buburrecka · 1 year
The spiritual meanings of the months of the year
The metaphysical meanings of the months can vary depending on the spiritual or cultural context, but here are some general interpretations:
January: The month of new beginnings, setting intentions, and making resolutions for personal growth and transformation.
February: The month of love, relationships, and emotional healing. It is a time to focus on self-love and nurturing connections with others.
March: The month of rebirth and renewal, as the winter gives way to spring. It is a time to let go of the old and embrace the new.
April: The month of growth, abundance, and manifestation. It is a time to plant seeds for the future and to focus on abundance and prosperity.
May: The month of fertility, creativity, and manifestation. It is a time to harness the creative energies of spring and to focus on abundance and prosperity.
June: The month of love, family, and emotional healing. It is a time to connect with loved ones and to focus on healing and nurturing relationships.
July: The month of self-discovery, personal growth, and spiritual development. It is a time to focus on inner reflection and self-improvement.
August: The month of abundance, prosperity, and success. It is a time to focus on achieving goals and manifesting abundance in all areas of life.
September: The month of balance, harmony, and inner peace. It is a time to focus on finding balance in all areas of life and cultivating inner peace.
October: The month of transformation, release, and letting go of the past. It is a time to release old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us.
November: The month of gratitude, appreciation, and reflection. It is a time to give thanks for all that we have and to reflect on the blessings in our lives.
December: The month of celebration, joy, and spiritual renewal. It is a time to connect with loved ones, celebrate the joys of life, and renew our spiritual connection to the universe.
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buburrecka · 1 year
Me when I remember something I said ages ago that was wrong or my values no longer align with
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buburrecka · 1 year
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buburrecka · 1 year
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buburrecka · 1 year
life is just humiliating yourself over and over and learning to live with the inherent shame of being alive !! do what makes you happy !! it is impossible to live life without embarrassment, so why bother trying !!
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buburrecka · 1 year
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this actually is rewiring my brain as we speak
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buburrecka · 1 year
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buburrecka · 1 year
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buburrecka · 1 year
of course i have a praise kink, i'm a burnt out former gifted child.
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buburrecka · 1 year
this week has been complete shit. this new year better treat me better or it’ll be my last year i swear
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buburrecka · 1 year
people with ‘scary’ and ‘weird’ mental issues i love you.
i love schizophrenics. i love psychotic people, i love people on the schizospectrum, i love people with DID and OSDD, i love people with NPD, i love people with PPD, i love people with SPD, i love people with ASPD, i love people with personality disorders, i love people who hallucinate, people who have delusions, and people who have paranoia. i love people who are mentally ill in ways that are viewed as strange and scary by society. 
it is not your fault that you struggle. you are valid. you are deserving of care and you are deserving of love. your issues do not negate any of that.
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buburrecka · 1 year
Where should you move, looking at your 12th house?
If you have a planet in the 12th house, you should consider moving to another country because the loss of your motherland is the least loss you can have while having a planet in the 12th house. A 12th-house-person must learn to lose to transform.
What can relocation give to a person with an active 12th house?
12th house is about losses and transformations. Losing your motherland, you transform yourself. Losses save up a space for something new. Losing your motherland gives you a new motherland and expands your horizons.
Activating other parts of your horoscope
If your 12th house is connected with the 2nd house (money), the 10th house (career), you're likely to earn more when moving away from your birthplace. Or if there's a connection with the 7th house (partnership), your best relationships are likely to happen when you move away. It happens because the 12th-house-person needs new energies - different from his birthplace - for their self-realization.
Where to move according to your planet in the 12th house?
Close to the sea and high happiness index.
Powerful countries with a global influence on the world. E.g. China, the USA, or Russia.
Rich countries.
Countries with a high speed of development. Countries where lots of things going on. Dynamic countries. E.g. Singapore.
Countries or cities with high scientific/technological achievements or a high concentration of science. E.g. Singapore, Cambridge (MA), Zhongguancun.
