calicotoones · 9 years
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Enjoying a hot beverage
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calicotoones · 9 years
Meeting Batman (RobStar 2015)
Just so you know:  The Batman that they meet here is the one from the classic  1960s TV show….
“Um, Starfire, I need to warn you about something…” Robin rubbed the back of his neck as he struggled to compose his thoughts.
Robin and Starfire stood on the porch before the massive and ornate front door of stately Wayne Manor.  Robin wore his prep school Dick Grayson clothes (without his mask!) while Starfire wore her usual purple miniskirt outfit.  She had been briefed all about secret identities and Robin wasn’t worried about her saying the wrong thing. No, he was worried about something else.
“What is it, Robin?” she asked.
“Well, uh, it’s just that when I lived here, things were a little different. The times were different. I acted different…”
At that moment the door swung open to reveal a tall and thin elderly gentleman. “Master Dick!  So good to see you again!”  he said with a warm smile and his eyes sparkling behind his thick glasses.
“Alfred! It’s good to see you too.”
In a break of decorum, they hugged for a moment.
“Alfred, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend Star. Uh, Star Fire.”
“Very nice to meet you Ms. Fire,” he said as they politely shook hands.
Alfred invited them inside and led them down to the spacious living room, which was decorated with elegant furniture and priceless artifacts.  A well dressed elderly woman was sitting in a chair with a cup of tea, but she bounded up joyously when they entered.
“Dick! You’re here already? My word, I wasn’t expecting you until 3:00.”
“Hello, Aunt Harriet!” he cried as he rushed over and embraced her.
“Aunt Harriet, I’d like to introduce my girlfriend Star Fire.”
“It is nice to meet you, Aunt of Har – I mean, Mrs. Cooper,” Starfire said as they shook hands.
“Oh, you are such a lovely young lady! So tall! And you have the prettiest green eyes! My word, I don’t thing I’ve ever seen eyes quite like that before…”
As they were talking, a tall and debonair man in a blazer entered the room: Bruce Wayne.
The two embraced warmly, and then Robin introduced Starfire as he had before.
“I’m very pleased to meet you, Ms. Fire,” Bruce said as he took her hand. “Dick has told me much about you.”
“I have the happiness of meeting you as well,” she replied. “He has told me of you also, Man of – That is, Mr. Wayne.”
“You kids must be thirsty after your long journey,” Aunt Harriet said. “Alfred, would you bring two glasses of milk, please?”
“Aw, shucks, Aunt Harriet,” Robin exclaimed. “We were really hoping to have some soda…”
“ ‘Shucks’?” Starfire repeated.
“Now, Dick,” Bruce said gently. “Milk is fortified with vitamin D for building strong bones and teeth. Additionally, drinking it regularly helps support America’s dairy farmers.”
“Golly, you’re right!” Robin cried as he realized again how wise his mentor was. “I’ll drink a full carton today.”
“ ‘Golly’?” Starfire repeated.
Alfred departed to get the milk, but soon returned empty handed.
“There is a call for you in your study, sir,” Alfred said to Bruce. “I believe it may be a distressed dairy farmer.”
“Thank you, Alfred. I shall attend to it at once. Dick, perhaps you would be interested in hearing this?”
“You bet I would!” Robin said. “We both would.”
Bruce strode briskly down the hall to his study, followed by Robin and Starfire.
“Such a nice girl!” Aunt Harriet said after they left. “But, goodness, her skirt is so short. Kids today …”
“Indeed, Madam,” Alfred replied.
In his study, Bruce picked up the receiver of the blinking red phone.
“Yes, Commissioner Gordon? It’s Catwoman you say? We’ll be right there!”
There was a bush of  Shakespeare on his desk, and he tilted back the head and activated the secret control. The rear bookcase in the room slid back to reveal the two bat poles, appropriately labeled BRUCE and DICK.
“Are you up for one more adventure, old chum?” Bruce asked.
“Holy deja vu, am I!” Robin cried.
“Robin,” Starfire whispered, “are we going to a church service? What is this thing that is holy?”
“Um ... I’ll explain later,” Robin said, a little red in the face. “We’re going to the Batcave. Wait a moment, and then slide down the pole after me!”
When she slid to the bottom of the pole and emerged in the Batcave, Starfire saw that both Bruce and Robin had somehow had their clothes changed as they slid down. Fortunately, nothing happened to her, maybe because the Robin costume had already been placed on Robin.
And what a costume it was: He looked almost normal to her from the waist up (except for the all black, tied on eye mask), but he was wearing green elfin boots and short pants! (Which were kind of tight in the crotch she noticed). An involuntary laugh escaped from her, and she clamped her teeth together.
“What?” Robin  asked.
“Nothing!” she said quickly.
Bruce was in his Batman costume, and that wasn’t quite what she had expected either. He had eyebrows drawn on his mask and part of his cape and headgear were a dark, reflective purple rather than all black.
“Is it safe to have the atomic reactor in here?” she asked with some alarm in her voice as she looked around the Batcave. 
