captainbisexuelle · 7 days
I'm like if a chill girl had the need to control everything around her
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captainbisexuelle · 11 days
just curious as they're always things i've never questioned just doing but people in my life are often surprised that i don't mind doing them alone
🔁 pls reblog for sample size
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captainbisexuelle · 13 days
i dont remember the specific legal terms for it but there's an exception for stage artists, tv actors, and models because their appearance is what the job is largely about (they work for a product that is sold via a visual medium), so that's why.
any other job in the entertainment industry asking for headshots shouldn't be.
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I've been finding a lot of job postings that ask me for a photo lately, which is uncool of them.
So I made an image which lets me bypass their demand. I don't care if I get that particular job, I just want to shame the HR goons who thought the photo requirement was a good idea.
Note: this only applies in the USA.
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captainbisexuelle · 15 days
Don't usually share work stuff but I do work in climate policy and nearly every memo I write includes some variation of "government funding for this obscure but necessary area of climate mitigation research has been multiplied (sometimes by like, 1000x) under the Biden Administration" and while I know the oil permitting stuff is much splashier news there's a whole world of work that needs to be done under the surface that Biden is doing. And if he doesn't win in 2024 all that progress goes away and the climate is absolutely fucked
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captainbisexuelle · 16 days
I mean it’s true that some employers see you as less professional if you don’t wear makeup, but it’s not all employers in all industries and I think it’s unhelpful to scare young women into believing that makeup is 100% mandatory to get ahead in the workplace. There’s a fair chance your boss won’t give a shit, or will be afraid of you kicking up a legal fuss. None of my female colleagues wear makeup. Nobody cares. Everyone still asks us for our advice. We’re not getting fired or denied promotions for getting old or not being hot.
I think a good approach is to stop wearing makeup at your job and see what happens. If it’s a problem, someone will let you know (and you can consider if that’s something you’re willing to put up with in a workplace, no judgment either way). If it’s not an issue and nobody says anything, then good. Just keep being yourself.
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captainbisexuelle · 19 days
If women suddenly stopped feeling ugly, the fastest-growing medical specialty would be the fastest dying. In many states of the United States, where cosmetic surgeons (as opposed to plastic surgeons, who specialize in burns, trauma, and birth defects) can be any nonspecialist M.D., it would be back to mumps and hemorrhoids for the doctors, conditions that advertising cannot exacerbate. They depend for their considerable livelihood on selling women a feeling of terminal ugliness. If you tell someone she has cancer, you cannot create in her the disease and its agony. But tell a woman persuasively enough that she is ugly, you do create the “disease,” and its agony is real. If you wrap up your advertisement, alongside an article promoting surgery, in a context that makes women feel ugly, and leads us to believe that other women are competing in this way, then you have paid for promoting a disease that you alone can cure.
— Naomi Wolf (1990) The Beauty Myth
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captainbisexuelle · 28 days
where I worked it's usually the hostess, not a server. Someone from the kitchen would bring the containers to the front and the hostess would put it in a bag. The customer comes up to the takeout door and it's just handed off. Very different from waiting multiple tables for an hour + each at the same time.
More importantly kitchen / host stand make at least the minimum wage whereas waitstaff do not.
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captainbisexuelle · 28 days
i used to work in a restaurant and we never expected tips on 'to go' food. If we got anything it wasn't more than 10%, which was nice, but not expected.
Tips are for additional service, and in my opinion, limited to specific service jobs. For jobs like waitstaff that pay below the minimum wage, it's absolutely required. Taxi drivers (yellow cabs, not Uber/Lyft where the tip is already included), hair stylists, nail salons, masseuses and tattoo artists also warrant tipping. I think working on someone's physical body in a caring and professional way warrants additional tip.
I disagree about coffee shops because I also used to be a barista for a long time and was paid a normal hourly wage. My job didn't warrant tips because I was paid above minimum wage. I was not providing additional service to anyone because we served everything to go. I was just doing my job.
And I kinda resent the tip screen coming up at like every single place I go now because this isn't the culture. It wasn't a thing just a couple years ago. It shifts the burden of paying the employees onto the consumer which only alleviates it from the top down.
Starbucks should not be guilt-tripping or normalizing the idea of their customers supplementing their employees income. Same goes for to-go coffee shops. They should pay them appropriately. Not everything is a tipped job.
to answer the poll question - for small orders i don't, for large orders i will.
