catdiusa · 2 years
Things You Need To Know About USPS EDDM Postcard Sizes And other Requirements
Things You Need To Know About EDDM Postcard Sizes And other Requirements
As a business owner, you know that staying top of mind with your customers is key to driving sales and keeping your business afloat. And what better way to do that than with direct mail?
Every door direct mail can be a great marketing tool, but it can also be a bit confusing – especially when it comes to understanding USPS EDDM postcard dimensions requirements. The United States Postal Services manual tells all about the postal card size requirements and what you need to do to be in compliance.
But the problem with the USPS manual is that it is 1300 pages long and full of technical jargon that can be hard to understand.
Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. In this blog post, I will break down the EDDM postcard dimensions requirements and other important things so that you can get your direct mail campaign up and running in no time. First, let’s talk about EDDM cards in general.
What is EDDM?
EDDM is short for Every Door Direct Mail. It is a direct mail marketing campaign that allows businesses to target specific neighborhoods with their marketing materials.
The way it works is that you select the carrier routes that you want to target and then the USPS will deliver mailpiece to every door on those routes.
The beauty of EDDM is that you don’t need mailing lists. You simply choose the carrier routes that you want to target and the USPS will deliver your postcards to every door on those routes. For example, you are a plumbing services provider in Los Angels, California and you want to target homeowners in a particular neighborhood who may need your services. With EDDM, you can target those homeowners specifically without having to purchase mailings. They will receive your marketing cards in their mailboxes.
It’s a great way to reach a large number of potential customers with your marketing message without having to spend a lot of money on postage.
Now let me tell you the effectiveness of USPS EDDM card campaigns, and is it worth spending your money on these direct mail marketing.
Are USPS EDDM postcard campaigns effective in this age of the internet?
In this era of Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms, some people think that every door direct mail marketing is no longer effective. However, this is not true. Direct mail marketing is still one of the most effective marketing channels.
According to the data from DMA (DATA & Marketing Association UK), the response rate of direct mail marketing campaigns is 9 %, which is really good.
Moreover, with the help of EDDM mailing cards, you can target a specific audience that is not on social media with your marketing message. For example, according to Statista, there are 179.65 million users in the USA, while the total population of the USA is 332 million. So what about the remaining 152.4 million people? They are not on social media. However, you can reach them through these marketing campaigns.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about EDDM postal card size requirements.
What are the EDDM postcard size requirements?
EDDM postcards must meet certain requirements in order to be mailed at the Every Door Direct Mail® rate. If your postcards are not of the proper dimensions, they will be considered letters and will be charged at the First-Class Mail® letter rate.
Here are the EDDM card size requirements:
Minimum Size: The postcard should not be smaller than 6.125″ in height or 11.5″ in width
Maximum size: The height should not be greater than 12″ or the width should not be greater than 15″.
Weight: The EDDM postcards should be under 3.03 ounces
Thickness: they must be in a range of 0.007″ – 0.75″ thick.
So, the smallest EDDM card is 6.125″ x 11.5″, and the largest one is of 12″ x 15″ dimensions. The thickness of your postcards can range from 0.007″ to 0.75″. And finally, your postcards should weigh no more than 3.03 ounces.
Some popular EDDM postcards
Now let me tell you about some of the popular sizes for EDDM postcards that are within the guidelines set by the USPS.
Standard – (6.25″ x 9″ EDDM Postcard)
This is the most common and popular size for EDDM cards. It is a good size for fitting a lot of information on the card without it being too large or too small.
Large – (6.25″ x 11″ EDDM Postcard)
This is a good size for EDDM cards if you want to include coupons or other promotional materials.
Jumbo – (8.5″ x 11″ (EDDM Postcard)
The jumbo postcards are a great choice if you want to make a big impact with your direct mail campaign.
Over-sized – (12″ x 15″ EDDM Postcard)
This is the largest size of EDDM card that is eligible for EDDM rates. It is a good size for maps or other large items that you want to include on your card.
Now that you know all about the EDDM card requirements and some of the popular dimensions, you may be wondering what is the best option for your business.
What is the right size of EDDM postcard for your business?
The right size of post cards varies from business to business. It really depends on your business and what you want to include on your postcard. The following are some of the factors that decide the right size for the EDDM mailing card campaign for your business:
The amount of information
Budget for the EDDM campaign
nature of the business
The product or service
The amount of information
The first factor is the amount of information that you want to include on your postcard. If you have a lot of information that you want to include, then you will need to choose a larger size postcard.
The second factor is the budget for your direct mail campaign. The larger the postcard, the more it will weigh, and consequently, you will have to pay more price to USPS for your mailing campaign.
Nature of business
The nature of business is really crucial for deciding the right dimensions of the card. If you are a local business, then you may want to choose a smaller card so it will be less expensive to mail. On the other hand, if you are a national company, then you may want to choose a larger card so that it stands out from the rest of the mail.
The product or service
The fourth factor is the type of product or service that you are selling. If you are selling a high-end product, then you may want to choose a larger card so that it looks more luxurious. On the other hand, if you are selling a low-cost product, then you may want to choose a smaller card so that it looks more budget-friendly.
Irrespective of these factors, most people choose the standard size of 6.25″ x 9″ for their EDDM postcards as it is the most popular and affordable option. Therefore, if you are new to EDDM marketing then you can start with this size. This will allow you to measure the ROI of direct mail marketing at a minimum budget.
Let’s move on to the next section where we will discuss the uses, benefits and effectiveness of EDDM postcards.
What are some creative ways to use EDDM postcards?
EDDM cards are a versatile marketing tool that can be used in a variety of ways. The following are some of the creative ways to use EDDM postcards for your business:
1. Appointment reminder cards – You can use EDDM cards as appointment reminder cards for your customers. This is a great way to ensure that your customers don’t forget their appointment with you.
2. Thank you cards – EDDM cards can also be used to send a thank you message to your customers.
3. Loyalty cards – You can use EDDM cards as loyalty cards for your customers. This is a great way to encourage your customers to keep coming back to your business.
4. Free samples and coupons – Free samples and coupons are a great way to attract potential clients and convert them into loyal customers. You can use EDDM cards to send free samples and coupons to your potential clients.
5. Announcement cards – Many businesses and companies use these postcards as announcement cards to inform their customers about the new product launch, special offers, sales and discounts. This is a great way to spread the news to the world.
These are some of the creative ways to use EDDM postcards for .
The key takeaway
So, what’s the key takeaway?
Well, if you’re looking for an affordable and versatile marketing tool that can be used in a variety of ways, EDDM postcards might just be the answer. To choose the best size for your business, it is advisable to consider the factors like the amount of information, budget, type of business, product or service, etc. If you’re new to EDDM marketing, then the standard size of 6.25″ x 9″ is a great place to start. They’re perfect for businesses and companies of all sizes and can be used to achieve a wide range of marketing goals. So why not give them a try?
How much do EDDM postcards cost?
EDDM postcards are very affordable and can be purchased for as little as $0.19 per piece.
Do I need any mailing permits for EDDM?
No, you do not need any permits for EDDM.
Can EDDM be used for political campaigns?
Yes, EDDM can be used for political campaigns. However, there are some restrictions on what type of political content can be included on the postcards. For more information, please visit the USPS website.
How often can I mail with EDDM?
There is no limit to how often you can mail with EDDM. However, we recommend that you mail at least once per month to maintain a consistent presence in your customers’ mailbox.
What is the turnaround time for EDDM postcards?
The turnaround time for EDDM postcards is typically 2-3 days. However, depending on the printshop you use and the complexity of your design, it may take longer.
Do I need to design my own EDDM postcards?
No, you do not need to design your own EDDM postcards. However, we recommend that you use a professional designer to create your postcards. This will ensure that your postcards are high-quality and eye-catching.
What is the best way to track my results?
The best way to track your results is to include a unique offer or call to action on your EDDM postcards. This will allow you to track how many people respond to your offer.
The post Things You Need To Know About USPS EDDM Postcard Sizes And other Requirements appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/eddm-postcard-mail-sizes-for-your-business/
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catdiusa · 2 years
Creative Business Card Design Ideas: What to Include
Despite living in the digital age, there are 27 million business cards printed every day. These businesses probably know that for every 2000 cards they give out, their sales could increase by 2.5%.
Business cards provide companies with an affordable way to highlight their brand. This means that the card’s quality must reflect how you want to portray your business. At least 72% of people who receive your card will gauge your company based on its quality.
Create a card that stands out. One way to do this is by using a creative business card design. Read on to find out what this is and what it entails.
The History of Business Cards
The earliest evidence of the use of business cards was in the 17th century. Europeans used them to announce imminent arrivals. These were usually wealthy aristocrats or prominent members of society.  
They were about the size of a playing card and became part of elite society by the middle of the century.
In the 19th century, experimentation led to cards with gold engraving. There were also a variety of typefaces. They became a symbol of status among the middle class.
Card trays at homes were just as ornate and lavishly designed. This allowed visitors to leave their cards when they went to someone’s house. These trays were usually delivered to the lady of the house, who would then examine them.
It’s one of the reasons their business card designs became so important. A type of social etiquette was slowly created around the exchange of cards.
However, the formality did lessen over time. People started handing them out before or after the completion of work. They often included maps to make contacting the person easier. 
Today, most people with a business or a role in an organization carry business cards. It’s an easy way of exchanging information. It also provides a glimpse into your company and what you do.
Business Card Basics
Business cards often follow a traditional style. The standard business card size is 3.5″ x 2″ and includes the following:
Your name
Job title
Company name
Contact details
Company logo and tagline
Some companies only use one side of the card. Others prefer using both to include more information. The key lies in creating a business card that is not only of high quality but one that also has elements that stand out.
Business Card Design Ideas
That’s where business card design comes in. Your card should include all the elements above. Simply changing how you present even one or two of them can make a huge difference. 
Here are a few business card ideas that reflect this:
Color and Texture
Don’t be afraid to go beyond white. Use vibrant colors to highlight your business card. It’s one way to make your card stand out.
It’s also a great way to incorporate the colors of your logo. Just remember that you’ll also need to use contrasting colors so that your log stands out.
In addition, experiment with textures. Try foiling or letterpress, if appropriate. It’s one of the first things someone will notice.
Stock and texture are two things that reflect the quality of your card. Choose them well, so they reflect the image you want to portray. In a stack of business cards, one on thick paper with a colored edge will be prominent. It’s also easier to find.
Just as you venture beyond white, do the same with size and shape. There’s no rule that says your card needs to be rectangular. Of course, it’s wise to keep the size close to the standard so it can fit in wallets, etc.
But, you can still be playful. If you’re a bottler, why not do a card in the shape of a bottle?
