cakeblock1008 · 2 days
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cakeblock1008 · 1 month
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cakeblock1008 · 2 months
Warning: Descriptions of birth
With poor Jesse practically crying for the baby to come out, Hanzo had done the honourable thing and initiated sex - “It’s supposed to help induce labour” he’d tried to explain, but Jesse had grabbed him in such a hurry Hanzo had no time to even back up his point with evidence. It seemed heavy petting was all that was needed however, with Jesse’s water breaking in the middle of their making out. A change of dry clothes and a sleepy Himari carried to the car, Hanzo took Jesse to Overwatch’s nearest base where Angela was preparing for them…
Queue Jesse laying on his side in the hospital bed, face buried in the pillows as he moans out the agony of the most recent contraction holding him prisoner, with Hanzo sitting on the edge of the bed behind him, squeezing his hips and encouraging him through each crippling wave. The hours had dragged on, and babybear seemed to be as persistent in his delivery as he had been over staying his welcome to begin with.
4 AM, Ana and Fareeha burst into his room. The two women deliriously happy, trying to contain themselves upon seeing a distressed Jesse almost in tears. Ana takes over from Hanzo and massages Jesse’s back, which prompts him to let out a long, gravely moan, his muscles releasing from their knots slowly.
“Where’s Himari?” Fareeha asks Hanzo when they’re outside the room. He leads her to the reception area, showing her the sleeping toddler curled up in the chair with her stuffed horse tucked under her arm for protection.
“In hindsight, trying to induce labour in the middle of the night was a bad idea.”
“Yeah but poor Jess was miserable. The sooner it’s all over, the sooner you can hold your son in your arms.” Fareeha looks around, “Where’s Genji? Thought Uncle of the year would be here before me!”
Hanzo moves Fareeha over so she can see the floor below Himari, where Genji lays passed out with a jumper propped under his head as a pillow.
Reinhardt is the only other person to make it to the hospital before the morning, with an obnoxious amount of balloons in one hand and a enormous blue bear in the other arm. Green with jealously, Himari claims the bear as her own and replaces the leather of the hospital seat for the plush of her new stuffed friend. He gingerly enters the hospital room while Ana strokes Jesse’s hair out his face, singing him an Egyptian lullaby. He’s absolutely exhausted waiting, and can only muster up a weak smile when Reinhardt kneels down in front of him.
“You are a champion, McCree.” Reinhardt says with hearty grin. Jesse huffs out a laugh before wincing as a cramp seizes him.
“Yeah well, babybear here aint exactly giving me an easy time. Pretty sure this little guy will be the last addition to our family.” He pushes himself to sit up but a strong contraction pulses through him, causing him to buckle under his weight and yell out in agony. Ana resumes squeezing his hips to try distribute some of the pain, and Reinhardt offers a hand for Jesse to grab as he works through the pain.
Hanzo is passed out in the armchair beside Jesse when Gabe walks in. 8 in the morning, Jesse is delirious on the epidural Angela had given him, but he sees the older man clear as day.
“Well Howdy-doody, abuelo.” Jesse chuckles, his arms above his head as he grabs the hospital bed’s headboard.
Gabe greets him, asking how he’s doing, but he just about tells him Jack’s in the lobby too when Jesse screams bloody murder, alerting Hanzo awake. Angela rushes in, and with a sunny smile, she tells them it’s time. Jesse goes white, but has no choice in the matter when his body begins taking control, readying for babybear’s arrival.
He is the spitting image of Jesse, with his freckled complexion and crooked nose, to the faint brown curls that kink over his fragile head. The room is dead quiet par the harmonious sounds of the new born’s suckling breaths, but it’s like the most beautiful orchestra to both the fathers, they could listen to him forever. Jesse cradles him in his arms, eyes blurring where his hormones still rage on through his system, and Hanzo takes the moment of bliss to kiss him on the forehead.
There’s a gentle knock at the door, interrupted by a frantic toddler rushing to Jesse’s bedside in a panic, jumping to try see the baby she’d heard so much about the past few months. Laughing, the awaiting loved ones enter more timidly, circling Jesse’s bed in fascination. Hanzo picks up his daughter and sits on the side of the bed beside his lover. At first the toddler is speechless, staring at the baby like he’s a bomb, but then she smiles and looks at Jesse fondly.
