cameheretorepent · 7 months
I understand the feeling of being drained, and I appreciate you taking the time to respond despite that.
I acknowledge and accept your perspective of me. I’m truly sorry if I made you feel that way; it was never my intention or awareness to come across like that. From my side, I went through similar emotions as you described. Looking back, I realize I only repented a small portion after re-reading everything. I know you were dealing with your situation alongside N, and my involvement added complexity. I realize now that I was narrow-minded in prioritizing my feelings, fueled by the strong romantic emotions I had for you. However, I was immature and naive, lacking the necessary compassion for everyone involved in the situation.
I apologize for the complications caused by the screenshot and blocking incident. My ego was hurt, and it seemed like you meant to hurt me intentionally, which caused my defensive reaction. I recognize that my response was petty, and I’m sorry for how it affected both of us. It was a form of self-preservation on both ends, which I regret. I deeply apologize for the outcomes it led to for both you and N. I had no clue you needed my support as I felt ghosted by you during that time. I wish we could have communicated about it before it escalated into chaos.
I understand that things won’t be the same between me and N; the trust and bond have been severed. I'm very remorseful about it but respectful. I’m grateful that she's still cordial with me. As for the Court, I appreciate the re-invite, but it's not wise for me to, I shall remain in self-exile.
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cameheretorepent · 7 months
Karma hit harder than a muhh
Hello ol' kindred spirit, It’s been quite some time. I've wanted to reach out at times and reply more but felt unsure if it was the right thing to do. On a personal note, things have been a bit rough on my end, but I guess that’s just the way of the world these days, isn’t it?
I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt apologies for how things played out between us. I genuinely miss the friendship we shared, especially my bond with N. She became an incredibly close girl friend, someone I deeply valued during a time when I felt I had no one else. Her sisterhood meant a lot to me. And the Court gaming sessions were the highlight of many days. I really miss the excitement of our friend group as it was something new and special for me. I think I've expressed all this to you before.
As much as I'd love to reconnect, I believe it might not be the wisest choice at the moment. I came here to repent. Looking back, I realize my actions were deeply wrong. Going behind N’s back and lying to everyone was a mistake I deeply regret. It caused a rift in our connections, and for that, I’m truly sorry.
My recent ending of a painful relationship triggered the regrets I've had to the forefront. I found out that he was engaging with other girls behind my back, under the guise of 'friendship', which has completely and utterly shattered me. However, it was a huge culmination of a series of red flags – his interactions with other women, his online onlyfrenz/waifu habits, and all the untruths which I can't even begin to fathom how much omitted information there was. I feel angry with myself for ignoring my intuition and turning a blind eye because I was in love and feared being abandoned. The pain and loneliness is crushing and unbearable on top of leaving me with a heavy heart and no one to confide in.
I hope this doesn’t come across as a pity party; it’s just the current reality I’m navigating through. Writing this amidst my tears is oddly therapeutic, allowing me a momentary sense of relief. The universe said sike tho, cause I'm sobbing again. lol curses T_T
Your message response, even just reading this, means a lot. I appreciate your kindness, understanding, and confidentiality. I hope life is treating you well, despite the challenges it throws our way. I am sorry if me sharing is disturbing anything. I am sorry if I am intruding. I just...am feeling broken and lost and deeply exposed rn on top of that. Yeeeek I don't even know if sharing all this was the right thing to do, but i just want to say THANK YOU and I'M SORRY I AM CONFLICTED AF ABOUT SO MUCH RN, HEARTBREAK IS A MOFO xD -AND SCENE! *exits stage left* *cries into pillow*
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