captain-mannerings · 3 years
We’ve had a chat with the clinic following our miscarriage.
We’re good to try again in June (2 1/2 months away).
They’re gonna switch my meds up a bit.
Instead of Gonal F, I’m gonna be on Menopour (sp?). This will hopefully help my eggs to mature a bit more without over stimulating which gives us a better chance of having some embryos to freeze (we had none last time).
I’m also gonna have my progesterone via injection or gel rather than pessaries because the pessaries have caused so much irritation and bleeding. This will also help with our piece of mind as, following a miscarriage, I’m gonna be freaking out if I’m bleeding loads again.
I’m still bleeding (it’s been about 12 days) and having cramps so I’m not sure yet when I’m gonna go back to work. I want to have it behind me first. I have an appointment with occupational health tomorrow so hopefully they will help me out.
We also need to pay off the finance for the last round and the three months gives us a little bit more time to save. Maybe we will pay it off and then apply again for the next cycle?
My parents also sent me £500 which is HUGE for them and a total shock. They’ve been struggling with money my whole life.
So just a waiting game really to get going again.
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
I think I’m having a miscarriage
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
The clinic got back to me.
My hCG levels are great. Everything is progressing as it should. Including mood swings apparently.
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
Something doesn’t seem right today
Waiting for the clinic to get back to me about the results of a second blood test I had yesterday.
I’ve been spotting for 8 days now.
Today I’m 5 weeks pregnant.
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
Got the call back.
My hCG levels are good and I am confirmed pregnant! Woho!
I’m booked in for a 7 week scan on 16th March which will be super exciting.
I asked about the spotting and they said that it isn’t ringing alarm bells for them. Apparently bleeding with my variety of progesterone is common as it drys everything out and gets irritated.
They’ve basically said not to worry.
So I’m going to try not to.
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
Had my blood test.
They said that they would ring before 4 today or in the morning.
It’s 15:10. I get the feeling I’m not gonna hear from them.
I’m also still spotting. Despite having another positive home test today.
I asked about it and the nurse said that she isn’t too concerned but that she would do an early scan for me on Wednesday. So I called when I got home to book that. Just waiting for them to get back to me about that too.
The spotting is really bothering me.
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
The clinic called back super fast this morning.
I’m heading in for a blood test today. I’ll ask about the spotting while I’m there as I still have it today.
I’m wondering if it’s to do with the twin thing? Maybe there is more implantation bleeding for multiples?
I’ve bought some pregnancy tests this morning too. I’m scared they’re gonna be negative.
Currently sat in a car wash. It’s gonna rain today but my car is minging.
At least going all the way to Southampton means that I’m gonna treat myself to a sneaky McDonald’s on the way back 😂
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
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 Your Baby At this stage, cells within the blastocyst start to take on different roles. The placenta has started to develop, and three distinct layers of cells form in the embryo. The first layer will form the digestive system, liver and lungs of your baby. The second will form the heart, muscles, kidneys, reproductive organs and bones of your baby. The third will form their nervous system, hair, skin and eyes. Two major processes occur during this week, firstly the neural tube, which is the precursor to your baby’s brain and spinal cord, forms from the ectoderm layer. Folic acid is vital in this process, and this is why pregnant women are advised to take a antenatal supplement which contains folic acid. Secondly, a tiny two-chambered heart has formed, and it has even begun beating at the very end of this week, although it will still be too small to see or hear. Your baby is developing rapidly. Your Body If it hasn’t happened already, now might be the time that you begin to have morning sickness. If you’re carrying twins, the symptoms may be even stronger. Though the name is morning sickness, the symptoms can happen at any time of the day or even during the night. Your uterus is growing and pressing on your bladder and sending you to the bathroom to pee more often. The tenderness in your breasts is increasing as the milk glands that will feed your baby are multiplying. It can be hard to get the calories you need when you’re feeling nauseous, but it’s important to remember that an average expectant mother only needs approximately an extra 200 calories a day during her third trimester. Health & Tips If tiredness is getting you down, that’s totally natural. If you need support, ask your partner, a friend or family member to help you. Otherwise, most things can wait until you have more energy again! Try to ignore unhealthy cravings and instead opt for health snacks. It’s important to eat a nutritious diet so that your baby is as healthy as possible. You’re creating a new life, so try to give your little one the best start possible by eating a healthy and balanced diet. Being in top health could help you have an easier labour, too. If you haven’t seen a doctor yet, you shouldn’t put it off any longer as it is important for you and the baby to have proper antenatal care. ## Partner’s info Cravings are probably the most joked about side effect of pregnancy. It’s normal for mum-to-be to experience sudden urges for specific, and sometimes unusual, foods. Help her find healthy alternatives that satisfy her craving, while at the same time staying on track nutritionally. Is she craving ice cream and chocolate? Find a sweet fruit that will appease her appetite while keeping her healthy. Keep in mind aversions to certain foods or smells is extremely common in pregnancy, too. She may now turn her nose up at the snack she absolutely loved just days ago. ## Twin/multiples info These days, twins are more common than they used to be. This is because women are having children later (which increases the chance of twins because of the greater likelihood of multiple eggs being released during ovulation), and an increase in fertility treatments, which also raises the potential for multiple births. Your chances of having identical (one egg that splits in half) twins? Better than playing the lottery - about one out of every 250 twin births results in identical twins. The odds of non-identical twins, resulting from two eggs fertilised by two sperm, is often a matter of genetics and luck.
