centaurself · 18 hours
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most normal fursona on the block
[any prns]
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centaurself · 24 hours
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centaurself · 2 days
"People assume that in the 50 years since the first Earth Day we've made no progress. That we're in a worse position now than we were in the 1970s, that there's no point in environmental action," [...] Quite the opposite is true. Climate-friendly advances that would have seemed impossible even 10 years ago are now commonplace. And three times in the past 50 years humanity has faced--and fixed--massive, man-made global environmental issues.
The fight isn't won yet, but don't forget that we have made enormous progress.
We would be in a much, much worse position if it wasn't for all the incredible work of environmental activists who came before us, most of whose names and contributions we will never know. They are the reason that we have a fighting chance now, and we owe it to them to pick up their banner and keep running.
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centaurself · 3 days
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The mystical, the powerful....
This is Borford, she works for a boring office job but is trying to break out of it with her small store, Paperclips by Borford! They're paperclips! Made and sold by Borford! That was the best name and slogan she could think of.
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centaurself · 3 days
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Design prompt commission! Specially happy with those red stripes
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centaurself · 3 days
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Finally managing to roll back around to finishing Huevember, better late than never I suppose (҂ ꒦ິヮ꒦ິ)
Day 20 (catch up)!
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centaurself · 5 days
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why so sad swampmaid?
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centaurself · 5 days
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Maara-taur for lapsuslapsiis!
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centaurself · 6 days
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centaurself · 6 days
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Chakat Swiftwing - by Foux, uploaded by Dekafox on Furaffinity by Foux
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centaurself · 6 days
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Tahlia Slade the Huskytaur by Nisharu_The_Fox on Furaffinity
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centaurself · 8 days
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centaurself · 8 days
do you have a post on your taur anatomy ideas, id love to see that
We have MANY thoughts on anatomy for taurs and you just gave us a perfect reason to ramble xD
Our skinless friend here is an elk, but in general taurs all share one common ancestor which split first into Carnivora (all carnivores) and Euungulata (hooved herbivores)*. There are differences in anatomy based on species and size but GENERALLY speaking they have a fair amount of similarities.
(Small note: this is a recent change, which will ALSO have it's own post)
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Starting with the skeleton. If you can't read my chicken scratch;
1) "For horned/antlered taurs, head is slightly extended". This has a to do with the weight of the antlers and horns, mostly for strutctural integrity of the skull.
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2) The ear holes are located higher than a humans, which is what the blue writing "(also higher) Ears rotate! Limited movement"
3) "Longer necks with thicker bones" is in general for all taurs.
4) Not written, but the ribcage is wider and longer than a humans, to house VERY big lungs and a heart. In a previous post we talked about taurs on Ithiir having long long lungs...
5) "Very soft cartilage ribs" and plates are for extra protection of the esophagus and arteries that flow here. As well as the ends of the freakistly long lungs.
6) "fake belly button!" Has to do with the above point: the cartilage ribs end, causing a divot for most body types (not all). The umbilical cord connects on the lower half of the taurs.
7) "Thick sternum for extra muscle connections"
8) "All muscles and Tendons" pointing to the back of the spine on the upper torso is mostly a note for me. There aren't any organs here, and these tendons work like a draw bridge that is defaulted to remain upright instead of down. It's a big complex system of pullies and ropes basically.
9) "Like a ball joint" and top view of connecting spinal, small nubs, not wide club shape" refer to the seven extra vertebrae of the torso. They work like an animal's neck combined with a human lower back. They are EXTREMELY flexible, since all taurs are about as flexible as a human rather than their animal counterparts (excluding cats and such, they are exactly that flexible). We just call this area "the mid back".
10) "Real belly button =)" like it says, lol
There are... SO many more thoughts than this, we will probably reblog this with a part 2 for organ placement. :)
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centaurself · 9 days
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centaurself · 10 days
People tend to throw out the phrase "extremely specific kinks" as though that inherently implies something transgressive, but in my experience, the overwhelming majority of extremely specific kinks are so innocuous that you could see them in public and not even clock them. For every person who can only get off to having their nipples electrocuted, there are a dozen who are volcanically aroused by seeing their partner wearing one specific pair of socks.
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centaurself · 10 days
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This centaur did some service to some god and as a gift he was made immortal and given the duty to collect the stars and the moon from the skies every morning.
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centaurself · 11 days
i feel like one of the most mature things the show does is pointing out that no, you cant just ignore dark shit all the time (wammawink), but you also cant ignore the inherent joy in life (horse)
sure you might be comfortable by taking wammawinks route, but you wont actually develop in life. youll just remain stagnant, in the valley, and your life will honestly be pretty hollow
and hey, you might think its noble taking horses road, but all thats gonna do is make you think "what am i even fighting for", you know? you might end up thinking that theres no point in anything
the fact is, both of these perspectives are wrong. we need to know that there are horrors out there. but we also need to know that theres also a world of wonder. otherwise we wont be able to make the world better
note that wammawink and horse both end up learning this lesson by the end of the series, and i strongly believe that it (along with the whole found family thing thats not even subtext) is the true message of the show
i feel like centaurworld fans often miss the point of the show by pointing to the nowhere king as the main evidence of the show being "edgy" and "mature" or thinking the show should focus more on the serious fantasy aspects, when (IMO) a major theme of the show is that characters who seem silly and carefree on the surface without any "real problems" can also have complex lives and trauma and it's important to empathize with them instead of assuming they can't possibly understand Real Pain or be strong on their own
like the contrast between centaurworld and horse's world is baked into the show's themes, the whole reason the nowhere king exists is because of the mistaken in-universe assumption that centaurs are all childish fools, it's so wild to see people only praise the nowhere king as complex and ignore things like wammawink's compulsive need to take care of her herd due to losing hers as a child, or the goddamn suicide allegory episode.
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