“That’s babybear?” She asks, but she already knows it is. Jesse nods regardless, tilting the infant so she can get a better look, and laughs weakly when she gasps. He passes the little boy over to Ana before she faints in excitement, and watches as the older woman gushes over the buddle of joy in her arms, Reinhardt over her shoulder waving his finger in the air.
“So, what’s my God-son’s name? We’ve been waiting long enough to find out.” Fareeha asks, looking between Jesse and the infant. Everyone’s eyes narrow in on Jesse as he blushes, pushing back the sweat drenched locks of hair that stick to his forehead.
“His name is Austin Blaze Shimada McCree.” Jesse announces, his voice horse. He looks at Hanzo hopeful, shrugging. “If that’s okay?”
Finally, a name, Hanzo thinks. The damn deal they made to wait until the baby’s arrival, and the second he hears it, he can see it like it was written in the stars. His son, Austin. With a slow nod, Hanzo combs his fingers through Jesse’s hair and laughs under his breath, the other hand stroking Himari’s back.
“I will protect Austin with every fibre of my being, till the day I die,” he looks at his daughter and smiles, “as well as my beautiful Himari.”
Jesse wipes his eyes with the back of his hands and makes grabbing hands for his son as he gets passed around the group, half laughing. “Gimmie back my boy, will ya? I miss him.”
As soon as he’s back in his arms, Jesse feels whole again. His heart may burst with love, he can’t believe how lucky he is to have such a wonderful family.
Himari gently runs her fingers over his head, tickled by his delicate strands of hair. She smiles, and looks at Jesse. “So do I call him babybear or Austin?”
Jesse laughs, fiddling with the infants wrapped blanket. “If you’re my daughter, a nicknames as good as the real deal. Your papa’s kid though? You’ll be a stickler for the rules.”
Himari looks at him, confused, and shrugs. “I’ll call him both.”
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cakeblock1008 · 2 months
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no rest for the wicked
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cakeblock1008 · 2 months
Hanzo shimada, Cassidy (Yeehan), Genji and kiriko meet Hanzo hasashi and his husband kuai liang
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cakeblock1008 · 2 months
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How Sombra gets Cole to help her.
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cakeblock1008 · 2 months
I can just imagine Gabe being /so/ excited when he finds out he’s going to be a grandpa. Like, he runs through the base to find Jack to be like HOLY SHIT WE’RE GONNA BE ABUELITOS!!! And he just spoils the baby rotten when they’re born, much to Hanzo and Jack’s annoyance and Jesse’s amusement.
“Gabriel, will you leave that poor boy alone!” Ana laughed, watching the excited man talk incessantly to Jesse’s swollen belly rather than a coherent person in the room, his hand sprawled over the expanse of his bump. With Jesse only a few days from his due date, he’d become pretty much a prisoner to Gabe’s attacks of smothering love. It had been that was since the beginning, sure, but with a baby practically at full term pressing into his bladder, there was no escape. Not that he minded.
Jack and Hanzo on the other hand, found his antics rather irritating. Jack, having to pull back Gabe like he was an excited child in a candy store, and Hanzo, who had been pushed out the way one too many times considering he was the other father-to-be. Jesse and Hanzo never had a chance to announce it to everyone in a planned, spectacular way. Rather Jesse had blurted it out over lunch by accident, after finding out that morning. “Oh no beer for me, not when I’m preg-” and that was it, the secret was out. Hanzo found out the same time Gabe and Jack did, along with any other Overwatch agent in ear shot. It was a joyous moment, and at first it was sweet seeing Gabe run around shouting about how he couldn’t wait to spoil the spawn of his may as well be son, but it soon got tiresome.
Jesse had never been treated with such consistent admiration and respect from Gabe, he was going to miss it, but not Hanzo. He couldn’t wait to reclaim Jesse after he had the baby, although he thought he would go mad when the baby arrived and he’d see them less than their supposed “abuelo”.