Important question for white/European people
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captainbisexuelle · 29 days
ppl like “i was a gifted kid but now im dumb as shit ahhhh im so sad now weeeeh” shut the fuck up i grew up smart as shit and i’m smart now and i’ll die smart as fuck too. youre nothing.
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captainbisexuelle · 1 month
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captainbisexuelle · 1 month
having a good day then thinking about this one quote about no woman ever comparing herself to god after creating life by giving birth but every boy with a gun is a god in his own eyes because he has the power to choose who lives or dies and he uses it to take and destroy lives. coughing up blood right now. i need to be hospitalized.
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captainbisexuelle · 1 month
if there’s one most important thing that I wish I’d learned younger (and there’s actually a lot of things I wish I’d known younger) it’s that sexuality is NOT what you could theoretically endure. It’s also not a self harm fantasy. Desire is warm and affectionate.
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captainbisexuelle · 2 months
tw for explicit dick descriptions and sex talk. viewer discretion advised.
so i've always thought dick was gross, and everyone told me that was completely normal, that when you're actually with a guy you'll like it. first boyfriend has a boner, it just creeps me out, i avoid physical contact. okay, that's completely normal. when you're actually with a guy you like (and not a guy you said yes to hoping you would like him eventually), you'll like it. college, time to literally have sex with a guy i'm in love with, but.... not remotely aroused. i wanted him to just put it inside me himself so i didn't have to touch it or look at it. sex does not happen because there is literally no lubrication. okay, that's completely normal. when you're actually with a guy you like and you're not ~nervous~ and you just get used to it-
no offense but like..... do you see how this shit indoctrinates young girls into heterosexuality? all roads, no matter how winding, must lead to dick. because you're completely normal! it's just low libido caused by your meds. it's just your vulvodynia. it's just that he was bad at it. it's just that you weren't into him. it's just your vaginismus. it's just that you were anxious. it's all in your head. you're afraid of penetration. maybe you're dealing with trauma. just try again. next time you might like it. just keep at it. it's completely normal.
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captainbisexuelle · 2 months
why 🤷‍♀️ should Caesar🥗 get to stomp👢👢 around like a giant🚶‍♂️ while the rest of us👩👴👵🧕🧔 try not to get smuched 💥under his big feet?👣 whats so great about Caesar🥗 hmm? Brutus 💅 is just as cute 💋as Caesar.🥗 okay? Brutus💅 is just as smart🧠 as Caesar.🥗 People🧔🧕👩👵 totally like 👍👍Brutus💅 just as much as they like 👍👍Caesar.🥗 and when did it become okay✔✔ for one ☝️person 👤to become the boss 🤴of everybody👥👥 huh?🤷‍♀️ because 💯that's💯 not 🙅‍♀️what Rome🏛 is about, we should totally💯💯 just stab🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 Caesar!!!🥗🥗🥗🥗
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captainbisexuelle · 2 months
all i can say is developing a work ethic in college is actually a really good idea for the rest of your life to be successful in whatever you choose to do, whether you use your specific degree or not. people will notice at a job if you are not pulling your weight.
My mom has very easily spotted yet another AI-generated paper, because all AI does is vomit out grammatically-correct garbage about a given prompt. Essay-writing is a skill computers can't do successfully yet! And my mom actually reads the texts she assigns in her courses, so obviously she's going to know if AI shits out something completely made up about Foucault or whatever lol.
Anyway, if you can't even be bothered to write your own work at a university, you should fail the course 🤷‍♀️ You're not entitled to an A or a degree if you won't even do the work assigned to you lol. My mom chewed out her students this past week like "you're really going to risk getting a 4-credit F over fucking ChatGPT???"
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captainbisexuelle · 2 months
I was shocked to go to my first college and find out the majority of my fellow students couldn't care less about learning. They weren't academically motivated at all. One guy on my floor played video games all year and didn't turn in a single homework assignment. 0.0 GPA.
There's more to college than book learning, but it is called higher education for a reason.
My mom has very easily spotted yet another AI-generated paper, because all AI does is vomit out grammatically-correct garbage about a given prompt. Essay-writing is a skill computers can't do successfully yet! And my mom actually reads the texts she assigns in her courses, so obviously she's going to know if AI shits out something completely made up about Foucault or whatever lol.
Anyway, if you can't even be bothered to write your own work at a university, you should fail the course 🤷‍♀️ You're not entitled to an A or a degree if you won't even do the work assigned to you lol. My mom chewed out her students this past week like "you're really going to risk getting a 4-credit F over fucking ChatGPT???"
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captainbisexuelle · 2 months
Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles.
— Fyodor Dostoevsky
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