Reg inhaled deeply as Emma went into full on game talk, taking a sip of his butterbeer and attempting to pay attention, his confused expression eventually turning to a frown as she encouraged strategic blocking. “Hang on, hang on…” Reg interrupted. “Isn’t that cheating? The whole blocking thing? I mean..we’re not meant to do that, even if I plead ignorance. I mean I’m all for…making it look like I know where it is and all that but… shouldn’t I really be looking for it? I mean…I can do all of that, I just don’t know if it’s right. Is that really how we won so many games last year? With tricks and deception? It doesn’t seem fair…”
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She listened and nodded, “Blocking, technically, is cheating but we’re rarely called on it so it’s fair game. See, while there are clear cut rules for Quidditch it’s ultimately up to the referee to decide what is fair and what isn’t. It’s Hooch’s business if she doesn’t want to call us on clear blocking violation, not yours to worry about. You won’t have to plead ignorant, we can just take the penalty shot, very few get through with me so I’m your safety net.” 
“It’s not even actually blocking because you’re pretending you see the snitch and you’re pretending you’re blocking- they assume we cheat therefore they’re more likely to believe you’re trying to intentionally block and then you’ll send them in the opposite direction ESPECIALLY if their team is currently winning. It gives them a little wild goose chase and it makes you look like you can spot the snitch anywhere and are toying with them,” she smiled. “If it’s too much for you, it’s not required.” 
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Emma glared at him as she did with most people who dared talk to her when she didn’t find them particularly inspiring. 
“I don’t need to take notes during lessons,” Emma said, covering up the notes she did take and put her Quidditch notebook on top of it. “I get others to take my notes for me, thank you very much Lockhart.” 
She knew not to look at Lockhart for too long though because he usually did end up looking like a lost puppy you need to give something to. 
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The morning thus far had been dreadfully dull as far as Gilderoy was concerned. Everything seemed to be putting him to sleep. Then again, perhaps it hadn’t been the best idea for him to stay up half the night trying to perfect his signature. It was something he was devoting quite a lot of time to lately after one of the professors had made a comment about it near the beginning of the school year. Sloppy penmanship was inexcusable, even if it cost him precious hours of sleep, which nearly made him fall asleep in charms.
Though he had managed not to fall asleep in his seat, he only noticed once everyone else was leaving the room just how sparse his own notes were compared to what was being quickly erased from the board at the front. With a sigh he rose, glancing about for anyone who looked rather studious. Picking a likely target, he sidled up, all bright eyes and charming smiles.
“Excuse me, you wouldn’t happen to have taken notes this lesson? I ran out of ink halfway through, silly me. You wouldn’t mind letting me borrow yours, would you?” he asked, batting his eyelashes ever so slightly, along with his best imitation of his mother’s sad eyes. 
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“Why the fuck would you care,” Emma said, grinding her teeth slightly and biting hard. Of course the person that she would have to pass to get into this bloody castle would be Marlene. Her hair was tousled, full of dirt and her clothes torn. This was definitely the worst shape Marlene, or perhaps anyone in the castle would have ever seen her. Emma wouldn’t leave her room with a hair out of place- she’d obsessively clean out wrinkles with spells in between class and would wear all white even while in practicing, looking as stain free after hours of playing.  But now- with blood dripping down her neck and a big gash on her leg, she looked awful. 
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People always said that when something terrifying and unexpected happened, the period of time afterwards always went by in a blur. Marlene had never believed these people until that evening. She remembered chewing sweets outside of Honeydukes. Spells being cast, screams. Then nothing. She was sat on the steps of the main staircase in the Entrance Hall without much idea of how she had gotten there, or who she had come with. All she knew was that she had a large paper bag full of sweets in her hand, very wet feet, and that she wanted to wait to see some of her friends.
It took a few minutes of staring at the doors without seeing before Marlene realised there was someone stood over her, and she looked up at them in surprise, exclaiming as best she could with a mouthful of Liquorice Wand. Chewing vigorously, she apologised with her eyes before doing so verbally a few seconds later.
“Sorry, my jaw was glued shut. What happened? Are you alright?”
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Regulus laughed at Emma’s comment about Barty, glancing over at the Beater that was currently hitting on some guy near the bar in typical Barty fashion. “Barty’s been a bad influence on me evidently.” Reg smirked then raising his brows as Emma proposed a strategy talk. “Depends what the plan is…” He looked at her skeptically, then laughing again “If it’s to catch the snitch, I think I’ve got that bit down, I mean, it’s the big red ball right? Or..wait..the heavy black one? Shit… you’re right, we better get planning…” Reg teased.
