cataclistosf · 6 years
It's pretty ugly.
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cataclistosf · 6 years
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It's sad to think that one day, we're all getting seperated and have our own paths. It's sad to think that that day is getting nearer. But, before we leave each other's sides, I wanted to leave a message to each and everyone of you, Gold Fam,
 Joshua, continue being responsible, kind and specially a good dancer.
Freidrich, thank you for  always being there whenever I needed help and continue being kind and generous to others.
Kenneth, stay witty, resourceful, clever, unselfish and kind as always.
Andrew, stay being a genius and humble at the same time, and keep being a role model to everyone.
Felmar, continue being good in Filipino, kind and generous.
Jonard, please stop being 'pabebe', continue being friendly and thank you for evrything.
Aaron, stop being a storymaker and keep doing good on sketching/drawing.
Johnroe, keep on worshiping Him, stay being humble and thank you for letting me know Him more.
Yran , keep on chasing your dreams and continue being sweet  and kind to everyone.  But please, also try to be sensitive enough.
Laurence, stop being very competitive on everything and stay being smart as always.
Timios, stop being a 'pabibo kid' and thank you for being generous sometimes.
Cj Andrade, continue your writing skills and stay being cool.
Harvey , stay being funny and continue on improving your confidence.
Ronnie, continue being so confident and keep your high self-esteem.
Karlos, stay being humble, kind, intelligent and amenable. Also, try to step out of your comfort zone and thank you for being generous to me.
Daryll, continue improving your dancing skills and stay being a kind and sociable person.
Whesley, please avoid being annoying, a quick- tempered guy , and please stop thinking that you're always above everyone else. But still, thank you for being a gentlemen to everyone, specially your to squad.
Ryan, don't stop until you reach your dreams and stay being kind and intelligent.
Emil, continue being smart, kind and sweet to everyone.
Buena, keep on dancing and singing because you're really good at it, stay kind, humble, intelligent and unselfish.
Julia, since I cannot pinpoint any negative qualities in you, all I can say is; continue being who you are and thank you for being kind and generous to everyone.
Kryssha, you deserve to be one of the dancers during intrams/ high school day (mtv) because you're good at it. Stay kind and thank you for being unselfish to me.
Calvo, keep on dancing with your friends, besides all of you are good at it, and stay kind, responsible and generous.
Christelle, keep having high self- esteem and confidence. Also, keep on writing, no words can explain how good you are in English.
Jemarie, continue being fair, kind, unselfish and intelligent. I really adore your drawings and water coloring skills. Keep up the good work, Jem.
Niña, continue being funny, along with your friends, and try to stop being so self-concious because you're beautiful just the way you are.
Karissa, continue being funny and kind. And always be friendly, energetic and happy. Thank you for everything you did for me.
Janae, stay kind, intelligent, friendly and sometimes funny.
Ayra, continue being funny, intelligent and kind. Also, just keep singing.
Kezia, stay being kind and happy. I know that there's more in you than meets the eye.
Jeanelle, continue being kind, humble, intelligent, demure and generous.
Micah, continue being solicitous, kind, cool and smart. Also, Thank you for everything.
Salve, I don't know what happened to you, I don't even know if you are still  the Salve that I knew. But, I hope that you're still serving Him the way you usually serve Him( when we're still like - together). Thank you for everything, and don't you ever give up.
Kathrina, thank you for being unselfish to me and stay being intelligent, kind  and friendly.
Naiza, stay being kind, friendly, smart and always happy. Also, stay being cute. Thank you for everything and Godbless.
Abcd, continue being who you are because you're so awesome and cool. And thank you for everything you did for us(Gold).
Judee, thank you for everything Judee, and keep on doing good in class, specially when it comes to debating. Godbless and goodluck.
Samantha, just keep on dancing and singing, you're good at it. And stay kind, confident and friendly.
Angelica, Binbin! Thank you for being my friend, and for being good to me always. Stay generous, kind and pretty.
Grace, continue being intelligent, friendly, confident and kind to everyone.
Editha, stay being brave, kind, and unselfish to everyone. Also, stay being cute with Joana.
Joana, stay being a good companion, kind and generous. Also, stay being cute with Editha.