“Occasionally someone has fallen in, but otherwise it is completely safe, Miss,” Batman replied. “Now, to the Batmobile!”
They jumped into the classic black car. True, the T-Car was more state-of-the-art, but unquestionably he Batmobile had style. But it wasn’t built for a large crime fighting team. Starfire had to sit on Robin’s lap.
“Atomic batteries to power! Turbines to speed!” He reported as he craned his head around her to check the gauges.
“You know, I could always fly...” she tried to suggest, but they were all plastered back into their seats by the acceleration as the Batmobile rocketed out of the Batcave with a trail of fire coming from its exhaust port.
This story is longer, and they go on a full adventure with Batman, but I don’t have the time to type it up now. So stay tuned!
Same Bat Time!
Same Bat Channel!!
(I think I will post the rest of it on my calicotoones fanfiction account. I plan to put a link here...
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calicotoones · 9 years
Awkward (for RobStarWeek2015)
This is a slight rework of a story of mine from ff.net which I wrote for someone last year... I had 3 more stories planned for this week, but they’re running late.
Robin hit the punching bag. He felt angry. He danced around on the mat in the gym, unleashing a volley of punches. No, what he felt  was frustration. He threw a roundhouse kick, then a couple high and low side kicks, and finally a spinning back kick that sent the heavy bag swinging.
No, no -- he really felt fine. Everything was fine. He wiped the sweat out of his eyes, and went for a drink from his water bottle, slowly realizing he was feeling all of those things.
So -- to put it simply -- he was confused.  But why?
Today was the day he was going to talk to Starfire. He had marked it on the calendar. He was just going to go up to her and tell her - casually, you know - just mention that he, well, thought of her as more than just a teammate, and would she, maybe, like to, you know, go out to a movie?
Wow, that didn't even go smoothly when he said it in his own mind! It wasn't that he thought she'd say no (of course, she might, a little voice told him). He felt pretty confident from the signals that she was sending that she would say yes. It was just that words were not his friend. At least, words like these. And then there were all the worries about what this might do to the rest of the team, how they might react...
He sat down on the bench and drank from his bottle. The ice cold water going down his throat felt so refreshing. He relaxed. His mind turned back to analyzing the situation with Starfire...
He had known her for a long time now. She was a trusted and highly competent team member with awesome abilities. She was a good friend. She was always cheerful, always had a good word for everyone. The tone of her voice was so sweet. Her laughter could light up a room. The sound of it, and her smile, could pull him back when he was in one of his darkest of moods.
Oh, and let's not forget how beautiful she was. Of course, he tried to push those thoughts out of his mind when the team was together. But her eyes sparkled in shades of yellow and green that didn't quite match any human eye, yet were exotic and intoxicating. He didn't risk staring into them for too long or he'd start to blush, or stammer, or worse. And her hair, her long hair... It was always so shiny and clean, and smelled of faintly strawberries, or blueberries, or maybe even zorkaberries, whatever they were.
And Starfire knew everything about hair care products, shampoos, conditioners...Robin knew about two kinds of shampoo: the bottle that made his scalp itch, and the other one. But, of course, he did know hair gel.
Speaking of which, Robin got up and headed back to his room for a quick shower and grooming. Certainly he had to be clean when he talked to Starfire. But when he got in his door, a wave of exhaustion hit him. He flopped down on his bed and lay on his back for a moment. Maybe a quick power nap would be just the thing to take the edge off...
He thought about Starfire's long hair again, what it would be like if she was leaning over him now. Her hair sparkling in the light, shining like fire - like star fire. It would brush against his face, smelling of strawberries and cream. And her lips, they would be so soft, so wonderful to kiss. He could just raise his head up and kiss her...
That's it! he thought as he drifted off to sleep. Don’t start off with some awkward speech which could lead to getting tongue tied. Wait for the right moment and just kiss her. A little kiss, of course. It’s non verbal communication. That's how they did it in the movies. And it didn't really have to be today. But someday, someday soon, he would kiss her...
Robin awoke an hour later, still feeling pretty good about his idea. But he realized that it should be today, or else he would start putting it off again. He had written it on the calendar, after all. He took a quick shower - hopefully using the non-itchy shampoo - gelled up his hair, admired himself for a long moment, and threw on a clean uniform.
Now to find Starfire.
Fortunately, she was easy to find. He heard her rustling pans around in the kitchen area, no doubt cooking up one of her home world delicacies. He looked all around no make sure no one else was near, then slipped into the kitchen.
Starfire was at the stove with her back to him. Her long hair shimmered in the light. She was stirring a pot filled with something bubbling, something that smelled like turpentine and looked like india ink. She put the spoon to her mouth and took a drink.
"Mmmm," she said in approval.
"Are you kastanorbalating?" he suavely asked her, expecting to hear a cute little giggle at his attempt to say something in Tamarean.
She whirled, her eyes ablaze with a mixture of shock and anger. "Robin! That was dirty ... You need to apologize right now!"
"Oh my God! Star, I'm so sorry!…You know I can't speak your language".