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“Yes we should distance you two,” Emma said shaking her head.
“It hurts to hear you say that Reg,” Emma said, momentarily freezing and just sighing, with a small smile.
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“No specifically a couple of the plays- now, this is something I had forgotten to talk about and something we might be willing to do. So as you know, we get very close to doing some tactics that would be illegal in a real game- blocking. Now really we get away with a lot more than we should- all the teams do but we take advantage of it, the best of us can watch Hooch while we play but I don’t expect that the first time you’re out- so don’t worry. However, blocking is valid, at least when it just look like you’re blocking. Hooch can barely call it anyway with us but even less so with you because you’re new. Sometimes in the middle of the game you just gotta look like you know where it is and bolt to it but we went over that, but what I want you to do at our next game is once we are behind, pretend you see the snitch when you’re really close to their seeker and then go right up to his face and try and block his view, race him a little, it will make him think you got eyes on the snitch but don’t want to catch it until we’re up a little more, understand?”
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Sybill hadn’t meant to touch Dorcas, really she didn’t, but as the two of them fled the scene, her arm brushed against their hand and the faces of several students flashed in Sybill’s head like a waking dream. Of all times for a touch triggered premonition…
“I haven’t seen Fabian Prewett, Lily Evans, or Rita Skeeter anywhere. I also know you haven’t seen my friend…so I won’t ask. Castle.”
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Dorcas couldn’t help how they flinched away from Sybil as the girl spoke. It was just frightening to hear someone answer what they was thinking about. The slight shudder trailed along their spine, but then they went on, “What about Marlene? I… have you seen her?”
Sybil directed the both of them to the castle, but Dorcas dug their heels in. “No. No, I can’t. We can’t just…leave.” Sniffling, Dorcas shook their hair over her shoulders. “You’re looking for a friend too, right? So then… Then we can both look for them.” They nodded, hoping Sybil would agree. “We can look for my friends and yours and then we can all go back to the castle.”
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Emma shushed the two voices behind her as she looked around, deep into the forest. Emma’s mind was swirling. She couldn’t stop looking at the forest- the sound of the one scream was nothing, probably one of the Marauders being idiots like usually but the second- at the sound of fighting? The sounds of spells clashing? That’s what made Emma excited- the rush she was feeling was only comparably to Quidditch and she couldn’t stop the wide smile.
“Hey-you two-” her voice was authoritative, easily going into her captain mode as if she was on the field. She turned around to face them and her smile was a little too wide as she tried to calmly ask, “How about we go find your friends? Would you enjoy that?”
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“Can you stop asking me that?” Sybill half pleaded half hissed. “The Sight doesn’t work like that.”
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Emma looked over Sybill and the other student and then back at her newspaper, shrugging. “ Trelawney, they’re just trying to start something horrid- ignore them.” 
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Emma stopped immediately and turned around to face whoever dare called her rude. She saw the other Carrow and drew her want immediately see him reach for his and narrowed her eyes. “Excuse you, Carrow?” 
—     Amycus peered around the corner, doing his utmost best to stay out of sight. He’d had this weird feeling all day, which was causing him to cut corners rather… curiously. Surprisingly, no one had noticed, though he much preferred it that way. He was just about to dart down the hallway when he felt someone whoosh past him. Amycus jumped, and reached for his wand. 
“Don’t do that!” he said, glaring at the person. “It’s rude.”
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Emma’s face was buried in her hands and she peaked out to see Sirius, finally, and felt every inch of her tighten up as  she straighten her posture. She had been crying- not that gross very unbecoming sobbing of a child but just a few streaks of tears rolling down her face, they were wiped away and hoped that if Sirius noticed her redder than normal eyes, he wouldn’t say anything but with Sirius, you just never know for sure what you’re getting. She rose to her feet, “I didn’t expect you to follow your family without a hitch but this is absurd, Sirius.” He was the only marauder she would call by first name- he didn’t deserve to be called Black. 
absolution || sirius + emma
Sirius tried to avoid seeing Emma for as long as he possibly could. He had never properly understood her; saw her more of a prop in his mother’s greater scheme. It was hard to imagine her as more than a name on a paper, a get-out-of-jail-free card. He wonders if maybe he had tried to get to know her better before they planned their wedding if maybe he’d have actually wanted to marry her. She seemed like an easy solution, someone to untangle his identity, all the shitty skeletons he shoved into the corner of his mind. Marrying Emma would have been easier; he couldn’t deny it. But instead he had been overcome by the selfish desire for his parents to accept him as her was – how stupid.
