castleofmadness · 5 years
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since i know this wont happen im gonna live my own life and do as i PLEASE
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castleofmadness · 5 years
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castleofmadness · 5 years
you bet ur ass he is
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Lalna from Flux Buddies is a feral scientist
Requested by @patheticnyas
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castleofmadness · 5 years
Wow, the clone tea is hot today
Why can’t we all just be friends? We’d get so much stuff done that way!
Why do you think you’re the original?
Why wouldn’t I be? I mean, just look at those other guys, they’re clearly defective as hell, dunno how they’re even alive
Why do you think you’re the original you?
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castleofmadness · 5 years
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I saw a really cool post but it was out of date and no longer running so I decided why not start my own. If you reblog this before Feb 20th you will receive a newly hatched Pokémon in your submit box inspired by your blog. Let’s have some fun togeather! 🧡
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castleofmadness · 5 years
Imagine Lalnable Hector fucking himself up with science more than Lalna and the other clones do. He just has no sense of safety when he’s messing around with stuff and he gets really curious too.
“What would happen if I injected myself with this stuff?” “Ok but what if I tried to drink this?” “Oh oh! Five watch me dive into the reactor’s ender fluids! I bet I’ll teleport somewhere really far!” “Lets recreate godzilla and keep it as a pet!”
Imagine Five just being really exasperated with her boss because he’s managed to grow a few extra feet, or he’s turned his teeth into ridiculously big fangs he can’t even fit in his own mouth, or because he nearly killed himself with unstable explosives or drank unknown chemicals. Imagine a beat-up, bruised and sick Lalnable just smiling cheerily because Five is tending to his wounds and giving him the biggest lecture about being such an irresponsible danger to himself. He’s smiling because after being betrayed and locked up for ages by someone he considered a friend, feeling so terribly alone for so long…He finally has someone that truly cares for his safety.
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castleofmadness · 5 years
Simon's "uguu" whenever there's something "kawaii" but instead it's uwu
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castleofmadness · 5 years
I can't believe this is my most popular post jsdnns
Duncan and Kim being invited to Sjin’s place
Kim: Sorry, I can’t go, it’s bad for the baby
Duncan: *immediately terrified* What baby?
Kim: Me.
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castleofmadness · 6 years
I have a feeling that the plotline for FB4 is gonna have something to do with the flux in the tower
I mean, I haven't been keeping up with Wizard School (which I really should) so I'm not sure where we're at with flux levels and how dangerous they are
But also??? The thing about Duncan's flux disappearing and reappearing depending on how much time he spends around Kim?? I mean it goes with my vague theory about Duncan only getting the flux from being around Kim and not "natural" flux but it just sounds really off??
I just...I have a feeling that this Duncan isn't Our Duncan, y'know?
[Edit] And also the creepy music??? Y'know??? The creepy music they'd use for whenever stuff about the other clones came up??? That's around a lot
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castleofmadness · 6 years
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“ I’ve been looking everywhere for you !! “
ngl if they’re going for a crazy plot twist, I hope it’s something like this
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castleofmadness · 6 years
Echo: Boss?
Lalnable: yes?
Echo: I have an idea how to beat the Flux Buddies, we just show them the most horrible, disgusting, angry and messed up thing I ever saw here.
Lalnable: I like your way of thinking and what would this be?
Echo(snorting) : You, right after you wake up in the morning
Lalnable: EXCUSE ME?
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castleofmadness · 6 years
so frickin valid.
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Your fave is autistic: Lalnable Hector from Flux Buddies
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castleofmadness · 6 years
Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
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castleofmadness · 6 years
Israphel: this town isn’t big enough for two supervillains
Lalnable: oh you’re a villain alright, just not a super one!
Israphel: yeah? what’s the difference?
Lalnable: *comes in with army of clones, covered in blood, welcome to the jungle blaring* PRESENTATION
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castleofmadness · 6 years
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castleofmadness · 6 years
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castleofmadness · 6 years
Pokemon type M!As
All M!As have a default duration of 12 hours.
Fire: Burn baby, burn! Your body now burns with a hot fire through the duration of the m!a, and luckily you don’t burn alive as well! What a nice flame…
Water: You are now aquatic and can only breathe in water.
Grass: Your skin is now photosynthetic and can absorb the sun for nutrition. However, you can’t eat as a tradeoff. Hope you’re thirsty.
Electric: By the power of Zeus! You can now control electricity, conjure lightning, and create the booming sound of thunder with just a clap of the hands.
Normal: You are stripped of your powers. Alternatively, if you don’t have powers, you are given a random one by the anon.
Psychic: You are given psychokinetic powers. If you have that, this power is lessened significantly.
Dark: You can now corrupt people and bend them to your will. Will you be responsible with this power, or will you cause chaos and misfortune?
Fighting: You are now adrenaline-pumped and can’t stop thinking of fighting!
Flying: You have not only sprouted wings, but you also have a nice plumage of feathers.
Ghost: Oh no! Your spirit has now separated from your body, and you can’t get back into it until the m!a ends.
Steel: Good news, you are now armored. Bad news, you can’t take it off. You are now bound by armor until the m!a ends.
Rock: You now have medusa’s gaze of stone, and can turn people into stone. Luckily this curse ends when the m!a does, and those victims are freed as a result.
Ground: Dirty, dirty, dirty. You are now covered in dirt and grime that just can’t be removed by all means. Hope you’re not afraid of germs…
Poison: Cough, cough… you have been struck by a mysterious illness. Hope you have extra Tylenol.
Dragon: You are now a mythical dragon!
Fairy: You are now a mythical creature of the anon’s choice.
Bug: You can now talk to insects! But look at you, you are also part bug as well! Hope you aren’t afraid of bugs…
Ice: Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who’s the coldest of them all? You are now an ice statue, though you’re fortunately unable to melt…
??? Type: You are now affected by glitching. Fading out at random intervals, freezing, voice skips, the possibilities are endless! Luckily you won’t die from this?
Shadow: Oh my, you’ve got yourself in a pickle, haven’t you? During the m!a’s duration, your heart is now closed and you are now prone to lashing out. There may even be a misty purple smoke emitting from you, or even a change in color…
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