camliristarfallen · 7 months
Glitter & Ghouls 2023 Performance
The scene: 
A winter-dark forest, the trees are devoid of leaves, their trunks a stark black against the snow that swirls around them. The sky is equally bleak; thick, gray clouds loom overhead, heavy with yet more snow just waiting to fall. A silver slice of the moon occasionally peaks through those ominous clouds, emitting just a sliver of light here and there. 
From behind one of the trees a figure appears. A mystical Fae, dressed in darkened leather and fur, camouflage in the sparse light from the moon. The figure is tall and willowy, with fiery red hair, large blue eyes, and wings of the shearest gossamer in tones of gold, black and gray. 
In her hand, the fae carries a lantern, its golden light creating a diminutive circle of brightness around the individual. The faerie’s wings sparkle in the light from the lantern, revealing just how thin and delicate they are. It’s almost unbelievable that such frail looking wings could carry the fae very far, even with as lithe as she is, but as the scene unfolds, they do just that.
As a haunting piano melody starts, she spreads her wings and flutters between the trees, holding the lantern out to light her path. Beneath her, the snow swirls and billows in the wake of her flight. Fresh, downy flakes make their way down between the trees, erasing any evidence of the faerie’s existence. What could have brought her out on a night like this?
After a short flight, the faerie comes across a clearing, not big enough to be a farm, but there is a cabin and some raised flower beds on the far side of the clearing. A short path of worn stone, the kind that would feel smooth and warm beneath your feet in summer, leads to the cabin. The cabin itself looks abandoned; no lights shine in the windows, the door hangs askew in its frame, a few of the windows are broken, there is peeling paint and missing tiles from the roof as well. Upon closer inspection of the area, it would seem it has been vacant for quite some time. The flowers and crops in the beds are shriveled and dried, some of the stones around them have slipped out of place, the once vibrantly green grass is brown, as if starved for water. 
The faerie pauses just outside the clearing, resting a hand on the broken down fence that circles the area. She tips her head to the side, like a cat listening for mice in a barn. Her large, luminous eyes take in the small expanse, scanning for anything out of place. After standing completely still for a few long moments, she seems satisfied that she is alone there. 
Instead of flying to the cabin, she creeps closer on silent feet, her boots making diminutive indentations in the snow on the stepping stones. Her free hand hovers over a small dagger sheathed on her belt. She seems overly cautious, especially given it’s the dead of night, in the frigid winter. Breath plumes out in front of her as she breathes, a small, white cloud that moves almost as slowly as she does. Quick eyes dart back and forth, still scanning for any threat. 
Finally, she reaches the cabin, and peeks inside one of the windows, staying as still as she can as she takes in the interior. Satisfied that nothing lurks inside, she carefully pushes the door open. The hinges are rusted and seem to scream in protest, a sound made even louder given the hush of the glade, the quiet of the snowy, glittering night. She cringes and goes completely still, on high alert, peering into the woods beyond the homestead, wings up and ready to fly at a moment’s notice. 
Silence won out as the fae listened, and she discreetly made her way into the cabin, leaving the door open to maintain the peace around her. Snow swirled around her ankles, fanning out on the floor of the deserted interior. Taking meticulously planned out steps, the faerie moved to a large cabinet that sat in one corner of the single room. It was old, solid, worn wood, extremely heavy, and had a magical lock on it.
Glancing around once again to ensure she was alone, the faery chanted a spell, her fingers glowing radiantly in the stygian room. Anxiously, she pulled the door open, taking a leather-bound book off of a shelf within. Like the lock on the door, the book was enchanted, she the fae once again recited a spell. As she intoned the spellwork, the book itself glowed blue, and opened on its own, flipping to the last used page. 
The page where her human lover was supposed to write the instructions for her to follow so that they might leave their homeland together, and escape the oppression they were sure to face for their union. As the pages settled, her anticipation and hope rapidly dissipated when she read what was on the page. 
“We found him. You’re next.”
A shriek of despair caught in her throat, but, somehow, she forced it down owing to the fact that it would certainly be enough to bring the guards and rangers charging down on the little homestead. The once warm, safe cabin that she had shared many a night with her lover, whom she had met at a market. They had ate, drank, cuddled, slept, and dreamed of a life free of persecution, banishment, and possibly even death. A union such as theirs was forbidden, and had been for decades. 
