capricorn-anon · 6 months
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There’s no need to explain yourself, being a radqueer is pretty self explanatory enough. You lot think that children and animals can consent and therefore you should be allowed to have a sexual relationship with them even though COUNTLESS studies have proven that doing so has many negative effects on the child/animal yet you ignore that and say that the people who are against you as “ageist” and “specieiest”. 
You think that you can just “become” disabled and romanise very serious disabilities/illnesses like or “transition” to have trauma, ignoring the fact that many people who went through trauma such as SA, RAMCOA and human trafficking are barely able to function in society. Just overall romanticising human suffering because you think it‘s “fun” to have BPD, which can LITERALLY MAKE YOU OFF YOURSELF and push everyone you love away.
You radqueers think you can just “transition” to another race which is incredibly racist regardless of if you’re white or POC. And if you don’t understand HOW it’s racist than that’s a skill issue on your behalf.
You mfs would do anything to be seen as MORE accepting, MORE progressive and feel superior at the expense of real-world people and real-world research and proof. So no you don’t need to explain yourself, we know just how heinous you radqueer cunts are and can be.
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capricorn-anon · 6 months
minors are allowed to speak out against child rape fantasy, actually. and you shouldn’t fucking silence them or have the nerve to calm THEM puritans, actually.
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capricorn-anon · 6 months
Something radqueers need to hear:
You, a random being on tumblr with no medical degree, cannot "coin" a fucking disorder, it takes actual medical professionals YEARS to even gather PROOF a disorder EXISTS yet you guys seem to think you can "coin" a disorder off a fucking random "quirky" habit or is something that is an already existing disorder but slightly To The Right.
You make a mockery of actual disorders when you "coin" shit like "uwu agefluidfluxflen whore mental attachment disorder" , it takes literal years for actual disorders to be researched, spotted, patterns realized, criteria found and to even be considered a real disorder.
Almost every "MUD" (medically unrecognized disorder) is an already existing disorder but with like, one or two changes.
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capricorn-anon · 6 months
I’m not disabled but this is a genuine problem
Wishing all "trans"abled people a horrible disability pride month because it's not yours. You abelist fuck. You don't deserve anything.
Reblog if you're a real disabled person.
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capricorn-anon · 6 months
I hate the way most transids are "a person feels like they should be—" or "a person feels like they are/were supposed to be—", ESPECIALLY when it comes to "transtrauma".
Because no.
No, nobody is "supposed to be" traumatized. Nobody "should be" traumatized.
Nobody is "supposed to be" a CSA victim. Nobody "should be" a CSA victim. (about "transcsa")
Nobody is "supposed to be" a victim of RAMCOA. Nobody "should be" a vcitim of RAMCOA. (about "transramcoa")
Nobody is "supposed to be" a cult victim. Nobody "should be" a cult victim. (about "transcultsurvivor"/"transculttrauma")
And the list goes on.
Nobody "should" go through that, and nobody is "supposed to" go through that.
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capricorn-anon · 6 months
As a 29 year old whose been in bdsm since 2012 while also being physically disabled to the point of being bedbound some days:
I'm begging people to stop throwing the trans prefix in front of every little thought that goes through their head, esp minors.
STOP DANCING AROUND THESE HARMFUL IDENTITIES - HOLY SHIT NUGGETS YALLS. They're called INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS. Everyone gets them to some degree. One of mine is hurting animals but I would NEVER incorporate it into some kind of bullshit ID. I love animals with all my heart and have had many different types of pets over the years.
You can have harmful thoughts to through your mind at varying degrees (aka intrusive thoughts) but the reality is only a SMALL percent of the global population would clinically be classified as something within the sociopath or psychopathy family of diagnosis.
Seriously unless these intrusive thoughts are bugging you to the point of negatively interfering with everyday life (keeping you away from work or school, making you not go to social events, keeping you from hanging out with friends, etc.) THEN IT'S JUST A MOMENT OF INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS.
There's no such thing as "consensual abuse." Abuse is abuse, period. If something physically or psychological potentially harmful occurs, in a sadomasochistic setting of a planned out scene that's temporary WHERE LIMITS ARE AGREED ON and a safety system prior- THAT'S CALLED BDSM CHILDREN. bdsm involves the planning of a scene or temporary moment in time where you can use verbal degradation, physically using something on someone (knife, paddle, whip, etc.), figging someone (sticking a ginger plant in the anus), etc. followed by aftercare to ensure everyone is ok post scene.
Saying crap like "transmurder" romanticizes and just straight up encourages dangerous dissociative thoughts about TAKING THE LIFE OF SOMEONE and minimizes the family and societal pains of PUTTING SOMEONE 6 FEET UNDER. You literal fucking children don't understand the fucking trauma and impact of MAKING SOMEONE STOP BREATHING
This whole "transharm", "trans disabled", "trans race", etc. IS SO BLOODY HARMFUL because y'all are fantasizing about DANGEROUS AND HARMFUL things based on
🌟Negative stereotypes 🌟
Found in Fanfiction and fiction found on podcasts, movies, manga, comics, anime, etc. that's effectively reduced these very harmful things to parody, satire, and just straight up false representations of these serious issues
You wanna cover up the fact your an actual racist or some other horrible ID and would rather skirt around it by hiding behind an I'd that's "trans-blank" because "YOU ARE BEING MEAN TO ME BUT YOU CAN'T BE MEAN TO ME CAUSE IM TRANS". Y'all gotta listen to yourself. It's disgusting. It's disgraceful. GET. THERAPY. SEE A FUCKING PROFESSIONAL. I've seen old people in TINY TOWNS make a turn around and drastically change their views because they saw how straight up damaging their beliefs were. IF 85 YR OLD grandma can change their views, YOU CAN TOO.
It's ok to be fascinated by bad things that happen to everyday people. It's what motivates people to make a career out of the forensics field, psychology, doctors, criminal justice, etc. just don't go down the rabbit hole to the point of ending up on the 5 o clock news because you let 4chan, TikTok, Twitter, and Tumblr hypnotize you into becoming radicalized. Because that's what these bullshit trans-blank IDs do.
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capricorn-anon · 6 months
Fucking hate ai bitches this shit is poisoning my search results just like that tumblr baby crow post fuck y'all for real
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capricorn-anon · 6 months
I love it!!!
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It’s done on actual paper but I hope you get the idea of my oc!😅 Spencer is my cat btw!
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capricorn-anon · 6 months
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capricorn-anon · 7 months
There is a certain type of trauma that comes with having parents that should be divorced, but aren’t.
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capricorn-anon · 8 months
pro tip
ur friends don't hate you
nobody is secretly mad at you
you have anxiety and that's ok you are loved
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capricorn-anon · 8 months
It’s definitely sound for me. As always reblog for a bigger sample size please!
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capricorn-anon · 9 months
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capricorn-anon · 9 months
I am a(n):
⚪ Male
⚪ Female
🔘 Writer
Looking for
⚪ Boyfriend
⚪ Girlfriend
🔘 An incredibly specific word that I can’t remember
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capricorn-anon · 9 months
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Portals to Hell by hrmphfft
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capricorn-anon · 9 months
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reblog to shlop your friends
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capricorn-anon · 9 months
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