carlotstudies · 4 years
Stuck at home? Here’s an isolation survival post:
(Everything here is free to use! Feel free to add on. Links were purposefully broken to avoid Tumblr’s spam prevention.)
discordapp.com/ - Like Skype but better, more accessible, smoother, and with more features. Call, play games, and chat with friends.
twitch.tv/ - Watch and chat with people doing everything from gaming to cooking to teaching.
whichbook.net/ - helps you find what book to read
overdrive.com/ - Free audiobooks through your public library
standardebooks.org/ebooks/ - Free ebooks
rbdigital.com/ - Free audiobooks and ebooks through your public library
www.kanopy.com/ - Free movies through your public library
www.ted.com/ - Watch lots of educational and inspiring talks
join.skillshare.com/ - Learn how to do virtually anything with 2 free months of premium
scratch.mit.edu/ - Make a game or movie, super easy to use, good introductory programming “language”
gimp.org/downloads/ - Free photoshop-like program.
twinery.org/ - Make a text-based game
pixologic.com/sculptris/ - make 3D models
unity.com/ - Make a 3D game
yoyogames.com/gamemaker - make a 2D game
spotify.com/us/ - Listen to music
travelandleisure.com/attractions/museums-galleries/museums-with-virtual-tours - Museums with virtual tours
Dungeons and Dragons: (play over Discord!) (DM me if you want PDFs of the Handbooks)
probablybadrpgideas.tumblr.com/post/612459866001391616/basic-rules-for-dungeons-dragons-dungeons - The Basics
entertainment.howstuffworks.com/leisure/brain-games/beginners-guide-dungeons-and-dragons.htm - Learn to play
roll20.net/ - Make maps/play online
Video Games:
itch.io/ - play hundreds of games
freegameplanet.com/ - Even more free games!
dolphin-emu.org/ - Play Gamecube and Wii games
Phone Apps:
sourceforge.net/projects/gameboid/ - Play gameboy games
smartphones.gadgethacks.com/how-to/10-must-play-free-puzzle-games-for-iphone-android-0178848/ - list of puzzle games
fridgetotable.com/ - Input ingredients you have and get recipes you can make.
youtube.com/user/DepressionCooking - Learn how to cook with limited ingredients from a lovely old woman who lived during the Great Depression
butterwithasideofbread.com/homemade-bread/ - Make bread with yeast
letsdishrecipes.com/traditional-irish-soda-bread/ - Make bread without yeast
Other tips:
Take care of yourself (eat well, shower often, wear clean clothes, exercise, clean your space)
Talk with people
Do what makes you happy
Take time away from screens
Play – with your pets, your kids, your friends. Keep yourself active and busy and happy.
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carlotstudies · 4 years
How to live your *BEST* life during quarantine : achieve your goals from the comfort of your home!
So.. Schools are closed, everything is basically down and you’re up to at least 2 weeks of quarantine. You’ve bought your toilet paper, made your pasta stock (no penne lisce of course, who tf eats them anyway?!), completed 30 levels of CandyCrush and now you may be wondering… What the hell will I do during this whole time??
Well… I got you covered. I’ll just make a couple of articles on how to help YOU to make the best of this homestay! side note : this may be the first and the last time that you can save the world from your couch, so be happy about it : we’re living a historical moment!).
First things first : MAKE A LIST. If you don’t stop one moment and think of everything you need to do, you’ll end up doing basically nothing, and this is why SUMMARIZING what you need to do can help you have a clearer vision : What are your top priorities (school work, job/college applications, deadlines, thesis, etc.)? What are your other priorities (exercising, cleaning the house, doing your laundry, washing your hands, feeding the cat…)?
Now that you’ve listed your work/home obligations you have 2 choices : either you have so much workload that you’ll basically only do this (and this quarantine will rather look like an exam session => I’ll write a 2nd article on how to study efficiently at home) OR you have still plenty of free time !
