coming out, he’s not as scared as he used to be about hurting you. Though he still doesn’t share your bed- Jekyll feels that he can relax and not worry when you’re together.
- This manifests as sitting next to you when you’re reading, or leaning on your shoulder when you’re talking to someone else. It’s almost out of character for him, but... it’s not like you’re going to complain.
- Jekyll has a cute way of sitting- he tends to curl up on the couch with his feet tucked under himself instead of planted on the floor. When he sits in an armchair like that, you can’t help but bring him a mug of hot cocoa. It just feels right.
- He likes to do all sorts of sweet little romantic gestures- kissing your hand is a big one. It always smudges up his glasses from accidentally pressing up against your skin, but... well, that’s okay.
- Though he’s still scared of a lot of things, Jekyll is working to overcome his fears- and with you by his side, it’s just a little bit easier than before.
- The absolute gentlest and sweetest sex you’ll ever have, without a doubt.
- Jekyll would never do anything to hurt you, so he drags it out, taking his time to get the both of you thoroughly in the mood. If he bottoms, he’ll do the work of preparing himself- if he’s on the top, Jekyll will spend a good while stretching you out and making sure you’re absolutely ready.
- Though he’s open to trying out a few kinks, the only thing he won’t do is something with sadism involved. It just makes him uncomfortable- if he’s the one putting you in pain, he would never forgive himself.
- Likewise, if you’re the one dominating him,. he’d feel worried that all the stimulation would be enough to set Hyde off- and, well, that wouldn’t end up well.
- Things like semi-public sex, or mirrors, or bondage- he’s totally willing to try those out.
- It’s incredibly easy to fluster Jekyll, so his reactions are always gold. Even the most vanilla sex will leave him a blushing and stammering mess- he’s not used to being intimate, and so it doesn’t take much for him to get bothered to the point of not getting a single word out.
- Though he does his best to keep quiet, you can be certain that more that a few noises will be escaping. He’ll even try to cover his mouth, but... nope. Jekyll is a moaner, and not even duct tape would solve that.
- Not that you would want to solve it, though. It’s both adorable and incredibly hot- just like the rest of him. And, if he;s going to be noisy, who are you to stop him?
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
White Day: Cu Chulainn #8
anon: Lancer Cu has been trying to give gift all day long, but she is busy finally he cornered his s/o
Prompt: Cu Chulainn: [Servant]’s been trying to give you a gift all day long, but you’re busy- finally, though, he corners you. 
A/N: Ummm hell yeah?? its best dog time?? letsa go????
Cu Chulainn:
- You spotted him from time to time throughout the day- Cu always seemed to be hovering near you, a little nervously.
- You were curious about what he wanted, of course, but.... whenever you thought you had the time to ask him what was up, something else always seemed to call your attention away.
- Most of the time, it was servants and staff, wanting to greet you for White Day- but there was also Dr. Roman, informing you on the status of servants that had been injured, as well as Da Vinci, calling you away to her shop to peruse some wares.
- It was frustrating, yes, but- it wasn’t like you could neglect your duties. You hoped Cu would understand, but... every time you got a few seconds to speak to him, he just seemed to be a little more antsy.
- Finally, though, you managed to grab a moment that wasn’t occupied by work. You stole away to your room, hoping for a few minutes alone, but... of course, Cu was there.
- Before you even had the chance to ask him what was going on, he thrust something into your hands, looking awkward and embarrassed and excited all at once.
- As it turned out... the thing he was trying to give you was in fact a small box, carefully wrapped in colourful paper.
- Inside the box was a pair of earrings, ones that looked exactly like his own. Cu waited with baited breath for your reaction, before eagerly informing you that they were a present, and he had tried to give them to you all day, but you were busy, so he just came to your room and waited there, and then you showed up--
- You interrupted Cu by throwing your arms around his neck and giving him a tight hug. You hadn’t expected such a generous gift- and you were now feeling bad for having neglected him all day long.
