also, update
so the last time I wrote was maybe a few days before I found a place to live.
I was at a meet and greet at the irish pub caseta and I met some people and left shortly after to go check out where i’m living now. No one was really replying to my inquiries and this place is only available until the end of december but it works out fine since I’m only staying until 1/15/18. Sophie and I had showed up at the same time and I immediately called dibs on what is my room now and she called it on the other. Monday, I walked from my airbnb w my blue suitcase and ugh i built up such a sweat, also that day i saw a cockroach in the kitchen there, no fucking thank you. and well i struggled w my other 2 suitcases dealt with cleaning the apartment (which is still very much a work in progress) got churros w sophie (and got the wrong check). the week before school started I was going out often and i was starting to dislike tinto de verano which i was really starting to vibe with-it was just fucking everywhere.
This past week was my first week of school. I went out sunday-tuesday and by wednesday I was completely dead and my body was like no bitch. I felt myself getting sick thursday afternoon and I slept all day friday and then saturday was the open air party disaster. During the week I made friends w julia, and we all went on this adorable churro date, it was the australians, chari, julia, pauline, this girl from belgium who’s name i cant remember. Yeah, it was like 8 of us bc we only paid 2€ each, it was so nice. I also had coffee w alvaro on thursday and he helped w my schedule and we’re taking 2 classes together, let’s hope it doesn’t suck. Obviously a lot has happened but i keep having to remind myself that I’ve only been here for 2 weeks and it’s all okay. it’ll be 3 weeks on saturday so almost but yeah. I feel like i’m running out of time and i should do more but i’m only getting starting and I need to chill tf out. but actually seeing a calendar helped me chill. Oh i also got my nails done and it was different because it was a spanish person and I must say they do a better job back home, where they mostly focus on trying to clean vs make it just look nice.
I also went to serendipity and the vegan cafe, both were disappointing and that was thursday. I’m also going to visit yacine! yeah i think this is enough of a recap. I’ll try to do one on the cathedral alone so that I can add a picture. Oh i found the frog maybe wednesday. hm it’s just a lot of little things.
The bells are ringing bc its 2PM and i feel like they make days pass by so quickly.  
edited, originally 6 months ago
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A bad beginning & philosophical discussions
I was about to quite literally die today because i went to this stupid party in the middle of nowhere; it was dusty and crusty and hot and THEY HAD NO WATER. It was the most absurd thing I’ve ever allowed myself to fall for. They had hyped the party up so much and made it seem like a cute oasis but it was the complete opposite and I don’t think I’ll speak to Alvaro anytime soon for promoting that event. The area was weird looking, had no shade, no grass, it was extremely sunny, and all they had was beer and cheap bottled sangria. So I was going to throw myself into the pit where they had the vaquillas (baby bulls) so that the ambulance could take me home— that was the only way we could leave the 5 hour event that was like 8 miles away from the city (not sure though because google maps told me the distance in km). Ugh it was terrible and hella gave me Hard Summer 2k15 vibes where I also wanted to to be anywhere but there.
I came home and threw all my stuff down and ranted to my mom and made food (yes bitch we cooking). Then Sophie came home and I ranted to her about it, then Pauline came home and we eventually were all just sitting in the living room talking about where I should/shouldn’t plan my trips and prices (bc flights are at 200€+ yikes).
Pauline asked me what I thought about Trump and I kind of expressed my POV on the whole situation from the election, to Bernie, to the end and then we started talking about politics and I was pleasantly surprised by how much they knew about American politics (plus knowing German and Spanish and English mbn). We then we started talking about societies and, it’s great, Sophie is such a socialist and Pauline is a hardass and i’m fairly neutral/fluid and switch to both sides so it was so interesting. It was like I was in jurisprudence and it was nice bc i loved that class but also hated that class because of how he taught it. So some topics covered (bc we spent like 4 hours talking): trump, socialism, world peace, WWII, society, social movements and the way they are/how we thought they should happen, hook up culture, high school, the south, the stupidity and how gullible people can be, the environment, capitalism, boys, relationships, mcdonald’s, DACA, local governments, and just really so much more that I can’t remember because I had a pounding headache the whole time because of the TORTURE I suffered at that party. It was truly insane and surreal and simply amazing to just dig into the mind of someone who knows of the same things but from a whole different perspective. My headache was terrible but our conversation was so nice, we were all kind of falling asleep because we had busy days but we all were just dying to get our 2 cents in and to defend our own opinions and to reassure that we weren’t attached to some opinions. It was interesting. Also hilarious because I forget that they aren’t native English speakers and they each took turns translating some things into German so that we could all understand what was going on. Also we would forget the words in English and say them in Spanish. It was so weird and nice and it felt like I was in another world. I’m almost tempted to take a philosophy class because I’d be interested in the Spanish take on it but I got a very interesting take from the both of them. 
I’m exhausted rn and i’m still covered in dirt bc i didn’t get a chance to shower yet and its 1:30 AM and I don’t think I’ll add more because this was all like a brain dump and I don’t want to edit anything out just cause i remember it differently. But i’m very happy that I got them both as roommates, literally by chance, it’s a good mix up and balance each other in different aspects. 
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Longest day of my life
So I went to sleep like at 3 AM wednesday the 6th and woke up at 7 AM, took a 3 hour nap on thursday before my flight, slept like 5-6 hours during my trip (2 planes + a bus). so basically no sleep. my body is probably not gonna get up for another 12 hours so I’m writing this now.
So stupid air fucking canada was like check in before 4 AM bc my flight was at 6 AM so we left my mom’s at 2:45ish and got there around 3 and like the workers were not there? And I rushed out and forgot my neck pillow that I spent 2 months searching for and I wanted to cry. they didnt show up until like 4:20. And like TSA was 
                                             N A S T Y
Ugh so many sick people, I KNEW it was gonna fuck me up. anyway plane was comfy and not as bad as I thought. I bought a neck pillow once I passed by TSA and it was great, i remember wishing i had one when i went to miami and im so happy i got it.
free alch and shitty food
made a friend
220 euros does not equal $220 
ugh im too tired. 
i’ll update it w details
arrived. gypsy. locker. churro w chocolate. apt. plaza mayor. taxi drivers dont make small talk. fucking raul the air bnb guy is a douche bag who i hope walks into traffic. i forgot everyone’s names but they were so nice. they like automatically knew i was american smh. I was so nervous about speaking spanish i kept saying like. tapas. I drank beer and tbh it’s not bad from the tap looking thing. umm thing w a P. pochito. being too tired to make conversation. never have i ever. walking home. oh and the fucking pervs. naked airbnb guy. asses and lace hipster panties and lots of walking are not a good idea. wait what the fuck THE WALKING AND HILLS. tbh i’m bout to get a workout no wonder everyone is so tan and slim. i really want chocolate with churros. 
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so this is a test
wow so im testing this out bc im trying to pick a theme
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