bunnycatalina · 1 year
realised that i have been wrongly treating myself as if i am a small little bonsai tree who exists to live beautifully and look beautiful and must be pruned and shaped with wire and kept in the right conditions. but that isn’t what i want to live like. i want to be a very sturdy decades old forest-dwelling tree that pays no attention to its own beauty and only exists to deepen its roots into the world and feel the sun on it and grow some more and more. do you understand what i mean…
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bunnycatalina · 1 year
Cale *praying right before a battle*: to the gods who I don't believe in..
Cale: go fuck yourselves
Cale *now feeling much better*: okay I'm done, let's go
I haven't posted in a while I'm sorryyy-
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bunnycatalina · 1 year
Cale waking up in the middle of the night exploring the villa to look for the secret passageways super rock said he built everywhere-
Some are magic activated, others like a mini elevator, tiny empty rooms that he can use however he'd like, hidden stairways to another room in the villa, and he even found a slide-
Just Cale spending some time alone with his ancient powers, his curiosity overpowering his want to sleep-
Super rock only mentioned all of the secret passages because Cale had accidentally stumbled upon a button that opened up the bookcase door in his room leading to an attic. (The kids were determined to make it their secret base)
I think it'd be funny if Cale used them to mess with people.
Beacrox is just cooking in the kitchen like normal when Cale pops his head out of what he thought was a decorative cabinet asking for cookies
Ron watching Cale walk out from behind a painting and not being able to find anything other than a faint trace of magic and just being confused
The kids racing each other and Cale somehow beating all three and more confused because huh???
Alberu training with Choi han and being confused when Cale jumps down from a ceiling light and asks him a question and Choi han who is more used to this staring in amusement.
Eruhaben of all people finding Cale stargazing with the children on the roof and laughing a bit when they show him just how they got up.
Eventually he'll tell the kids about the rest of them sksj-
I think this would make a cute 5 +1 fic skjshs-
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bunnycatalina · 1 year
Do you think Cale would stand along the edges of the group when they're all happy and domestic sometimes...? Just feeling kind of disconnected and distant because this amount of happiness and this amount of closeness was just a distance dream when he was roksoo
Maybe he watches the children get praised and he's so proud of them, but can't help but feel the dull ache of jealousy. Of course, he would also add to the pile of praise and love, but deep inside his inner child just... Aches. Deep inside he just wishes he could've had this when he was younger. The praise, the love, the gentle touches full of warmth. Maybe he just can't help but feel so far away because it feels so.. unreal. He's never had the chance to properly grow up, so he definitely wishes for these kids to grow up happy, loved, cherished, and healthily. Hell, he will make sure they do.
Maybe he freezes when the kids first begin to hug him? The warmth is foreign, but not unwelcome... So he indulges them. Giving them the love and affection that he wishes he received as roksoo. Turns out he's also touch starved as well, so he grows to love these interactions with the children. Eventually he starts initiating them by himself, finding his hand gently carding through On or Hong's hair, or maybe his hand rubbing circles on the small of Rain's back? But only for the children. Children are honest, children are safe. He doesn't know how to tell his friends he wishes to be closer. So he keeps quiet, inner child longing and aching.
He watches the way Ron interacts with Beacrox. The way on the outside they're stoic and seemingly cold, almost like some sort of business exchange. He sees it though. The way Ron's eyes soften when he watches his son cook, the pride that swirls behind those eyes just for his son. He feels in an outsider. Sure, he has his family, but could he really be considered theirs? He feels like an imposter, coming into their home with their son's body and face, so he only watches as they bond. The warmth of just being within distance is both soothing and never enough. He distances himself in hopes of keeping these pesky feelings in check. He tells himself to be happy with what he has because it's already a blessing to have so many people who stay with him because they want to be with him.
Maybe he doesn't know how to interact with parental figures, feeling awkward when they welcome him. His mind convinces him that their welcome is just polite. When he agrees to act as Naru, he thinks of it as just a deal. Both parties benefit from it. As Fredo continues to shower him with gifts and love, he finds himself relaxing in the warmth. Just for a bit. Then he walls himself off again. He receives a toy as a gag gift one day. Some sort of play set that they (maybe Alberu and Rosalyn) think would make him give them a deadpan look in return. They're shocked as they silently watch Naru's eyes sparkle as he explores the set. His touch soft, so so soft, as if the toys were an illusion that would crumble away if he were to rough. They expect a sarcastic "thanks" with some sort of annoyed look paired with it. Instead they watch from behind their disguised friend, barely hearing the whispered "...thank you" because Naru's voice is just above a whisper. (His ears are red as he thanks them, he doesn't turn away from the set. Too happy to have received it because it resembles the one he had always longingly gazed at through the display windows. He couldn't ask for it, so he just looks on, smaller hands pressed against the cool glass in his memory).
He's on guard while he stays with Fredo, but his inner child can't help but cheer at the unlimited food and sweet. Happy to be able to just receive instead of all the give give give he's had to do growing up. He feels warm as he nibbles on a cookie, sitting on a plush couch.
Cale is too scared though. He doesn't reach out, bringing this love closer to him and claiming them as his. He just accepts the in the moment love that's directed towards him, grateful for what he can get.
And they slowly begin to notice the longing in his eyes. The way he attentively watches as the children are introduced to more games and experiences. (It hurts them more later on when they learn what kind of world he had grown up in as Roksoo).