Not that adventurous? Then consider a curved or non-traditional edge so there’s a hint of difference. Even though it’s a subtle addition, people will notice. 
This is just as important. You can use it to highlight the information you want to stand out.
However, the rule of thumb is that it should be easy to read. This is important if there are words on your card people may have difficulty spelling. 
Showcase Your Business
Your business card can give a snapshot of your products and services. When including your website, use a URL that links to a product or service page.
You can also create a special welcome page and use that link. Its URL should be short and easy to remember and type. For a modern touch, package the page in a URL code.
You can also use one side of your card to include a photo that shows one of your products or highlights a service. Don’t forget to also take the opportunity to highlight your skills and specialties. This is one step further than a job title and gives more insight into what you do.
Don’t Forget Social Media
Experts predict there’ll be almost 4 billion people using social media this year. That’s an increase of almost 5% from last year. It’s a perfect way for potential customers to learn more about your business.
Include one or two of your handles on your business card. You don’t want the list to be overwhelming. It should be enough for them to connect, and then they can find you using these channels or via your website. 
Because you’re sharing this information, try to keep handles professional. It’s best if they reflect your name, your company name, or what you do.
White Space
All the information above is a lot to try to include on such a small surface area. That’s even if you use both sides. You’ll need to lay out your card in a format that’s easy to read.
A cluttered card is a turnoff. Leave as much white space as possible and make sure to include the important elements. 
A Lasting Impression with a Creative Business Card
The concept of business cards is centuries old. Today they still have the same underlying purpose. They provide information about yourself and your company.
It’s an opportunity to make an impactful first impression. That’s why creative business card design is so important.
You’ll want to ensure you include the elements mentioned above. Each should contribute to the creation of a classy finished product. 
Sounds like a lot to capture and incorporate? Plus you have to ensure you get it right. 
There’s no need to worry. Some companies will provide you with step-by-step design services. The result will be an amazing finished product.
Catdi, Inc. is one of them. We help our customers get to the next level. We can help you too! Contact us to request a quote today!
The post Creative Business Card Design Ideas: What to Include appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/creative-business-card-design-ideas-what-to-include/
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catdiusa · 2 years
Everything You Need to Know About Commercial Printing
What is exactly is commercial printing?
Commercial printing essentially refers to a printing method used by companies to produce a large range of printing services including; postcards, flyers, door hangers, leaflets and brochures to name a few. However, there is more than one type and each of them is used for a different purpose. Here are some of the various types of commercial printing
Offset Lithography
Large Format 
Offset Lithography
Offset lithography printing is a method that uses an image transfer process. This printing technique has been used for an extensive range of products, including books, newspapers, posters and stationery. It’s also widely used by businesses all over the world. One of the best things about offset lithography is that it can be used to print on almost any surface! The only exception is plastic. Plus, since the image holds its own ink, less ink is wasted on unnecessary parts of the design.
Offset lithography printing is done using paper rolls which come in different sizes depending on your needs. It’s a great option for businesses who need to produce large quantities of printed materials quickly and efficiently.
When it comes to printing, there are a few different methods that you can choose from. The most popular option is digital printing, which is cost-effective and allows you to print in small quantities. You can also personalize your prints, making them perfect for special occasions or unique gifts. However, it’s important to plan your print runs carefully so that you don’t end up spending more on postage than necessary.
If you’re looking for a good printer that can handle smaller jobs, I’d recommend checking out a mono or full color press. They’re great for short runs and offer high quality prints at an affordable price. Just be sure to keep in mind the size of the job when planning your budget!
Digital printing is becoming increasingly popular due to its affordability and customization. It’s great for small jobs, but doesn’t have the same quality as litho printing when it comes to larger quantities. Still, it’s a great option for businesses and individuals who want something unique and stylish.
Large Format
When it comes to making a big impression, nothing does the job quite like large format printing. Whether you need to create signage, banners, or other wall-hanging items, this type of printing is perfect for businesses that need to get their message out quickly and effectively.
What’s more, large format prints are extremely versatile. They can be used for a variety of purposes, from advertising and marketing materials to trade show displays and event signage. In short, if you’re looking for an eye-catching way to promote your business, large format is the way to go!
LED UV printing is a technology which prints on special white paper with an LED light. This curing method takes 3 minutes to cure a fluorescent material, and it is very quick at drying and curing materials while maintaining quality control.
Businesses who use this technology have been able to benefit from shorter turnaround times and better quality control with less time, effort, or money spent on their projects. In addition, LED UV reduces power consumption, which is good for the environment. It prints on anything because it uses light instead of heat to dry the printed image- making it perfect for luxury businesses who have bespoke products to sell to a niche market.
Offset vs. Digital Printing – The Main Differences
Offset Printing
Offset printing is a more expensive, time-consuming technique than digital. However, it does have some clear advantages: Offset printing utilizes wet ink and plates, allowing for greater control of the color of the prints. This plating process includes burning an image on metal plates that are dampened by ink and water. There is a blanket roller which rubs the rubber blanket in order to transfer the image onto paper.
The process’s name comes from this process, as the image is indirectly transferred or offset to another surface. All offset printing requires a practice run on scrap paper before it begins – ensuring that everything goes smoothly when you start producing your print run.
The fact that offset printing can be done on multiple materials gives it an advantage over digital/laser printing, which is restricted to certain materials like paper and fabric. Wide range of colors can be used with an offset printing press – something which isn’t possible with digital presses. Sheet-fed offset presses can produce a variety of different pages sizes – giving you more flexibility when planning your project layout.
Digital Printing
Digital printing is a process that allows for short runs of printed material. It has many benefits over traditional offset printing, such as:
1) It can be completed quickly, often in less than 24 hours.
2) The quality is comparable to offset printing, but the speed of operation is much faster.
3) This printing method also uses less ink and results in less waste.
Digital printers are capable of completing orders rapidly in order to prevent back orders. In addition, they offer custom printing services for marketing needs. Some print services include digital and offset printing. Digital printing is more affordable and produces a higher quality end product than offset printing does. For these reasons, it is becoming increasingly popular among businesses and consumers alike
Commercial Printing Process Stages
Prepress is the first step in the printing process. It involves creating a carrier from the design, such as a plate or cylinder. Its at this stage that we review the file to make sure they are sized correctly. We also check to make sure the resolution is at the necessary DPI. If a file is low res. it doesn’t matter which process we use or what else we do but if the file is low resolution it will not come out as expected. Lastly if they requires bindery like folding we make sure that everything is lined up. The image on this carrier will be used to print the final product.
The chemicals used in this step should be handled carefully, as some are potentially harmful to both the environment and human health . Careless use of these chemicals can cause serious damage.
Presses We Use
The Catdi Printing has invested in an inkjet press to improve its customer service. The ProStream 1800 is a quantum leap forward for Canon’s technology, offering printing at multiple speeds and higher quality. Komori’s second press was chosen for its automation, which makes it easier to run faster – an important consideration given today’s shorter print runs. To be a successful commercial printer, you need an office that offers mailing and design services in addition to traditional printing capabilities.
Commercial printers use post-press and finishing technologies, including offset and digital. The materials are assembled by the final stage of printing at a commercial printer. In this stage, the printed material is cut to size, trimmed to shape, folded, glued and sometimes die cut.
What to look for in a good commercial printing company:
When looking for a good commercial printing company, it is important to keep in mind that not all companies are created equal. Some companies offer all services in-house, while others may outsource certain aspects of the job. It is important to find a company that can provide references and case studies so you can get an idea of the quality of their work.
A reputable and skilled commercial printing company will offer a variety of services, so they are able to meet your needs as they grow with your business too. Capabilities are essential–a good indicator of future performance–and it is important to investigate whether companies offer unique services, like embossing and foil die cuts, which could be used in emergencies.
Catdi Printing has been the preferred choice for high-end printing for over 20 years and specializes in selling commercial printing services to gaming and hospitality and advertising industries. Catdi can handle large volume, small print runs, which is an important factor of their overall business model. We invest the latest technologies and printing equipment to ensure a high quality product.Printing is a service, not just a product. Look for companies that offer more than one type of printing skill set (printing services).
As the region’s most experienced commercial printer, we think in ink. Our printing services include business cards, folders, forms, letterhead and envelopes. We’re one of the South’s leading EDDM and direct mail providers.
B2B Houston’s Best Printer
At Catdi Printing, we think in ink. We’re a full-service commercial printer that’s been serving the Houston area for over 20 years. That means we understand the complex customer dynamics that can make it difficult to maintain a relationship when it isn’t in the best interest of both parties. But sometimes staying on good terms means letting go – even if it’s hard. We’re proud to have earned the trust and respect of our clients, and we’ll always put their success first. If you are looking for marketing partner not just a printer give us a call today at 713 882 4629.
The post Everything You Need to Know About Commercial Printing appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/what-is-commercial-printing/
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catdiusa · 2 years
7 Ideas on How to Run a Successful Printing Business
7 Ideas on How to Run a Successful Printing Business
  Having a regular 9-to-5 job can help you find financial success in life. However, such a steady job can make you less flexible, limit your income, or expose you to a toxic working environment. In turn, all these factors could harm your future financial security.
To avoid all these inconveniences and control your own time, you would do well to start your own business. And one very profitable business you can undertake in the modern world is the printing business. In fact, according to proven market research, the average printing business owner can generate around $100,000 every year if they play their cards right!
This article discusses seven tips to help you start and run a successful printing business. Read on!
  Get Investors to Expand
The bigger the printing business, the more profit you can generate. This is why it would be good to use small business loans to help you expand your business. Consult with an investor and partner with them to grow your business.
  Run Frequent Promotions
Who doesn’t like promotions? So take advantage of this and run different upgrades for your printing business. For example, you could offer a 50% discount on zine printing services.
Alternatively, include free design consultations in your packages or simply wave off fees for bulk offers. Such promotions will undoubtedly add value to your audience and attract more customers.
  Use Affordable Equipment
You don’t necessarily have to go all-inclusive and buy the most high-end equipment to run a successful printing business. Instead, you can simply invest in a few affordable printing types of equipment to get the job done just as effectively as the expensive equipment.
Using affordable equipment allows you to test the business first before you can pour in all money. Also, it makes it possible to start the business without enough capital; all you need to do is simply get a small business loan to buy the required equipment.
  Focus on Companies and Businesses
Large businesses and companies usually require printing services in bulk, unlike the average daily consumption. Therefore, while it’s still okay to market your business to individuals, you would do well to focus on companies and firms. Examples of such companies you can advertise your business to include restaurants, magazine firms, and government offices.
  Conduct a Thorough Market Research
Before you can venture into the printing business, the first thing you should do is conduct proper market research. For example, if you intend to start a business too saturated, will you easily access printing equipment and materials within your business location? Have any of the competitors closed their businesses or gone bankrupt?