Hanzo sat across from Jesse, massaging his partner’s feet to relieve him off the pains he was complaining about, while the usual crowd flocked the glowing boy. Gabe, Ana, Reinhardt, Fareeha- of course, it may as well have been Jesse alone with Gabriel “overbearing” Reyes given how little anyone else got to interact with him. Jack sat just behind Hanzo. He wasn’t unimpressed with a new addition to the family, but the constant baby talk had bored him. It was actually a bonding point for him and Hanzo, ironically, bringing them together for the first time since Jesse announced he was dating the Shimada brother.
“Aye, what can I say, Ana! Any day now and she’ll be here, it’s exciting!”
“Might be a boy, though,” Fareeha interjected, coming up behind Jesse to lean over his shoulder, winking at him playfully. Jesse scoffed, shifting uncomfortable as the baby stretched out within the tight space it called home. Gabe’s eyes lit up as they always did when he felt the infant move against his hand, and he muttered something lovingly in Spanish, staring at the sphere under Jesse’s shirt.
“Hanzo figures it’ll be a boy, dont'cha, sugar?” Jesse asked him, rubbing the space of his bump Gabe didn’t possess at that time. Hanzo smiled weakly, but was caught short when Gabe started speaking again.
“I’m certain she’ll be a little girl. The cutest little belleza to walk the earth,” He snickered, reluctantly tearing himself away from Jesse to get up. “I need a black coffee. Jesse, you need anything?”
Jack shot Hanzo an aggravated look at Gabe’s oblivion to anyone else’s existence, rolling his eyes.
“Nah, I’m all go-” but then Jesse went quiet, his eyes shooting wide in a flash as he sat up abruptly. Everyone stared at him with concern, till Jesse finally broke the tension with an awkward laugh. “Well either I just pissed myself or…”
Another silence, then Hanzo was up in a flash, pulling Jesse to his feet as he escorted him out the room to the medical bay to be prepared. Everyone squealed and cheered, but as Gabe went to run to Jesse’s side, Jack grabbed him forcefully, pulling him to stay at the back of the commotion.
“This isn’t your moment. Let Hanzo take this, okay?”
And although he was reluctant, he did. He gave Jesse the space he needed for the first time in months, but there was no stopping him when the baby was finally delivered. A beautiful bouncing baby girl that he would protect and die for the same way her dad’s would, and upon seeing her starry, mesmerising eyes, Hanzo couldn’t deny his daughter the privilege of being spoiled by Gabe. Even Jack came around to understanding the unbearable love when he set sights on her for the first time.
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cakeblock1008 · 2 months
"Delphi" for Nintendo DS!
I heard this game got scrapped halfway through development.
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cakeblock1008 · 2 months
Maybe a mchanzo where Jesse goes into labour a month early while on the Retribution mission with Moira, Gabriel and Genji? Like they have to get to the drop ship quick and moira delivers the baby in the ship where they arrive back at base where hanzo was waiting panicking his socks off? I love your stories by the way, my favourite on tumblr I get so excited when you write new ones!!
Warning: Descriptions of birth/mentions of blood (you get the drill)
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cakeblock1008 · 2 months
Prompt: “The twins are the most difficult pregnancy. It honestly nearly kills Jesse, and after Hanzo subconsciously tries to take on all of the parent responsibilities by himself because of guilt.”
Part One…
It’s a nightmare come to life. Jesse has Austin on his lap when the alarms signal, and Himari who was sat on the chair reading a book jumps up immediately and runs to her father’s side. The little boy snuggles up against Jesse instinctively, his hands over his chest, and Himari is watching the door for an intruder. The dull call of the alarm repeats for what feels like hours, and they all stay frozen to their spot.
Of course, Hanzo isn’t there to help. Jesse would be angry if he wasn’t overwhelmed by protecting the four kids under his care currently. Suddenly the alarms increase in pitch, and a second bell accompanied the first. He could hear from outside heavy footsteps in the distance running, and that’s when he shifts his weight to get up. With Austin clung to him like a koala, he waddles to the medic room and holds the handle, listening close.