Silently, the faerie put the book away, and re-locked the door to the cabinet. Thoughts spun in her head like the snowflakes that swirled on the floor of the cabin. She knew there was a chance that they would be caught before they fled, they hadn’t exactly been careful the last few months. But… Maybe he was still alive. They could have taken him captive. It was possible… 
Deep in her heart she knew he was dead. She turned, and leaned her back against the cabinet, dropping her head in her hands, letting the tears that had gathered in her eyes fall, as she tried to stop the sobbing. How long she sat there she did not know, she would sit there for the rest of her life if she wanted to. 
However, a sound from outside stirred her from her dismal thoughts. It was a small sound, the soft whisper of leather against stone, a foot moving as soundlessly as possibly towards her. Her heightened sense of hearing picked up the barely perceptible scrape of the boot, and she knew she was caught. They had been lying in wait for her. 
Panic threatened as she tried desperately to think of a way out. The cabin had only one door, but there was a set of narrow windows along the back, perhaps she could shimmy her way out of one. She moved, her near preternaturally-quiet movements making the snow whorl around her feet as she moved to the window. Digging her fingers in under the sil, she pushed upwards, but nothing happened; the window was painted shut. She ventured to the other window and tested it as well, but this one was nailed shut. 
She whirled around to face the door, shadows now moving outside in the pale moonlight. It had stopped snowing, but the air had turned bitter cold, freezing the top of the snow so that it crunched beneath booted feet. Terror flooded her veins, making her blood thrum in her ears, deafening her for a moment. There was a chance she could outrun them, being fae, she was lighter, faster, and had wings, but she had to be able to get outside first.
Dashing for the door, she held her hands out in front of herself and whispered another spell, this one flinging a ball of frozen arcane energy at the wooden barricade hanging haphazardly in the door frame. The old wood exploded into splinters and she sprinted through, foolishly thinking it would catch the humans outside off guard. 
But it did not. 
Armed men surrounded the clearing, some with bows and arrows, others with guns. Those the faerie might be able to outrun, or fly upwards fast enough to be out of range. Unfortunately, they had come prepared; in their midst was a sorcerer, a tall, lean elf with long, protruding ears, dressed in heavy woolen robes. He scowled at her as she emerged from the cabin, giving a barely perceptible shake of his head, as if he was sorry, or ashamed, of what he was about to do.
She crouched, preparing to spring up from the snow-slicked ground and into the sky, but, without warning, it was as if her breath had been stolen from her. She clawed at her throat, gasping to try to pull the frigid air into her lungs. But it was for naught, she felt herself becoming light headed, and dropped her hands, sinking to her knees. 
The faerie felt other magic coiling around her to keep her still as one of the human men, perched upon a golden horse, gave an order to the others. He did not speak her language, but she knew what the order meant; a death sentence. Hysteria rent through her again, and, although she still could not draw a full breath, she raised her hands and mumbled another spell, hoping it would carry her far enough away from the sorcerer that she could leap into the stone gray sky.
It did propel her forward, away from the sorcerer’s spell that gagged her, but not enough so that she could get free. She sprang up to her feet and started to run towards the other end of the clearing, desperate to be away from here. At the moment she was almost there, poised to vault over the fence and become airborne, she heard his voice, he said her name, and asked her to stop. 
She had no choice. 
Turning, the faerie faced her true love, who was bound with chains around his wrists and ankles, and sported a black eye and busted lip, his beautiful blue eyes clouded with anguish and surrender, his soft, blond hair caked with dirt and blood, and she knew, they would die together. 
Because in the end, nothing else mattered.
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camliristarfallen · 7 months
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camliristarfallen · 7 months
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The Succulent Tart presents..... 🎃👻 GLITTER & GHOULS 👻🎃
Come and join the Succulent Tart for their spookiest show of the year! With themed drinks, trick or treating at the door, exciting performances that will send shivers up and down your spine and a rave to end the night playing our best Hallow's End songs...you won't want to miss it!
Dress up in your Hallow's End costume, and come party the night away with us!
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WHEN: Saturday, 14th October WHERE: Shadowfang Keep, Silverpine Forest TIME: Doors open at 6pm WRA (PT) / 8pm MG (CT) Performances start at 6:30pm WRA (PT) / 8:30pm MG (CT)
This event is hosted on Wyrmrest Accord! This event is cross-faction/cross-server friendly!
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For more information, join our Discord! Check out our Website for event details, bar menu & more!
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