Considering these questions will help you decide when and where to start your printing business. In addition, it will help you prove the market so that you invest your money in the right place.
  Set Up a Legal Business Structure
For the government to recognize your business as a legal entity, you need to have a legal structure. The Limited Liability Company (LLC) is highly recommended since it allows you to partner with other people in the business. If the business goes bankrupt, your assets will be limited.
  Develop an Online Presence
Nowadays, most customers lookup for products and services online and order these from their homes. Therefore, if your printing business is to attract more customers and generate more profit, you need to have an online presence. Get an SEO-optimized website and market your business on social media platforms for wider marketing coverage.
Whether you recently started a printing business or have been operating one for quite a while, you can still turn it into a lucrative business. However, the above-suggested 7 ideas on how to run a successful printing business will help you take it to another level. This level defines true success and profitability!
The post 7 Ideas on How to Run a Successful Printing Business appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/7-ideas-on-how-to-run-a-successful-printing-business/
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catdiusa · 2 years
How to Use Direct Mail in Dallas to Grow Your Business
Why Use DirectMail?   
There are many reasons to use directmail as a marketing strategy. First, it’s a great way to reach consumers without spamming them. Second, direct mail has helped countless small companies with boosting their sales in Dallas, TX. Third, Catdi Printing’s direct mail offerings focuses on delivering a custom design and multiple advertisers to qualified leads. Fourth, direct mail offers great ROI because the customer’s name and address are obtained in one quick action–giving marketers much more information about them than other forms of advertising like social media or search engine optimization would offer. Lastly we offer two types of direct mail marketing services; list required direct mail and EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) but this article is focused on traditional list direct mail marketing.
It May Be “Old School”, But Direct Mail Still Works!  
Some people might think that direct mail is an “old school” method of marketing, but it’s still a viable and effective way to reach potential customers. In fact, direct mail can be more successful than other methods, like email or text. One reason why direct mail is so successful is because it’s a cost effective and efficient way to reach potential customers. Direct mail marketing materials are delivered or picked up by the US Postal service six days/week in Dallas, TX . Another reason why direct mail works so well is because it’s a proven channel that can be effective when used strategically. For example, you can target specific demographics with your mailing list, or you can send out special offers that are only available through direct mail.
Finally, one of the best things about using direct mail is that it can help during budget constraints. Unlike other forms of advertising, such as TV or radio commercials, direct mail doesn’t require much upfront spending. And often times, businesses see an increase in ROI due to increased brand awareness.
Use Direct Mail Advertising to Get the Right Message to the Right People  
When you’re looking for a way to reach potential customers, direct mail is a proven method that can’t be beaten. And at Catdi Printing, we have the experience and expertise to help you create an effective direct mail campaign that will get your message in front of the right people. One of the most important aspects of any direct mail campaign is the headline–it’s what grabs attention and makes people want to learn more. So make sure it’s eye-catching and intriguing, and stands out from all the other noise competing for attention. Another thing to keep in mind when planning your direct mail campaign is cost. Unlike some other forms of advertising, direct mail requires expert design, printing and mailing services–which can add up quickly if you’re not careful. That’s why it’s important to use direct mail as part of an overall marketing strategy, rather than trying to rely on it alone. At Catdi Printing, we offer a wide range of customization options that will help make your messages feel personal and relevant to each individual recipient. And our team of experts will help make sure your campaigns are printed perfectly and delivered on time every time.
How Catdi Printing Provides Dallas Direct Mail Advertising Services?  
Dallas businesses have a number of choices when it comes to finding someone to provide them with direct mail advertising services. However, Catdi Printing is not the best fit for companies who are only interested in lists and mailing services. Catdi Printing provides direct-mail advertising services that include designing and printing your materials, as well as targeting the right audience and getting your ad delivered to their doorsteps. We also offer a range of pricing options so you can find one that fits your budget. And our online platform makes it easy to request quotes on various products and services, so you can get all the information you need before making a decision.
Dallas Texas Radius Program  
The Dallas Texas Radius Program is a great way to reach new customers in the area. The Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex  has close to 8 million people.oversized postcards are delivered to qualified homeowners, and turnaround is quick and easy. Plus, we offer enhanced solo mail and a Custom Solo Mailer to really make your message stand out. Our direct mail services are designed to help you reach your target audience with stunning graphics and appealing offers. And our variable data option for the enhanced solo program ensures that each mailing is customized for maximum impact. . Precise targeting means improved results for your business–so don’t wait any longer! Try the Dallas Texas Radius Program today!
Locally Targeted Direct Mail Marketing in Dallas  
Dallas is a great place to do business, and direct mail marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers. Did you know that we specialize in helping businesses like yours reach targeted affluent homeowners? We can help you create a campaign that will reach your target market directly. In Dallas, direct mail marketing is a tried and true method for reaching households. However, it’s important to target specific groups of people with your message. Direct mail campaigns are effective when they include an enticing offer with a targeted audience. For example, if you’re a real estate agent trying to attract new clients, you might want to consider targeting neighborhoods where people are likely to move soon. Direct mail campaigns must be managed to maximize response rates and profits. That’s why our team of marketing experts work closely with clients to create direct mail pieces that perform well in the market place and are tailored to their specific needs.
New Homeowner Direct Mail Program  
If you’re looking for a way to grow your business, consider using direct mail. Catdi Printing is a Texas based commercial print and direct mail company that specializes in delivering invitations to new homeowners, and they can help you reach potential customers quickly and easily. In fact, 85% of leads are generated by the first business that contacts them during the move-in process.  This program allows companies to send cards and offers in response to  deliveries. It’s an affordable way to reach high income, upscale homeowners only four times per year. And with a lifetime value of $250 per homeowner, it’s a great investment for your business.
Another great option is the New Homeowner City Showcase Program. This program gets new homeowners within 30 days of moving in! Solo mail is a stand-alone mail piece focused solely on your business’ advertisement, and it’s perfect for reaching out to potential customers who haven’t moved into their new home yet. Our program sends personalized mailings to important neighborhoods for less than half the cost of a first-class stamp. With this porgram, you can target homeowners who are most likely to be interested in your product or service. And because each mailing is tailored to the needs of each homeowner, you can be sure that your message will be seen and appreciated.
Other Dallas Marketing Services Catdi Printing Offers  
Besides Direct Mail Catdi offers a variety of marketing services to business owners in the Dallas area. These services include traditional marketing, website design, SEO, digital marketing, and social media marketing. One popular form of marketing that is often overlooked is local SEO. This type of advertising can be very effective when done correctly and can reach a large local audience quickly. In addition, Catdi has been specializing in website design since 1999- making them one of the most experienced providers in the Dallas area.
Let’s get started with Catdi Printing
Call us today so you’ll find all the information you need on how to use our services to grow your business. We offer a variety of options for delivering growth for your small business
The USPS is not affiliated with Catdi Printing and no sponsorship or endorsement is intended or implied. However, we so work with them so that our services very cost-effective. Take a look at the table below to see which delivery method is best for you. If you are looking for an experienced provider who can offer a wide range of services, then Catdi Printing is definitely worth considering. They have over 18 years of experience in the field and are capable of handling all your design needs. In addition, they offer freedom and flexibility which makes them an attractive option for business owners in Dallas
           The post How to Use Direct Mail in Dallas to Grow Your Business appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/how-to-use-direct-mail-in-dallas-to-grow-your-business/
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catdiusa · 2 years
Paper shortages & Supply: How COVID-19 Has Impacted the Supply Line
Paper Supply Shortage Explained
It’s no secret that the paper supply has been strained for some time now. But what is causing this persistent issue and how will it impact our business. Catdi Printing from the very beginning of the pandemic, quickly transitioned our print offerings and setup a free Covid-19 Resource Page.
There are a few factors at play here: an unprecedented demand for paper, an oversold capacity, strikes and mill global closures- all during to COVID-19 Pandemic. Let’s break it down further.
The global COVID-19 Pandemic created havoc around the world, disrupting businesses and paper supply chains in the process. This led to high prices and less availability of paper- a essential item for printers. In addition, many mills closed their doors due to Covid-19, which only compounded the problem. The lack of available paper has driven up prices and left hotels struggling to find ways to keep up with customer demand. What can you do as a commercial print and direct mail house? Mid-sized mills went out of business during Covid leading to further reductions in overall capacity so its important to stock up on paper ahead of time. Additionally, be sure communicate this shortage in your marketing efforts; letting our customers know that they may experience delays or shortages when trying to make reservations is key.
Paper shortages are a global issue that is most prevalent in developed countries. About 30% of total paper production goes to Asia, with about 50% going to Europe and North America. The United States is the world’s largest paper producer, but it still imports a substantial amount of raw materials from other countries because there are not enough trees in our country. Paper shortages are on the rise, and they’re a problem that is only getting worse. The reason for this lies in our wasteful use of paper products like copy paper, napkins and toilet paper. Paper is made from wood, a natural resource that can’t be replaced.
We use paper for many purposes because it’s cheap and easy to manufacture, and its a natural resource But demand is increasing for this amazing resource. In fact, it’s increasing every year as more people get access to printers and computers. The printing industry is no different. With businesses opening back up the demand for paper products in the form of business cards to direct mailer is having a strain on the supplies.
Spiralling paper prices, Labor Strikes and Shortages Damaging the Printing Business?
The paper industry is currently facing a number of challenges, with prices and shortages both spiraling out of control. This is having a devastating effect on the print industry, with customers uncertain about the future availability of paper and board.
In addition to the price hikes and shortages, graphic product demand has seen a decline in recent months; however, it is almost back to pre-pandemic levels in most countries. The World Paper Coated Fine Board Federation (WPCF) has pointed out that they have experienced an increase in prices and supply problems which is devastating for some customers. The paper mills are on strike, causing a shortage in materials and ultimately financial losses to both parties.
The paper mill strike has been going on for months now, and it shows no sign of stopping anytime soon. This will cause shortages in the short-term – tensions are high across all markets, leading to even further supply problems for forest-based products as well as food and medical supplies that cannot be put on the market due to lack of packaging. In addition to these issues, prices continue to rise as demand outpaces available stock – meaning that users could potentially switch over to digital media if things don’t improve soon.
Unfortunately, the American paper industry is also impacted by the strikes and unrest in Europe. This is having a knock-on effect on jobs, with the industry estimated to have lost 50% of its workforce since 2009. It’s clear that things are only going to get worse before they get better – and if something isn’t done to address the current situation, the print industry could be facing an uncertain future. But…. not all is lost. As supply lines improve and demand curves get flattened things are working themselves out. Catdi Printing has seen that supply lines are improving and inventory is up which means that prices will hopefully start to come down. We have held the line in raising costs accross the board but we dont know how long we can hold out.
