carrionxcamille · 3 years
Again with the mimes. Are we still talkin’ bout the same people who dress in black and white just to put food on their tables? Is mime a euphemism here? Does it mean Murder in Maine Every Sunday or somethin? I swear, I never heard of mimes hurtin people, but everyone is wild about them here.
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You’re actually referring to an acronym, but no it isn’t that. They’re just mimes, I can’t really explain it but they’re super weird here. Like running around murdering people weird, running a security company and sending unsollicited messages to people weird. 
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
That’s where I kept it in case I needed it, but now I do not. I also can’t be bothered to go find it again, so I figure someone else might be able to use it. It’s definitely not a tra
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Y’know there are these wild new buildings popping up lately that’ll keep hold of your money for you incase you need it, they’re called banks.
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
Hm, I think I understand that. Some shows do make for fantastic background noise if music just isn’t satisfying for me. I wished more “newer” music released vinyls but everything is so focused into streaming. Perhaps it makes me sounds a bit elitist, but music on vinyls really do sound better!
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I don’t like to be left alone with my thoughts too much and romantic subplots make me want to rip out my fucking Yeah, I have the TV on in the office at work a lot just because it’s the best thing to drown out the carnival music. I agree, I know it’s all about convenience these days but nothing beats being able to hold the vinyl in your hands. I even miss queueing up outside the record store on release day.
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
That is… something I kinda expect her to say. Are you unhappy? Why would she say that to you? It is a fine line to walk, she does let out a few funny remarks every now and then, I just don’t think she means for them to be seen as jokes.
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Yeah, I guess she’s just the kind of person you have to get used to. I don’t know, I did have a breakdown on her living room floor once I guess because I’d told her about the divorce and she caught me in a crappy mood a few days later. Yeah, like her whole thing with Kaden and the pies, I think that’s sweet. She is aways pretty serious, but I think it’s best to take what she says with a grain of salt.
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
[pm] And I believe that you believe that, but it’s You felt dead, and I can’t explain that. I also can’t explain why things feel dead to me to begin with. Still, what you’re describing isn’t I could see your death. If you died. I could see it. But if there’s even the smallest possibility that it’s true, I can’t ask you to Why do you want me to believe you? And how badly do you want me to? If you did truly die, do you wish to know exactly how you died? 
I don’t know. Homo sapiens, but… not a person anymore. “Fae” and “banshee” have been in frequent use, though not by me. 
I doubt that would happen. Perhaps many medical tests considering I would like to work you up myself, but you wouldn’t be strapped to any table for those. 
[pm] I guess after the dna test and the autopsy report and the goddamn grave digging having you still not believe me just feels a bit insulting. I already know how I died. 
That sounds reasonable.
You think if the govornment got a hold of someone who had been brought back from the dead they’d just let that person wander about freely? I’d be nothing more than some abomination of nature. My life would be about nothing except my death.
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
She is a strange one, but I kinda like it. She’s honest, at least, and knows a handful of helpful, maybe a little disturbing, facts. 
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Sure, honest. She once told me she thinks I’m not happy. I think there’s a line between honesty and brutality she isn’t always on the right side of. I do think she’s kind of amusing, though.
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
What I’m worried about is if the light gets brighter or something and ends up shining into my apartment. Or if my place starts smelling like a fish market cause of whoever this is. That becomes a personal problem, you know?
Invest in some blackout blinds and air freshener I guess, sometimes it’s better to just let these things be untl they go away. Weird stuff doesn’t usually last around here.
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
More and more people keep sayin that. I guess if people are used to it, I will be too! It’ll take time, I’m sure. I ain’t ever had a shrimp scented candle, but I suppose this is where I’mma start! 
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Like I said give it a week or so and it’ll probably go away. I’ve been here a year, so you get used to these things. When I first arrived there were mimes running around trying to kill people, so this isn’t so bad.
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
Sometimes people’s houses are destroyed. It happens to the best of us. Even happened to me once, giant moose won’t be stopped after all
That is true. I assume your house is alright now, though.
Wait wasn’t the moose thing just Regan being
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
Well it wouldn’t do much good in a private one.
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Well, fair point. Why are you leaving money buried in random places anyway?
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
I feel like i’m gettin mixed signals. But I’ll take the ‘doesn’t always smell like that’ as a good sign.
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I just mean in this week I’ve hear other people say similar things, before that it didn’t seem to be an issue. This sort of thing happens in White Crest, though. Stuff pops up and causes problems for a while and then it gets sorted.
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
[pm] I have spent my life dedicated to studying death. People do not return from it. Not if they’re truly, biologically dead. You’re not going to convince me. And “fae” have nothing to do with that. You or Deirdre, or Kaden, or thinking that’s what I am does not change objective reality.
There must be some solution. Some way for the government to set this straight and give you legal identification.
I will leave them somewhere else.
[pm] I was buried in the woods for months, I was found and put in a coffin, I woke up on an alter in a town I’d never so much as visited before. I know being brought back from the dead is a lot to absorb, but even you can’t come up with another viable explanation for what happened. Then what are you, Regan? Because people don’t just have wings. 
Well I’m sure as hell not taking the risk that I’ll be strapped to a table in a lab somewhere to be poked and prodded, so unless you want to talk to the government I’ll just figure something out for myself. 
Right, okay. 
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
I don’t know how to feel about the fact that ‘I hope nothing destroyed your homes’ doesn’t seem like an odd sentiment to wish to the people of this town. Welcome back, I guess?
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Darling White Crest, I have arrived home after a long vacation away. Fortunately for everyone, I will be performing once again at the Illusions of Grandeur. Please let me know if you stop by, I would love to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. I hope nothing destroyed your homes and that none of your loved ones have gone missing. It’s good to be back in this ridiculous town. 
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
It does not always smell like that, but oddly you’re not the first person to complain about it.
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Now I love shrimp as much as the next person, but does it always smell like shrimp here? Or am I just unlucky and got myself an apartment that reeks of it? I really hope it’s not my roommate. I just moved in and am NOT ready for that kind of conversation.
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
That is such an odd thing to declare in a public forum.
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If there is anyone out there in need of a decent sum of money, there is a box of it buried in the woods near the wildlife sanctuary. Eastern side. Do not cross the border. It is inadvisable to remain in the woods after dark, so do not linger.
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
I mean, it’s not the strangest thing I’ve seen in town but I wouldn’t reccomend investigating it or anything. Best to let sleeping dogs lie sometimes and all that.
The door to the apartment next to mine has had some kind of glowing purple light coming out from under it all day. It also smells really strongly of uh.
[user has attached a photo of the front door of an apartment. it does, indeed, have a dark purple glow shining out from the bottom and sides]
Should I be concerned? 
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carrionxcamille · 3 years
Me neither, so it’s nice to just relax with something every now and again. Have you ever watched One Day At A Time? If you like family dynamics shows, you’d probably like that one. It’s really good and heartwarming and not your typical kind of family sticom.
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I haven’t gotten around to it yet but it’s been reccomended to me a couple of times so it’s on my list for sure.
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