5 now. Sigh.
Life has been kicking me. Not much inspiration for TMS fics. If I feel it, I'll write it.
How did you come up with Horror AU? With so many seasons, that must’ve taken ages; I’d love to know your process ^-^
The horror AU wasn't my design only. A lot of, dare I say influential, people in the fandom kind of got together and went "yes we shall torture the losing mask and kill them each week". I don't remember most of what we decided, as we kind of drifted apart afterwards; as far as I remember, though, all of the executions I've written were of my own design.
Note - I need to write here more. And write fanfics. But ughhh college is kicking me in the butt...
Fun fact, I was going to write a Squiggly commemorative piece, and had a little bit down, but I forgot about it and now it's kind of late even if I did finish it...
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Hi! New anon here!
Hi New Anon! Sorry I haven't been on, especially with the incorrect quotes - school is HAMMERING me... How are ya? How's life? How's your cow?
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How did you come up with Horror AU? With so many seasons, that must’ve taken ages; I’d love to know your process ^-^
The horror AU wasn't my design only. A lot of, dare I say influential, people in the fandom kind of got together and went "yes we shall torture the losing mask and kill them each week". I don't remember most of what we decided, as we kind of drifted apart afterwards; as far as I remember, though, all of the executions I've written were of my own design.
Note - I need to write here more. And write fanfics. But ughhh college is kicking me in the butt...
Fun fact, I was going to write a Squiggly commemorative piece, and had a little bit down, but I forgot about it and now it's kind of late even if I did finish it...
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what do you think of The Masked Singer Australia season 3 and do you think to make an idea for a Horror AU?
Season 3 was underwhelming compared to season 2 which was [chef's kiss]
And I might. Might not. I have a ton on my plate and I've been neglecting this place so...
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just because i write something it doesn’t mean that i condone it.
just because i write something it doesn’t mean that i condone it.
just because i write something it doesn’t mean that i condone it.
just because i write something it doesn’t mean that i condone it.
just because i write something it doesn’t mean that i condone it.
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Working on a fic about him actually...
I'm genuinely so sad tho...
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Hi, Cata! any thoughts on Queen of Hearts winning? Who did you want to win season 6 of the masked singer? (US). List me thoughts! :)
I mean...
Ngl the finale was underwhelming. The only performance I was like "wow" was Bull's Invisible (or should I say, Invisi-bull *ba dum tsss*). Even then, can't remember it. Out of the final 2, I was pulling for Bull to win though.
The problem is, I genuinely can't think of a mask who was always on point. Like, my favorite when Mallard left was probably Banana Split, and they had off weeks in the middle (though both their songs in the semis were better than both QoH's). The only QoH song I really liked was River...
The thing is, in Season 5, I can't think of a bad Piglet performance, nor Crab, nor Orca. Season 4, Jellyfish always sang bangers, so did Serpent, so did Crocodile. Season 3, Kanga, Rhino, Astro, always had great songs.
Season 6? It's been kinda forgettable. There's no performance I would actively go back to, honestly. Well, okay, Mallard's songs maybe. Possibly Split's or Bull's. Maybe Hamster or even Baby, if I was daring. But like... eh, it's not something I seek out. Underwhelming, imo. I don't know. Kind of an expected win to a relatively boring season.
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New anon, just checking in, but considering your last post, maybe something Horror AU related? Considering Queen of Heart's Group B Finals song consisted in her saying "I don't wanna die", and how Bull seemed completely nervous through the entire competition, I could see it working.
Horror AU my beloved :)
Remind me to write this, please~! Also, hi new Anon!!!
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Thoughts on TMS UK S3 so far?
I'm honestly not too impressed by group A. Haven't listened to B yet.
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Ahhhhhhh fair fair. Most places will allow you to bring a small plushie or something, so that's okay. Maybe ask your dental surgeon if they can play music? The place I had it done, they had a radio...
Being put under really depends on what anesthetics they give. Generally, you won't remember anything. For me, at least, I remember them putting the needle into my arm, then biting on a large piece of plastic, and then I was 100% out and woke up with gauze in my mouth. Other places, they do a "95%" thing where you're somewhat floaty and awake??? Don't trust that, personally. Although full amnesia is still almost guaranteed.
The aftermath... hoo boy it's gonna suck. Can't tell you that it won't. Do it on a Friday after school. No, actually, do it and take a few days off school, or do it during a break. They say most people go back to work the next day? LMAO NO it hurts horribly. I couldn't speak from days 2-4 or 5 because opening my mouth hurt too much. But after like, day 6, it's really almost nothing.
updates from Cata:
school's out till February so maybe more time to write
got my wisdom teeth removed, now I am without wisdom
also TMS has an NFT project on an official Discord server, not going to advocate for/against crypto/NFTs as that's beyond my place but they host AMAs with people involved in producing the show, so that's neat :) as well as other cool events like art contests, so if you want to know the inside scoop, that Discord is the place to be
hi, I need to post more regularly
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I mean, depends what your issue is. Are you trypanophobic? Are you scared of the "95%" asleep thing?
updates from Cata:
school's out till February so maybe more time to write
got my wisdom teeth removed, now I am without wisdom
also TMS has an NFT project on an official Discord server, not going to advocate for/against crypto/NFTs as that's beyond my place but they host AMAs with people involved in producing the show, so that's neat :) as well as other cool events like art contests, so if you want to know the inside scoop, that Discord is the place to be
hi, I need to post more regularly
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updates from Cata:
school's out till February so maybe more time to write
got my wisdom teeth removed, now I am without wisdom
also TMS has an NFT project on an official Discord server, not going to advocate for/against crypto/NFTs as that's beyond my place but they host AMAs with people involved in producing the show, so that's neat :) as well as other cool events like art contests, so if you want to know the inside scoop, that Discord is the place to be
hi, I need to post more regularly
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Based on how your persona looks, it can go to ways: Someone with a lot of trauma and is trying her best or someone with god-like powers but prefers to act like a lil' shit to others. But knowing you, I can only interpret you as a sleep deprived gremlin XD
It's all of the above actually LMAO
and yes I am a sleep deprived gremlin, online school was KILLING me
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Cata...how did you make your "Ask Away" box? (2:15 pm, 12/18/2021)
Sorry, haven't been on... Uh, it's in settings? Somewhere. I did it like almost 2 years ago tho.
Yeah, here-
Tumblr media
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Will get to all my asks tomorrow or something. This for today.
If I was a fictional character, how would the fandom misinterpret me?
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Okay so I lied
Give me ideas for a finale fic and if yours is better than mine I'll write it
But it's probably gonna be out Friday or Saturday
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No finale fic this season, but enjoy this!!
And now it’s my turn to tell you about a fic I just posted! :3
It’s the one I was promising last week - I thought today would be a good day to publish it because Group B is tonight. Yes, it’s Mallard-centric, because I love him, so. Enjoy!! If you like it, drop a kudos, drop a comment, send it to a friend, whatever haha.
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