Kristel, Dokie, continue being kind, friendly and jolly.
Katreena , stay kind, confident and responsible. Always be happy and thank you for everything. God bless.
Shany, stay kind, humble, intelligent, pretty, generous and kind.  Thabk you for everything and goodluck to your next journey in life. God bless.
Darylle, thankyou so much for making my grade 10 life complete, thank you for being my friend and for being always present when I'm in need. Goodluck and godbless, and I'm really hoping that you stop acting like a sloth and finally act as a human.
Karen, from grade 8 to 9, I hated you because you're so selfish. It never crossed my mind that we will be closed to each other, that I even came to think of you as my sister. Thank you for everything. I enjoy being your friend and stay kind. Girl, take good care of your eyebrows, and try to step out of your comfort zone too.
I will miss you guuuuys, I will miss the moments when we always stand as one and fight as one. Thank you for everything Aurum Fam 2017-2018.
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cataclistosf · 6 years
The way he is
He'll never be him if he's not a tall guy.
He is lanky and he always wears glasses.
I also observed that he likes playing with his eyebrows.
He walks fast and in a 'siga' manner.
Even though he is a hot - tempered guy and
a moody person, he respects his friends,which is mostly girls by the way.
He is good in English.
He likes playing offline game on his tablet.
He likes music,he plays the guitar very well.
He is really into arguments, I think it's because of him being a moody person.
But behind his attitude, I think he has a good heart.
I can tell that he is kind and a good company.
Although sometimes his words causes pain to others but I think it's just the way he is.
I described him based on my observations. Maybe some are correct or a mistake, but these descriptions are what I observed or thought of him  since I only know him for one school year.
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cataclistosf · 6 years
Time has gone so fast, another year has come. Just like the previous years, I took a pen and a paper, then started listing my plans this year.
(Honestly, I don't really like planning plans. Like you know, I am more like, just letting things happen. What is destined to happen will happen. Like you know, plans...I dunno. Okay, I know I am being nonsense)
So, these are the things that (I think) I'm looking forward this 2018:
Number One
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(Look at her scrapbook. What a damn aesthetic. It's so cool right?whoo! I just got triggered 😂)
I'm planning to have a scrapbook where I can write my bucket list and other fun stuffs. I really want to do this thing since last year because I saw my classmate holding one of these and I thought it was amazing (I'm being gaya-gaya na haha)
Number Two
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Yeah, you've read it right. I am going to practice more on dancing hip-hop dance. I'm not really fond of dancing, but when I experienced it during our MAPEH, it was fun. And that experience have made me crazy, and that is why I'm looking forward on doing more.
yeah goodluck to me, can't wait to laugh at myself on the mirror
Truly, I am trying my best to be optimistic here
Number Three
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On summer (I'M F***IN EXCITED ON S-S-SUMEEEER), I'm planning to do workouts. I got inspired by the stories of those people I met on social media on how workout enhanced theirselves. And I am desperate to lose weight (but I eat too much! And I can't help it) and I will really really reallyyyy try my best to have a proper diet.
 [Guys please don't judge me, just spread the love haha]
Number Four
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 Also on S-S-SUMEEEER I'm planning to apply on summer jobs. I'm planning to apply for summerjobs not because of the money, but because of the experience. I also want to be more mature, and I think doing summer jobs will lead me there.
B to the E to the A to the C and H
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On a beach somewhere,
There is a palm tree
Casting a shade on the white sand
Warm breeze blowing
Waves running towards the shore
I can picture myself,
On a beach somewhere
Like darn
I miss the white sand!
I miss the beach's breeze!
Me and my family are planning to go to a beach this summer. We've never been to a beach for 3 years, and I miss the white sand and the waves so bad, that's why we are planning to get there. I don't specifically know where, but we will. B-B-B-B EACH IS LYF!
Hmmmm... I guess that's it. These are my plans this 2018. So yeah, I am certain that these plans will be able to contribute a great improvement to myself - physically, mentally emotionally and socially.
