Car Fixing
Note: I am a Christian, but I put Christianity mentions so people don’t get offended. Thank you!
It was a bright day outside, and I wanted to drive over to the store to grab a bouquet of red roses for my girlfriend, Cara. Red roses represent love, passion, beauty, courage, and respect. She matched all those titles perfectly, like a dart right in the middle of the target. I went to my car in nice clothing, and I drove to the store. I had to stop to fuel my car, but then I ran over a nail, I ended up getting a flat tire as a result. I shook my head in dismay, and I called my best friend Todd to help. He arrived in five minutes after the phone call, and he carried his toolbox. Everything went smoothly until the middle of the car-fixing session. The car fell on top of Todd, and I screamed, holding a tire iron in my right hand. I ran into the convenience store, waving the tire iron. People stared at me like I was a psychopath who was going to kill someone. My words slurred as I yelled at the store clerk. She understood everything to my surprise, and she dialed 911 immediately. His life was slipping away from him, and I wanted to save him. I saw a man rushing to his car with a 12 pack of root beer, a mom telling her kids to take pictures and write stories like reporters, and a woman who came up and slapped me with her purse. Before emergency services could arrive, Todd died. Blood was everywhere, pictures were taken, people were screaming and leaving in a huff. After everyone left the scenario, I was the only one left, sobbing and grieving  over him. Emergency services took Todd away, and the car was towed. I sat outside the now closed convenience store, waiting for the store clerk to come out, she was going to give me a ride home. She finally came outside and we got in her car. She started talking to me about stuff that's happened in her life, but I could only think of Todd. The picture that was glued to my mind was him with angel wings and a glowing halo, flying up to Heaven in peace. At least he's happy with God now, he was religious, and he loved his holy father. After she dropped me off, I slammed the door behind me and chugged hot sauce. I felt my face getting hotter with every sip, and I ended up exploding in tears.I didn't go outside for a week. Cara came to my house and broke up with me, and I ended up getting more depressed, so I got some fresh air. I decided to visit the convenience store once more, and everyone was there. The store clerk who drove me home, the lady who slapped me with her pink purse, the mom who told her kids to take pictures and write stories, the man who purchased a 12 pack of root beer, and all the other bystanders. They all gathered around me like I was a jewel, and I shook. I shook so much. I felt myself turn into a human earthquake. I collapsed on the floor, and suddenly, I was in my bed, awoken. Todd was there, hugging me.    
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Note: I fully support LGBT+, but I warn about it so people who are against LGBT+ know that they’re going to be reading content with that in it . Thank you!
Me and Marie walked down the slippery sidewalk, looking up at the gentle snowflakes falling from the clouds. Marie kept doing tricks on the ice like she was at an ice rink, it basically felt like one in all honesty. I wanted to be able to get a hold of her hand and be able to restrain her from doing her tricks, but I don't want to ruin her fun. Besides, if I grabbed her hand while she's mid-air, she might mess up and fall to the icy ground, and she would injure herself. I was too deep into thought to realize Marie was crying, she slipped after trying to do a front-flip with a running start, she fell before she could even get in the air. I grabbed her and held her in my arms, her complaining about how much her right arm hurts. I decided to rush her to the emergency room after seeing blood gush out of her leg. I bolted as fast as I can, panting and losing my breath. The blood trailed onto the ground, making a path every step I took. After a long and tiring run, we were in the hospital. I ran over to the check in, and after the clerk saw the blood gushing from the now pale Marie, she was rushed into the emergency room. I couldn't follow, so I had to stay behind in the rather empty waiting room. The waiting room here had no television, no magazines, nothing. Just chairs and tables to accompany me in worrying about Marie. After what seemed like forever went by, a doctor came to me with a rather depressed expression. Marie had died due to extreme blood loss. I broke down, wailing loudly in the waiting room, covering my faucet face with my warm mittens. It was my fault for not saving her in time, I was too lost in thought to realize her pain. It was me who made her die. I rushed out of the hospital, falling deeper into depression and sorrow, I also was stuck in a jar of regret. I wished I could have forgot my thoughts and saved her when she fell. Now that she's dead, I have nobody. My family is far away and busy, and Marie was my only friend. She was my friend since kindergarten, she's helped me through so much, and she's always been loyal. I loved her, I wanted to tell her today, but now she's gone. I reached my house after the long journey back. I locked myself not only in my house, but in my room as well. I didn't come out for what seemed like forever, but then I heard a knock on the door. It was Marie's sister, Carrie. She gave me a flier about her funeral, and that I get a chance to speak about her. I hugged Carrie, remembering the times I hugged Marie tightly. I started leaking like a faucet again, tears turning into mini waterfalls in my eyes. She started crying too, and our grip on each other got tighter, as the hug was full of sorrow and pain. I missed Marie, and I still love her. At the funeral, I spoke about Marie. I told everyone how close she was to me, about all the tough times we faced as a duo, and finally, how much I loved her. They all cried, but someone spoke up; "Clarice, Marie loved you too!". I stood in shock, but I was happy she returned the feelings. But I ended up crying more because I we couldn't share our feelings together, it was my fault. After the funeral, I got Carrie's phone number, and we talked daily. I ended up going outside more and more, Marie would want that for me. And I started falling for Carrie after about two years, and I never thought she was going to feel the same two months later. We ended up getting together, and I knew Marie would be happy about it. She always wanted me to be happy, and I was happy with Carrie.