How COVID-19 has Impacted the Enviroment Paper Supply, Continued Shortages.
The world’s forests are being depleted at an alarming rate. According to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), more than half of the planet’s original forest cover has been lost. At the current rate, another 40 percent will be gone by 2050.
The problem is not just deforestation for timber or to clear land for agriculture and development; it’s also a matter of demand outstripping supply.In short, too many people are cutting down trees for paper products such as books and newspapers. The world’s population is growing and becoming more educated, which means that more books and newspapers are being consumed. The problem is compounded by the fact that many forests in developing countries have bee degraded to the point that they can no longer produce enough usable wood fiber for paper. In many countries, forests are being cut down faster than new ones can be planted and the program is accelerating.
Paper Supply Shortage at Present
The paper shortage has been an ongoing problem for about 2 years now, but it seems to be getting worse for the time being. The mills can’t keep up with the demand, and as a result, the price of paper is going up. This is causing problems for both consumers and businesses.
Domestic mills are in the same boat as European and Asian mills; they all have higher costs for containers and shipping charges. And because of the COVID-19 pandemic, things have getting worse. Paper mills are experiencing shortages in production, which means that the price of paper will likely stay high for a while.
This is a perfect storm: limited allocations from suppliers coupled with new orders being suspended indefinitely. There are concerns that the paper supply may not be enough to meet demand for notepads and pens. In fact, some companies have been struggling to provide their customers with enough supplies of paper lately.
How Long Will Paper Shortage Last?
It’s hard to say for sure how long the paper shortage will last. On one hand, it seems that things have improved since 2021 and many shortages were resolved quickly. However, others linger on and cause problems for companies all over the world.
What we do know is that paper shortages are temporary. They happen when demand changes, such as during an emergency or a spike in supply. For example, think about what happens at Christmas time when people buy more presents than usual. The stores have to order more supplies to meet the demand, and eventually the new stock arrives and everything goes back to normal.
The bullwhip effect refers to the idea that small changes in demand can result in huge shifts throughout the supply chain. This happens because suppliers base their production levels on past data which may not be accurate anymore–for instance, if there’s a sudden pandemic-caused decrease in demand then suppliers will produce less overall even though people might still want those products (just not as many). As you can imagine, this can lead to big problems further down the line as manufacturers start producing different items altogether or stop production lines altogether until they can get a better estimate of future demand.
So while it’s difficult to say exactly how long the paper shortage will last, we can be hopeful that it will eventually resolve itself. In the meantime, let’s all try to conserve as much paper as possible! This is why we are recommending digital printing or print on demand printing. This way you print exactly what you need and dont over print. However the trade off is that this is done on a digital printer which has a smaller sheet size than our traditional offset presses. We at Catdi Printing are continuing fuill steam ahead and continue to offer our customers solutions to their business regardless what challenges arise.
Why are So Many Printers Out of Stock?
There are a few reasons why so many printers are out of stock. The main reason, however, is the high demand caused by people wanting to print copies of their documents in light of COVID-19. With the pandemic causing widespread panic and uncertainty, many people have turned to printed documents as a way to keep track of their affairs.
Another reason for the printer shortage is that manufacturers simply didn’t expect such a high demand. They thought that people would only use printers for personal reasons rather than for business purposes. As a result, they didn’t produce enough printers to meet the current demand.
There is also a possibility that we may see a shortage of printers in the near future. This is because so many factories have been shut down due to the pandemic. If this continues, it could lead to an overall decrease in printer production and cause another shortage down the road.
So while it’s difficult to say exactly how long the paper shortage will last, we can be hopeful that it will eventually resolve itself. In the meantime, let’s all try to conserve as much paper as possible! This is why we are recommending digital printing or print on demand printing. This way you exactly what you need and dont over print. However the trade off is that this is done on a digital printer which has a smaller sheet size than our traditional offset presses. We at Catdi Printing are continuing full steam ahead and continue to offer our customers solutions to their business regardless of what challenges arise.
The post Paper shortages & Supply: How COVID-19 Has Impacted the Supply Line appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/paper-shortages-supply-how-covid-19-has-impacted-the-supply-line/
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catdiusa · 2 years
Color Printing Services Near Me: How to Make Your Prints Stand Out
There’s just something special about seeing your business’s name in print that makes you proud to own your business. But it’s even more special when your name is in color.
Research shows that color advertising can help you to promote certain product features that set your offerings apart from your competition’s.
The question you may be asking yourself if you live in the Houston area is, “Are there effective color printing services near me?”
The answer is yes. Companies like Catdi Printing can help you create vivid flyers, brochures, business cards, and more to promote your business.
Here’s a rundown on everything you need to know about the benefits of flyers and other business communications when you use color print.
Let’s dive in!
Grab the Audience’s Attention
If you’re wondering how to make flyers or posters that will grab the audience’s attention, you can’t go wrong with color.
Colors add vibrancy to these documents. And this vibrancy gives your message the extra “oomph” it needs to increase customer retention, motivation, and comprehension.
Color materials ultimately provide your audience with memorable messages that will boost your brand’s recognition. This is something that materials in white and black cannot achieve.
In fact, using color specifically on phone numbers and calls to action can drastically boost the customer response rate.
Embrace Affordability and Quality
Yet another reason to utilize color printing services is that color today is affordable.
In the past, many businesses have viewed printing in color as a costly option to use only for special occasions. Not anymore. Printing technology has seen vast improvements over the years, so now, you can enjoy the benefits of color for less.
Color printing also offers the benefit of making your business documents appear crips and high quality.
Vivid colors and crisp lines increase your message’s impact and visibility.
Exude Professionalism
Finally, color printing makes your documents look more professional, thus enhancing your reputation in the eye of the consumer.
Imagine seeing a pile of flyers in white and black on a countertop at your local restaurant. These flyers likely look cheap, right?
On the flip side, a well-designed color document both feels and looks professional. The more professional your document appears, the more likely you are to build trust with the customer.
Take Advantage of Color Printing Services “Near Me” Today
If you’re on the search for high-quality color printing services “near me” in the Houston area, we at Catdi have you covered.
We specialize in delivering color pocket folders, business cards, flyers, brochures, and even postcards. As a matter of fact, we never charge extra money for color.
With our color printing services, you can expect to get far better results, which translates to more business for you.
Get in touch with us to learn more about our printing services and how they can add value to your business.
The post Color Printing Services Near Me: How to Make Your Prints Stand Out appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/color-printing-services-near-me/
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catdiusa · 2 years
Making Political Direct Mail Work
Why Direct Mail is Still a Powerful Tool for Political Campaigns
In order for political campaigns to be successful, they need to be direct and messaged effectively. Direct mail is a great way to do just that, but it can often be difficult to make it work. This article will provide tips on how to make your direct mail campaign successful.
A successful political campaign entails a mix of outreach and messaging. Voters must know who is running for office to get ready for the influx, which is the first pillar. The second pillar is communication to relay the details of all the candidates, their positions on issues, and their views regarding critical subjects. Getting the message out there requires the utilization of a range of online and offline marketing methods to reach out to as many people as possible. Both reliable and best practices for aspiring politicians and existing representatives are letters, magazines, and advertisements by mail.
Here Are the Top 4 Most Popular Direct Mail Methods Campaigns Can Use
Mailed Letters
Letters are typically the very first communications that introduce candidates as professionals that are able to handle relevant affairs. Logos, taglines, party symbols, and the candidate’s headshot are often used in introductions. Adding a QR code that participants can scan using their smartphones to continue the conversation online with custom-made web pages and video content through custom landing pages. After that, select a card stock that can be printed 4-color on one side using heavy 100LB gloss stock, then folded into standard 10 envelopes for mailing. The only downside is that these take longer to direct mail and distributed than EDDM or regular postcards.
Brochure Mailers
Brochures are perfect for conveying information visually, and are often more aesthetically appealing than other letter mediums. They’re especially well-suited to introducing a candidate or discussing the goals of the city or town they hope to serve. Brochures can also be distributed during rallies and walking to acquire attention from different members of their community. The brochure’s design should be vivid, simple, incorporate bleed areas, and include approximate margins for delivery and folding. Photos and graphics must be handled beyond the final dimensions of the brochure to allow for room for cutting and folding. 4over offers templates for these types of items to campaign staff and design specialists as a reference for accurately constructing such products.
Postcards are among the main advertising methods for regional or national political elections, but how can candidate’s separate themselves from the crowd? Consider going big! Go with oversized mailers which are 6 x 11 in size rather than the usual postcard size of 4 x 6 . The extra space allows greater, more impactful images and copy, and the perceived dimensions increase the effectiveness of the actual dimension. Static or dynamic maps are an excellent way to remind recipients of their local polling locations or ballot boxes. Opting for thicker stock and adding a UV coating not only gives a premium impression but gives added protection for the postcard as it goes through the postal system.
USPS Every Door Direct Mail
Pulling mailing list data or determining demographic information can be costly or unreliable. In addition the data could come from non depedable sources like political party or organizational sponsors, but the USPS Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) service is another option. Candidates can easily canvas specific neighborhoods based on established mail routes. Using EDDM, all mail stops along the chosen route will receive your postcard without needing specific names or addresses. The USPS does have a mailing list service that is not affiliated with candidates, but many parties choose this option because they will have the most targeted communication. All you do is select the area and your done!
  The USPS does have a few requirements for the program, including:
200 or more pieces or over 50 pounds of mail
maximum of 5,000 pieces per day per 5-digit ZIP code (this limit is for retail permit only) Catdi Printing utilizes its own permit so the number is unlimited on how many you can mail
minimum sizes of at least 5” x 3.5” or 10.5” x 6.125” for flats
maximum weight of 3.3 ounces
EDDM in conjunction with Catdi Printing has templates here. Also Catdi has EDDM and political direct mail pros on hand that makes the task of getting constituents easier,cheaper, but your mail campaign’s typography must meet USPS standards. Fortunately, the product selections and templates made available by makes everything much easier.
The post Making Political Direct Mail Work appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/making-political-direct-mail-work/
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catdiusa · 2 years
What Are the Benefits of Custom Banners and Signs?
You’ve just opened your new bookstore, and you’ve got everything from comics to ornithology books. There’s even a cozy section filled with comfortable chairs for reading – but how do you advertise your shop? 
Your new business needs good marketing to attract a crowd. The problem is you’re not sure how to go about getting customers. You’re also not looking to spend too much money. 
You can use online ads, but what about custom banners and signs?
We’re used to being bombarded with advertisements online and on tv, but sometimes the old ways are best. A well-decorated banner can easily attract attention.
But there are other perks to using custom signs. We will discuss custom banner and signs benefits and some helpful custom banner and sign tips to help you with your business ventures. 