“Daddy, what’s happening?” Himari asks, and when Jesse turns around to what he thought would be his daughter scared, he sees Himari with her fists clenched. Her expression is similar to Hanzo’s when he’s focused, with no emotion registered for him to read. Around her frame she begins to glow a pink light, and her spirit dragon emerges from her arm to wrap around her. Jesse watches, fascinated and a little weary, when suddenly he sees in the corner of his eye another luminous glow, and turns to see Austin’s spirit dragon slithering around Jesse’s neck, nuzzling against the scruff of his beard. Jesse watches the faint creature purr, and gently puts Austin down. As he straightens up, he places his hand flat against the small of his back and groans. 
“It’ll be okay, darling. We just gotta stay put up in here, and wait for your papa to get ba-” but before he can finish his sentence, he’s struck by an internal pain that feels like a rupture through his gut. He holds his bump with both hands and tries to breath through the clenching in his belly. Himari rushes at his side, and as she gets to him, holding his arm where he’s slid down the wall, he feels a pop between his legs and a waterfall of water gushes down his trouser leg. 
Shit. The worst thing to happen at the worst time. All Jesse can think is shit, along with a collection of other curses. 
Gun fire announces from outside, the distant screams and calls of agents and enemies alike, and Jesse feels the most useless he ever has sat on the floor of the medical room with his two children, ready to give birth to twins that have no concept of time management. He tries to steady himself, but the second he pushes up to get back on his feet, the pain contracts again and leaves him screaming in agony. Himari’s dragon flares up as she watches him, and Austin’s does the same, more compassion than aggression. Tears begin to well in his eyes. He runs a hand through his hair and breaths heavily.
“I need the phone,” Jesse pants, waving over to the bedside table where his holographic phone sits. Austin toddles over and grabs it, nearly falling over his own two feet as he runs to hand it to him, and Jesse just about presses call when another contraction grips him. A few rings, then Hanzo’s voice comes through on a blue line.
“Jesse, the base is under attack. You need to-”
“Sorry to interrupt you, sugar, but it seems the recent rugrats thought it a good time to make themselves known!” Despite the flicker of a laugh on the end of his sentence, Jesse sounds absolutely shaken with fear. Through the line, he can hear the barrage of rockets where Fareeha has fired in the background, then a quick succession of Japanese as he finds Genji.
“Are you sure? Is it time? Where are you?” He can hear Hanzo running from the fight, accompanied by yelling that he guessed was Genji. Jesse rubs his stomach to try sooth the pain, his eyes going wide where the shape of his belly shifts more than noticeably and one of the twins begins to settle in position. God, his heart tastes like iron, he can barely breath with the nauseating lump in his throat.
“Jesus, Han, I don’t think I can do this,” His voice wavers in pitch, and the more worked up he gets, the more vibrant his children’s dragons become. The whole scene feels surreal, he’s not sure what to do or how to react. Suddenly, an ear shattering explosion bursts a few corridors away from theirs, and shakes all three of them to stumble. Jesse has spare arm around Austin where he’s fallen, and a leg propped out to balance Himari, still all the while his middle is contracting to bring him nothing but pain. Hanzo’s panicked shouts come through on the other end of the phone. “What’s going on?!”
“You are in danger, Jesse. The clan know we are here, and they’re not the only ones looking for us. You need to stay where you are!”
“I don’t plan on wandering off any time soon!” He grunts again, sitting up as his two children balance themselves. Austin rests his hands against Jesse’s bump, scrunching up his face, and slowly his dragon curls around the bump, glowing. He can feel a strange vibration coming from the spirit along with a tender warmth, and he looks down at the creature confused, chuckling weakly under his breath. “What’cha doing there, Babybear?”
Austin opens his eyes to look at Jesse, giving him a soft smile. “Helping.“
Jesse raises his brow, but then he feels the pain start to slowly subside, and it becomes more of a dull thud through his bones. It’s still recognisable, and Jesse has to grit his teeth and bare it, but the stinging continues to radiate ever so slightly. He hums in content, smiling down at the creature that continues to purr.
Himari takes the holographic phone from her father and responds to the distressed Hanzo on the other end. "Hello? Papa, it’s me.”
“Himari, are you all safe? Me and uncle Genji are coming for you. Where’s Angela?”
“I don’t know, papa. Austin’s helping daddy with the pain. Shall I go look for Angela?”