"The purpose of life,after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly without fear for newer and richer experience"
[Ma'am this is my blog for January because the first blog that I posted, I think it was out of tangent, haha, I hope you understand ma'am]
[ I can't really think of a title, that's why I just typed what pops out of my head. I apologize if my title isn't making any sense. Thank You]
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cataclistosf · 6 years
Isnt related...sad
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cataclistosf · 6 years
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Another year has come. Another goals, opportunities and achievements. Like you, I'm looking forward in achieving my goals this year.
These are the goals that I'm excited to achieve throughout 2018:
First is, an improvent in Maths. I want to get higher scores on quizes, homeworks, activities and other paper works. Generally, I want my grade in Maths to hit the line of 9.
Second thing that I'm going to achieve is, recieving 2 more certificates of Academic Excellence 'WITH HONORS' this third and fourth quarter. Grade 10 is the most challenging grade level I've ever been so far. More requirements, pressure and stress. But still, I managed to stay in the highest section in our school, that's why, I'm going to prove that I deserve this place.
Third, I'm going read atleast ten novels this year. I'm not much of a reader, that's why I'm going to challenge myself unto this.
Fourth is about savings goals. Everyday, I'm going to add money to my savings, a minimum of 10 Pesos and maximum of 30 Pesos.
The last thing I'm going to achieve is ofcourse, 'MovingUp'. I'm going to finish my junior highschool and hopefully, gaining another medal, then going to start preparing for my next adventure on senior highschool.
I believe in myself that I will be able to achieve all of these this year. I will make everything possible, I will make all of these happen. Just suit yourself with self- esteem and confidence, then, everything will follow.To those who are saying that I will fail on achieving these...watch me.
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cataclistosf · 6 years
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Christmas is the most trending topic for this month. Talking about Christmas, how was your Christmas vacation? Was it fun? Boring? Alcohol-drenched? All of the above?
Since it's all about Christmas Vacation, let me share you everything I did on my Christmas vacation.
Christmas was the most memorable Holiday in my 14 years of existance. Each year, we celebrate Christmas, and each year, I felt excited and happy about it. But, this year was different. I didn't feel excitement and happiness about it. But my christmas was still good, but not thay type of Christmas I had before.
On December 22( start of my Christmas vacation), I just stayed at our house alone, since my mom and dad were busy in their assigned job and my  little brother was with the neighbors. I only got up to my feet when there's someone caroling. Actually, I've been annoyed about it, because they kept on coming back, that's why I stopped on giving them some coins. During our dinner, my mom suggested that we should go out, and celebrate our Christmas at some places. But I suggested that staying in our house is a better idea than going somewhere else, so we just stayed in our house. At December 23, I've been delighted because my dad finally arrived home from Baguio, and there's no need to be alone this day. Moving forward, at December 24 at 9:00 in the morning, we bought foods that we're going to consume on Christmas . When we arrived home, we started unpacking the foods and started cooking. My mom started cooking our request- spaghetti, as always, and also the chickenjoys. On the other side, my dad started cooking his own recipe, while me and my little brother was busy on making graham cakes😁. When the dishes were finally cooked, we started eating while having conversations. Immediately after Having our dinner, we started exchanging gifts and I recieved clothes from mom, some  were pretty good ones and some were 'okay'. After that, my mom and dad already slept  and didn't wait for 12:00 or Christmas, while my brother was busy playing computer games, always, overnight. I and my little brother spent our Christmas on our terrace, enjoying the breeze of fresh air playing across our face, while watching  our neighbors celebrate their christmas ( they looked happier than me). Amidst the leisure, we had a video call with my sister who was in Manila. We talked about what we ate and her, going home on December 28. We talked for about 4 to 5 hours until Christmas . Then at 3:00 in the morning of December 25, we already felt tired and sleepy that lead us in our bed.
My Christmas wasn't that happy. But it was fine. I know by myself, that everything would be better if my sister was home. But it's okay, after 2 days from now, she'll be home. I started feeling excited on thinking about her, finally going home.
Then, the day came, December 28, she arrived home. To be honest, I only felt the presence of Christmas when she arrived home. I felt happiness with her and we enjoyed re-celebrating christmas together, even if it's too late, it still felt amazing. And I got pretty good gifts from her, and I know for sure that she liked my gift😂. Another Holiday came, and this time it was amazing. We enjoyed our New Year, we felt complete, as a whole family.
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cataclistosf · 7 years
The person I love the most is ...