Cale doesn't seem to notice the loving looks he receives from the people around him. He just assumes that it isn't for him. So when Eruhaben starts to press his cool hands against his forehead, gently grasping his face as the dragon checks him over for any more injuries... He finds himself overjoyed. Confused, but overjoyed.
Or when he finds himself noticing how Rosalyn and Choi han seem to sit ever so closer, with their legs pressed against his and their arms brushing against him. He finds himself relaxing, just appreciating the feeling of being close with them.
Cale treasures the people around him. They notice how Cale feeds the children before himself, watching them eat for a few minutes before he breaks out of some sort of train of thought. (He can't forget the days where food was limited. The cries of poor, innocent children when their stomachs felt like they would just collapse inwards and consume itself. He doesn't ever want to see the people he loves have to think before eating, rationing off some incase there isn't food next time). Alberu gifts him more snacks-- batches of cookies that are easily shared and plentiful enough that he doesn't hesitate before eating some himself. Beacrox cooking more and more, trying to show that if Cale asked, he will receive. How there's plenty of food to go around.
(he grew up in such an unstable environment that being this secure feels like a dream).
I wanna write a fic... But I'm not that confident in my writing sdjdjhff
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bunnycatalina · 1 year
Rosalyn: Has anyone ever told you they loved you?
OgCale: Does my dad count?
Rosalyn: yeah
OgCale: then no.
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bunnycatalina · 1 year
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Have you seen ORV taiwanese paperbook? They had a galaxy themed wedding
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bunnycatalina · 1 year
Literally GoD in every situation he can get to hire Cale.
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bunnycatalina · 1 year
Krs would Def be a light sleeper because of how danger constantly lurks behind every corner. There's no telling when the next monster will attack next. Sure there might be patterns and small cues they can use to predict it, or previous data from monsters they've defeated... But monsters are unpredictable. The moment you let your guard down even the slightest bit might be your last.
So when he wakes up as Cale? He hasn't been able to get rid of that habit, always listening to the passing footfalls outside his door. His mind just refuses to slack off because he's been in survival mode for so long that he doesn't remember how...
But imagine as he gets closer to everyone?? If they're around, he just knocks out. His mind just finally lets go of all the built up stress and allows him to sleep restfully because it knows his friends are there for him.
Maybe he wanders around the villa when he can't sleep? He goes to whoever is still awake and just silently keeps them company. It's a comfortable silence between them and Cale just drifts off.
Like imagine him falling asleep to the quiet clinking of glass beakers while curled up on the couch in Rosalyn's lab?? Or Alberu gently prying the papers from his hand when he dozes off while they're handling paperwork... The flipping of paper calming his mind. Maybe he's sitting in on a lesson Eruhaben is teaching Raon and the older dragon's voice is just so soothing that he can't help the way his eyelids grow heavy.
No matter how much he calls Ron scary.. Cale's mind relaxes when the butler wishes him goodnight, knowing that the old man would be there if he needed him.
Just Cale... Feeling safe around his family 🥺🥺
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bunnycatalina · 1 year
What if after his mom's death, Cale is left to fend for himself in the empty manor with only Ron and his son to keep him company?? Like the other staff would act like he doesn't exist and he could only rely on the father and son to care for him?
Deruth is out living his life, "mourning" his wife at the summer house, but when he finally comes home?? He has the other servants pack one suitcase full of belongings for the boy after telling him that he can't stand seeing Cale's face anymore. Also.. he was bringing in his new wife and didn't want her to see the son he had leftover from his previous marriage. He probably told her that he didn't have a son.
He dumps Cale at an orphanage far from their territory and leaves without a word.
Ron is desperately trying to find out where the man has left his young master and takes his son with him to find the boy.
(maybe he sneaks into the countess' room and steals a few of her favourite pieces of jewelry or smth to give to Cale as a keep sake)
When they finally find Cale again, he's all bruised and hurt because the other kids ganged up on him since he was the count's son who was thrown away like garbage.
Just.. Cale crying tears of joy when he sees Ron and Beacrox because that means he wasn't completely thrown away. They take him away and raise him as one of their own.. teaching him their family secrets and nurturing him into a fine assassin just like them.
I would like Cale to go back and end deruth's life 🥰
Messy thoughts,, maybe I'll adapt this into smth one day jkskdkf
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bunnycatalina · 1 year
Alberu: Care to explain why that mansion is on fire?
Cale: Global warming is a very serious issue
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bunnycatalina · 1 year
You can love a character & still admit when they’re wrong. I love Cale Henituse but I acknowledge his flaws (none, he’s perfect) and I can hold him accountable for his wrongdoings (he’s never done anything wrong in his life) an call him out on his actions (which are always right).
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bunnycatalina · 5 years
If Cthulhu can be summoned by humans who are so far beneath it, why can’t humans be summoned by ants? The answer is they should be.
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bunnycatalina · 5 years
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bunnycatalina · 6 years
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“Ah, Perry the platypus!”
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“What an unexpected -“
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“You’re trapped!”
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“By societal convention!”
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“Look! We’re in a fine dining environment. Everyone knows not to throw a scene in a fancy restaurant!”
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“That’s right. You’re trapped. Sit down.”
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bunnycatalina · 6 years
me watching disney princess movies
as a kid:
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bunnycatalina · 6 years
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bunnycatalina · 6 years
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Instagram: @animalwoonz
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