“No!” Hanzo says. Another loud crashing cracks through the phone, making Himari flinch. Hanzo groans before coming back to her. “It is not safe out there. Bad people are looking for you and your brother’s. You must stay with daddy.”
“But the babies are coming? I can help-”
“Listen to what I say, Himari. You are not to leave the room.”
She frowns, irritated by the harsh tone in his voice, and without thinking she hands the phone back to Jesse. The tranquility and unstable powers of Austin’s dragon clouds Jesse judgement and leaves him dizzy. He takes the phone and smiles at her with a goofy grin, only straightening out when she places a hand on his chest and nods.
“I will get Angela. Austin will protect you.”
Jesse groans, grabbing her hand and pulling her close. The sound of Hanzo’s angry voice calls out between them but they pay it no mind. “No, no, you gotta st-” but he’s cut off by an agonising pang through his belly, radiating down to his legs and up his spine. Himari leans in and holds his face in her hands, watching as he cries, and squishes his cheeks softly.
“Trust me, daddy.” And with a soft kiss to his forehead, she runs out the room to find someone who can help Jesse. Austin watches her in confusion, and his anxieties begin to effect the strength of his dragon. As the power fades, Jesse feels the true wrath of his contractions render him, and he bolts forward holding his bump, practically screaming to the point of his lungs bursting. Austin stumbles backward, whimpering at the sight of his dad in such pain. Hanzo’s voice still calls through the holographic phone, but no one answers him. All there is is the distressed cries of Jesse, explosions slowly getting closer and closer, and Hanzo desperately calling for someone to answer him…
It’s all a daze after that. Jesse falls in and out of consciousness with little time to comprehend what’s around him, and the few sights he beholds distort alongside his sanity. Through the thick of his pain, he sees flashing orange lights wrap around him like a blanket, and as a fiery explosion shakes the floor, a thunderous roar calls out louder. Pink beams shine through the windows faintly, then blue and green, and the last thing he remembers is Austin’s voice as he whispers “It’s okay”…
Hanzo doesn’t know how to calm himself when he finally gets to the medical bay. Him and Genji are both drenched in the blood of their enemies, and despite the sounds of war dying out around them, Hanzo is still filled with unnerving rage as he runs up the stairs. Time may as well slow down the closer he gets.
He throws himself at the room Jesse was in and freezes to see the back of a woman over his body. He pulls out a bow and holds it at her head, cursing in Japanese. Luckily, Genji grabs the weapon and lowers it.
“It’s Angela.” He says. The two men stare at her as she turns around, carrying two children in her arms, and suddenly any sound that there was falls silent. Hanzo’s body goes weak at the sight. There, in the flesh, are his twins, nuzzled up in Angela’s arms. Both fresh faced and tiny, they practically glow in a wholesome shade.
As Hanzo steps forward, a loud yell comes from behind and a man dressed in black emerges, wielding a sword. Hanzo reacts by raising his bow, but is beaten to the kill when Himari bolts through his legs and stabs the man in the leg with a Kunai. Her dragon wraps around her arm and strikes the assassins limb alongside the weapon. He stumbles to the floor in pain, and before he can grab his weapon again, Hanzo has his foot on his hand, a bow aiming between his eyes. The lock eyes, and the stranger grins, chuckling darkly.
“Why are you coming for my family?” Hanzo asks, pulling back the bow. Another dark chuckle, going on and on with no resolution, prompting Hanzo to fire his bow straight between his eyes, killing him instantly. An erie silence, a clutching tension, and then he takes a deep breath.
“Hanzo, Jesse’s not doing too well.” Angela says, and that makes him turn around and rush to his husband’s side. Jesse is a wreck - his hair matted and his skin ghostly white, the sweat that drips down his face glazes him with a horrific shine. He drops to his side and takes his hand, holding it to his lips.
“Jesse? Jesse, speak to me!”
A light groan, Jesse rolls his head on his shoulder and smiles deliriously. “I’m okay, sugar tits. Just a little,” he gags, “woozy. Think I lost a loooooootta blood.” He giggles, squeezing Hanzo’s hand. “But at least the love bugs are fine and good and dandy. Hay, you wanna know the name I picked?”