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
I don’t have any words today.
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
I had a cry last night. These last few days of waiting are a LOT.
I also woke up SUPER early today and couldn’t get back to sleep which isn’t like me. I think I’m just so worried about the whole thing.
I have an increase in spotting this afternoon and it’s changed colour a bit. This is still within the guidance from my last post but it has worried me slightly.
Tests are all ready to go for tomorrow morning. I have no doubt that I will wake up incredibly early from anxiety and it will be all over by 6am probably.
This last day is killing me though. I’m so worried about everything.
I’ve had some pregnancy symptoms like a metallic taste in my mouth but that was only once.
Fingers crossed!
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
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Found this on the clear blue website.
Even though I suspected my spotting was implantation bleeding, this makes me feel a bit better.
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
Still having occasional cramps but nothing overly painful.
Having a bit of spotting too but like not spotting? It’s basically nothing just a little.
I’m not overly concerned that it’s my period as my last cycle was over 100 days and I had to take meds to trigger a bleed. 🤷 so I reckon the chances of my next cycle starting in 30 days is very small. 😂
So I’m overall taking it as a positive sign as it’s more likely to be that than a period for me.
Tomorrow is Saturday so Kate is off work with me and we need to keep ourselves distracted as it’s the last day before we can take a test. We’re hoping to go for a walk (I got a new winter coat so it’s okay that it’s probably gonna be cold). Kate is gonna do a food shop. We’re gonna bake a cake. We’re gonna dance around. Fuck. I’ve just remembered it was my job to order a board game. Oops. We have friends scene it so I guess we’re playing that again 😂
2 sleeps to go!
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
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So I have a really metallic taste in my mouth today. At first I thought my tongue was bleeding (I had some pineapple and then some salty crisps) but I checked and naaah.
Then I remembered reading this!
I’ve been taking progesterone for two weeks now and only just got this symptom so I’m hoping that it’s OTHER hormones causing this development!
I’m taking this as a positive sign.
I’m trying not to be overly positive of course but my fingers and crossed.
This website is amazing by the way. They have a due date calculator and it has an option of IVF. You just put in what day you had your transfer. It then gives you information on symptoms and what the baby might be doing.
(It also tells you what star sign and stuff the baby will be which I think is cute. It showed me an adorable picture of a baby in a pumpkin outfit)
Anyway. I’m gonna drink some orange juice and try to get this taste to go away as amazing as it is, pleasant it is not.
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
Hopefully there is enough hCG in my blood now that it can be picked up via a blood test.
Not enough to show up on a home test yet though.
Getting more and more anxious.
I got bored of fortnite. So I’m playing the sims now instead. 😂
I did a due date calculator. IF I’m pregnant, I will be due 29th October. Little autumn Halloween pumpkin.
3 days until test day.
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
Nothing much to report today.
Little one should be in the same stage as yesterday. Developing and sending out hCG hormones.
I’m getting bored of the PlayStation a little bit now.
I’ve changed games to keep me distracted.
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captain-mannerings · 3 years
I forgot to take my progesterone last night 😬
I’m a bit worried about that. I feel like the bedtime dose is probably the worst one to miss. There’s nothing I can do about it now and I don’t want to take a double dose so I’m just going to have to let it go.
Mini egg doesn’t do anything different really today. Just more growing and producing more and more hCG.
5 days until test day.
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