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We come across lots of people everyday and we interact with them. Majority of them are my relatives and friends while few are strangers whom we had not met earlier. Every person has his individual attitude, nature, behavior and temperament. Considering these factors, we are able to distinguish the person we love the most and in contrary, the person we hate the most.
Hello there! Welcome back to my blog, and for today's blog, I want to introduce to you the person I love the most. The person who ignites my life whenever it's dowsed. The person that is 24hours present to piss me off, to make me laugh, to make me cry, to make me happy, to make me sad, to make me excited and to make me feel that I'm always loved.
She has a round pimpled face, a big round eyes, puffy squashy nose, and a not so kissable lips. Behind these imperfections, for me she is still the most beautiful person I've ever met. For me, her face is the true index of her mind which is full of deep and pleasant ideas. Beautiful and impressive, her face is in all its glory and refinement.
She's that type of person that can make you laugh without any effort. She always make me laugh by simply sniffing and snorting her puffy squashy nose and whenever she forced to enlarge her already big eyes when she's angry. She's also that type of person that is easily pissed off. I always love to piss her off by turning off the lights whenever she's in the bathroom and by writing in her face when she's asleep. But she's also that type of person that you should'nt mess around,  'cause surely, she'll take her revenge. Me pissing her off prompted her revenge. I hated it when she secretly took my best clothes and leave me the lousy and ragged ones and I super hated it when she always attempt to post my stolen pictures in social media.
I miss her, I miss these memories with her. It's sad to think that we can only meet for one week in a year. But I understand, she need to do it for herself. She's a medical technologist and she is destined in Manila. But it's alright, there's still social media for us to keep in touch.
The best thing about her is that, she's not letting the long distance stop her on helping me out. She's always there to give an advice when I'm kind of lost. She's always there to help me in carrying tons of burdens. She's always there to remind me to take care. She's always there to help me understand the things that are bothering me. And the best thing about her, she's always there to let me feel that I'm loved.
She deserves my sincerest gratitude and even more. She deserves all of my love.
I fail to understand how god can carve such piece of beauty, she’s that amazing. Without her, I'm lost. And I'm really grateful because He created the most lovable person I've ever met and I love her till the stars fall down, till the skies meet this land, till I breath my last. She's the most beloved creature  that I've ever seen and no one can ever replace her.Her face is the most beautiful and her beauty lies in the way she manages everything. She lives in my thoughts and passions as much as I live in hers. She is the rainbow of my sky, the driving force of my life.
These are just the 1% of the reasons of why she is the most person I love.
May God bless her, look after her whenever she's alone, protect her from the works of the enemy and let her feel loved more than the way she love me.
I'm so thankful to our Creator, for creating the most lovable person in this world, the person that I call 'my sister'.
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Her name really suits her, she's a 'PRINCESS'... and I'm the 'QUEEN'😁
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cataclistosf · 7 years
Partnering for Change, Engaging the World
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Once again, we were given an opportunity to gather and talk about the problems confronting us. The leaders of Southeast Asian Nations grappled with pressing regional issues during the celebration of 31st Association of Southeast Asian Nations( ASEAN) Summit and Related Summits.
For the second time, Philippines has been assigned to host this year. Leaders of twenty countries from ASEAN Members States (Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, US, Canda, EU) and the United Nations Secretary General gathered in Manila on November 13-14 2017.
The theme was, 'Partnering for Change, Engaging the World'.
During the summit, China had committed itseld to the South Chinna Sea code of conduct. They also assured to have unbridled and unfettered access to the West Philippine Sea. On the other hand, ASEAN,US,Australia and other partners agreed during the summit to strengthen their defense against terrorism, just weeks after Philippines was able to free a Southern town from the claws of militants inspired by the Islamic State Group. Human rights was also talked about by United Nations Secretary Antonio Guterres, but did not discuss the Philippine war on drugs, which is basically the usual source of sour points between Manila and UN these days. In the part of migrant workers, the Southeast Asian leaders signed a landmark document that would protect the interests and welfare of thousand migrant workers in the region. Also, it has been announced to expand the trade relations with Russia by the willingness of Philippines. At the closing ceremony of the event, President Roa Duterte handed over the chairmanship of ASEAN to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore, the incoming chair of 2018.