But there was something about their last interaction that left him with a twinge of emotion… not guilt, but empathy. Suddenly he felt terrible for the unreplied owls, for the way he’d make fun of her to the Marauders, the way he had made her seem part of this, when really, she was just as trapped, and tied to a selfish, sinking boat, that had no respect for his blood or name…He tried to repress those thoughts, but they were always lurking there beneath the surface. The self-hatred, the idea that he was in the wrong…
This is why he met with her. It was a lame attempt to make things right. He was running characteristically late, and pushed open the door of room 107. “Emma?” he called out.
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For a moment, Bertha let a look cross her face that expressed how dumbfounded she was about the question and also how offended she was. Brows furrowing dramatically, she holds up a hand and scoffs, sitting back in her chair and shaking her head. ❝That’s so insulting, Emma.❞ Bertha starts, moving her hand to rest on her chest, just above her heart. ❝Do you know who I am? Do you know how hard I’ve worked to earn my reputation and title in this school? I am the girl to go to when you need dirt on someone. Especially when you need the real gritty stuff. C’mon—- it’s like we’re not even friends or something.❞
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She grinned, almost giggled and yet it looked unnatural on Emma, or perhaps just not innocent. “Very well. This would be about Remus, not a problem right?” 
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Regulus watched with a bemused expression as Emma shooed the young Gryffindor away. He actually really liked the banter they’d developed over the past couple of weeks, Emma had gone out of her way to make him feel at home on the team, even though he had ridiculously big boots to fill – she somehow had every faith in him and it was humbling. “Looking for me?” He asked with slight surprise, surely Emma had better things to do and better people to talk to on the last night of Quidditch celebrations before the season began, it was her year, her team, hopefully her house cup – and she’d been looking for him? “Don’t worry, I won’t drink too much if that’s what you’re picking me up for…” He was only half joking, especially after the rigorous training she’d put the team through in the past weeks. “What’s up?”
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She put her arm around his waist loosely, bumping into him slightly. “I didn’t even know I had to worry about that with you- I had to watch Barty like a  hawk and sometimes even the sobriety test but I thought you were my good one,” she teased. 
“Yes, I was hoping we can go over a little about the plan for this year in Quidditch for the seeker but if you are not in the right mindset we can do it later.” 
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Emma was watching Regulus enter the Three Broomsticks and was approaching him before someone bump into him and quickly Emma waved the younger boy away. “Excuse you- do you even know this is? I don’t need you to injure my star player right before Quidditch even starts, little boy,” she said narrowing her eyes. “So just run along and let Potter know that these tactics are childish.” 
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“Hey, Regulus!” she said turning towards him, “I was actually looking for you.” 
Regulus had never really enjoyed the previous school events, in the past he’d been too young to have much fun, he’d sit with his crowd of Slytherins and basically wait for the night to end. But now? Now he was a fifth year and he was on the Quidditch team, this week wasn’t just about school spirit, it was gearing him up for what would hopefully be the most exciting year of his life. Instead of sitting on the sidelines and watching the world go by him, Reg was finally in the middle of it all, finally a real part of something. As it was the final night of celebrations, he’d taken to the Three Broomsticks with the rest of his team and basically half the school. 
The place was packed and there was a buzz of music, chatter and laughter that filled the air. As Regulus stood with amongst a crowd of green and silver, someone collided hard into his back, sending him forward before he sharply turned to the person who had bumped him, ready to knock them one. “You ‘right? Bloody watch yourself mate.”
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Fabian nodded silently, not trying too hard to push the point. Swallowing back the bitter taste in their mouth from being mistaken for Gideon (again), they nodded again, this time with a smile. “Well, if it means anything to you, I’m quite jealous. I’ve never been good with the broom. My mum always says I’ve had terrible balance since I was a little baby. It’s why all my jeans are ripped at the knees.” They replied, moving further into the greenhouse to begin preparing the Silverweed repotting. 
“Oh, no, no,” Fabian stammered, suddenly worried that they were about to get in trouble even though Emma wasn’t exactly a professor, “This is my own. I mean, I got the seeds and potted it and kept it in my room. It’s…It’s very delicate when it’s just sprouting, so it had to be in a controlled environment. I’m sure - I’m sure you already knew that, though.” They said, eyes wide, “Please don’t tell anyone. I’m not supposed to be bringing my own things and planting them here during the school year, I think.” 