"Yes, I know." Her expression softened, but only a little. "Otherwise I would be honor bound to be doing the kicking in your gabendresticles now."
"Yes, well, I’ll let you get back to cooking. It sure smells good!" he said, red faced, as he made his retreat.
Later in the evening, he decided to try again. They were sitting on the sofa, watching TV. It was Starfire's night to choose the programming, and she had recorded some good ones.
Robin had outlasted all the other Titans, sitting though shows about brides behaving badly, celebrities, celebrity botox injections, World of Edible Fungi, and now whether or not Sasquatch had evolved from the aliens responsible for Easter Island.
Raven had been peeking over the top of her book during the brides show ( a hidden romantic? his analytic mind wondered), but the celebrity gossip took her out. Cosmetics and cosmetic surgery (and the needles) nixed Beast Boy, but it took the fungus show to defeat Cyborg, who had been in full veg-out-on-sofa mode.
Now he and Starfire were alone. She only had Silkie on her lap. He gulped down the last of his drink. He leaned over toward her. Leaning...Leaning…
"Bath time!" she cried. She picked up Silkie and began vigorously licking her little bumgorf.
Turning even more green than during the fungus show, Robin excused himself.
Robin was pondering his next move when the alert came. The Ding Dong Daddy and some friends had drag raced through town, and helped themselves to a bank vault as a pit stop. The Titans shut them down, but not before Robin was hit with a spare tire and knocked out.
When he awoke he was lying on a bed in the medical bay of the tower. Cyborg had just injected him with something.
"Relax, man, you're gonna be fine," Cyborg said. "Maybe next time, don't try to stop a tire with your head though."
Robin smiled weakly and tried to get up, but fell back.
"I've just given you a sedative. You need to rest."
He felt woozy. When he opened his eyes again, Starfire was bending over him, cleaning some of his wounds. Beast Boy brought her some gauze. Her long beautiful hair brushed his face as she tended to him.
"Starfire," he murmured.
"Hush," she said gently.
Beast Boy left to get something, and Starfire departed too, promising to be right back. Robin closed his eyes as the room spun around him.
Soon he felt her leaning over him again, felt her hair brushing against his cheek. He could smell her perfume, or maybe it was her scented lip gloss...just like his dream.
It was now or never.
He lifted his head up and kissed her, feeling her soft mouth, feeling her sharp canine tooth…
What the f…?
He opened his eyes to see a shocked Beast Boy looking back at him.
"Sorry! I'm sorry. My bad. It's the sedative…"
Quickly switching into full macho mode, Robin dropped his voice an octave and became studiously casual. He nodded a greeting to his friend.
"So, whassup bro? How's it hangin'?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" he replied, still scowling at him.
"I said I was sorry…"
Robin noticed Raven in the distance. He closed his eyes again.
He could hear the door slide open and the footsteps of Beast Boy and Raven walking out.
"That was hot," Raven monotoned.
"Um…" Beast Boy stammered.
The door closed behind them.
Robin didn't know what happened next. He didn't know if she was being sarcastic, or if Beast Boy had finally piqued Raven's interest. And he didn't care. All he thought about as he drifted off to sleep was the smell of strawberries with cream and her soft lips.
Someday, he thought.
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calicotoones · 9 years
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a true bookworm.
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calicotoones · 9 years
This is going to be helpful!!!
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Teen Titans facial expression collages by me
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calicotoones · 9 years
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Argent -- as featured in my fanfiction.net story ‘Tears Never Dry In Azarath’
Ink never dries in Azarath either, as you can see from the smudges
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calicotoones · 9 years
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StarFire is posing -- her eyes might need a little work in version 2
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calicotoones · 9 years
Hi! Can you do a drabble of bbrae & one of robstar? I hope you have an awesome summer & thanks in advance! :]
Once again, thank you for your prompts! I apologize, as this is rather lengthy compared to the BBRae drabble.. & This is my first RobStar drabble, so I hope it gives you “the joy!” (: (also this didn’t get a proofread so it’s subject to editing!)
Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans.
Starfire sat on the kitchen counter, happily following Beast Boy’s directions for making “root beer floats.” After a strict and thorough interrogation, that these concoctions would not have any alcohol in them, Starfire agreed to try her hand at this traditional American treat.
It was time for the last step. After she had filled the five glasses each with a bit of vanilla ice cream, the alien princess proceeded to add the root beer. Blissfully, she poured the dark, carbonated substance into the first glass. Instantly, the cold vanilla and fizzy drink reacted to create a tiny, sticky mini-volcano inside Beast Boy’s green cup.
“Oh!” Starfire flew off the counter, to avoid any contact with the reaction. Quickly, she grabbed a white rectangular napkin and mopped the mess. At last, she had ridden any evidence of the root beer float on the counter, and the drink had settled quite nicely. Tossing the napkin in the trash, Starfire continued to finish the floats.
Suddenly, the double doors to the great room swished open, and there appear the Titan’s leader. He walked briskly to the counter, where the napkin previously was, and frowned. “Star,” he cocked his head at the red-haired princess. She turned her full green eyes towards her masked man in acknowledgement. “Have you seen that picture of Slade?”