Another celebration of unprecedented growth and stability in the region, as well as looking ahead to the future and facing it with courage as one community with a shared identity has been made. Once again, we have proven that as a whole, the Association is greater than the sum of its parts.
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cataclistosf · 7 years
"Yes we're just young, dumb and broke, but we still got love to give"
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cataclistosf · 7 years
"I'm faded...so lost"
-Alan Walker
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cataclistosf · 7 years
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Bloom where you are planted🌸
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cataclistosf · 7 years
B L O G 5
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Worrying is an act of thinking about problems and fears. A lot human has been a victim of this. It is a common activity in which we humans take a perfect role. Along with this worries, are our concerns. Worries and concerns, they are part of the story of everyone's life. And even if they are not good, sometimes, they are also the one that gives meaning and color to our life.
My family and I are living happily in our precious home, and I won't let those sweet smiles that we wear today be replaced by sorrowful tears tomorrow. That's why the first thing that concerns me is my family. I'm concern if everything's under control or something complicated is going on.Getting sick delays your supposed to be work for today. And delays can sometimes become denials. That's the reason why the second thing I'm concern of is my health. I'm concern in my health also because I dont want my mom and dad to worry about me, because their worrying might also get them sick. That's why Im trying my best to be well-conditioned even if sometimes getting sick is inevitable. It's not only getting sick that can affect my parents, but also my grades, it can badly disappoint them. That's why the third thing that concerns me is my school status. I'm concern if, I got lower grades and if I'm not an awardee anymore. That's why I keep on striving even if sometimes I really wanted to give up due to too much stress. Sometimes, I'm excited yet afraid to look at the future because I have no idea on what am I going to encounter, am I going to be fortunate? Or unfortunate? That's why the last thing that concerns me is my future. I'm concern about the things ahead of me. I'm concern if I'm going to have a good life or the life that is the exact opposite of what I dream of. Fortunate or Unfortunate, either way, it doesn't matter, the only thing that I'm sure of, is that I will not stop until I accomplish my goals in life.
Despite all of these, I always remember that , whatever things concerns me, concerns God and He will perfect everything, no matter how big or small that is, He will never abandon me.
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cataclistosf · 7 years
B L O G 4
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Bianca is enjoying her senior year of high school in the suburbs of Atlanta with her two best friends, Jess and Casey, both of whom are significantly more popular than she is. She is also the neighbor and former childhood friend of Wesley, a star on the school's football team, with whom she had fallen out during high school. She has a crush on guitar-playing Toby, and reluctantly attends a party hosted by mean-girl Madison, hoping to talk to him. The party turns out to be a disaster for her, as it's there that Wesley unthinkingly reveals to her that she is the DUFF of her friend group, the Designated Ugly Fat Friend. The DUFF does not actually have to be ugly or fat, he explains, it's just the person in a social group who is less popular and more accessible than the others in the group. People exploit the DUFF to get to the popular people.
Bianca is insulted and devastated, but she soon realizes Wesley is right. The students in her high school are only interested in her as a way to get to Jess and Casey. She takes her anger out on Jess and Casey and "unfriends" them on social media and in person.
Bianca later overhears Wesley's science teacher Mr. Fillmore telling Wesley that unless he passes the midterm, he's off the football team, which could cost him his football scholarship. Desperate to change her social standing and go on a date with Toby, Bianca strikes a deal with Wesley—she'll help him pass science if he'll advise her how to stop being a DUFF. They have a fun time at a mall, attempting a makeover by buying new clothes. This backfires when Madison's minion records Bianca playing around in her new clothes and pretending that a mannequin is Toby. They create a video ridiculing Bianca and post it online leading to the entire school mocking her. It also becomes clear that Madison (a reality-TV wannabe) feels possessive of Wesley, her on-again off-again boyfriend, and is jealous of Bianca's relationship with him.