Emma’s mouth curled up in a tight smile and she gave Fabian a more curious look. Just like for a lot of Slytherin’s a well placed compliment that seemed sincere instead of full of shit did wonders and Emma was clearly directing her attention more towards him, turning towards him fully now. “It does not mean much to me no but that is just an unpleasant fact of life.  Some people aren’t really born with it- obviously I’ve trained really hard but I was one of those naturals on the broom.” 
She considered this then nodded, perking up visibly with the please don’t tell anyone. “I won’t tell anyone but you owe me one,” she said before her eyes focused on the plant between them. “You’ve done a lovely job, it’s really grown quite well- have long has it been growing?” 
Herbology in the Afternoon
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“I know it looks better, but that’s hardly a compliment considering what I started with,” they scoffed and put their wand away in favour of a stray piece of candy left in the pockets of their jeans. Barty stared over at the girl, took in her appearance and let their mind wander for a few seconds. “She could’ve been,” they replied simply. After staring for a few more seconds they turned their head and faced Emma again. “Anyway, now that you’ve ruined that part of my evening, did you need anything else?”
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Emma rolled her eyes. “I didn’t ruining your evening, I talked to you for like six seconds and now you can go do whatever it is you do, my problem is fixed.” 
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She paused, just watching them. “Go try and get that girl if you’d like, she hasn’t taken her eyes off us... so...” Emma said, trailing off. 
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“Yes, love, that much was obvious.” Barty rolled their eyes and moved a hand through their short hair, wincing slightly when they felt the short hair in the back of their neck.
“This colour reminds me of you covered in mud after five hours on the pitch, and while that would normally work for me this just looks sad.” Barty grabbed a fistful of snacks from a nearby table and stuffed it in their mouth while they glared at the mess in front of them.
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“You’re sure you don’t want to just burn it?” They asked and after a few seconds shook their head with a deep sigh. “Fine, you’re really making me do this.” Without a word Barty began to tug and pull at the fabric, while they brought out their wand and went to work. There wasn’t much that could be done, but Barty did their best. The dress got tighter, more revealing and then they cut off a few good inches at the bottom. They gave Emma a wink as they pushed her breasts up to fit in the new silhouette of the dress, making it obvious that it hadn’t really been necessary. When they deemed themselves done Barty took a step back and crossed their arms across their chest. “I can’t help you more than this.”
She rolled her eyes when they felt her breasts but otherwise ignored it. She frowned looking down and using her wand, made a decent collar with the pull of the fabric. She smiled and looked to Barty, “Yes- see? This looks much better,” she said sighing in relief. 
“Now who was that girl you were talking to? Anyone of importance?” 
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Owl Post
Severus: Perhaps he was. Perhaps I am a vampire and now that you've figured it out, I'll have to kill you.
Severus: I doubt it. And I don't even own an owl.
Emma: Gross, I've been letting a school owl in my dorm? How poor.
Emma: Eh, kill me if you have to but I think everyone knows you are a vampire.
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“You’re seriously not asking me for fashion advice,” Barty said as they rubbed their eyes with a wounded sound in the back of their throat. “Listen, sweetheart, I can barely stand you bossing me around on the pitch but off of it it’s downright awful.” They grabbed the fabric despite themselves and looked at the dress with raised eyebrows. “The reason you don’t look good in it is ‘cause it’s ugly, Vanity. Not even I could make this fabric look good.” 
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“Dammit Barty I’m suppose to make anything look good- I guess I can use a spell to make it fit like skin but is this color even savable?” 
“Barty your ass never quits, you’re very hot, yada yada now help me!” She looked around to see not many eyes on her and started taking off her top and putting the ill fitted dress over her head. “Tighter? More revealing? What’s missing? It’s driving me crazy.”
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As much as she wanted to be left alone, Bertha was more than aware that went Emma Vanity came to her for help, she would be damn smart to accept it, regardless of what it is. Brow raising slowly in question, she waits for the other’s Slytherin slave to leave before shifting in her seat and sitting forward, flashing her a feigned smile and then cupping her chin in her hand, elbows coming to rest upon the table they were now sharing. ❝What kind of business are we talking about?❞
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Emma smiled sweetly, “I need someone to get some dirt on one of our peers- before I discus this anymore, I need to make sure that you’re in and willing. I need something good otherwise I will not pay, Bertha- but I wouldn’t be asking if I thought you couldn’t.” 
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