Below is our handy custom banners and signs guide. We’ll list plenty of reasons to consider using customizable signs for your business. 
You Can Use Banners and Signs Anywhere
Flyers are a helpful way to tell people about your goods and services. But, flyers don’t work too well outdoors unless they’re laminated – which may cost extra.
Theoretically, you could use an outdoor sign in your shop, but it might look strange. Online ads work very well as the average person spends about six hours a day on the internet.
However, online ads are made in ways that only function on the internet. A banner can hang indoors and outside without looking awkward.
You can place them anywhen that’s highly visible but out of potential customers’ way, and they’re not intrusive like some online advertisements sometimes are.
Custom Banners and Signs are Reusable
One helpful tip when making custom banners is choosing a durable material Vinyl is an excellent option to make a sign with because it’s less likely to tear and can withstand the elements better than laminated paper. 
A reusable custom sign helps cut advertising costs. Instead of constantly hiring a marketing team, you can take out your old banner and rehang it at conferences and trade shows. 
If you’ve made multiples of the same banners, they’re also handy in newly opened locations. 
Custom Banners and Signs Are Cheap
Effective business advertising often isn’t cheap. Newspaper ads, business cards, television commercials, online ads, and billboards are costly. A few banners will run you less than many other types of advertisement. 
You have to pay for the amount of time your commercial runs or the duration your billboard ad stays up. Many online platforms also charge you for advertising space.
Making a custom banner is a one-time cost, and you can keep it up as long as you want. 
Banners Don’t Have Size Restrictions
Most other advertisements have size restrictions. Flyers are often limited to the size of an average sheet of paper. Poster sizes depend on how much wall or window space you have. 
Custom banners and signs don’t have size restrictions. Your banner can be as small as a doorway entry or spread across each side of a skyscraper.
You can expect to pay more for giant banners, but it’s still nice to have the option of an enormous custom sign people can see for miles. And a large custom banner is still cheaper than renting billboard space. 
A Custom Banner Can Look However You Want
Technically, your custom banners and signs can look however you want. We say “technically” because advertising signs have to adhere to expectations of public decency. 
For example, things like nude photographs or offensive iconography are terrible ideas. Other than that, you can put whatever you want on your sign. High-resolution photographs, various colors, and fonts are all fair game. 
A good printing company will likely have a graphics team on staff you can work with to design striking custom signs that advertise your company brand. 
You can also design banners and signs in different shapes. For example, a graphics team could shape a bookstore banner like a book. Whatever you decide, you have your choice of unique, eyecatching banners and signs. 
Custom Signs Direct Foot Traffic
One custom banner and sign tip are to place them where people you want people to go. Putting a nice, shiny sign in your window can entice people enough to make them go inside. 
One advantage physical signs have over online ads is that a custom banner may better get people to your store. Online ads attract attention but may not get customers to your establishment. 
You can direct to certain events as well. If you’re having a fair or charity event, people may have better luck following your banners and signs than remembering online directions. 
Well-Designed Banners Generate Buzz
One of the best ways to drum up business is to catch potential customers’ eyes. A well-designed custom banner can go a long way toward getting people to talk about your business. 
You’ll want a unique banner that’s on-brand for your establishment. Ideally, your sign is bright, colorful, and interestingly shaped but still tells people what you sell with a single glance. 
It’s easy to attract attention with custom signs because they’re easy to install, and you can use them as long as you feel you need to.
People are more likely to go into a store with an exciting sign if only out of curiosity. They’re likely to remember where your store is and what you sell if they remember your banner. 
Want to Put Your Business Out There?
Hopefully, you found this custom banner and signs guide helpful. There are various benefits to using custom banners and signs. A custom sign will cost less than renting a billboard or newspaper ad space. 
Banners also have the advantage of reusability, and you can design them to look however you want.
If you want a beautifully designed vinyl banner, you can contact our team at Catdi Printing. We offer various commercial printing options and competitive pricing in nine locations across the US. 
The post What Are the Benefits of Custom Banners and Signs? appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/what-are-the-benefits-of-custom-banners-and-signs/
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catdiusa · 2 years
What Are EDDM Postcards? How Can They Help Your Business
It may be easiest just to do nothing. That’s what a number of businesses think when they consider focusing their marketing efforts.
They come to that decision, or that thought, in good conscious too. With so many channels through which to reach consumers, it can be understandable to become overwhelmed.
That apathy though is a fatal business mistake. Instead of giving up, let’s look at one tool that can help you reach customers directly with astonishing results – EDDM Postcards.
EDDM Postcards – The Basics
If you are unfamiliar, EDDM Postcards, or Every Door Direct Mail(R) Postcards, are a targeted marketing offer from the United States Postal Service (USPS). Yes, the post office is about more than stamps.
Remember its goal is helping people connect. So with that in mind, it makes sense that they have a program like this.
With EDDM Postcards, there is a two-step process. First, you’d design your postcard.
With your postcard in hand, you can access the USPS EDDM tool that lets you map your coverage area. You can start with a zip code and funnel down to the specifics of the carrier route to ensure that your message is being seen by the people who will be most motivated to act on it.
The Benefits
The benefits of being able to manage and, in effect micro-manage, your messaging can be exponential. This is because you’re speaking to a very specific set of customers.
Take, for example, the neighborhood restaurant. If you want to attract more business, you could go door to door and hang menus. That tactic costs time not to mention the materials costs.
For a fairly low price though you can send out a concentrated EDDM Postcard to houses in the surrounding area, inviting them to stop in for a “Neighbor Special.” This type of visceral, targeted marketing is really only available through programs like EDDM.
In addition to promoting a special event and driving in customers on one night, EDDM Postcards can help build awareness. People may drive by your location all the time and think “We should stop there sometime.” By keeping your place top of mind you can turn that drive-by traffic into actual stop-in traffic.
The “Non-Blanket” Approach
It’s not uncommon for businesses to take a blanket approach to their marketing efforts. Plastering the town with ads, billboards, radio spots, emails, and more often ends up having the unintended effect of the messaging just becoming white noise.
Utilizing EDDM postcards provides you with the opposite result. You are reaching a specific subset of the population with a message that is relevant to them. By limiting your audience, you can actually increase your sales!
Make People Feel Special
Information moves fast and everyone wants to know the latest, now. When someone can be that person in their group, the influencer who can share something new, they get a special feeling. It’s a feeling that makes them feel good.
When you’ve got a new product or service, these influencers can help spread the word, but they have to get the word first. Reach out with a specific EDDM Postcard announcing your latest and greatest.
When the cards are engaging and direct, these influencers will be more inclined to share their messaging. Imagine after a Little League game, they turn to the other parents and say “Hey, let’s go to ______, I just heard about a special they have.”
Or discussing with their neighbors a “new lawn service” that looks really great. All because of EDDM Program.
Tell a Story
Every marketer knows that it’s rare that you can get a magnificent increase in sales from just one ad. It takes time.
It’s possible to be sure, but it’s certainly the exception. Those who plan on it being their marketing strategy are sure to be disappointed.
EDDM Postcards give you an opportunity to take the time you need. In fact, they can do more than increase a sale, they can increase your brand. The difference being, of course, creating a one-time customer vs. a loyal brand ambassador.
Use the EDDM Postcard experience to tell your story across several mailings. Introduce your company, make an invitation, play up your local connections. You’ll discover that residents respond well to companies that are close to them and seem to have their best interests at heart.
Look and Feel
It’s important to take advantage of the EDDM format for how it can target and reach customers but it’s equally important that the message those customers get is strong. That’s why it’s important that your postcards have a professional look and feel to them.
People a sub-conscious understanding that is a company puts out shoddy ads, their work will be sub-par. But when an ad is polished and direct…
Cost Effective
When you hear USPS, you might immediately think that EDDM Postcards will be cost-prohibitive for you. After all, the price of stamps seems to rise every year so it would make sense that a program like this would have a heavier cost to it.
Well, that kind of thinking is wrong. Currently, the USPS has an “intro” rate of $0.175 for EDDM Postcards. (In some instances that cost can actually start at $0.154!)
Next Steps
So here’s the thing, EDDM Postcards are a part of the USPS. You could certainly lock yourself in a conference room for a few days and try and make the system work for you. But why? Catdi Printing is a trusted partner with the USPS and we know all the ins and outs of the EDDM program.
When you’re sending EDDM, you’re asking people to trust you, the expert in your particular field. This is a time though when you should heed your own advice and turn to someone who can help you not just use, but master the EDDM system.
Remember it’s not just about mailing some postcards, it’s about creating engaging messaging inside of an impact-full design, and then delivering that to a targeted, qualified audience. All you should be focused on is helping customers and counting your sales at the end of each EDDM-driven day.
When you’re ready to let EDDM work for you, we’d love to talk.
The post What Are EDDM Postcards? How Can They Help Your Business appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/what-are-eddm-postcards/
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catdiusa · 2 years
How to Make Your Business Brochures Catch the Eye
If you have business brochures, what sort of impression are they making on potential customers?
Or worse yet, are potential customers even bothering to look at them?
With so many different things vying for peoples’ attention, your brochure needs to be eye-catching. If it isn’t, then it’s time for a redesign.
So here’s the big question:
What Makes Business Brochures Stand Out?
Of course, the design and appearance are the first things that will grab the attention of potential customers. But the other important feature is the copy – which, if done correctly, will also pull in and captivate.
So here are some ways to make your business brochures appeal to customers:
1. Make It Colorful/Bright
Whether it’s one bold color to make your brochure neat and clean, or several colors to break up sections, the color goes a long way to catch the eye.
If you are using color, you’ll want to incorporate your brand’s color(s) as the dominant colors. This keeps consistency across all branding.
But color isn’t the only game in town. The bold contrast of black and white can also be effective in catching attention while conveying a professional brand image.
2. Pick a Larger Size
Anyone can produce a print brochure on standard 8.5″ x 11″. That’s why everyone does.
But you can differentiate your business brochures by changing up the size. You could go smaller, but a bigger brochure will physically stand out more.
So instead of using standard letter size, consider going with the following:
8.5″ x 14″
11″ x 17″
11″ x 25.5″
And don’t forget about the fold. Of course, you can use the traditional trifold, but other more creative folds could make some serious impact.
Talk to your printer about different brochure services they offer.
3. Grab Them with Cover Copy
As we mentioned, your copy is as important as your design in terms of getting your business brochures to stand out.
Especially when it comes to the front cover.
Go beyond just the name of your business or product. Include a thought-provoking question or statement that will make that potential customer want to learn more.
Or lure them in with an exclusive invitation or special discount.
4. Know Your Customer
Once you’ve got the front of the brochure covered, think about what questions your customers might have. Then be sure to provide the answers in logical order within the design.
