cambrian-creature · 12 hours
I’m not a comics expert by any means but I think that superheroes would be way less famous if they existed in the real world. Like irl, a lot of cities have local celebrities that are inside jokes for the people who live there. And between there only being 1 or 2 vigilantes in a huge city and the press not having great access to them I just can’t imagine them being any more famous than a citywide meme.
Like imagine you go to Gotham or some shit and this big fuckoff man in a black cloak and mask wooshes right past you while you’re in line for a burrito and you tweet about it and you get like 5 quotes being like “lmfao tourists don’t even know about batman anymore” like. The bat?? man??? And he’s just some guy that runs around assaulting criminals??? Or you visit your friend in NYC and see some wierdo in a red and blue gimp suit eating a hotdog and no one bats an eye and you’re like “do you think that guy is okay no judgement but like what is up with him” and they’re like “omg wait did I forget to tell you about spiderman?” And you can’t tell if this is just a New York thing or if you are actually losing your mind. Like can you imagine
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cambrian-creature · 13 hours
One of the many weird things about depression is that it retcons your life. Not only are you lying in bed feeling like a piece of shit and that everything is awful, but you start projecting those feelings back along your own time stream - you start low-key believing you've always felt this way, that nothing good has ever happened, or if it has it happened a long time ago.
On January 1st of last year I decided to start keeping a tally of good days and bad days, because I stopped trusting my brain to report on that accurately. I expected to come and look at the tally when I was depressed and go "oh, I had a good day only a few days ago. this hasn't always been like this."
What I didn't expect was that the process of asking myself whether a day had been good or bad would radically shift my perspective on what a bad day was and what a good day was. On the very first day, when I'd achieved nothing and had felt sad and slow all day, I went to put a notch in the Bad Day column before stopping myself:
wait, i thought. has today actually been bad? not bad enough to write it off. i played rummikub online with my partner. i drank some water. i had a long bath. no, today wasn't a bad day.
And so I put a notch in the Good Day column and went to bed. The next day I did the same thing, and the next day, and the next day. Just the process of going over my day every day meant that I found at least one good thing that happened every day. I had a good meal. I went to the pub and was around people, albeit quietly. I went for a walk. I saw a duck. There were days where truly awful, terrible things happened, but even on those days there was always something - even if the something was a simple as We Were There For Each Other or We Reminisced.
On December 31st I put the final tally down. Not a single day had been so bad that I could justify writing it off as a bad day. The bad day column was completely empty.
I'm still depressed, occasionally deeply, but I think I have more perspective. Depression is a physical feeling, and an emotional feeling, but even without trying *something* comes along every day that makes me glad I'm here despite that feeling.
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cambrian-creature · 13 hours
being a fan of a friend's ocs is actually so humiliating....... like yes my favourite character rn is tragically doomed and a pillar of humanity who i think is relevant to the current world. you can find information about them on discord dot com and sometimes in late-night conversations with this guy i know. what the fuck
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cambrian-creature · 13 hours
love shakespeare. did a hamlet run tonight, looked someone dead in the eye to say “am i a coward?” during a speech and the fucker shrugged and nodded
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cambrian-creature · 21 hours
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cambrian-creature · 21 hours
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reblog after voting!!
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cambrian-creature · 2 days
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The light of Alderaan still travels through space and time, if you look up at the night sky it's like it never really left ✨ Happy May the 4th!
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cambrian-creature · 2 days
I laughed so fucking hard at this
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cambrian-creature · 2 days
tried to vent in a trans space about how, as a trans man who’s been on T for a long time (over 7 years now), i have noticed that the more i pass as a man, the less welcomed i am in queer spaces unless i go out of my way to feminize myself. and how that sucks! and it’s isolating!!! and it feels horrible to see ppl who used to like you and be close to you drift further and further the more masculine (& therefore more comfortable in urself) u become…
only to get ppl replying to me and saying “well if you dressed more fem then ppl wouldn’t be intimidated by you. you signed up for this”
i’m sorry but i didnt sign up for social isolation when i transitioned, i signed up for gender euphoria and comfort in myself and my life. and i had hoped that the ppl in my life would be able to see how much joy that brings me and continue to love me.
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cambrian-creature · 2 days
people who hate trans men seem to overwhelmingly be of the opinion we can control how big our breasts are/were. 'me when the he/they with the biggest fattest womanest boobiest tits you've ever seen-' shut the fuck up
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cambrian-creature · 2 days
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I had to find this post. I read this in 2017 and it had a profound effect on me. I couldn’t stop saying it. It was echolalia. And now to this day, for seven years, I can still quote it perfectly Word for Word and often do when I do something stupid. This is the perfect post in my opinion 
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cambrian-creature · 2 days
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cambrian-creature · 3 days
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something something jack and ianto on a night out
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cambrian-creature · 3 days
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cambrian-creature · 4 days
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new contender for best community note of all time
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cambrian-creature · 5 days
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Love this webbed site because like yeah we're hyped that trump got convicted but those gay firefighters are more important
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cambrian-creature · 5 days
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Tawny Frogmouth
It's A Bird! Saint Louis Zoo Welcomes Its Newest Addition | STLPR
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