- Cu doesn’t mind, of course- he’s just happy to be able to give you his gift, and happy to know that you’re happy. Really, it’s a good arrangement all around- and more than anything else, you’re happy to have him as your boyfriend.
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
Billy the Kid: Memes
anon: Can I ask for Billy the Kid with a meme loving master? Like she always makes references to memes and finger guns @ him?
A/N: um hell yeah?? This is the best thing i’ve ever seen??
Billy the Kid:
- Probably the worst decision in your life was getting yourself a twitter account.
- Probably the second worst decision in your life was getting Billy the Kid a twitter account.
- The two of you are menaces, in the truest sense of the world. In the beginning, you would just quote half-remembered posts, before laughing at your own little inside joke- but each and every time, Billy would demand to know what your little jokes meant.
- He thought they were hilarious. No matter how obscure they were, no matter how hard they were to explain- as long as Billy got the context, he would absolutely love them.
- Later on, you heard Billy start to repeat your own barely remembered jokes like the weirdest game of telephone- and at that moment, you knew. You knew that Billy had a great talent, a great capacity that remained unfulfilled- and it was your duty to guide him down the right path.
- Or the wrong path, depending on your point of view.
- Regardless, before long, you got Billy a phone and got him set up with a twitter account, before having him follow all your favourite blogs. Needless to say... he got the hang of things scarily quick.
- Over the next few weeks, your other servants as well as the Chaldea staff will become very confused, very fast- you can say something completely random, and seemingly having absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand- and then Billy will laugh? And say some other snippet of dialogue back??
- It comes to a head when Billy screams ‘yeet’ and hucks an empty can of soda down the hall, hitting poor Dr. Roman in the head.
- After that, twitter is blocked on the Chaldea wifi. Though you still have your memories... your memeories, so to speak... the two of you are forbidden from ever making more.
- It’s a pity. But, still... there will always be more cans of soda, and more unsuspecting doctors. He can’t block twitter twice, after all.
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
White Day: Siegfried #3
anon: Ohiii! Could I please get #3 for Siegfried and #17 for Tristan please? I hope you have a wonderful day!
Prompt: [Servant] is your boyfriend, and now he’s jealous of all the attention (and chocolates) the other servants are giving you.
A/N: Ofc! Though since you requested two, I had to pick one out of them- hope thats ok! Both are very good boys ^q^
- Siegfried? Jealous? No way. Out of everybody you know- everybody you’ve even heard out- Siegfried is time one person you would expect the least to get jealous.
- He’s so sweet and kind, after all- he’s a dragon slayer without a single mean bone in his body, and probably wouldn’t hurt a fly even if it had been bothering him for a good few hours.
- So... when Siegfried openly started to tell the other servants that he would like it if they stayed away from you- you almost keeled over and had a heart attack.
- He was very apologetic about the whole thing, of course- but nevertheless, he stuck close to your side and asked the other servants to leave whenever they approached you with hopeful expressions on their faces.
- Siegfried. Once you’ve sufficiently recovered, you tell him, nicely as you can, that he can’t just tell your servants to stay away- they’re your servants, after all, and it’s your responsibility to get along with them.
- With that, he gets the oddest blushy expression on his face, almost like he’s ashamed- Siegfried will then apologize, before informing you that though he knows it’s irrational, for some reason, seeing you be affectionate with your other servants put an odd pain in his chest.
- it would seem that he wasn’t even aware that he was being jealous- however, you’re not going to tell him that and make him feel even more guilty.
- Instead, you choose to giggle at his cuteness and hug him close, pressing a kiss or two to the mark on his chest.
- You tell him that although you feel lucky to have such a protective and loyal dragon guarding you, his protection is unnecessary- and no matter what your other servants bring you, he’ll still have the largest spot in your heart.
- Siegfried will look somewhat relieved at this, and will drop a kiss on the crown of your head before tightening the hug. Though it can apparently get out of hand... you’re glad to have a boyfriend as devoted as him, and wouldn’t have him any other way than the way that he is.