When the copy is customer focused rather than product focused, it shows that you know and understand them. This will help to build rapport and, ideally, land the sale.
5. Make It Interactive
Another component you may not have considered incorporating into your design is interactive features.
You might use one of those QR codes that’ll send customers to your website, social media page, or mobile app.
If you’ve got some real tech savvy – or know someone who does – you can take it one step even further by developing an augmented reality platform.
By doing this, customers can hover their phones or other mobile devices over your brochure and access videos, full-on 360-degree product views, or other resources that might compel them to buy from you.
6. Use Eye-Catching Fonts
You’ve taken the time to get the copy just right, but what about your fonts?
Certain fonts will capture the spirit of your brand or business better than others.
Typically speaking, the most effective fonts for business brochures will be those that combine distinctive styling with easy readability.
There’s no rule against doing something different to be memorable. Just be sure you’re not memorable for all the wrong reasons.
7. Provide Lists AND Descriptions
You might be tempted to just slap down a bunch of lists, thinking that this will save the reader time and get your brochure noticed.
Sure, you can use a powerful font and bold color to highlight a list and draw their interest. But then let them know how they’ll benefit from your product or service.
For example, create a list of all the amazing features provided by your product or service. But then include what those features mean and how they would benefit the consumer.
8. Include Great Photography
Have you ever seen business brochures with photographs that look like they were plucked from an old family album?
It’s important that you choose your photography carefully.
These days, even phones can create high-resolution quality images, so there’s no excuse for using old photos.
To make those images stand out, go ahead and experiment with different filters and treatments. Just be sure, though, that the images complement one another, as well as the rest of your color pallet and brand.
You want that photo to stand out – but not like a sore thumb.
9. Make It Personable
Unless you’re in the business of selling boredom, avoid that zipped-up corporate tone in your brochure.
When you’re working on the cover design and copy, be sure to speak directly to the audience. Use the words “we” and “you,” for example. Keep it conversational.
And by all means, avoid the tech speak. It gums up the works and pulls from an otherwise flowing design.
10. Provide Just Enough Information
The first big challenge is to make your brochure eye-catching. But then what makes it keepable?
After all, you don’t want them to read it over and then throw it out.
Include snippets of helpful information like how-tos, hints and other tips to encourage the reader to keep the brochure and maybe even pass it on to others.
But be careful. There’s always the danger of providing too much information. While you want to include descriptions, avoid long blocks of copy. They’re a customer repellant.
11. Make the Call to Action Obvious
You’ve got a cover with provocative copy in eye-catching fonts and bold colors.
You’ve provided helpful and important information in a friendly and conversational way.
Your images are tasteful and professional.
But where’s your call to action?
Obviously, you’ve gone to all this work to make your brochure stand out. But you’re not entering it into an art show. You’re hoping to elicit a response from potential customers.
Your call to action is key. So be sure that it’s not hidden away.
Are You Ready to Make An Impact?
When designing your business brochures to stand out, remember this:
Your ultimate focus should be on what the reader wants and, even more importantly, how you can give it to them through your design.
And if you’re looking for professional printers to make your design shine, contact us to request a quote. We’d love to work with you!
The post How to Make Your Business Brochures Catch the Eye appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/how-to-make-your-business-brochures-catch-the-eye/
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catdiusa · 2 years
Here are 5 Advantages of Smart Home Wiring
Were you fascinated by the advanced technological home in the movies that lighted up rooms as soon as someone walked in? Thanks to smart home wiring, you can have all that in your home.
We live in a world that is more advanced than ever. Surrounded by devices and machines that make our lives faster and easier, one of the technological advancements for homeowners is smart home technology. But what is smart home wiring? And what are its benefits? Let’s take a deeper look.
What Is Smart Wiring?
Many of the devices and electronic systems we use today are interconnected, such as smart TV, Wifi, smartphone, audio systems, lighting, and other appliances. Smart wiring is a systematic way of wiring that makes it easy for the users to use and control different devices through a unified system.
Since technology will only increase, smart wiring is highly beneficial because it is scalable and adds various devices and appliances to the platform. It is cheaper and more convenient to install smart wiring when building a new home. However, you can hire an electrician to install smart wiring in your old home as well.
Benefits of Smart Home Wiring
Easy of Access
Are you intrigued by the idea of having a smart home? Do you want to have the comfort of controlling your home remotely? If yes, you should consider smart home wiring that allows you home automation so you can manage your home appliances from the comfort of your bed or while being on your job.
You can control your home’s lighting system by turning it on or off or dimming it to create a desirable mood and impress your friends. Do you feel too cold or hot? Adjust the central thermostat or control the thermostat of a particular location from the smart home wiring systems. Homeowners can control the entire system from their phones. So if you forget to turn off the thermostat or lock your door, you can do it remotely.
Reduced Energy Bills
Smart home wiring is all about increasing efficiency and optimizing the use of your electrical appliances. By having controls of all the devices and appliances in your home, you can ensure that nothing runs longer than a minute it needs to.
It is as simple as having your wifi-enabled devices connected to stable Wifi, and you can control their functions and power whether you are in another room or out of your house. Smart wiring also enables you to gather the usage data to analyze to improve your efficiency and reduce the energy bill.
Whole House Surge Protection
Power surges can happen at any time. These surges can damage your equipment and expensive appliances, resulting in major losses. If your home is old and has outdated wiring, the chance of short circuits and property damage increases significantly. Moreover, many people are still working from home due to Covid-19 and have expensive devices plugged in their homes. You might be using stabilizers and extension cords, but they are not always effective against power surges.
Therefore, using a whole-home surge protector is vital to protect your valuables from power surge damage. Pairing the surge protector with smart wiring gives you peace of mind that your appliances and devices have a robust protection package against power surges.
Enhanced Wifi-Coverage
The internet has gone from being a luxury to a necessity. You need it for work and entertainment. Try to imagine a life without it. You can’t, right? With cables being outdated, Wifi has become the primary source of the internet. Fortunately, smart home wiring offers an integrated wifi system that covers all dead spots to provide a seamless experience.
You can enjoy your favorite movies and games or work at the most desirable spot in your home without getting frustrated due to inconsistent connectivity.
Optimized Home Security
The security systems are getting more advanced as increased security needs grow around residential areas. Smart home wiring enables you to install home security systems that kick up the security in your house. A home security system includes doorbells, locks, fire alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, and cameras.
However, a security system is only as reliable as it is connected to Wifi. Having smart home wiring ensures that the security system is hard-wired and unhackable. You can control all the components of your phone. So you have peace of mind even when you are away from home as you can monitor everything from your phone.
Ending Note
Easy access, peace of mind, comfort, and security are the several advantages of smart home wiring. Having these features in your home will give you the supremacy and opportunities to increase your living standards. Contact us at [email protected] to discuss your home smart wiring needs and get it installed with quality packages.
The post Here are 5 Advantages of Smart Home Wiring appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/here-are-5-advantages-of-smart-home-wiring/
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catdiusa · 2 years
Best Tips to Make Sure You Cross all the T’s and Dot all the I’s on your Mailers Design
Are you planning your new direct marketing campaign? Do you want to make sure that you get the best response and that the campaign is a success? In today’s post, we’ll share the best tips on making sure you cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s on your mailers design for a successful campaign.
One of the major highlights of a successful mailers design campaign is to be laser-focused on every little detail. All this collectively can make a huge impact on your target audience, which is not an overstatement.
To begin with, it is easy to get bogged down in the design aesthetics. However, there is more to a successful campaign than what meets the eye. Here are some of the best tips to keep in mind for a result-driven mailers design. These tips will help make a lasting impression on your target audience. Did you know that the brain takes only 13 milliseconds to process images perceived by the eye and that it takes only 50 milliseconds to form an impression about your promotional tools?
That’s right, so you really have to make sure that everything is precise and impactful in your mailers design.
So, let’s get started, shall we? 
Write a Clear and Persuasive Call-to-Action
No matter how creative and impressive your postcard, brochure, or flyer design is, it won’t contribute to your business if it doesn’t generate the response you want. Put simply; you need a persuasive and clear call to action to guide your audience towards a sale.
After explaining your business offerings and effectively putting your brand message across, it is crucial to have the perfect CTA to ensure your audience is prompted to act. So, just as vital as your direct mail campaign’s design, words, and feel, a CTA should guide your audience to take the next step. Hence, it should be simple, specific, easy to understand, and uncluttered.
Make sure you mention it clearly so that the readers don’t struggle through the reams of the print to find out what you want them to do. Some great CTA tips include:
Build a sense of urgency through FOMO tactics (like limited time offer, expiry date, coupons, or vouchers)
Keep it short and simple
Separate your CTA from the body copy so that it stands out
Double Check Contact Information
As marketers have to manage and monitor every aspect of the mailers design campaign, mistakes are inevitable. However, what a bummer will it be if you get the basic contact information wrong? Needless to say there is simply no margin for making such a mistake. But sometimes, as marketers are focused on so many other elements of a direct mail campaign, they forget to pay attention to the little details that can cost them a fortune. The last thing you want is a potential customer contacting the wrong phone number.
Therefore, it is advisable to double-check your contact information. Ensure that your email address, phone number, and postal address are correct.
Choose the Right Color Scheme
According to a research study, color increases brand recognition by nearly 80 percent. Here it is essential to understand that the psychological impact of colors is widely used in marketing which helps build your brand image and provoke specific emotions.
Therefore, choosing the right color scheme can significantly contribute to your direct mail design. So, take time to research the market to see what colors are best suited to promote your products and services.
For instance, studies also show that nearly 42 percent of people think that blue is a color associated with reliability and trust. So, keep these little details into consideration to ensure your mailers design campaign is a massive success.
Target the Right Audience and Area
Another aspect you need to focus on is establishing the correct target audience for your company so that your direct mail message can resonate with the audience. Indeed, direct mail is the core channel for bringing new lead generation to the organization. And to ensure this, you need to target the right audience and area.
Get started by establishing your buyer persona. Also, leverage data from the online channels and previous campaigns. All this will give you a clear direction for key demographics such as income, age, gender, occupation, etc. Next, segment your message by its unique characteristics.
Invest in Quality Print Marketing
Print marketing quality plays a pivotal role in the success of your promotions. No matter how strong your brand message may be, if it is not readable and the printing is low quality, your message will fail to deliver. Therefore, invest in quality printing services.
Make sure all the text on your direct marketing tools like postcards or brochures is clear and visible. Remember that the printing of your marketing material can make a big difference. Your audience is likely to read your marketing material if it is well-designed and has high-quality printing.
So, consider these tips for a high-impact and result-driven direct marketing campaign. At Catdi Printing, we specialize in custom designing, printing, and mailing marketing material. Contact us to discuss your direct mail needs, and we can provide you with quality assistance at every step of your campaign, ensuring it is a massive success.
