caretortta-archive · 3 years
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Some medical charts I made were I explore fictional diseases and phenomenon
I’m planning on making a small zine featuring these fictional disease charts, which will be available as a preorder bonus for when my art book gets published!
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caretortta-archive · 3 years
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no espero que entiendan en chiste solo tenía que sacarlo de mi cabeza
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
An artist : Aw man! I saw my arts were reposted on Instagram. I’ve asked them to take my arts down but they ignored me.
Me : Say no more! Click this link, then click ‘fill out this form’. Fill the form and wait for about 1-2 days, the staffs will remove the image you were reporting from the reposter’s account :^)
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
AUs where Jiang Cheng finds and raises a-Yuan are delightful actually because unlike Lan Wangji, this man wouldn’t fucking hesitate to baby-trap Wei Wuxian
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
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halloween icons! free to use, credit is appreciated :>
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
Crabs amaze me. They’re the perfect life form, a tank made of legs and living hate-armor. It’s not just about their physicality, though; it’s the soul of the crab. See, no crab in the bottomless history of the sea has ever questioned itself, doubted itself, worried, or been afraid. A crab is pure motion. A crab is pure id and unrelenting forward force. Crabs invented the word violence and they will scuttle on the surface of the world while the red giant of Sol creeps closer to devour everywhere we’ve ever known. They will look into the sky and clack their claws and there will be no fear. 
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
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Lan nyugen on ig
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
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Zukka but tiny
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
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Mob es un pibe común y corriente que por casualidad justo vive en la ciudad de Corrientes*, pero con una excepción: tiene poderes psíquicos… algo raro tiene el pibe angá pobre… Para aprender a manejarlos va a consultar “Payés y Otras Yerbas”, la oficina de Arataka “Mano ChSanta” Reigen, un porteño parapsicólogo, curandero, herbolista, masajista, vendedor ambulante de estampitas, influencer, y diseñador gráfico que hasta ahora había tenido poco éxito con su negocio. Cuando descubre las habilidades de Mob, lo suma a su negocio, pagandolé 200 pesos en negro y un sanguiche de mila de vez en cuando, pero entre ambos tienen un mutuo respeto y admiración.
Mob de cebollita soñaba con jugar un mundial y consagrarse en primera, así que va a los entrenamientos del Club Mandiyú, que también en los fines de semana hospeda el club de astronomía de Tome que se dedica a buscar aliens.
Entre todo eso, Mob y Reigen tienen aventuras, exorcisando casas antiguas, ahuyentando al Lobizón, enseñandolé feminismo al Pomberito, hasta que finalmente dan con los rumores de Pimple, la Luz Mala (o bueno, UNA luz mala), una nube de metano que es el dueño de una secta comercial al estilo Herbalife. Después de ser exorcisado, Dimple se vuelve el amigo de Mob, pero todavía le quiere vender suplementos vitamínicos de dudosa calidad.
Mob hace más amigos, incluido el ex-flogger Teru (se volvieron amigos después de cagarse a trompadas psíquicas en el puente Chaco-Corrientes), el hermano de Mob, Ritsu (abanderado, por supuesto), Shou (flogger actualmente, hijo del jefe de LINCE), y Serizawa (que vivía en los cibers y se sabe todos los trucos del GTA), y se enfrentan a una multitud de enemigos, incluidos la malvada organización de taringueros sin vida LINCE, el Sindicato de Trabajadores Místicos, un árbol creciendo fuera de control en el Parque Mitre (deep correntino lore), y hasta terminan rescatando a Alberto Fernández.
Eventualmente Reigen, Serizawa, Tome y Dimple arman un negocio bastante exitoso, con la ayuda de Mob y Ritsu. Después de tanto entrenamiento Mob tiene una exitosa carrera en River Plate, y termina jugando en la Selección, pero siempre vuelve a visitar en su tiempo libre.
Also, this:
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Gracias a @fareeeha​ por esa terrible imagen.
(No les cambié los nombres para que se entienda mejor)
*perdón pero Buenos Aires no es lo suficientemente mágico para este AU, todos sabemos que las cosas copadas de verdad pasan en el Litoral
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
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It is officially my birthday, therefore I get to post whatever I want. 
Introducing: 100% Mob
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
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your favourite fan-boy is here
basically just nhs using his fans to fight (and dage not using his shirt to train)
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
gusu's favourite drinking game: you roll a die (a d4000, if you will) and you have to either break a sect rule of the rolled number, or drink
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
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au where wwx and jgy are the husbands of the twin jades of lan, because I think they’d work together and get along really well as brothers-in-law? jgy can remember all the names and meetings and rules for wwx, and wwx can cause a distraction whenever the Murder Look is coming into jgy’s eyes because someone just insulted his mother, again. 
despite marrying into the lan, they both continue their responsibilities to their brothers’ sects (because they both have strong feelings about Family, and because they both need to keep busy to stay out of trouble…) and when they’re back at cloud recesses they bond over being yunmeng boys (I like to think that when he’s around the jiangs, jgy’s posh lanling accent starts to fade and his native yunping accent emerges, which is almost incomprehensible to everyone else), and jgy is the only person in gusu who’ll eat - and actually ENJOY - wwx’s super spicy cooking. they also bond over having, shall we say, a slightly looser idea of morality than everyone around them…
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
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A few years ago I had this idea of dnd characters playing a human version of dnd…Finally made a small comic about it lol
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caretortta-archive · 4 years
i was going to post something like this a few days ago then decided against it bc i was like oh whatever but now i care again so i will say this. the hxh community has not made enough chimera ant ocs there is a severe lack of fucked up furry mutant ocs i have not been here long but the fact that i still have yet to see one..disappointing
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