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
Frankenstein: Relationship
anon: can we get some relationship headcanons of the best daughter Frankenstein?? i just want to hold and protect her
A/N: Ofc!! Shes so sweet and cute, I can’t help but love her ^^
- Fran isn’t exactly the most talkative- that much is obvious. However, what she lacks in speech capabilities, she more than makes up for in personality.
- She is... very stubborn. If you try to take her somewhere she doesn’t want to go, or if you try to do something she doesn’t want you to do, she will very clearly and emphatically state her refusal. A shake of the head is usually enough, but if you persist, she will simply use her strength to stop you from doing anything.
- Frankenstein loves flowers, and likes to tuck them into her hair. Chaldea doesn’t have a garden, so whenever the two of you go on a mission, she’ll stop at any flower patch she sees and will pick a few.
- You often bring her flowers as gifts- if you go to a fight and don’t take Frankenstein along, you’ll bring back a few flowers to put in a vase.
- She loves hugs, and will often just wordlessly approach you from behind and wrap her arms around you without warning. She’ll usually just straight up lift you off the ground too, no matter your size difference.
- Most of the sounds she makes are little grunts without any particular meaning- they’re useful for expressing mood, but not much else. Frankenstein is in fact capable of speech; it’s limited and rough, but she can say a few things, like the name of her Noble Phantasm, or a few other words related to herself and her class.
- Unbeknownst to you, she’s actually been practicing in secret, teaching herself to say your name. It takes Frankenstein some time, and she still has trouble with the pronunciation, but eventually, she figures it out.
- The first time you hear her say your name, she’s all blushy and shy- and clearly nervous about saying it right- but you don’t care, because she’s the cutest damn thing you’ve ever seen.
- And when she picks you up and almost breaks a rib hugging you afterwards- well, you’re okay with that too, because you love her.
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
White Day: Arjuna #17
anon: white day prompts, 17, arjuna ?
Prompt:  [Servant] prepares a fancy dinner and has a whole evening planned- but he has to throw his schedule out the window when you start to take off his clothes.
A/N: oh yeah u know exactly what tf is up... also im posting this at like midnight my time so sorry abt that ^^;ALSO the whole dang thing is going under the cut bc nsfw
- He strives for perfection in romance, as he does with all other things. This means that Arjuna likes to meticulously plan ahead, even for ordinary dates- things like holidays have to be better than perfect, even by his standards.
- When he called you to your room on White Day, you were both surprised and hopeful... what did Arjuna have planned? Was he going to give himself up to you? Was he going to tie you up and dominate you...?
- Turns out he had just planned a nice candlelit dinner and a romantic evening spent together, sipping on drinks. Well... you appreciate the effort, but sadly for Arjuna, you’ve already set your mind on what you want to do.
- The moment he opens the door, your hands are on his shoulders, pushing him back until the two of you hit a wall. From there, your hands are fumbling with his clothes while your mouth works to keep him pinned, pressing your lips hard against his.
- The only reaction Arjuna can make is a started moan before his shirt is stripped from him and your hands are on his chest, stroking the slender muscle and moving down to get at his pants.
- At that point, Arjuna somewhat remembers himself, and pushes back, forcing you back step by step, until you collapse on the bed. From then on, it’s your turn to get stripped- he removes your clothes with deft hands until you’re entirely naked, with him still wearing his pants.
- The sight of you on the bed, so obviously needy and wanting, is enough to make him pause. Neither of you are virgins, but... the way you’re looking at him makes him feel like the two of you are.
- Arjuna wastes no time in nudging apart your knees and leaning in, pinning your wrists with one hand before absolutely ravishing you with his mouth.
- He wastes no time with preparing you using his other hand- you’ve provoked him, after all, and he wants to be inside you as soon as he can. It only takes a couple of minutes before you’re ready, and Arjuna slides inside without a hitch.