The post Best Tips to Make Sure You Cross all the T’s and Dot all the I’s on your Mailers Design appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/best-tips-to-make-sure-you-cross-all-the-ts-and-dot-all-the-is-on-your-mailers-design-2/
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catdiusa · 2 years
Best Tips to Make Sure You Cross all the T’s and Dot all the I’s on your Mailers Design
Are you planning your new direct marketing campaign? Do you want to make sure that you get the best response and that the campaign is a success? In today’s post, we’ll share the best tips on making sure you cross all the T’s and dot all the I’s on your mailers design for a successful campaign.
One of the major highlights of a successful mailers design campaign is to be laser-focused on every little detail. All this collectively can make a huge impact on your target audience, which is not an overstatement.
To begin with, it is easy to get bogged down in the design aesthetics. However, there is more to a successful campaign than what meets the eye. Here are some of the best tips to keep in mind for a result-driven mailers design. These tips will help make a lasting impression on your target audience. Did you know that the brain takes only 13 milliseconds to process images perceived by the eye and that it takes only 50 milliseconds to form an impression about your promotional tools?
That’s right, so you really have to make sure that everything is precise and impactful in your mailers design.
So, let’s get started, shall we? 
Write a Clear and Persuasive Call-to-Action
No matter how creative and impressive your postcard, brochure, or flyer design is, it won’t contribute to your business if it doesn’t generate the response you want. Put simply; you need a persuasive and clear call to action to guide your audience towards a sale.
After explaining your business offerings and effectively putting your brand message across, it is crucial to have the perfect CTA to ensure your audience is prompted to act. So, just as vital as your direct mail campaign’s design, words, and feel, a CTA should guide your audience to take the next step. Hence, it should be simple, specific, easy to understand, and uncluttered.
Make sure you mention it clearly so that the readers don’t struggle through the reams of the print to find out what you want them to do. Some great CTA tips include:
Build a sense of urgency through FOMO tactics (like limited time offer, expiry date, coupons, or vouchers)
Keep it short and simple
Separate your CTA from the body copy so that it stands out
Double Check Contact Information
As marketers have to manage and monitor every aspect of the mailers design campaign, mistakes are inevitable. However, what a bummer will it be if you get the basic contact information wrong? Needless to say there is simply no margin for making such a mistake. But sometimes, as marketers are focused on so many other elements of a direct mail campaign, they forget to pay attention to the little details that can cost them a fortune. The last thing you want is a potential customer contacting the wrong phone number.
Therefore, it is advisable to double-check your contact information. Ensure that your email address, phone number, and postal address are correct.
Choose the Right Color Scheme
According to a research study, color increases brand recognition by nearly 80 percent. Here it is essential to understand that the psychological impact of colors is widely used in marketing which helps build your brand image and provoke specific emotions.
Therefore, choosing the right color scheme can significantly contribute to your direct mail design. So, take time to research the market to see what colors are best suited to promote your products and services.
For instance, studies also show that nearly 42 percent of people think that blue is a color associated with reliability and trust. So, keep these little details into consideration to ensure your mailers design campaign is a massive success.
Target the Right Audience and Area
Another aspect you need to focus on is establishing the correct target audience for your company so that your direct mail message can resonate with the audience. Indeed, direct mail is the core channel for bringing new lead generation to the organization. And to ensure this, you need to target the right audience and area.
Get started by establishing your buyer persona. Also, leverage data from the online channels and previous campaigns. All this will give you a clear direction for key demographics such as income, age, gender, occupation, etc. Next, segment your message by its unique characteristics.
Invest in Quality Print Marketing
Print marketing quality plays a pivotal role in the success of your promotions. No matter how strong your brand message may be, if it is not readable and the printing is low quality, your message will fail to deliver. Therefore, invest in quality printing services.
Make sure all the text on your direct marketing tools like postcards or brochures is clear and visible. Remember that the printing of your marketing material can make a big difference. Your audience is likely to read your marketing material if it is well-designed and has high-quality printing.
So, consider these tips for a high-impact and result-driven direct marketing campaign. At Catdi Printing, we specialize in custom designing, printing, and mailing marketing material. Contact us to discuss your direct mail needs, and we can provide you with quality assistance at every step of your campaign, ensuring it is a massive success.
The post Best Tips to Make Sure You Cross all the T’s and Dot all the I’s on your Mailers Design appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/best-tips-to-make-sure-you-cross-all-the-ts-and-dot-all-the-is-on-your-mailers-design/
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catdiusa · 2 years
Pocket Folders Printing
Pocket folders are a great way to keep your company’s marketing materials together in just one place. One can create a promotional folder with a wide range of designs and motives to make them display well while advertising a brand.
In this article, we will take a closer look at these handy methods to increase the image of any business. You will not look the same way at marketing and presentation methods again if you see the simple design of pocket folders.
Investigate the potential for brand exposure and the comfortable way it can present your brand or service.
What Is a Pocket Folder?
First of all, a pocket folder is a simple and easy method to organize important documents and keep them neatly together. It is also an excellent way to keep marketing materials for your business together in custom presentation folders that represent your business.
A custom folder can contain all the business information on the front page, so it is visible to everyone. Custom pocket folders can also contain leaflets and copies of the brands, products, and services your business offers.
Inserted in the front or the back of the custom folder, you can add business card slots to hold business cards. Students can also use these folders as custom certificate holders to keep their certificates and diplomas safe and together for job applications.
They are affordable holders for just about anything from promotional materials and even personal documents to keep them organized and protected.
Why Do You Need Pocket Folders?
A custom folder for your business that contains a business card slot is an excellent way to promote your brand to potential customers. It can be used as a form of presentation for new product launches of new products provided by your business.
Business pocket folders can help improve professionalism when you present a new product or service to customers.
Methods Used To Decorate Pocket Folders And Different Formats
Pocket folders come in many different designs with a wide range of motives to decorate the folder with different printing and paints. An aqueous coating is used to decorate a pocket folder to represent a business logo or any other message you want to convey.
This is a highly complex process and will help preserve the printed picture and give some shine to the folder. Businesses that design and create these folders have many different presentation folder templates you can choose from when you need them.
Custom folder printing is a specialized type of printing that can be done by most businesses that create them. There are many different folder options to choose from when it comes to designing and creating folders for your business.
Business card slits are added to the folder, so any potential customers will have a quick method to contact your company. Foil stamping is also a method to improve the visual effects and printing quality on any pocket folder.
Spot color offset printing is a method used to match the colors of a company logo to improve the overall visual quality. You can also add a glossy finish to any custom pocket folder to intensify the colors and make it look more professional.
One can use a wide selection of full-color printing options to provide a clear picture that will help to promote your brand. You can also choose between a one-pocket or two-pocket presentation folder for your promotional material.
There is also a wide range of custom mini paper folders that one can use for promotional purposes. These custom mini folders are lightweight and small and can be used for gift certificates and other promotional coupons.
Another use for custom mini pocket folders is to hold several business cards that other companies can use. Your personal choice for presentation folders is unlimited and can represent anything you want them to. It can even be made in different shapes.
They can vary in solicitation level from basic two-pocket poly folders to other more advanced shapes and colors. Color presentation folders will also help improve your business’s image and display the logo on the front much better.
Large custom paper folders are much cheaper to produce than those made from thicker paper stock. Paper stock folders may be a bit more expensive, but they are thicker and last longer than thin paper ones.
What Are the Uses Of Pocket Folders?
There are several different applications for custom folders and the uses are limitless if you use your imagination.
One can use pocket folders to show off your products at trade shows to impress the customers with your professionalism.
Clients can use welcome folders with any meeting, such as seminars or an introduction to a new venue.
One can also present customer services in color document folders to increase the exposure of the business.
Other uses are to use them as church welcome folders to be handed to everyone entering at the door.
Benefits Of Pocket Folders
Custom pocket folders are made in batches, so there is a minimum quantity they can be ordered in. Several other great benefits come with pocket folders which are listed below.
The good thing about this is that if you buy them in bulk, you may get them for much cheaper than in small quantities.
You can print your company logo on the front page to increase exposure.
All your materials such as brochures, proposals, and business cards are stored inside the folder in a professional manner.
All non-digital materials are stored in the pocket folder so they can be seen as a miniature version of your office.
They can be printed and designed in any style to fit in with the needs and logo of your business.
You can also add visual promotional materials in the form of a DVD that will nicely fit in the pockets or slots.
Pocket folders extend your business or brand image and can be designed the way you want them. That is why you need this handy tool to present all non-digital materials to your customers and other circle members.
This is an intelligent way to keep everything you need to promote your ideas neatly and professionally.
The post Pocket Folders Printing appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/pocket-folders-printing/
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catdiusa · 2 years
Are Door Hangers Effective Advertising
It might become quite expensive when it comes to advertising your new or existing business to locals in your area. But there are ways to introduce your products to the target audience through creative and innovative ideas without it breaking your budget.
This is where this door hanger advertising idea will come in handy as it is an example of good marketing material to reach the target audience. The potential of these little ads is limitless but is it an effective enough way to advertise your business.
Find out whether this advertising method will be adequate to reach those potential customers you want to draw to your business.
What Is a Door Hanger Ad?
A door hanger marketing ad is a cardboard or plastic sign designed to easily hang on a door handle or knob. This card comes in many different sizes and shapes but is mainly made in a rectangular shape to hang down and display nicely.
These cards are printed with various information about specific products or services provided by businesses in the area. This card hanging on the door is a welcoming message to anyone who enters the house or residence through that door.
How Effective Is Door Hanger Advertising?
Everyone living in an apartment or even a house in any neighborhood must use that front door. Even if they just need to check the mailbox or put out the garbage bag they need to use that door.
A hunger advertisement on the door handle will draw their attention and pique their interest to see what it is about. This is much like online marketing. It is personal while not only targeting one type of audience, and everyone will see it.
With a hanger marketing campaign, you can reach everyone, even the stay-at-home buyers and the study-at-home students. Another great thing about this is that you can do many different types of advertising on this single type of media.
A hanger campaign can be more effective than standard junk mail you get in the mailbox, which people may throw out without reading. This type of marketing will also make potential customers more curious to take a closer look at the ad.
Which Businesses Can Use Door Hanger Marketing?
Many businesses can benefit from hanger marketing, and we will list a few of them here. This type of advertising is great for services that happen on an ongoing basis, such as lawn mowing and pool cleaning.
Any type of home care service will be able to gain customers through this marketing method. Also, any type of business that operates in an area can advertise their services or products on these door hanger ads.
What Formats Can Be Used?
You can use any shape or design you desire when advertising your business or service in this way. A suitable method is to add a small business card at the bottom with perforation marks to remove it quickly.