The Tameranean felt a sinking feeling in her throat, and forced herself to feel joy, so Robin wouldn’t be suspicious of her sudden urge to be grounded. “No, I am sorry. Please Robin, when was the last time you saw this photo?” She flew to his side, placing a gentle hand on his bicep.
The dark haired boy furrowed his brows even further. “Here,” he pointed to the counter briefly, before slamming his hand on the marble. Starfire flinched. “But it’s gone now.”
“Perhaps the floating of root beer would ease your-”
“No thanks, Starfire.” Robin turned to leave, grumbling under his breath. “I’ve got some printing to do.”
It was now evening, and the Titans were going out for pizza. Robin had declined, claiming he had work around the Tower to do. Starfire stayed behind as well, she did not want to be the “extraneous person” on this otherwise double date. Cyborg had insisted Bumblebee wouldn’t mind, but the Tameranean princess had other things on her mind.
Oh, what have I done! Surely it was I who used Robin’s evidence to clean the sticky dessert. I must tell Robin, I can only hope that he will still be my friend. Although I know what he will say, my terrible actions are such that will not be tolerated. Starfire was absolutely beside herself with fret.
Robin entered the dining room, taking a seat at the head of the table. Starifre kissed his cheek, then sat to his right, waiting patiently for him to get situated before digging in. She had made “the potatoes that are mashed,” and hot dogs, with plenty of mustard. Robin had grown used to the tangy flavor, and immediately took a scoop of potatoes.
Keeping her beautiful peridot eyes downcast, Starfire ate her mustardy mashed potatoes.
“Starfire, are you alright?” Robin set his water glass down, eyes narrowing in concern at his teammates direction. “You seem… Quieter than usual. Is there something you-”
She couldn’t take it. This secret she had kept from Robin for the past four hours had been agony. Maybe he would punish her, but at least he would know the truth.
“Oh, Robin, I fear I have done something horrendous!” She exclaimed, covering her eyes with both hands. Robin immediately started in with the “what, what happened, why,” questions, of which Starfire ignored in her frenzy. “I’m the one who lost your evidence against Slade, I used it to wipe up the small root beer volcano!” Full fledged crying consumed the alien princess’s body, tears blurring her vision.
Robin raised his brows. “Oh, Star, it’s no problem. Is that why you were so antsy?” The corner of his mouth threatened to smile, but the Boy Wonder refused it. His girlfriend was obviously concerned that her action would result in some sort of terrible consequence, and he needed to reassure her before they could laugh about the misunderstanding.
Starfire’s bottom lip trembled like an earthquake. “You mean, you will still allow me to be a Teen Titan? And your friend?”
Robin removed his gloves, then cradled her face in his palms, thumbs wiping her tears. “Of course, Starfire.” He smiled. “The picture was only a printout. There’s plenty more where those came from, on my computer.” He chuckled. “You know how I am when it comes to Slade. I’m sorry to have worried you, I was just frustrated because we’re running low on ink.” She giggled.
“Besides, I love you Star.” Robin helped her to her feet, and they both stood.
Starfire shoved their dinners, and silverware, off the table and hopped up, so she was eye level to Robin. “Nothing will ever change that?” She bit her lip, a blush forming on her cheeks.
Robin smiled softly, tucking a fiery hair behind her left ear. Placing one hand on the bare curve of her body, he whispered. “Nothing ever could.”
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calicotoones · 9 years
Another picture for me to save and try to learn how to draw
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Starfire 01 // art by Emanuela Lupacchino
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calicotoones · 9 years
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Raven is sad.
Artwork loosely based on my fanfiction.net story Tears Never Dry In Azarath
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calicotoones · 9 years
Thank you! I look forward to many days of reading. And you really should get a fanfiction.net account -- then everything is easy to find!
A list of my drabbles for those who are bored and looking for a read. (sorry some of these are just URLs because I couldn’t figure out how to just put the titles, and some of them are just responses for drabbles.) This took me forever to find all these, and this list is going to grow! Hopefully. Sorry if there are any missing….
Side note, I still love taking prompts! But I’ve been hecka busy so sorry if I publish the prompted drabbles a little late. Promise I’m working! Inbox is ALWAYS open. (not just for prompts! (: )
( calicotoones sorry for the delay!)
Disclaimer: I don’t own the Titans in any of these stories.
Bbrae Drabbles:
Hands (first fic)
Fighting for a date (working on the link)
Fluff Friday 1 (same as previous!)
Rage Raven (good luck finding this on my blog… -_-)
In Which Garfield & Raven Do Not Need the Inside of the Tower
Thinking Otherwise
(bbrae week)
Second Kiss
RobRae Drabbles:
Screw Me Twice
(I know I’ve written more for these noobs…..)