Wesley tells Bianca not to let the video destroy her. Instead, he suggests she own it and just be upfront with Toby by talking directly to him and asking him out. When Bianca sees Toby at school, she does ask him, and to her surprise he accepts. When Wesley becomes frustrated by the constant arguing between his parents, Bianca takes him to her favorite spot in the forest, her "think rock," to help him cope with a possible divorce. They kiss, but joke about it and pretend it didn't mean anything. At Bianca and Toby's date at his house, she finds herself thinking about Wesley, but tries to brush it off. She ultimately discovers that Toby is "Duffing" her—spending time with her in order to connect with Jess and Casey. She confronts Toby, finally seeing him for the shallow and superficial jerk he is, and leaves in tears. Seeking Wesley to talk with him about the date, she finds him at the thinking rock kissing Madison.
Angry with Toby and Wesley, she reunites with Jess and Casey who were genuine friends all along. They, along with her understanding mother Dottie, convince her to go to the homecoming dance with them, in an outfit they create together that incorporates elements of Bianca's previous wardrobe such as her flannel shirts. At the dance, Bianca tells off Madison, saying essentially that we are all DUFFs who should be true to our own identities. Madison is crowned homecoming queen and Wesley is crowned king, but he rejects Madison and the title and kisses Bianca in front of the whole school. In the end, Bianca's article about homecoming is a hit with the students; Bianca is going to attend Northwestern University while Wesley goes to Ohio State. In the end Bianca and Wesley are still together.
[End of Summary]
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It is not often to find a movie that is as wacky and as enduring as The Duff, an American teen comedy film directed by Ari Sand and written by Josh A. Cagan.
It is a story about 3 bestfriends wherein Bianca is entitled 'The Duff', Jess is 'The KindOne' and Casey which is 'The ToughOne'. On the other side is Wesley which is the neighbor, former childhood friend of Bianca and also the star on the school's football team. The story begun when Madison invited Bianca in a party where Wesley unintentionally told her that she is 'The Duff' (Designated-Ugly-Fat-Friend) among their group. From that moment, Bianca felt insulted and devasted which changes everything.
One great thing in this movie is the way Cagan developed the characters. Each person has a definite personality. The 'KindOne' is a one of the popular girls in their school which is a zen buddhist and an aspiring fashion designer, which kind of portrays the girly one. The 'ToughOne' is also one of the popular girls in their school which is a striker and also a hacker which also kind of portrays the opposite of the girly one. The 'HottestGirl', from her title itself you can already depict her, but she is not that good when it comes to personalities. Her 'bitchy' attitude tends to get on everyone's nerves. And the 'Man-Whore' is the football captain and probably the hottest and popular guy in their school, but unlike Madison he can manage his attitude. And also my favorite character , 'The Duff' which stands for Designated-Ugly-Fat-Friend. She's not that popular girl like her bestfriends, but still she's my favorite character because she opened my eyes to the significance of self-love.
Another great thing in this movie is how it ended. That's the why the final scene is the most powerful and enduring part for me. (WARNING: Spoiler alert!) The part when Wes chose Bianca than the most popular girl in the school and his title, and showed the world that she(Bianca) is whom he truly loves. I love this part because it shows that love can do everything. Love can defeat the most precious thing in the world, no matter how valuable that thing is, that's no match to the one you love.
One more great thing in this movie is that you can easily relate to the story, just like me. I can see my life in this movie because, like Bianca, I was not able to see who I really am before. I am that type of person who cannot love my own self because of my imperfections and also because of the people on the outside world. Despite all of that, I was given the chance to open my eyes and love myself.
The Duff is also a great movie for teens because you can learn alot of things in which can relate to your life.  The first lesson that you can learn in this movie is - don't let mean words corrupt you. This scenario is a common thing that has been experienced by youth, specially in this genereation. Words are powerful. They can be demons or angels. They can sometimes serve as our comfort zone and sometimes devastating. But either way, you are still higher than these words. You are the maker(of these words), so don't let these words destroy you, instead use them to put you to the top. It doesn't matter how many mean and nasty words they throw upon you, what matters is that you know that they're wrong and you're right, because it is you who truly knows yourself. The second lesson that you can learn in this movie is - treasure the one who loves you, no matter what. Nothing can defeat love and everyone can love. Those people you already dumped but never leaves you alone. Those people that can fully accept you with open arms after the terrible thing you did to them. Treasure them, because they are the one who really cares for you and they are the one that helped and can help you fulfil your life. And the last lesson that you can learn in this movie is - to love yourself. Don't let insecurities and imperfections consume you.  Appreciate yourself, the way you are, because you cannot really love others if you cannot love yourself. There's no need to be perfect to inspire others, let others get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections, because the one that makes yourself truly attractive is by self-love.
