calleighdelko · 2 years
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“well i would,” he teased, jokingly, “but i know you’d shoot me down, “he laughed. “i can’t imagine you turning your back on this place, even in the off-season. even if summer in australia or europe was on the cards.” when they began talking about how busy the female had been making up for lost time, something slight shifted in the male, nearly unnoticeable. when calleigh had gotten sick it’d affected cieran a lot. it’d been hard for him to see someone as vivacious as her go through what she had. for a while he’d hated the world, and struggling to face it, he probably hadn’t been there for her as much as he should’ve. “well, you will get it right, because you’re you. trust me,” he let her know sincerely, in support. “what kind of weddings are you planning? any crazy bridezillas lately?”
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She bumped gently into the other, a smile being thrown at him. “You know this is my home. I always appreciate any offer but I’d struggle leaving.” Even as much as Calleigh wanted to travel - there was just always something keeping her at home. She didn’t mind as much; but sometimes she wished she could bring up the courage to travel. “I always trust you, you know that. But I have to plan a space themed wedding currently - don’t ask me why. Space is a bit strange for a wedding theme.”
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calleighdelko · 2 years
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“i knew it and you’re giving me shit for it.” he playfully stuck his tongue out at her. “oh, yeah? wanna give me a list of your favorite traits about me?” chad was curious, eyes falling over her warm smile as he had a cocky one growing across his. shrugging his shoulders slightly, he sighs. “i feel like if i take a nap now i’ll never be able to sleep tonight because knowing my ass i’ll be asleep for over five hours and not take like an hour nap, how the hell do people even do one hour naps? i feel like those just make me more exhausted.” 
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“Of course I am. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t.” She shot back, one of her throw pillows being thrown at the other playfully. “Your cockiness, humility, and passion.” There was a shrug through her shoulders - the comment coming across easily. “One hour naps are so easy. You just have to train yourself. You’ll get used to it. Otherwise, I can get you a coffee.” That was the best she had to offer.
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calleighdelko · 2 years
“okay, so go to the city and stay away from bushes, good to know.” she nodded. “is it actually the same as here? no way. seriously?!” lennon shook her head in disbelief. “i feel like everything i thought i knew is a lie.” she chuckled. she was sure calleigh thought she was crazy at this point. “i’m sure she won’t take too much convincing.”
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"It’s ok! I thought the same things at first too.” The sentence was aimed to make her feel less embarrassed, head shaking with laughter. “When my parents went and told me what it was really like - I was honestly surprised. It’s so weird that so many of us think it’s dangerous.”
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calleighdelko · 2 years
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There’s a warm smile as a shrug pulls through her shoulders. “Surprise me.” Calleigh answered in response to the other’s question. “Make me up however you want girl!.”
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“so are you going to let me do your makeup?” serenity inquires the other, after dabbing a bit on her face. “i mean – it doesn’t even have to be makeup makeup, i can totally do like syfy makeup. make you look totally scary, y’know halloween is coming up.” 
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calleighdelko · 2 years
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“like you don’t keep any secrets from me as well.” he counters, eyebrows quirked as his eyes fell upon the female. “one of my better traits, people who are indecisive should just be told yes or no or else you guys will be more confuse about your decisions.” he surrounded himself by enough females to know exactly how they act. he shuts his eyes for. a split second before feeling her climb onto the bed as well. “just tired. it was a long night.” 
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"Your right. I keep plenty from you.” She stated with a shrug. “You have plenty of good traits but this is one of my favourite traits of yours.” Calleigh gave a warm smile. If there was one thing she appreciated about Chad - it was his ability to make a quick decision. She could make decisions when it came to people’s weddings but when it came to her own decisions - she was always lost. “Do you want a nap?”
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calleighdelko · 2 years
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the question only briefly catches luz off guard, before a grin slowly eases its way onto her lips, and she wiggles the glass in her hand the way a one might to spark temptation. “i could show you as easily as i could tell you.” the facade drops a beat later, luz rolling her eyes toward her drink in disgust. “it TOTALLY sucks. nobody needs pumpkin spice and vodka mixed together. nobody ASKED for that. it’s not what’s wrong with the drink - it’s what’s wrong with these PEOPLE.” she huffs, the fringe around her face fluffing with the action, and then she smiles syrupy-sweet. “have i tempted you yet?”
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An eyebrow rose, a look of interest on Calleigh’s face as she shifted to better face the woman - listening intently as the woman describe it. “That sounds like some fall fail. I have to try it though. I like drinks that shouldn’t go together.” She answered honestly - her own drink being moved over to the other. "But only if you’re ok with red wine. I can’t drink it because it gives me headaches.”
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calleighdelko · 2 years
After she had managed to do her chores for the day, Joey decided to treat herself to some coffee and enjoying her day off. Entering the cafe, she ordered a matcha latte and looked around while waiting for her order when she spotted Calleigh. She grabbed her cup once it was done, approaching the table (more like tables upon seeing the mass of notebooks around her) where her best friend sat at.❝Ouch, someone’s in a pissy mood❞, she chuckled lightly in amusement, gaze moving over the occupied tables before giving her a soft grin. ❝I could sit at another table and watch you work but I would get called out for being a creep so.. Take a break, Cal. Whose wedding are you planning this time? Is it Queen Riri’s?❞
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There was a sympathetic smile at the other, a slight shrug being pulled through her shoulders at the other’s comment. “Sorry. But you know what I get like.” There’s a sigh as Joey tells her to take a break - hands moving to close books and laptops to clean a space up. “Only because it’s you. Otherwise no breaks. Sit.” She patted the table next to her, a genuine smile being thrown her way. “I wish it was! But unfortunately it’s just some socialite from New York. But she wants it twice as perfect.”
