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Sorbet - Our application is still pending!
A little update for you, lovely Fannibals ❤
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As of this afternoon (and last week, and the week before) our application for a Guinness World Record is still pending. According to Guinness, we should receive an answer within 12 weeks of submission. As we submitted the application at the end of November, we should hear back by the end of February! Please keep your fingers, toes and eyes crossed!
As always, please stand by for further updates :) Thank you for your continued patience and interest ❤
Please contact us through the “Ask” of this Tumblr or via Twitter (@HannisElephants and @sunnyblondangel) with any questions or comments.
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Time for the post you’ve all been waiting for: the application.
It took a bit longer than we anticipated, but we are very confident that we have covered any and all questions Guinness could have about our record attempt and have presented the information as clearly and comprehensively as possible. As we’ve said before, we’ve tried our very best to leave Guinness without any doubts or questions that could keep them from seeing our efforts as genuine (and admissible). We’ve tried to anticipate potential scrutiny based on the questions they’ve asked in the application, incorporating each and every necessary detail in the description of our record attempt.
Many thanks to the dear @NatalehB and @AvenidaMK for proof reading! Your help is very much appreciated <3 Most importantly, many thanks to everyone who participated! This attempt belongs to all of us. 
Without further ado, we proudly present the final version of our application: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx9QxErWGZmlNDROQXk3U3U0MU0/view?usp=sharing And screenshots of our official Guinness application :) 
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Thank you very much for your support and interest in this record attempt! 
We will make sure to keep you informed as we receive any new information from Guinness. Time to cross all the fingers and toes you can find, Fannibals- and yes, also those belonging to other people ;) 
Big Fannibal hugs <3
As always, please stand by for further updates :) Please contact us through the “Ask” of this tumblr or on twitter (@HannisElephants and @sunnyblondangel) for any questions or concerns. 
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The Terrifyingly Tart To-Do List!
Hello Fannibals!
So we’ve been hard at work plucking and pruning our application. A few questions linger, as do a few tasks. Here’s what we’ve got left to do:
--Remove non-affiliated tweets from the #AreReadyToDine hashtag on Twitter, as well as any tweets not containing screenshots. SCREENSHOTS REMAIN
--Continue to cross-check all screenshots for accuracy and precision
--Schedule reminders for the tweet event via iCalendar, Twitter, Tumblr, etc, and post screenshots of these reminders to Twitter with the hashtag #TheFeastPresentedItself. You can schedule reminders for anytime between now and August 8th 2017, but concentrate on the weeks and days leading up to that date
We’re also awaiting a response from Twuffer about the security and reliability of the tweets we’ve scheduled through their site. We’ve contacted them via their Customer Service platform to verify that all scheduled tweets will be sent as planned--there have been a few reports of glitches in the system and we’d really like to make sure these won’t affect our tweets!
Any and all help with these tasks would be appreciated, particularly with scheduling reminders! Please, please set up a few and let us know via the #TheFeastPresentedItself tag that you’ve done so. Not only will these tweets remind you and everyone else that the tweet event is happening, but they’ll also lend credence to the idea that this is a legitimate tweet event that we’re planning ahead of time.
There! Not too tart we hope. Speaking of tarts, hope everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving! 
Please stand by for further updates!
If you have any questions, please contact @HannisElephants or @sunnyblondangel on Twitter or use the “Ask“ option of this Tumblr.
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Please schedule reminders for our trend event on tumblr or on future tweets.com/twuffer! 
Reminders are an essential part of any twitter event, therefore we need to show Guinness that we’ve got this part covered as well.
Please schedule a few little reminders for July and the first days of August 2017 to remind yourselves and others of our long planned trend event either here on Tumblr or on FutureTweets.com / Twuffer.com. Take screenshots of your scheduled reminders and post them on twitter using the hashtag #TheFeastPresentedItself. 
Please make sure to include your timezone in your tweet :) As this is a trend event, please don’t use the #22MonthsAreOver hashtag in your reminder tweets or when you post your screenshots. Thanks :) 
Let’s prove that we’re indeed able to organise a trend event this far in advance!
We’ve included some wonderful templates you can use here on Tumblr to set up reminders. Many thanks to @Nooey for making them <3
Please stand by for further updates :) Feel free to reach out to us via the ask function of this Tumblr or find us on Twitter under @sunnyblondangel and @HannisElephants. 
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Entrée - Writing and Editing the Application! 
We wanted to share our writing process with you, dear Fannibals :) 
Last Friday, after meeting up in a lovely café in true Fannibal style (check out our dashing Funkos!), we had lunch at @sunnyblondangel’s home and spent the rest of the day neck-deep in application wonderland. We’d put together a draft ahead of our get-together to have a baseline off which to work, but there was still plenty to do--@HannisElephants had a list of questions numbering nearly 20, and that was BEFORE we got to chatting! 