(robrae week)
Date Night 
High School
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calicotoones · 9 years
BlackX - final chapter: His Penthouse
part 2:
Red-X partially climbed on top of Blackfire, as far as he could anyway, and pressed himself against her to hide the insignias on his shirt. He pretended to be so engrossed in making out that he didn’t notice the two police officers now both shining their lights into the car.
One of them was about to bang on the window and ask for ID, but the other stopped him. They turned their lights off and continued walking.
Red-X  stopped kissing her. Blackfire’s eyes narrowed and she stared at him. Was she mad? Was she excited? Was she happy that his quick thinking had prevented them from having to neutralize two cops and have their cover blown?
She ran her tongue over her lips and thought a moment. “I’ve had better,” she said.
Red-X smiled and began to move back into his seat when she patted his inner thigh.
“Is that  a tube of Xenothium in your pocket or did you enjoy it a little too much?”
He laughed and sat back in his seat.  “It's a tube of Xenothium, babe,” he said, pulling a red cylinder out of his pocked. “…But, uh,  I did enjoy the kiss.”
They were silent for a moment.
“Your face doesn’t look like Robin’s,” she said. “But I can tell you’ve had surgery.”
He grunted and started to put his mask back on.
“Aw, don’t do that,” she said. “I think your eyes look like Robin’s.”
“Show’s over, kid,” he said as his mask was back in place. “And you’ve never seen Robin’s eyes.”
“Maybe I have and maybe I haven’t,” she teased, as she picked up her gift wrapped package off the floor. “Maybe we’ll pull his mask off tonight.”
“We are not doing any such thing. All I’m doing is getting you inside. And I hope that isn’t a bomb.”
“A bomb?” For a moment she looked hurt. “It is a gift for my sister!”
As she handled the package, she noticed part of it didn’t feel right. Carefully she unwrapped it for an inspection. It was a doll of a male Tamaranean warrior, but there was a crack in the neck and one of the arms had broken off.
Blackfire felt sick in her stomach. “No! How can I give this back to her like this?” She wanted to cry, but she wasn’t about to let Red-X, or anyone else, see that.
“I can fix it,” he said.
“I’ve got all the tools back at my place.  Come on, it will only take a little while,” he started to get out of the car.
She eyed him suspiciously. “Are you sure?”
“I promise,” he said. “And we shouldn’t just be sitting in this car. I’ve got a beautiful view of Titan’s Tower.”
Blackfire got out with the package and Red-X grabbed all the trash from their meal, to leave no traceable evidence. Her fingerprints would hardly be traceable, and he always had his gloves on.
He walked over to her and took her hand and pressed the control on his belt. They teleported away, leaving the car unlocked. It would, no doubt, be stolen again before the night was over.
They re-materialized outside the door of  Red-X’s condominium on the top floor.. The door automatically unlocked when it detected his presence.
“It’s not going to work,” she said flatly.
“I'm not going to jump into bed with you.”
He laughed. “But you find me so exciting…”
"You wish. But even if I did, you're out of luck. I don't … do that anymore."
“Good for you, babe. But for the record, I just invited you here to fix the doll.”
They went inside.  His living room was elegantly furnished, but not extravagant, except possibly for the TV screen that covered an entire wall. The room was decorated with high class paintings and sculptures,  no doubt originals from some museum.  Everything was very tidy.
“Allow me to fix you a drink,” he said as he led her into the kitchen.
“Sure,” she said.
She wandered into the dining room. It was huge, as if he had removed a wall to enlarge it.  One whole wall was glass and there was a clear view of the bay and Titan’s Tower. It was a special one way glass, allowing no one to look in.
In fact, the room was not really a dining room. It was his huge workshop. The large table had one spot cleared for eating and all the rest of it was covered with electrical components, circuit boards, and devices that had been taken apart or new ones that were being built. The walls were covered with cabinets and shelves, stocked with everything imaginable for an evil genius. Except for one wall which only had pictures of the Teen Titans, and most of them were of Robin.
She walked over and looked through the eyepiece of a powerful telescope that was aimed at the Tower. Red-X handed her a glass. “Scotch on the rocks,” he said. She sniffed it cautiously.
He sat down at the table and took the doll out of its wrapping.  He pulled off his mask and  examined the damage to the doll with a magnifying glass. She studied  his spiky black hair while she downed her drink in one gulp.
“It must be a problem for you when you bring all these women home,” she said. “They’d  mess up all your carefully arranged toys.”
“I don’t bring women here,” he said. Then, perhaps sensing her smirk, he added, “Who says I don’t have other houses?”
“I’m sure you do. But yet you spend most of your time here --alone.”
He snorted derisively as he got a tube of glue out of one of the cabinets and sat back down.  “Who told you that?”
“No one. But I know you -- call it a woman‘s intuition.” She sauntered around the room examining things. “You could do so many things, but you’re trapped by your obsession. You’re obsessed by someone else who you represents things that you can’t ever be. Someone who you could have been -- maybe even should’ve been -- but your just not.”
“Just who are we talking about here?” he asked her pointedly.
“The Boy Wonder,” she replied as she indicated the wall of photos.