Hanzo cups his hands and nods. “Tell me.”
Jesse bites his lip and weakly nods at the twins. “The little guy with the most hair? And the one blue eye? That’s your son, Reo.”
And before Hanzo can celebrate, Jesse passes out. He shakes him vigorously, practically crying, and Himari tugs on his leg to pull him back.
“He’s okay, papa. Just needs rest.”
Hanzo doesn’t know how to register the moment. He holds his head in his hands and cries at Jesse’s bedside, his body shaking. There was too many emotions soaring through his body, he would have to save his celebration for the birth of his sons when Jesse recovers. What a way to welcome Reo and Nash to the world…
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cakeblock1008 · 2 months
Hanzo was shocked the first time he saw Jesse breastfeed both twins at the same time. There in their bedroom, flannel hanging off his shoulders, he cradles the two infants to his chest with his eyes slipped shut. Reo and Nash weren’t much hassle, but that didn’t mean Jesse wasn’t exhausted looking after four kids all day.
It’s sweet, seeing his husband in the glow of fatherhood. Their youngest sons unaware of the effects they have on his mind and body, just indulging in what they need. Hanzo crawls onto the bed and kisses Jesse on the temple, putting a hand on one of the boy’s backs. Jesse lazily opens his eyes and smiles.
“Hay darling,” he slurs past the gravel in his throat. “Fancy meeting you here.”
“This is our bedroom, Jesse.” Hanzo laughs. He keeps his hand on the back of Nash for support, and watches him fondly. The twins already seemed to be so big despite only being a few weeks old, and sometimes when he looked at them, doing the most mundane of things like sleep or breath, he’d get lost in a world win of gratitude. His family were perfect, and he couldn’t believe the luck bestowed upon him to have such love in his life.
Jesse carefully rocked the twins in his arms as they feed, slowly pulling back Nash when he detached and slowly passed him to Hanzo. “He’s been a touch fussy, but he’s eating alright so that’s good. You rock him to sleep, will ya?”
“Of course.” Hanzo cradled the cooing baby in his arms and swung him softly in his arms, bouncing to help drift him off to sleep. “Anything for you.”
Jesse smiles at Hanzo again, his lips lifting high despite the obvious exhaustion that posses every muscle he has. “I’m a lucky son of a gun to get a fella like you, ya know that?”
Hanzo would fight that he’s the lucky one, but instead accepts the compliment, leaning over to kiss Jesse tenderly.
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cakeblock1008 · 2 months
What about a christmas spirit? First Christmas together, and Hanzo first commemoration after the tragedy. Fluffy, Agnst, do as pleased
(I’m gonna do more Christmas-y drabbles at a later date)
“Wouldn’t you rather spend Christmas here though?” Hanzo asks as he watches his husband bath Cassidy. The overgrown canine shakes wildly and makes both men recall. Jesse grumbles as he grabs a towel and drys his face, before taking the shower head and drowning the dog in the sprays. She yelps and bites at the water, but accepts her fate ultimately.
“Our little pumpkin seeds were born on base, and we haven’t had a family Christmas since Himari was a baby. It’d be nice to be with everyone!” Jesse turns off the shower and grabs the old towel on the sink, wrapping it around the soaked dog and drying her vigorously. “I think we need a big celebration, to put this year behind us.”
“Yes,” Hanzo drops against the door frame and sighs. “It has not been the most wonderful of times. I’m sorry for all the pain I have caused you, my love-”
“Oh shut your trap. We had some rocky moments, but I wouldn’t take back any of it.” He turns around and grabs Hanzo by the collar of his shirt, kissing him roughly with as much exaggeration as possible. “I guess I was just made to be knocked up or almost killed.”
Hanzo rolls his eyes but rests his hands on Jesse’s hips, stroking up the rim of his shirt to feel the skin of his love handles with his thumb. Jesse this time round hadn’t bothered losing the baby weight as fast as he had with Himari or Austin, and quite honestly, Hanzo was glad. A guilty part of him adored the extra padding of his husband, and with Christmas soon to be, it was just another reason to pack on the weight and ravish his body in love. Jesse wasn’t dumb either, catching Hanzo’s eyes lingering longer, or how he’d become a lot more handsy, but he couldn’t pretend he didn’t like the attention.