This way, customers can have added value with a business card to use later when they need your services. Another great thing is that the door hanger ad can be any shape and size to make them more intriguing.
What Are the Benefits Of Door Hanger Ads?
There are several benefits to effective door hanger marketing that both large organizations and small businesses can use.
Because they are hand-delivered, it feels a bit more personal and the target audience will feel you care about them.
They are a much more affordable and cost-effective way of advertising and cost much cheaper if you buy them in bulk.
Reaching a local audience such as local residents and homeowners, and even students is a very effective method.
Because everyone will see them when they enter by the door, potential customers will ignore a very low percentage of this type of ad.
With this type of advertising, there is a good chance that you will reach more than just the occupants of a home. Visitors like family and friends may also see the ads, increasing your exposure potential.
There is no size limit as is in the case with direct mail marketing, where the size of the envelope determines the ad size.
Legal Issues
It is not illegal to hang a door hanger ad on someone’s door. Instead, it is known as canvassing, which is legal. This means you do not have a direct conversation with the potential customer and are not directly selling a product.
However, before you do this in your area, it is good to research because some areas may have bylaws that prohibit it.
Some Helpful Hints
There are certain things you need to keep in mind before you go out and advertise your business with door hanger ads.
First of all, you should find your target audience and determine in which area they live, for instance, high-end house cleaning services. You can not advertise this type of service in an area where most students live who can not afford it.
Start with a small group by focusing on a small radius of residences in your area so you can do it yourself. This will also help you see the return on your ads and you can always broaden the audience later.
Make sure your ad is easy to understand and concise, and the copy is short and to the point.
You should make use of professional designers to design your ad so it will look and display well.
Keep the ad clean and relevant to what marketing message you want to bring to the audience.
Focus on just one item, product, or service at a time with a clear call to action.
Age, gender, and income level are some of the most important topics to research when you are looking for your target buyers.
Not every new business has a large advertising budget, but this type of marketing may save you a lot of money. It may also bring many new customers to your business, but you will only know if you try it.
So, go ahead and do your research to find your target audience and get that ad on the doors.
The post Are Door Hangers Effective Advertising appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/are-door-hangers-effective-advertising/
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catdiusa · 2 years
Direct Mail Marketing: How Does It Work?
Is direct mail marketing dead? In short, no, it is not dead. In fact, 70% of consumers like direct mailing instead of digital marketing because it is more personal.
So if you have already tried direct mailing and it failed, the problem isn’t the mail marketing system; it’s your campaign. Creating an excellent mail marketing campaign can take a long time if you aren’t sure what you are doing.
There is no need to fret, though; in this brief article, we will cover how to gain the customers you need through a powerful direct mail marketing campaign. Oh, and you won’t have to do it alone; there is a team of people waiting below to hear about how they can properly market your business through mail marketing.
What Is Direct Mail Marketing?
Direct mail marketing, also known as mail marketing, is any type of physical correspondence you send to your customers via mail to gain their attention and business. When you send direct mail marketing documents, you will want to be sure to include your business name and logo. 
Other things to include on your direct mail marketing:
A call to action
A way for your customer to reach out to you
Of course, that is the bare minimum that you will put in your mail marketing. You will want to appeal to your customer’s needs, so they reach out to you. 
Is Direct Mail Marketing Useful?
Although it may sound outdated to send things via mail, direct mail marketing is still an excellent way to reach your target audience. There are several reasons why this strategy still works.
It Is Interactive
One major reason why direct mail still performs so well is that it is a very interactive experience. Customers receive a physical item in the mail. When you include a promotional offer that requires your customer to do something with the mail, such as bringing the flyer into your store, it makes your client more likely to keep it and look at it. 
It Has a Wider Demographic
Direct mail can have a more extensive reach than digital marketing, depending on your target audience. If your audience does not have an email or doesn’t frequent social media, direct mail marketing can reach those customers you would have missed with digital marketing. 
It Is Creative
Using direct mail marketing does not mean that you are stuck with analog advertising; there are so many different ways that you can combine direct mail with digital marketing. Physical mail marketing allows you to engage your customers in more ways than you could with only digital marketing. 
There Is Less Competition
Many companies are switching to mainly focus on their digital marketing campaigns instead of using direct mailers. This opens an excellent opportunity to stand out to your target audience. People nowadays are surprised by physical mail, so an eye-catching mailer can go a long way when advertising your business. 
How Much Does Direct Mailing Cost?
The price of your direct mailing campaign will depend on several different factors, including the kind of mail you send and how many pieces you wish to send. If you plan to send oversized mailers or catalogs, you can expect to pay around $10 or more per piece because of their weight. Standard postcards cost between $0.10 to $0.30 per card. 
In addition to the mailer’s cost, you can also expect to pay for the design of your mail piece. You can always create something for free in Microsoft word, but you are limited to their templates in the Microsoft suite.
Instead, it may be best to employ a professional to design your mailer. The price for a professional varies based on the own rates they set. 
Printing Costs
The cost for printing can vary based on if you need color ink or if you are okay with black and white. Color mailers are best to use if you want to catch the attention of your target audience. 
Other printing costs:
Paper quality
Paper size
One-sided pieces
Two-sided pieces
Number of prints
In general, printing costs vary between $0.03 to $2.00 per piece, depending on the level of detail needed for your mailer. 
Distribution Costs
Lastly, a final cost you will need to consider is the distribution cost which is what you pay to have your mailers mailed out. Distribution costs vary based on current postage rates and how much mail you send out. In general, it is best to expect to pay between $0.25 to $2.00 to mail out your mailers. 
How Does Direct Mail Marketing Work?
Mail marketing campaigns are similar to the digital marketing process. The main difference between the two is the way the information gets distributed. In order to have a successful direct mail marketing campaign, there are a few steps you will need to follow. 
Establish Goals and Objectives
Before you send out your direct mail campaign, you must first identify what you would like to accomplish with your campaign. That step can be challenging if you have never had a direct mail marketing campaign. If this is you, there are a few questions you must ask yourself. 
What Do You Wish to Achieve?
What is it that you want your campaign to do for you? Do you want it to generate sales? Some companies who answer this question say that they want their campaign to build awareness among their target audience. Others wish to supplement a digital marketing campaign to help get the message into the hands of their audience. 
What Do You Wish to Accomplish in Six Months?
How about one year? Your long-term goals for your direct mailing campaign may differ from the goals of your first campaign. Still, it is best to know which direction you want to go so you can move in the right direction with each of your direct mailing campaigns. 
What Skills May Be Transferable to Direct Mailing?
The foundations for a digital marketing campaign aren’t much different than those in a direct mail campaign. Audiences, copy, and design assets may be repurposed and used in a different marketing channel. 
More questions may arise as you continue to build on your campaign, but as you answer these basic ones, your objectives and goals may start to become more apparent. Be sure to be very specific in your goal-setting. When creating and sending out your campaigns, it may be best to attack your goals to data to optimize your processes and messaging as you become more familiar with direct mail campaigns. 
Understand Your Target Audience
With those questions out of the way, you need to define your target audience for the campaign. The more you clarify and define your audience, the better your mail marketing campaign will deliver the results you want. 
For example, when looking at your target audience, ask yourself, “what are their problems?” and “What are their needs?”. You will also want to answer how your offer solves their problems.
Your target audience probably has a lot of different solutions available for their problems. Still, the goal is to make you go from being a possible solution to the only logical solution. 
If you are mailing to your current leads or customers, there is a good chance you already have detailed information about your clients. If you have new prospects, you may not know much about them. So before you send out your campaign, be sure to dive into audience research so you can create an offer that is sure to resonate with them. 
Audience Data
When defining your target audience, there are three main categories you should focus on: behavioral, demographic, and psychographic. Behavioral data includes email engagement, website activity, sales engagement, and purchase history.
Your demographic data includes details such as your clients’ income, age, marital status, and gender. It can also include the industry they work for, the size of their company, and more. Psychographic data dives deep into your customer’s opinions, hobbies, attitudes, and values. 
Buyer Personas
Buyer personas are crucial because they help identify common problems, traits, and needs among the ideal buyers of a specific service or product. Buyer personas are a great starting point to help you and your team understand your audience. 
Create Your Mailing List
With your audience deciphered and your campaign goals set, it is time to create your mailing list. In general, there are two different types of direct mail lists that you can use, purchased lists and house lists.
House lists are the addresses and names of clients you already collected data from. If you have a marketing automation tool or a CRM, you can use it to store information from your customers. 
Your house list is valuable because these customers are already familiar with your product and your company. Some of these clients may have already purchased something from you, so they won’t need too much awareness building or nurturing content as your other prospects may. 
Purchased lists are a bit tricker than your house lists. High-quality purchased direct mail lists enable you to select a specific group of people with a high degree of deliverability. It is crucial that you work with a reputable company, such as Catdi, to ensure that you send your mail to excellent and active addresses. 
Develop a Call to Action
If you want your direct mail process to be as successful as possible, you will want to create a good offer and a call to action. If you do not put effort into those two things, your campaign will blend into the background, and you won’t reap the results you want.
Unless you have an on-staff copywriter or a copywriter yourself, you may want to invest in a copywriter. They have the ability to convey the message you want to your audience in a way that they can best understand. 
How to Write a CTA
Your CTA, or call to action for long, should be short, quick, and to the point. When creating your CTA, there are three factors you must focus on. 
Three main factors in your call to action:
What you’re selling
Why this product or service will help them
How to get said service or product
It doesn’t matter if your direct mail campaign is selling a product to Gen Zs or if you’re offering an educational piece to CEOs; you will want to make sure that your call to action is clear and to the point. You want your offer to be very compelling and attractive to your target audience so they will say “yes” and will seek your service. 
Make Your Offer Beneficial
So you have an excellent product that fixes a considerable problem amongst your target demographics, right? Your target audience doesn’t know that, so you need to figure out a way to communicate a strong benefit.
Your mailer will go into the trash as quickly as possible if you don’t. When explaining the benefit of your product, be sure to appeal to emotions first and logic second.
Let’s be honest, we all do things we need to do, but we procrastinate and do them when we have time. When we are presented with something that we think we need or want, we’re more willing to act. 
Start Your Mail Marketing Campaign!
We all know that in order for a marketing campaign to be successful, you need to make sure you reach your target audience in a way that they best understand. You want to ensure that your message conveys emotions that make them want to reach out to you.
Direct mail marketing is an excellent way to reach your target audience in a way that digital marketing may not. If you are ready to start seeing a massive return on investment, contact us now! 
The post Direct Mail Marketing: How Does It Work? appeared first on Houston Printing | Direct Mail | EDDM & Postcard Printing.
source https://www.catdi.com/direct-mail-marketing-how-does-it-work/
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