“Sugar Buns, have you been smoking the mustard, and maybe a few other condiments? It’s only good sense to study your opponent, and the Titans are my only real opponents.”
“Nosyarg Kcid is obsessed with Robin -- and he is Robin from another dimension.” She smiled and wagged her finger thoughtfully as it was all coming together. “Slade is obsessed with Robin -- now he is most likely an older copy of Robin who is twisted now and evil.  So that means you are--”
“--Really starting to get annoyed,” he snapped.  “Look, do you want me to fix this thing or not?”
“Fine,” she pouted.
He had the crack in the warrior’s neck sealed up, and he started to attach the arm. “How do you even know of all these people? You said Starfire won’t even talk to you.”
An alarm beeped on his phone and he checked it. “They’re home. Take a look.”
She looked through the telescope again and saw Robin and Starfire pulling into the garage on his motorcycle. They were dressed up as through they were returning from an evening on the town.
“We’ll give them a little time to get settled in,” she said. “I want to catch my sister alone in her room.”
“What makes you think she won’t be with Robin?”
“It’s bath night for Silkie. Robin can’t stomach that yet.”
He got that arm glued on and set it down for the glue to dry. “You still haven’t told me how you know all these things.”
“My little sister is still second in line for the throne on Tamaran. So the government spies on her, and monitors all her communications…”
“Then they must spy on you, too.”
“They used to, back when I was a princess”  She sighed and a little sadness crept into her voice. “Now I'm a nobody … But I still have a few sources on the inside, you know, the occasional ex-boyfriend who can't get over me…well, not yet anyway. Like I said, I'm a nobody.”
She walked through the archway back into the living room and plopped down on the couch. Red-X followed and sat down next to her.
“You're not a nobody.”
“I don’t want my sister to hate me anymore.  Sure, she has all the luck, and her goody-good  personality really pisses me off…but I miss her, you know?”
“I know,” he said as he stroked the skin on her arm.
“I did some mean things to her, and maybe she didn’t deserve all of them. But I think if I give her back her favorite doll, and show her how I took care of it all these years, she might forgive me.”
He looked into her eyes. “Then don’t do it tonight.”
“Do what?”
“Go over there and see her. Look, you said earlier that you have intuition about me? Well, I know you the same way.  Don't go there with the honest intention make up with your sister, but then 'accidentally' find yourself alone with Robin and tell him how you can 'do all those things that Starfire won't do'."
Her eyes widened in shock. “I wasn't going to say that! … I promised myself I wasn't going to do anything like that.”
“You shouldn't see her until you are certain … Certain that the old jealousies aren't going to come up. Because someday she won't forgive you anymore.”
“I know.” She sighed and looked down.
“It wouldn't work anyway. He loves Starfire.”
She stared back at him and laughed. "‘Love’ only lasts until someone better comes along…"
“You don't understand Robin. He loves Starfire. Just like he believes that his life has a purpose and good will triumph over evil.”
“What about you?”
"Unfortunately, babe, I've had to become a little more jaded."
“I can respect that,” she said with a smile.
Something beeped on her belt and she took out a crystal. “I got a text from Glrdlskletch.”
“Your husband?”
“I told you, he's just a good friend. He lets me live there, and he doesn’t ask me about where I’ve been. By the way, I need to pick up an Earth delicacy for him – something called a 'cream filled doughnut' “
“They're easy enough to get. How many?”
“Uh … ten thousand. Also maybe he'd like two hundred calzones.”
“I'm not paying for that.”
“Fine,” she said as she stood up. “And you win. I’ll see my sister another time -- when I’m certain.”
“And dressed like a librarian,” he added.
She shot him a sharp glance and went to get the doll.
“Leave the doll here,” he said. “I'll keep it safe for you…And that way I’ll get to see you again.”
She walked over to the front door and he opened it for her. Over the railing they could see the lights of the city stretched out beneath them.
“It had better be safe,” she said. “You don't want me to get angry with you.”
“No, I don't,” he agreed.
There was a long moment when they looked at each other. Then she swished her long hair provocatively.
“Goodbye, Mr. X,” she said as she flashed her beautiful smile and confidently walked out and down the outdoor walkway without so much as a glance back.
He watched her body for a moment as she walked away, then with a sigh he closed the door. But before it closed all the way, a powerful force knocked it back open.
Blackfire stood there with one hand pushing the door open. With the other hand she grabbed Red-X and pulled him in as she kissed him passionately and roughly.
After a while, he released him. “I bet you’ll be thinking about me after I’m gone,” she said, and then turned and flew away.
“I bet I will,” he said.
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calicotoones · 9 years
BlackX - part 2: Getting To Know Each Other
Car alarms started sounding and the air was filled with smoke. Red-X looked over at Blackfire but she was slumped in her seat and unresponsive. He jumped out his door and ran around to her side to pull her from the car.
“Are you all right?” he asked and for the first time his voice wasn’t calm and collected.
Fortunately her Tamaranean body had ways to protect itself and she stumbled out in a daze.
“Are you trying to get us killed?” he growled.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “…And I’m sorry about your car.”