As Hanzo goes to kiss his husband further, they hear a loud crash, followed by a high pitch whining. The two men rush to the scene in the living room, paying no attention to the drenched dog scrambling along side, and they’re met with Himari waving a plush toy in the twins faces while the screech wildly, sat in their bouncer chairs, and Austin sits across the room wiping his eyes with the back of his hands. Hanzo falls to Austin’s side while Jesse goes to the twins, holding a cheek each and shushing their wails.
“What happened, honeybee?” Jesse panics. Himari bites her lip nervously and looks over at Austin, shrugging, but Jesse knows a lie when he sees one. “Don’t make me say all your names, missy. What happened?”
She groans, hands falling. “Reo threw a block at Austin, so Austin pushed their chair back.”
Jesse’s eyes flare in anger. He glares at his oldest son, cuddling into Hanzo burying most of his face in his chest. “Listen up, babybear, that weren’t nice of you. If you want Santa to bring you your presents this year, you best treat the twins well, got it?”
Austin whimpers, but nods timidly against his fathers chest. In an awkward attempt to make things better, Jesse calls over Cassidy and sits her down beside him, trying to make the twins smile over the panting dog, and with some help from Himari, it ultimately works.
Later that evening when all the kids are asleep, Jesse and Hanzo crawl into bed and tangle themselves with one another, mumbling nonsense.
“Christmas on base?” Hanzo asks, barely audible. Jesse wraps his arms around his husband and kisses his forehead.
“Christmas on base. Ana bought some cute elf onsies for the twins, too, and Reinhardt won’t stop begging to teach the other two to cook. It’ll be sweet.”
“Yeah…the whole family.” Hanzo nuzzles into Jesse’s chest further, and notes how his heart is beating wildly. “Are you nervous, my love? Christmas will be a treat.”
“Nervous, of course not!”
“Well your heart is racing frighteningly fast. Is there something on your mind?”
“Oh no,” Jesse sighs, a soft chuckle under his breath. “It’s just tiring, four little'ns running all over the place. I’ll be grateful for the size of the base to entertain the rugrats.” He shuffles out of the hug to look at Hanzo and smiles, his eyes crinkling high. “Torb is bringing some of the grandkids too, and Fareeha will be begging to babysit with Brig, so we’ll actually be able to rest.”
“I see your intentions were more selfish than I thought,” Hanzo jokes. He sits up and looks down at the man beside him, a devious smirk on his face. “And what do we do about the kid’s presents?”
“Oh, Genji got that sorted. He picked up the load, they’re already on base.”
“Ah,” Hanzo nods. “You really have thought of everything then?”
“No need to worry that pretty little face of yours,” Jesse sits up and brings Hanzo in close, his free hand trailing up his inner thigh. “Now, how about you look in the bedside table and take out the early Christmas present I have for you.”
Hanzo was nervous to return to Gibraltar after what happened a few weeks ago, but if the silicone toy in the drawer was just the beginning, he had a feeling the holiday would be a huge win for him- and the rest of his family.
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cakeblock1008 · 2 months
Hanzo spread both his hands over the full moon that was Jesse’s heavy belly, face completely mesmerized by the sight of his partner carrying their child. Jesse, barely shy off his due date, was trying to relax in a warm soothing bubble bath, hoping the water might ease the dull contractions starting to emerge. They were barely noticeable, but since his belly had dropped to bare down on his hips, everything was being treated like the real deal.
There was no way Jesse McCree would miss the hospital for the real deal, but he thought best to amuse his husband who insisted a bath was the best option to relax braxton hicks.
With Jesse leaning against his chest, Hanzo had him fully supported in the tub, giving him the love he deserved. His arms around him, admiring the restless offspring that used Jesse’s insides like a gym. Hanzo was madly in love with them, despite having not met, and Jesse couldn’t blame him. The baby seemed to always act up whenever Hanzo spoke, like they knew who he was. It was hard to believe a stronger love might exist elsewhere in the world compared to Hanzo and the unborn child.
