do you want to know something?? I always wondered what the hell kind of hairstyle the Ancient Egyptians were trying to portray with depictions like these
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and this
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until I did my hair this morning and 
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you can take the noses off our statues but until you find a way to take Egypt out of Africa we’re still going to find ourselves
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The bust of Nefertiti captures the the attention of museum goers in Wiesbaden, Germany, 1953.
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Nerfertiti was never black
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The Signs as Famous Queens pt. 2
*I don’t know why some of the descriptions are bolded but I’ll try to fix that
Libra-Katherine the Great, Empress of Russia (1762-1769) This Queen is first and foremost famous for her irresistible charms and political brilliance. Coming to court aged 16 she already learned strength of will and ambition in her youth. As a ruler she used her good education to teach humanism and diplomacy for achieving her goals. That is why she was admired by her nation and love affairs equally. She also put great effort in creating a surrounding of art and beauty which is why she collected jewelry, paintings and sculptures.
Scorpio-Nefertiti, Queen of Egypt (1351-1334 B.C) Nefertiti is the embodiment of feminine beauty and power. Although she was very strong, at times even ruthless, she shared a genuine romantic connection with her husband Akhenaton. In paintings they are often shown riding chariots together or kissing in public. They were inseperable and had equal rights and influence on the country. Today the Egyptian Queen remains one of the most mysterious women in history and an icon of elegance.
Sagittarius-Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt (51-30 B.C) Cleopatra is famous for her feminine and erotic aura and her beauty. The reign of this temperamental and charismatic queen lasted 21 years and was fueled by love affairs with Caesar and Marc Antony. Cleopatra is described as ambitious for power and ready to take what is needed to preserve it which is why she came off as ruthless and cunning. This queen is also known as a risk-taker not afraid to take what is hers by fighting as well as negotiating. She was very clever and well-educated and especially interested in foreign languages.
Capricorn-Victoria I, Queen of the United Kingdom (1837-1901) This Queen was brought up as a curious and intelligent child and grew into a self-confident, independent and conscientious woman. She possessed good judgement which is why she just knew which people to trust. Her husband Albert became the one person in her life she could rely on and both enjoyed a harmonious marriage which was based on domesticity and decency. After the death of her husband, Victoria was broken-hearted and lived mostly in privacy.
Aquarius-Elizabeth I, Queen of England (1558-1603) Elizabeth is famous for her strong will, intelligence and a long period of political stability. She enjoyed great popularity with people and was held in a kind of supernatural awe. While she was a strong and decisive leader on the one hand, she had a fear of making political mistakes on the other. Typical paintings show her with red hair and pale skin. Elizabeth was a lover of peace like no ruler of England before.
Pisces-Elisabeth of Wittelsbach (Sisi), Empress of Austria (1853-1898) Sisi married when she was only 16 years old, making her empress and an important part of Austrian aristocracy which she was not prepared for. Her independent nature was afflicted with the nobility making fun of her and the ambitious stepmother. Being seperated from her children caused Elisabeth serious illness and depression. After two years of recovery she regained her strength and took political control. Her liberal ideas and the effort on the poor but also her beauty and fashion sense gained her popularity.
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This guy is the definition of a cuck.
straight, white, male and WORKING ON IT 💖
Mansplaining suuuuucks like I’m a straight white male and my girlfriend calls me out on it sometimes and I get really embarrassed because I don’t wanna think I’m the type of guy to think a woman needs my expert opinion on how to use a can opener but like??? I should be embarrassed wtf?? I’m glad she brings my attention to it and tells me to cut my shit because I’ve gotten a lot better about it.
I’ll be the first to admit I have work to do. I identify as a feminist, but that doesn’t mean I’m automatically a gaddamn saint. I’ve noticed that a lot of male feminists get defensive when they get called out for sexism or mansplaining like, “but I’m a feminist! I’m on your side!! How dare you??? You’re the reason!! Men! Hate!! Feminism!!!” That’s not how this works.l buddy pal, identifying as a feminist is only the first of many steps we need to take to improve as gaddamn human beings.
Straight men need to be more fuckin comfortable getting called out on their shit if they’re going to claim to be part of the solution. IT TOOK A WOMEN’S STUDIES COURSE TO FUCKING SHOW ME I’M PART OF THE PROBLEM!!! WHY??? Because I went through most of my life not being called out on my shit, and if someone DID call me out on my shit, they were the asshole, not me.
And now that I’m aware of my own faults, and of the many, MANY faults of men throughout history and in today’s current society, I realize it takes work. Which is fucking sad because it shouldn’t take work to be a decent human being, but I understand that there is work to be done. On myself, in my friend group, and in society and culture as a whole.
But I’m willing!! Straight men should be willing to get better (but we don’t think we need to), be open to criticism (which we only see as an attack), and use our position as STRAIGHT WHITE MEN IN AMERICA IN 2017 to actually do some good (which we won’t do because we are afraid of losing our position of power and privilege).
Did that go off the rails? I can’t tell. I just wanted to let some stuff out!!
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(via nile-flood)
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ほんに見事な神殿跡やね 大きな日陰は助かるー
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Remember when black people said, “We were building pyramids while white people were in still in caves?”
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Magnetic ball in magnetic putty
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Alley of Rulers gets official opening in Moscow. {x} 
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Is that a turd?
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Whats everyone having for tea tonight? protip: it’s not as good as mine 😩
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Reminder that much of this could be stopped TODAY so we have to think of it as intentional 
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