In the hours that followed, we discussed everything from word choice to the technical aspects of setting this record to the rationale behind our actions. It was this last section that proved the most crucial, provoking the most discourse: the application demands that you explain “why you want to set or break a record,” why you’re doing what you’re doing, in short why anyone should care. The answer may be obvious to us--because Hannibal is something truly special and worthy of promotion, especially in light of its cancellation--but it’s another thing entirely to get it down on paper in a way that’s comprehensible to those who have never been exposed to the show or to its fandom. This proves particularly challenging if the tone required is one of near-clinical observation. It took us all afternoon, but we’re confident that we’ve found a balance between articulating our passion for the show and maintaining the professionalism required for Guinness to take our application seriously. We’ve tried our very best to leave Guinness without any doubts or questions that could keep them from seeing our efforts as genuine (and admissible). We’ve tried to anticipate potential scrutiny based on the questions they’ve asked in the application, incorporating each every necessary detail in the description of our record attempt. And there are many! :) 
The application is currently in the hands of the very helpful @NatalehB and @AvenidaMK, two sharp-eyed Fannibals who have kindly agreed to cross-check the text for any oversights or mistakes on our part. Also key are clarity and flow: whether the application a) lays out the case for the record in a logical fashion and b) reads smoothly. Getting this application together has been a lengthy process--and we’re not going to be satisfied until every last question has been answered--but we’re looking forward to sharing it with you once it’s ready <3 
Thank you for your patience and your continued support--this project would be nothing if not for the Fannibals participating and giving it their love. Our fandom is truly beautiful xx
Please stand by for updates. As always, feel free to contact us through the “ask” on this Tumblr or on Twitter (@sunnyblondangel or @HannisElephants) for any questions or issues :) And you can find the lovely @NatalehB and @AvenidaMK on Twitter as well :)
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Thanks for your quick response.
You’re welcome
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Hi, I'm writing from Spain, my English is not good and I use the translator, for that reason there are things that are not clear to me. You can tell me how to join your page.
Hi :) Thank you for reaching out!If you want to join please got to Twitter and ask @HannisElephants (on Twitter!) to add you to our list. Please let me know if I can help any other way
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Hors d’oeuvre
We promised you updates,  Fannibals, and now you get one, yay! <3
Up until now, the specifics for our application were a little unclear, namely how the Fannibals could be labelled/grouped for the purposes of categorisation. We were unsure as to whether we apply as an "individual" or as some kind of non-profit organisation, as "fandom“ or "random group of awesome people“ was not an option and we have no official affiliation with Gaumont, NBC, etc. Guinness categorises participants as either individuals, charities/NPO/public sector, brands or agencies (e.g. big businesses like XBOX or Samsung), small or mid-sized businesses, or as universities or schools. As you can imagine, finding out how to apply properly was our first priority: we wouldn’t want our application to be denied on the grounds that it didn't meet the requirements of the category we'd selected.
A telephone conversation with the Guinness regional office in the UK has finally yielded an answer: we apply as an "individual."
@HannisElephants will officially apply for our record under her name/registered Guinness account. Within the application, we outline what we've done and specify that we are a collective, a group of individuals. The record, if awarded, would be awarded to the "Hannibal Fandom," not to the individual completing the application. (She will also make it abundantly clear that she has no intention of claiming any prize awarded for herself. That would be the height of rudeness and we know what happens to rude people!)
According to the information we received, this is how we go about applying/making sure that the record will be officially recognised as submitted and achieved by our fandom. You can expect a draft of our application within the next week.
Please stand by for further updates!
If you have any questions, please contact @HannisElephants or @sunnyblondangel on Twitter or use the "Ask“ option of this Tumblr.
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Have our beautiful, updated template, dear Fannibals <3
We received questions from many who heard about CallingAllFannibals for the first time, when they saw the template in our last post. This prompted us to make a new one, which allows a little peek at the story behind the list we are promoting.
Please stand by for another update later today! Feel free to either use the “ask” function here on tumblr or contact @sunnyblondangel or @HannisElephants on twitter if you have any questions!
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Last chance to join the record attempt!
We recognize that a lot of people only heard of the Hannibal record attempt very late and could not participate due to that. As we intend to stick to our final deadline we’d like to offer you the chance to let Guinness know about your interest. We can't accept screenshots at this time, but by asking to be added to the list, you can add your support to the campaign and let Guinness know that there are still more Fannibals interested in participating.
Thank you for your continued interest in the Fannibal record attempt!
Please stand by for updates. Feel free to contact @sunnyblondangel or @HannisElephants on twitter if you have any questions.
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Huge thanks to all the Fannibals who joined us in the record attempt on twitter!
This tumblr was created to keep everyone in the loop concerning our application process. 
We’re applying for the record for the 
“earliest planned&implimented tweet
event/trend event”
as a fandom and as each of us is a part of this, each of us should have access to information about the campaign and about its progress.
Thanks to the 96 wonderful people taking part in this so far! 
Please stand by for updates :)  You can find us on twitter as @HannisElephants and @sunnyblondangel if you’ve got any questions!
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