calihan-adams ¡ 3 years
the wait for her usual order here was taking longer than usual, and summer found herself playing with her curls, looking around the place and getting a little too lost in her own thoughts. that’s what you get for not charging your phone, summer. her eyes land on someone not too far from her, meeting their eyes. were they staring? or was it just that their eyes happened to catch onto each other a little too long? her loud, impulsive and aggressive nature spoke before she could rationalize it. “what’re you lookin’ at?” she asks them, cocking a brow, “oh, shit, is my boob out?” she asks, realization hitting her as she quickly looks down at her shirt – she’s been in a boob accidentally out situation before. thankfully, it seemed to be in tact
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Calihan’s face remained unfazed as the woman waiting across from him spoke aggressively. Before they could answer, however, the other was looking down and Calihan was letting out a small snort of laughter. “No, you’re good,” he replied in a cool tone, “although I’m sure people wouldn’t mind if it was,” he added with a nod of his head, gesturing to the busy queue of patrons waiting for their orders. 
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calihan-adams ¡ 3 years
“okay, so like….if you could go anywhere, and do like, literally anything you wanted, money’s not an option, and everyone else’s judgement or expectations didn’t matter….what would it be? i always think the different answers to this are so interesting, like…for me, for example, i’d just wanna travel and see the world, and learn about as many cultures and languages as possible. it would be so cool to write music with different influences or in different languages and stuff, it would be like my own little journal, ya know? i’d could go back and see all that i’ve learned and discovered through the music that i made! it would be amazing, and personal, and just like, the raddest thing, ya know?” charlie gushed, practically bouncing in their seat with excitement at the thought.
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The stranger’s energy took Calihan by surprise. He seemed to remember seeing their face around before, though Calihan wasn’t sure they had ever spoken. Nonetheless, Calihan let out a chuckle and pondered over the question at hand. “I’d go to the Cliff Diving World Series,” they responded simply, taking a drink of their Jameson on the rocks which rested in their left hand. After a brief silence, Calihan asked the other, “Why don’t you? What’s stopping you from going town to town? From living on the road and writing music?” 
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calihan-adams ¡ 3 years
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name: calihan adams
age: 22
occupation: mechanic
sign: aquarius 
+: daring, excitable, forgiving 
-: reckless, introverted, vagabond
Calihan was born on a Native American reservation in Oregon. As was common on the reservation, their family had little money. Education and opportunities were scarce and, being naturally a bit dim-witted anyway, Calihan knew education would not be his way out. And damn, did they want out. 
Calihan always had an interest in cars and motorcycles, and as a teenager he began to work on fixing and assembling them, discovering soon that he had a real talent for it. After finishing high school, a pattern began: they would go to a new town, fix and sell some custom bikes or cars, make enough cash to move on to a new place, and start the cycle all over again. 
After 4 years “on the road”, Calihan found himself in Noosa, Australia. They’re not sure how long they will stay, but hey, a little sunshine never hurt anyone, did it? 
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calihan-adams ¡ 3 years
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calihan-adams ¡ 3 years
One thing about me...I will disappear
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calihan-adams ¡ 3 years
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