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calleighdelko · 2 years
“what about snakes? and sea creatures? if i go swimming in the ocean in sydney, am i going to be eaten by a shark?” she had so many questions about australia and it seemed like the girl could at least provide her with some answers. “i think it’s gotta be greece. now to convince my travel companion… i don’t think it’ll be too hard.” she chuckled.
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"There are some snakes but they are usually found out in the bush or so I’ve been told.” There’s a bout of laughter as the other keeps talking - her statement on sharks causing a raised eyebrow. “Girl, you watch too many animal films. But I think it’s as likely as getting eaten by one here.” The woman joked before flashing a smile. “I’m sure if you just tell them how much it means to you - that they’ll go no questions asked.”
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calleighdelko · 2 years
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calleighdelko · 2 years
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calleighdelko · 2 years
“that’s perfectly fine!” kalani agrees, smiling warmly. she didn’t want to trigger any headaches for the other. “i can definitely pick some up as well. i mean i have a bunch at my place as well, but it doesn’t hurt having an overload of things to snack on.” she states. “you can come by my place around eight? since my meeting’s ends at seven thirty, does that sound good?” 
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"Thanks girl!” Calleigh was always grateful for the other. She always accommodated her and vice versa. It was a cherished friendship. “Oh god no. Knowing us we will most likely go through all those snacks.” There was a bout of laughter from the woman before she nodded at the girls question. “Sounds perfect.”
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calleighdelko · 2 years
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“you of all people should know that’s just me.” he states, sending her a light smile before nodding his head watching as she flips her hair and sends a wink towards his direction. “mm, that’s a secret for me to know and for you to stay in the dark about.” this time he sent a wink with a smirk plastered across his lips. leaning back, his eyes readjusted as she shows him the options. “i think the red dress. floral is too summery and summer just ended.” he simply reflects his option before leaning back slightly, getting comfortable. 
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Eyebrow raised ever so slightly at his statement, her head tilting to the side in thought. “Keeping secrets from me? I don’t know how I feel about that.” Her head nods at his statement, the second dress being placed back into the wardrobe. “See, this is why I have you around. You don’t tell me to go with whichever one I like better. You actually give me an answer.” The woman moved from her wardrobe to sit on her bed, pillow behind her back to prop her up against the headboard. “What’s going on with you?”
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calleighdelko · 2 years
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calleighdelko · 2 years
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calleighdelko · 2 years
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“obviously. come to think of it, maybe that must be why my life feels so dull whenever i’m out of the continent?” he laughed as she bumped his arm, pepping his close friend up and referring to the moderate-to-long stints he’d be in europe, asia or australia for his job. “wrapped lollies? got it,” he noted. maybe they’d come across some a few more drinks into the night. “honestly, that’s really great about the time for yourself, calleigh. kinda seems like you’ve taken on way too much just lately,” he noted, taking another sip from his cup. personally cieran couldn’t quite understand the whole concept or pull towards weddings, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t in awe of calleigh being a powerhouse when it came to pulling them together.
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“Exactly. It’s because I’m not there. Next thing I know you’ll be begging me to come with you.” She joked - the notion of an invitation wouldn’t have been unwarranted but wouldn’t have been accepted; Calleigh was never really one for travel. “I had to make up for everything I missed during treatment. People put off their weddings so I could organise it for them and I have to do it right.” Even though the woman had been in remission for a year, she was still playing catch up for the weddings she’d missed. Her clients were fantastic about accommodating everything - but Calleigh just wasn’t 100% still and it took its toll.
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calleighdelko · 2 years
Avani had just gotten off work and as per her daily tradition, she stopped by her favorite café looking for some energy to stay up, working with kids tends to take most of your energy, especially daycare kids. Once inside she headed straight for the line, her mind already prepared with her daily order of a caramel macchiato and a strawberry scone. Minutes later the hazel-eyed girl found herself scanning the café for an empty seat, not even paying attention to where she was standing until a voice spoke up, “Oh my god, I’m sorry.” She gave the other a genuine smile. ”I didn’t mean to invade your space, I was just trying to find somewhere to sit and wasn’t paying attention.”
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Calleigh raised her and waved it to dismiss the other’s apology, her own head shaking. “No need to be sorry. I’m sorry - I was probably a bit snappy.” When the brunette is involved deeply in her work - she can at times be a bit rude and abrasive. “Did you want to sit here?” She questioned, moving around some of her stuff to make space for Avani to join.
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calleighdelko · 2 years
“there’s no bugs in the city? or at least no more than i would get here?” she asked, eyes wide. “i thought they were like everywhere.” lennon shook her head, a shiver running down her spine just thinking about it. “anywhere with an ocean is honestly perfect but greece is just incredible. france is great but the aim is to get out of the cold weather this winter so maybe we’ll save that for another time.” she chuckled.
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"Limited. It’s like here. There’s just more bugs in regional and country areas.” Calleigh answered. She herself hadn’t visited Australia before, but she’d heard from her parents on their trips there. “That’s true. I completely understand. Maybe stick with Greece because you know it’s a solid location?”
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