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True Angel
Note: I am Christian, but I warn about Christianity so people don’t get offended about religious mentions. Thank you!
She stood there, the gentle wind flowing throughout her black hair. I just stared deep in her sea blue eyes, getting so lost a GPS wouldn't be able to help me out. She was purely a dream, this couldn't be real. I snapped awake to find out I was correct, it was the same dream over and over again since I visited the library. It was the vision of a girl of twenty six, her mind so clever and her beauty so pure. She was truly an angel in disguise, maybe she was, and she didn't hide it so well. I walked into the library, and she was sitting at a table all by herself. I planned to sit by her after I chose my selections, but when I returned to the tables, she was accompanied by three males around the same age, possibly older. They were insulting the woman, and I   stepped in, telling them to back away. The girl seemed shocked, but she blushed a bright pink. I sat down by her and asked if she was fine, she replied; "Yes, thank you so much for stepping in. I appreciate it!". Her voice was like an angel's, and I swooned. I was about to ask for her name, but her phone rang. She excused herself and collected her things. She answered the phone and exited  the library. I haven't seen her since, but I would love to be able to ask her for her name, and maybe get her phone number. I got up and stretched my arms. I had plans to set off for the library today, and I was excited to find that woman again. I got up from my bed and got ready to go. I rushed out the door and headed straight for the library, it was a two minute walk from my house, so it didn't require my car for the trip. When I arrived, I quickly peered at the tables, and I saw her. I got filled with glee and love, and I quickly swapped out my selections for new ones, and sat down by her. As I walked towards the tables, I saw her signal me over, which made me more happy. When I sat down, she hugged me, I could feel my mind going insane, and my heart skipping beats. She let go after a good seventeen seconds, and greeted me with a chipper tone; "Ah, it's so good to see you again, Todd!". I suddenly perked up, she knew my name! I replied; "You know my name..?". She nodded, and showed me my business card, I left it there when I went home last time! I chuckled and said; "Yeah, that's me alright! Now, may I ask your name?". She blushed and said; "My name's Eileen!". That was a beautiful name to me, and her name was carved in my memory in an instant.  We talked for two whole hours about everything, the weather, our interests, and even secrets. She told me she was an accountant at WestenVille Community Bank, she loved reading and dogs, and she loved writing poems in the park. We had many things in common, and that made me more attached to her in every way. When she left, she gave me a small slip of white paper. Written on there was a phone number and a message; "Call me, XOXO". Everyday, we called and called, we even arranged coffee meets and poetry nights. After nine months of calling everyday, I finally confessed. I was nervous, but I was ready. I called her up and she answered in her usual chipper voice. I told her that I loved her for all ten months we've known each other. Surprisingly, she returned my feelings, but she started liking me after our second encounter at the library. We arranged a date at the park, and met up the next Friday. She was in a white dress and blue high heels. I wore a jet black tuxedo, a red tie, black dress pants and tan dress shoes. We looked like we were getting married, and the thought swarmed around in my head all night long. We talked over a glass of red wine and egg salad sandwiches, which was the best meal I've ever had because of her. Two years after dating her, she told me to follow her. We went to this beam of light and transported to the clouds. She said; "Welcome to my real home, Heaven. I'm an angel, so I live here. I'm not dead, I just work for God.". She truly was an angel, I was correct. I found out she was God's servant, and that made me fascinated. She knows God personally, she works for the guy. I asked her about if she has a house here, or if she lives with God, or what does Heaven feel like for the dead, and so on. She answered every single question, and that just blew my mind. I couldn't believe a simpleton like me was dating God's personal servant. One year passed after I learned, and during that time, I met God himself when me and Eileen decided to take a break from Earth, he was such a nice guy. We got married in that time span, and we're having a boy due in three months.