And If I were given the chance to ask a character in this movie, I would probably ask Madison with a simple question, I'll ask "Can you stop being mean, bitchy and egrigeous?" Because I also like Madison, except her attitude.
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cataclistosf · 7 years
B L O G 3
Some books are meant to improve one's personality. A book that boosts your faith and self-esteem. One of these books is 'The Shack' by William P. Young, which is a metaphor for " the house you build out of your own pain".
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This novel is about Mackenzie Allen Philips' youngest daughter, Missy, has been abducted during a family vacation, and an evidence that she might have been brutally murdered is found in an abandoned shack deep in the Oregon wildernedd. Four years later in the midst of his "Great Sadness", Mack recieves a suspicious note, apparently from God, inviting him back to that shack for a weekend.
This book seeks to provide answers to a common question "Where is God in a world so filled with unspeakable pain?"
This book is also unlikeliest of most novels. It gives us another inspiration and it reminds us to never turn our back on God. Also, it helps us to know Him more and to frequently communicate with Him.
This book must be read to many people at any level as it open the eyes of the one who cannot see the truth, it comforts the one who's suffering from too much pain and gives hope and answers to the one who is doubtful and about to surrender.
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cataclistosf · 7 years
B L O G 2
Communication is very important to everyone. It keeps ourselves in-touch to others and even to the outsode world. But communication is limited when you're distant from someone you wanted to talk to. This issue has been solved by NTT DoCoMo who released the first smartphones, a handheld personal computer with a mobile operating system and an integrated mobile broadband cellular network connection for voice, SMS, and internet data communication.
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Modern smartphones have a touchscreen color display with a graphical user interface that covers the fron surface and enables the user to use a virtual keyboard to type and press onscreen icons to activate "app" features.
Smartphones are not only used for communication. They also integrate and now largely fulfill most people's needs for a telephone, digital camera and video camera, GPS navigation, a application, digital messaging and even an event calendar.It is also able to run a variety of third-party software components, also called 'apps' from places like Google Play Store or Apple App Store, and can recieve bug fixes and gain additional functionality through operating spftware updates. And it also have adopted integrated virtual assisstants, such as Siri, Google Assisstant, Alexa, Cortana, and Bixby.
Other advantage of smartphones is that it is pocket-sized as opposed to tablets, which are much larger than a pocket.
Smartphones are practical at any ages, since it can be used for both studying and working. But the user must first learn to manage using it considering that this can also lead to addiction which should be avoided because it causes poor health to the user.
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cataclistosf · 7 years
B L O G 1
Everytime I'm alone, I always wanted to look at the future. I always wonder, what will I become many years from now. What will be my career? Where will I be? Whom am I with? As I reflected to my childhood days, I remember all of my dreams and ambitions which kept me going until I accomplish them one by one within the next ten years to come.
In ten years from now, I will be 25 years old and I can clearly see myself having some of my dreams accomplished and if not, I'm on my way accomplishing them to fulfill my precious life. In that twenty five years old, I can see myself coming out of college with my chosen course, maybe medicine or accounting and being happy together with my family. Then after having an stable job, I will start on planning my own house,my own car and some pets, maybe in US because that's where I really want to be and I will start on being independent to my parents. And ofcourse, I will not forget those who helped me to capture my dreams, my beloved teachers in their beloved schools specially Cagayan National Highschool, which serves as the core of my student life.I will alaways remember the stress they gave me and the happiness at the same time. Those tons of requirements, those rush times, those overnights and sleepovers for research, these memories, I treasure them. Even if at ten years from now, I'm faraway from those who mold me, I will always reminisce the memories they gave me. And of course, I'am always ready for the help they will be needing in their time of need, someday.
They say in one's life, we all make choices, but in the reality, our choices makes us. You're about to embark with me into the long, curvy and slippery road of my life, and watch upon it as it unfolds through my eyes. This is my life as I can see it ten years from now, and I have most of it planned out already.
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