- The next 10 or so minutes are filled with the best sex the two of you have ever had.. Arjuna is rough, yes- but in a way that fills you up and makes you feel this incredible sugary sort of goodness.
- When you’re done, he’ll chastise you gently for ruining his dinner plans- but Arjuna doesn’t mind, because the two of you ended up having an amazing evening anyways.
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
Arjuna: Relationship + NSFW
anon: I see Karna but no love for his brother?? could we get some nsfw (and sfw) headcanons of the beautiful Arjuna? thank you muchly friends x
A/N: Yes absolutely!! ur in luck because ur gonna be getting a lot of arjuna today ^^ also got some white day stuff comin up.. as usual, nsfw is below the cut!
- He always does his absolute best to be kind and gentle. The Arjuna you know is upright, dignified, noble, and never cruel or unkind. Though you’re aware of his past... he rarely brings it up, and when he does, he does so with nothing but shame.
- Sometimes, it almost seems like there’s a second person inside of him- you’ve never seen it yourself, but it feels like he actively tries to not show it around you.
- Or rather... it doesn’t quite feel like a second personality. It’s more like... another aspect of the personality he has, one that used to allow him to act in ways that were cruel and underhanded.
- You can understand why he doesn’t want you to see that side of him- if you had such a difficult part of your personality, you wouldn’t want Arjuna to see it, either.  However... it’ll have to come to light eventually.
- The two of you make promises to each other all the time- it sort of becomes a comforting habit after a while. Even if you’re just heading to Da Vinci’s shop, you promise him that you’ll be back without a hitch- and before you go to sleep, Arjuna always promises that he’ll still be there in the morning.
- He loves to be sweetly affectionate with you. Though he rarely kisses you on the lips, Arjuna often instead sprinkles kisses on your eyelids, your nose, your forehead and cheeks- it’s a little bit ticklish, but if you tell him so, he’ll only redouble his efforts.
- Of course, being passionate is something that Arjuna is also very much capable of. Sometimes, he’ll just pull you into a closet, or some dark corner, and make you forget your name for a few minutes before stumbling out, dazed and rumpled.
- He’s quite possessive, and will often pull you a bit closer if you’re standing too far away for his liking. Arjuna isn’t even all that touchy, aside from kissing- he just likes the feeling and comfort of having you close, even if you aren’t in his arms.
- Having sex is the only time when he’ll get rough with you. The rest of the time, Arjuna is the perfect gentleman, but... something about your face and the way both of you are aroused just makes him lose any control he might have had in the first place.
- He will absolutely leave bruises on your neck, and will make them visible on purpose. Arjuna wants everybody to know that you belong to him, and will bite down on your neck hard enough to even draw blood.
- During sex, he’s rough, though he never crosses over into being violent. He’ll usually take you from behind, or have you straddle his hips and ride him. Riding him is better, because then you can kiss each other- but it feels incredible either way.
- Arjuna is selfish during sex, and usually finishes first- however, he’ll never end things without having you finish, as well. Once he’s done, he’ll usually use his mouth and fingers to finish you, as well- or, of course, the two of you can just go for a second round. Both work.
- Though you usually have sex in your room, he’ll often surprise you by taking you in semi-public places, like in a closet, or in the stall of a rarely used bathroom. Something about the surprise and the thrill of it all makes it feel even better- and though you know you shouldn’t, you can’t help but get a little bit addicted.
- After the two of you are done, you’ll usually shower together. This doesn’t mean that you’re going for a second or third round- no, instead, the two of you will wash each other and just have a quiet conversation, enjoying the chance to relax.
- Arjuna will often apologize for being too rough, but.... you know that he would never do anything to hurt you. So, every time, you tell him that it’s okay, and that him being rough isn’t about to stop you from enjoying yourself.
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
Okita Souji: Fluff
anon: YES YOUR ASKBOX IS OPEN IM SO EXCITED!!!!! some fluffy okita headcanons please!!!!