“Well,” he said, cockiness returning to his voice, “it wasn’t really my car. Let’s get out of here.”
“Wait, the doll!” she cried and she fished around on the floor for the package. She pulled it out but discovered it was a little crumpled, hopefully not broken…
“Come on!” he shouted. “We’ve got to go!”
They ran away from the scene of the accident and zigzagged down several streets until they were safely out of the area. Red-X pulled a device out of his pocket and disabled the lock on a green Ford Focus that was parked there. He led her around to the passenger door and opened it for her.
“Our new wheels, Princess. Now keep your hands to yourself this time, and wear the seat belt.”
Rolling her eyes, Blackfire got in and put on the seat belt. Red-X took out his phone and sent in the dinner order. Then, using the same carjacking device, he started the car and they drove away.
“I’m sorry this car is a little low end, Your Highness, but we needed something quick.”
“You think you’re being funny, but I am a princess, in fact.”
“Oh, I know that. You were once Grand Ruler of Tamaran, in fact.  Until your sister defeated you, and had you banished.  Now I hear you are the love slave of a large green fellow on the swamp moon of Drendax 4...”
“He’s just a friend,” Blackfire insisted angrily. “And, by birth, I rightfully deserve to rule Tamaran! But how would you know these things?”
“Oh, I know all about you, babe. You see, I’ve hacked into the Titan’s computer systems and read all their mission logs, and Starfire loves to log things. I know you didn’t fit in as a child on Tamaran because of the way you look, that you were passed over in favor of Starfire, that you got kicked out of school and ran away, that you tried to have her framed when you stole a Centauri moon diamond…”
“All right, enough!”
“I wouldn’t have taken this job if I didn’t already know about you,” he added. “No matter how much money you transferred into my account.”
She stared at him for a moment trying to figure out what kind of a game he could be playing on her. “Let’s just get the food, and then get into the Tower,” she said.
Since Red-X couldn’t walk into a restaurant in costume, he sent instructions for a waiter to bring it out to the curb. The boy handed Red-X two cardboard pizza boxes with the calzones inside and two drinks. Also several packets of mustard. Red-X tipped him $200 and they drove away.
“Thanks,” Blackfire said as she tore open a packet of mustard and squirted it directly into her mouth.
“No problem… It was your money.”
“Drive down to the end of this road and park,” she instructed. “It gives us a good view of the Tower and we can see when Robin and my sister get back.”
“It’s not safe,” he cautioned. “You see all these high rise luxury condos? Well, except for the occasional teenage lovebirds, the only people who would be in a parked car on  this street at night would be thieves. And the cops patrol here heavily.”
“And you know that because you are one of them?” She finished the last mustard packet and washed it down with a big gulp from her drink.
“I know that because I live right up there,” he said pointed to one of the buildings. “Yep, I’m hiding in plain sight. And if there is one thing I can’t stand, it is hanging around on the street with common criminals.”
“Well, I’m paying you, remember?  And I want to get this job done. So just park there at the end where we have a clear view.”
“As you wish.” He parked the car in the cul-de-sac at the end of the street and they watched the Tower while they ate.  Blackfire wolfed down her large calzone in a few bites and finished her drink.
“What? I’m hungry,” she said as he stared at her in disbelief. “I haven’t eaten for two days.”
“Why not?”
“I … I can’t afford to gain any weight.”
“Not if you’re wearing that outfit,” he said, smirking behind his mask.
She glared at him. “There is nothing wrong with the way I’m dressed.”
“Well, I wouldn’t go to see my baby sister dressed like that.”
She smiled. “No, you’ll dress this way when you’re home alone thinking about me after I’m gone.”
“Touché,” he laughed. “But you look better in it than I ever could.”
A moving light caught his eye. He glanced out the back window behind her and saw two police officers walking down the sidewalk, shining flashlights into the parked cars.
“Cops!” he cried. “No, don’t turn around.”
Quickly Red-X disengaged his cape, so it looked like he was just wearing a black shirt. He then ripped off his mask and plastered his face against hers in a passionate kiss.
Her eyes widened in surprise.
The cops shone their flashlights into the car.
Oh no! What is going to happen? Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion in Part 3!
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calicotoones · 9 years
BlackX  - Part 1
[My entry for blackx week -- going to try to link to part 2 at the end. And I don’t own Teen Titans]
Blackfire stood on a rock at the water’s edge.  Titan’s Tower stood across the bay from her with most of the lights turned off, but its metal surface reflecting the moonlight. She was a little apprehensive about being here – and a little apprehensive about seeing how much her sister hated her now – but she was never the kind of person to let worries stop her from doing whatever she wanted to do.
She shivered. The night air was cold and she had a lot of exposed skin, even by her standards. But it gave her a certain look and a certain advantage.  She also carried a present, a beloved doll of Starfire’s that had been “lost” during their childhood. Blackfire had kept it in almost perfect condition and had gift wrapped it carefully for tonight.
“So you’re Blackfire?”