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Note: I am Christian, but I warn about Christianity so people don’t get offended about religious mentions. Thank you!
I peered out my window. I saw a harsh black night sky, thunder was booming like a drum kit, and the lighting shined brighter than the sun could ever shine. The wind like a wolf, howling with mighty strength and power throughout the night. I kept my own being locked inside this tiny space, even though my claustrophobia kept tingling down my neck, traveling down my spine. The broken wooden stairs creaked out in distress, making me shiver a bit more with the waves of fear in my mindset. He approached closer and closer into my room, I heard whispered chuckling, it grew louder and louder as he crept near the door. But then, my ears picked up the sound of two unfamiliar voices. They were being scolded at quietly by the man I saw earlier in the front yard, I heard their hushed voices quiver and stutter. They sounded like younger males, possibly a voice a fourteen year old would have. I hid inside the dark closet, only lit by a candle with half of the wax melting down the stick slowly but quick. Then, I heard a loud pound on my door, I couldn't get anything out of my mouth, as my words were glued to my mind. The man started getting louder and louder with the knocking, making me shake more. The door was busted down shortly after, and I let out a small scream. They approached the wooden closet doors, and one of the younger males swung them open, his face quivering a bit. I then realized the older male's facial features, I knew the man by heart, and my stomach dropped and I started leaking like a broken faucet. The man had murdered my mother and father, leaving me the only one left with only thirteen dollars and fifty seven cents. I almost died of dehydration and starvation twice, and I lost the house on my sixth birthday. I ended up finding an orphanage, and one of the workers took me in faster than half a heartbeat. Her name was Clarice, and she was the sweetest young woman I had ever met. Unlike what outsiders said about orphanages, this one treated all children right. Four months after I turned seven, Clarice surprised me with something, I was handed a stack of papers, and when I reached the last one, I found out she adopted me after a long process. We had a happy life together, but it was cut short when she died in a car crash when I was fourteen. I had received a phone when I turned eleven, and I used it to dial my aunt Sadie, who picked me up and took me in. She was a terrible relative, she got drunk everyday, and we fought often. And when I turned fifteen, she kicked me out after getting a horrible hangover and started taking it all out on me. I still have her number, but she hasn't talked to me since she kicked me out of the house. It took me three months to find another home, and it was my first ever house on my own. It was a small and dirty apartment, but it was better than nothing. I lived there until I had enough money to buy a nicer house, which was eight months ago. Now, I'm face to face with the man who ruined my life. The other young male came over to me, and just sat by me. I realized who these people were, they were my aunt Sadie's children, Rickie and Tomas. I hugged them instantly, as they were the only nice people I had lived with during my period of time living with Aunt Sadie. Then, all three of us peered up before a single sound could come out of our mouths, the man who wrecked my life up was hovering over us with a sadistic expression. He held a weapon three times bigger than a butcher's knife and raised it to the ceiling, and he aimed it towards me. Before he could take a swing at me, Ricky and Tomas     saved me from death. They both covered my body with their own, and they were screaming at the man to stop, and when they were, I noticed the face was more familiar than I thought at first. I had saw a man like this holding Aunt Sadie's hand in a photograph on her bedside drawer. She threw the picture at me once in a fight, and I read the back of it, it said "Randall and Sadie Thompson. Married 9/15/98".  I quivered, this man was my uncle. Before I could utter a word, Ricky and Tomas pulled me up and ran, holding both my hands as they dragged me alongside them. I was frightened when I peered back at Randall, who was chasing after us three with the lethal weapon, swinging it in every direction after me. We were then cornered in the kitchen, Randall hovering over us once again with the knife. He swung at Tomas, who died instantly. We started to cry and hold onto each other, a female figure rushed into the room and hit Randall with a metal shovel. When the light revealed who this figure was, I became shocked. It was my aunt Sadie, who found out Randall was trying to slaughter us, and I never thought I would see her hug me so fast. I hugged her back, bringing Ricky into it. She looked at me, and apologized for her drunken actions towards me, and I never thought I would forgive her, but I did. Tomas was buried three days later, and that day, I moved back in with Aunt Sadie and Ricky. She had a new husband, Niall, who was the sweetest man ever. When they met, Sadie stopped drinking and became religious. So now the household was a caring one, and we all had a happy life. I never thought I would be happy ever again.
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