Okita Souji:
- When you first met her, she was friendly, sure, but still a little bit distant. Now... when you remember those times, you’re still a little bit surprised that they ever existed.
- Why? Because the Okita you know at the moment is... to put it lightly... an absolute cuddle monster. Her affection is downright smothering at times- she’s not at all shy about just sneaking up to you and dragging you off to go cuddle on a couch or something.
- It’s been a while since she first pledged you her loyalty, and... ever since then, Okita hasn’t done a single thing to break her pledge. In fact, she’s never done anything to make you think that she could ever dislike you, because... well, she probably couldn’t.
- You still can’t help but get worried for her, though. Okita’s so enthusiastic and lively that it’s easy for you to forget that she in fact has tuberculosis, and still coughs up blood from time to time-
- Whenever her illness gets worse, you always usher her to bed and tell her to rest, but she doesn’t seem to bothered by it. Instead, she just tells you that it isn’t contagious, and she’d rather be by your side-
- The tuberculosis might as well be a part of her, after all- it’s now a skill, and can’t even be cured by the grail. Okita knows and accepts this- it frustrates her, but why dwell on something when she can’t do anything about it?
- So, Okita is always cheery and lighthearted. She loves to sit on your lap and prod at your face- and she especially loves to pinch your cheeks like some sly old grandma and tell you how cute you are.
- She’ll also slap your butt while she’s walking by you. So... yeah. You’d best be ready for that.
- Okita loves to play video games- or rather, she loves to lose to you at video games, because she’s hilariously bad, but she doesn’t seem to mind. Instead, she proclaims to you each time that she’ll win after your next battle. (She never does, but, well... she’s trying)
- All in all, she loves being your girlfriend, and it shows in all her actions- and Okita isn’t about to let some silly little thing like tuberculosis get between her and happiness. After all, she’s Okita Souji, vice-captain of the Shinsengumi- but more importantly, she’s the servant of the master she loves with all her heart.
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
White Day: Gawain #3
anon: Gawain is my boyfriend and is quite jealous of all the other servants that are giving me chocolate!! What should I do?? ;;
Prompt: [Servant] is your boyfriend, and now he’s jealous of all the attention (and chocolates) the other servants are giving you.
A/N: I’ll tell u what u should do..... u should slap him hold his hand and tell him not to be jealous <3
- He never particularly struck you as the jealous type, but... when he starts getting huffy and pouty when your other servants try to give you gifts, you’re pretty sure that jealousy is the only explanation.
- Your suspicions are confirmed when he literally pulls you in a corner and tells you not to accept any more gifts from your other male servants.
- Really, Gawain...? I mean, he is your boyfriend, and you can sort of understand where he’s coming from, but... you can’t just avoid everybody else and stay only with him for the rest of the day.
- Apparently Gawain thinks you can. He may be your boyfriend, and he may be perfectly knightly and gentlemanly at all other times, but... when he’s jealous, it seems that he’s ready to excuse almost anything.
- So, Gawain quite literally picks you up and carries you off to your room. A few concerned servants ask where you’re going, but... he just tells them that you’re not feeling well, and that he’s taking you to rest.
- Once he reaches your room, he just shuts the door behind him and dumps you on the bed. Of course, you demand why he had to do all that, but you stop when you see that Gawain is... blushing...?
- In the most awkward little voice you’ve ever heard, he explains that while he doesn’t mind seeing you get gifts, he couldn’t help but feel that the extravagant things the other servants were getting you outshone the simple chocolates he had given you earlier.
- And, moreover, both as your boyfriend as your knight, being outdone made him feel like he should be doing better. After saying this, Gawain apologizes, almost shyly- he knows he shouldn’t have been petty like that, and he’s sorry.
- You, however, are only thinking about how damn adorable he’s being. Your perfect knightly boyfriend got all flustered and jealous...? Was worried about not being good enough for you..?