Jesse drew a finger up the middle of his stretched skin, chuckling when shimmers of the water gave him a softer glow. “Kind of hard to believe the thing between ya legs gone made this little'n.” He turned to look over his shoulder, sputtering out in laughter when Hanzo scoffed in disgust at the statement.
“I give you romance and you give me vulgar statements. I deserve better!”
“Hold up there, partner…I’ve been suffering a hell-off'a lot carrying your young, so the least you can do is suffer my moment killers.” Jesse took Hanzo’s hands and linked his fingers in the gap, keeping them flat against his bump. The baby stirred deep within and pressed out hard against Hanzo’s left palm. Both fathers smiled at the feeling, hearts thumping harder.
Hanzo sighed in content, leaning forward to press a long, lingering kiss behind Jesse’s ear. “You are right. Drawing you a bath to sooth your aches is an honour anyway, my love. I cherish you for going through this,” he stroked his thumbs over his stretched skin.
Jesse smirked, wincing as a shallow contraction rippled through him, but focused more on turning his head to kiss Hanzo on the lips. The unborn child under their hands was busy kicking up a storm, desperate to meet their loving fathers…
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cakeblock1008 · 2 months
McCree dressing in a cute santa themed lingerie set when he's expecting the twins for Hanzos Christmas gift 💜
‘Kids are with Gabe tonight. Don’t keep me waiting.’
To say he was intrigued was an understatement. He thought he’d be having a night in with his family, drinking hot Chocolate and resisting the urge to spoil Austin and Himari days before “Santa” had arrived, but it seemed otherwise. He was out with Genji doing some last minute shopping, and given Jesse was almost 8 months pregnant with twins, he didn’t want to leave him waiting too long.
So when he walks through the front door and sees Jesse against the opposite wall, candy cane in mouth, sucking sensually while wearing way too little to the imagination, he almost drops dead on the spot. He is turned on in the drop of a hat seeing his husband shaking his belly. Suspenders stretched either side of his bump, the booty shorts pulled up just above his navel, the material defining his popped belly button, and his heavy chest somehow supported by the flimsy luscious red boob tube - Hanzo wonders momentarily if he died and went to heaven. Knee high stockings, a christmas hat, and one of his hands roaming down his own swollen stomach, it was beyond sexy.
Jesse snickers, pulling the candy cane from his mouth slowly to tease Hanzo. Coming out with a slick pop, he winks, drawing him in with his fingers, and Hanzo practically runs. Jesse plays with the scarf around his neck. Hanzo has to lean in over Jesse ballooned belly, but that adds to the experience, and his eyes are already dark with lust.
“Merry Christmas, sugar. Thought I’d give you an early present,” He plays footsy with Hanzo, chuckling. “If I weren’t two seconds from toppling over all the damn time I’d have worn a higher shoe, but-”
“Jesse McCree, you do not need anything else to take my breath away.” He leans over the obstacle between them and kisses him, hand going to cup his belly. Jesse puts his hand over Hanzo’s and breaths deeply with the kiss, his hormones soaring with the contact. When Hanzo pulls back, Jesse falls with him, needy for more. Hanzo snickers. “I must say, however, if you were not already pregnant, I would be making sure you were after seeing you in this outfit.”
“We can always pretend, aye?” Jesse hooks his arms around Hanzo’s neck and tosses his eyes upstairs. “Let’s skip the foreplay, baby, and get to you plowing my ass.”
Hanzo splutters out a laugh, but promptly sweeps Jesse off his feet - amazingly with ease, Jesse can’t believe he doesn’t throw his back out - and takes him to their bed.
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cakeblock1008 · 2 months
Mchanzo 13?
Hanzo comes through the front door, Austin asleep in his arms and a bag of shopping hanging off his forearm. He’s trying to stay as quiet as possible, gently closing the door, and setting the bag on the floor. Austin often falls asleep after long car journeys, and it’s a blessing really. With Himari at school and Austin conked out for the afternoon, Hanzo can spend some quality time with a very pregnant Jesse.
He sneaks upstairs and gently opens Austin’s bedroom, but is surprised to find his husband on the floor, reading one of the children’s books beside Austin’s bed. Hanzo frowns, confused, and quietly clicks his fingers to gain Jesse’s attention. Jesse looks up and sighs with relief.
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