She turned, but no one was there.  On either side of her was nothing but the hill made of large rocks to hold back the tide.  The only sound was the water lapping against the shore. Looking around carefully, she climbed back up the hill to the deserted road that ran along the bay.
“Who wants to know?” she said.  
There were a few trees lining the dark road and lights shining down from lampposts every 25 meters or so, but no sign of the person who had spoken. As she turned her head, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. A black dressed figure with a cape leaning casually against the nearest lamppost. But when she turned back it was gone.
She walked over to the lamppost with the beginning of a  starbolt forming in the hand that wasn’t carrying the package.
“Get out of the light,” a male voice said and a gloved hand reached out and pulled her into the deep shadows of an adjacent tree.
“Hands off,” she said as she roughly disengaged his grip on her upper arm.
“Take it easy, kid,” he said. “I just don’t want us to get seen.”
“You must be Red X?”
“And you must be Blackfire …Either that, or Robin is having a bachelor party tonight.”
“Very funny. You’re lucky I don’t vaporize right here.”  Her eyes began to glow a bright purple.
“Relax, it was just a joke,” he said. “Beside, who’s going to get you past the security system and into the Tower then?”
“And you’re sure you can do that?  You were highly recommended – and expensive – but now that I see you in person, well…” She had her hands on her hips, letting him know that she was not impressed – at least outwardly.
“Babe, there’s no security system in the world that I can’t get past – although some take more time than others.”
“I bet I could get in there all by myself. Just fly fast and cut through my sister’s window with my eyes…And don’t call me ‘babe’ ”.
“Ha! Cyborg’s security system would have you wrapped up like a calzone before you even got through the glass.” He chuckled from behind his mask. “No, the way into the Tower is to turn the security system off, and to do that you need some of the proper DNA. So unless you can produce some of, oh, Robin’s DNA, you’d better leave it to me.”
“First, just how would you happen to have some of Robin’s DNA?”
“I have my sources. And … second?”
“What is a calzone?”
“You don’t know what a calzone is?” He smiled, but of course she couldn’t see it behind his mask.   “Oh, they are delicious. Maybe I’ll buy you one while we wait.”
A police car was coming down the road in the distance and shining a search light at everything on the side of the road.
“Wait?” she exclaimed. “I have no intention of waiting for anything.”
“Babe, Starfire and Robin aren’t there now. So unless you want to do ‘girl talk’ with Raven…”
Blackfire rolled her eyes at the thought.
“…or play ‘stankball’ with Beast Boy and Cyborg, I suggest you wait a few hours, and we can’t stand here looking suspicious. The cops heavily patrol this road, and Cyborg has drones in the air. Come have a calzone with me.”
Reluctantly, she followed him as he moved quickly down the road, staying in the shadows, and they soon came to his black Porche convertible.  He held the passenger door open for her, and she got in without a word of thanks. They were in motion down the road long before the police cruiser got near.
The top was down and the wind blew Blackfire’s hair and Red X sped along the road, safely out of range of the cops.
“Why didn’t you text me that my sister was out tonight?” she complained. “I don’t have much time.  I need to get in there and see my baby sister face to face and talk things out. She won’t accept any of my communications.”
“Why didn’t you answer any of my earlier messages? You paid me to be a those co-ordinates at midnight, so I did. I’m a professional.”
“So I’ve heard. I’ve read all about you, X. A thief who can’t be caught, who plays by his own rules. You stole Robin’s toys and now you’re a superhero gone bad.”
He casually shrugged, feeling no need to reply. They turned off the coastal highway and into the downtown area.
“So how did you know how to use everything, huh?” she continued. “Some people say you’re really Robin – just somehow an alternate version.”
“Ouch -- I hope not. That dorkiness runs deep.”
“Some say you’re Jason Todd – whoever that is.”
“Who? I don’t think I’d ever want to be a guy with two first names.”
She smiled. “Take off you mask and let’s see.”
“What are you going to take off, babe?”
Blackfire laughed. Smug, wasn’t he? She though about what he’d said for a moment, and when she had thought about it long enough, she reached over and grabbed his mask to take it off herself.
“Hey!” he cried and struggled to keep her from getting it off, but she was surprisingly strong.
The Porche swerved at hit a parked minivan with a deafening crash. Both airbags exploded. Fortunately, Red X had his seat belt on.
Author’s note: Ok, this story  could use a better title. I’m going to post this on my calicotoones fan fiction account also, so maybe I’ll think of one then.
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calicotoones · 9 years
Wow! I have so much to learn. I love pencil and paper and ink, but I am very impressed how this lets you tweak the proportions so easily!
Raven steampunk sketch. Still work in progress! Oh yes, expect more to come ^_^
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calicotoones · 9 years
It looks like I’ve got some new followers, so I thought I’d mention that I’m back from spring break and have posted a new chapter on ff.net
I hope you like it!!
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calicotoones · 9 years
I've been laughing about your profile picture for hours. It's wonderful.
I think you’re the first person who’s ‘got’ it. And I read a while back that Tina Belcher was voted the most popular female cartoon character on tv today
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