- You can’t help but hug his blushy face close, kissing him on the forehead. This is a side of Gawain you’ve never seen before, but, well... it’s not like you’re complaining.
- The two of you end up spending your White Day together after all, putting the bed to good use- the only regret is exiting your room the next day and seeing all the missed gifts piled up in front of your door. Whoops.
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chaldeaservants · 6 years
Yan Qing: Crush + NSFW
anon: Can I ask for Yan Qing hcs? Nsfw and romantic ones? And how do you think he'd approach his crush? Personally, I think of him as a perfect example of friends with benefits thing lol. Oh, and thank you for your wonderful writing, mod Robin! Please, continue to bless us with it <3 
A/N: Alright!!! one very handsome tattoo assassin coming up~~
Yan Qing:
- The two of you have had a physical relationship for quite some time. Both of you are single, both of you get along well, both of you have needs that need to be taken care of- so, really, there was no reason for you to not have a sort of ‘friends with benefits’ arrangement with Yan Qing.
- And for the longest time, it’s been just that- friends. After spending your evening together in bed, the two of you will have a drink, play some video games, try on each other’s shirts and laugh at how small your clothes are on him- it’s basically what friends would do, plus the whole ‘regular intercourse’ part.
- That’s what friends with benefits are, right...? But eventually- your relationship starts to change, bit by bit.
- Yan Qing is always a lighthearted and easygoing individual, one who is intensely loyal but also one who feels more like a friend, rather than your servant. So... when he starts to act differently, you couldn’t help but notice.
- It almost felt like he was... avoiding you? Or rather- you would be having a normal conversation, and then he would look like he remembered something, and then he would get all flustered and would avoid all your questions-
- He definitely doesn’t avoid you in the physical sense, though. No, on the other hand, the time he spends with you almost skyrockets. Not that you’re complaining, though. Yan Qing is adorably excited when the two of you are together.
- The whole time, though, it feels like he’s trying to say something, but can’t quite spit out the words. You want to try and encourage him, but...
- Eventually, though, it’s like a flip is switched. He presses you against the wall, gives you a smile with grin- and asks you if your friends-with-benefits arrangement could become nothing but the benefits.
- And, well... how could you say no? Yan Qing is your best friend, but... that doesn’t mean he can’t be your lover, too.
- He’s... really hot. Like... of course, he almost always has his chest out, but seeing his chest on a day-to-day basis is a very different experience than seeing it bared and glistening with sweat, hovering above your body as he supports himself with nothing but his arms.
- When the two of you have sex, he unties his hair, letting it fall over his body in a long mess. This is perfect- Yan Qing can either dominate or submit, depending on his mood- and when he’s feeling like giving himself up to you, his hair is perfect for pulling.
- Yan Qing is... quite large. Having him inside you is going to require more than a bit of preparation, because while he likes to get rough, he also doesn’t want to hurt you.
- However, if you ask him to hurt you... he has little trouble with just. Ramming himself inside you and taking you as hard as you want. You are honestly fine either way, because... well, you feel good no matter what.
- He likes to bite. Yan Qing’s teeth are usually in your ear, in your shoulder, in your neck- if he can bite down hard, he will. He especially does this if he’s taking you from behind, and will sink his teeth into your skin to muffle his groans.
- Though he does his best to hide it, Yan Qing is quite noisy. When he’s the one on top, it’s usually soft groans and heavy breathing- but if he’s letting you dominate him, he can’t help but cry out aloud, making all this gaspy whimpers and moans- he wishes he could stop himself, but it’s really like he’s lost control.
- He doesn’t mind being tied up- in fact, he quite enjoys it. If it does end up such that he’s the submissive one, he’ll probably even ask for you to restrain him in some shape or form.
- Kinks aside, though- there’s always a lot of affection between the two of you when you do it- and afterwards, the two of you will chat and hang out, just like best friends would do. Because, before all else... the two of you are friends, and all the romance in the world won’t change that.
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