Which leads to asking yourself what are the things you’ve always wanted to do/improve/try but never had the motivation/time to? The examples are infinite : finish a book, start a blog, declutter, meditate more, journaling, etc..
Once you’ve made your list, you can PLAN your days. It doesn’t need to be super serious like a study plan but just knowing what you’ll be up to each day will make you less anxious and the time will pass faster.
Last thing : don’t forget to CHILL ! As I said, it’s the first time you won’t feel guilty about staying at home! So keep some time apart to watch your favorite TV show, enjoy precious moments with your family, sleep, and take care of yourself.
So tell me.. What would you like to do during this quarantine? Do you have any goals?
I’ll come back very soon for more details !! In the meantime, please STAY SAFE, wash your hands and AVOID close contact!!
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carlotstudies · 4 years
i wrote half an essay in 20mins today when it’s not even due for another 4 weeks, reblog this to have a productivity lightning bolt strike you like it did me today
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carlotstudies · 4 years
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it’s sunny outside, i’ve had my first iced coffee of the year and i’m ready to absolutely kill this first thesis chapter.
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carlotstudies · 4 years
Me, every day: Me? Romantic? Please, I’m not 12.
Me watching Pride and Prejudice (2005) mouthing along: If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings had changed, I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul and I love…I love… I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.
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carlotstudies · 4 years
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Here to post and go, these are some notes on what we’re discussing in biology class atm! I hope you all have/had a wonderful day <3 | 12.12.19
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carlotstudies · 4 years
reblog for a perfect second semester
the universe knows you will learn from your first semester mistakes
second semester is when we all get 4.0s
we got this. 
reblog to help a friend
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carlotstudies · 5 years
“Stop what you are doing. Go outside and breathe. The world will not end if you take ten minutes for yourself.”
— taking time for yourself is important (via cwote)
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carlotstudies · 5 years
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06 / 04 / 19
“ Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise. ” – Frank Ocean
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carlotstudies · 5 years
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✎ 10.20.2019 // two days of writing papers. four meals. three iced coffees. one gallon of water. fifteen references. sixteen pages of content. one overwhelmed n tired graduate student.
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carlotstudies · 5 years
a list of untradtional study tips
buy new/pretty stationery; i love buying new pens and notebooks so much that i’ll easily get through re-writing notes i had been putting off
create a few study playlists; since instrumental/classical music helps improve brain functioning, have a selection of ones you like, but also add in the odd soft lyrical song. take a break every time a song with lyrics comes on and work during the instrumentals. it should be in a 5:1 ratio (instrumental:lyrical) that way you will work for 20-30 minutes with a 5 min break 
make your study space smell good; light a candle, or a smell that you enjoy, try to use the same scent every time to trigger memory recollection. mint and vanilla are my favs!
write down how much time you spend studying for a test and then the grade you got; then you can figure out how time you really need to spend to get a good grade. this will help you use your time more effectively
read over your notes before you sleep; this allows for neuron to be killed and myelin pathways to be made! which means learning and understanding, yay!
get done up; you don’t always need to study in comfy clothes, putting on makeup and a nice outfit can put you into a ‘let’s get shit done’ mood
make you notes pretty; it’s more visually interesting to study and can me more fun to write and make, which helps you learn while you write them!
i really hope this can help some of you and that you enjoy these tips! don’t be afraid to ask me any questions!
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carlotstudies · 5 years
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11.17.18 // happy friday !
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carlotstudies · 5 years
adulthood is like....I’m trying to get back into the concept of having hobbies
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carlotstudies · 5 years
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2nd November 2019 | Back at it! I got my trimester two results yesterday (all distinctions!) and today I start trimester three! The grind never ends but I’m doing really interesting subjects so I’m happy ☺️
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carlotstudies · 5 years
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Starbucks study session at the main station. My train is leaving in half an hour, bringing me home 🏡
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carlotstudies · 5 years
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A presentation tomorrow. Currently in the process of making notes and prompt cards.
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carlotstudies · 5 years
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how much i love my new room ✨
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