Beautiful and aesthetically pleasant countries/cities. Full of lavish pleasures and luxury. E.g. Dubai, Monaco, London.
Actually, Sun is one of the planets that doesn't care about the country. A person with the Sun in the 12th house needs a place where they can release their full potential at most.
Highly technologically developed country. E.g. Japan, Singapore (too much Singapore, huh).
Find out more about your 12th house and life purpose on saturn.love
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buburrecka · 1 year
Your 11th House Sign & How You Gain The Most In Life 🍀🏆💸🥇
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🥇The 11th house rules #gainssss🥇
The 11H is considered very auspicious in astrology and it’s known to bestow opportunities, success, income influence, fame, financial gain, and so on.
It’s the house that represents fulfillment of our desires.
It’s the part of our chart where we reap the benefits of all of our efforts. Our “karmic rewards” if you will. Subsequently, the house right after (the 12H) rules loss. ✂️
By looking at the sign of your 11th house we can see how you can stand to gain in life based on the themes of that Zodiac sign & planetary ruler.
The 2nd & 11th house are also both houses that deal directly with our income, finances & wealth.
💰 Think of 2nd house “wealth” as: investments, assets or savings
🤑 Think of 11th house “wealth” as: liquid cash, profit, or something tangible
Ultimately, the Zodiac sign ruling your 11th house can show ways your gains manifest in a material sense. Usually the 11th house brings massive unexpected gains. It can also bring raise in status, popularity, opportunity, or success in general. Prominent 11th house transits is usually when you receive the most gains in life. (For example expect major gain whenever Jupiter transits your 11H)
* Can read from Ascendant or Moon sign *
Aries: Aquarius 11H
Taurus: Pisces 11H
Gemini: Aries 11H
Cancer: Taurus 11H
Leo: Gemini 11H
Virgo: Cancer 11H
Libra: Leo 11H
Scorpio: Virgo 11H
Sagittarius: Libra 11H
Capricorn: Scorpio 11H
Aquarius: Sagittarius 11H
Pisces: Capricorn 11H
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Aries 11H:
You can gain the most through…
When you are the first to do something
Being blunt/aggressive/assertive
Using physical body 
S3x w0rk
Starting trends
Sounds extreme but: fighting, or using physical force. A lot of boxers and professional fighters have this placement for example.
Taurus 11H:
You can gain the most through…
Endeavors that require persistence and patience
Beauty/aesthetic related endeavors
Farming/ agriculture
Real estate & property
This is Forsure a wealth placement! A lot of you guys are destined to be wealthy, but can gain the most wealth through the things listed above or doing anything “Taurean” in nature.
Gemini 11H:
You can gain the most through…
Anything communication related
Media related endeavors
Social media/internet
Being an influencer or content creator
Using voice/speech in any way
Y’all really gain when it comes to the internet! Especially TikTok these days or any social media really. You would succeed with a commentary related YouTube channel or podcast. Or even gossip related content can suit you too. A lot of gossip/tea bloggers are likely to have this placement.
Cancer 11H:
You can gain the most through…
Whenever you follow your intuition
Nursing/healthcare profession
Helping women/children
Music/ being a musician/ music industry
Real Estate/property/hospitality
Any industry dealing with liquids: sea/aquatics etc, selling liquids
Interior decorating
Y’all can gain the most through family. It’s not necessarily ur own, perhaps your friends family, significant others family etc. I’ve seen people with this placement gain through a sort of “surrogate” family that they create.
Leo 11H:
You gain the most through…
Authentic self expression
Your hobbies
Entertainment & movie industry
Having your own personal brand
Being famous/celebrity/influencer
Creative self expression
Being independent
Work involving children or through your own children
Not gonna lie a lot of y’all are destined for fame! You gain a lot from being a celebrity/being noticed. Some of the worlds most famous people have this placement (Libra Risings)
Virgo 11H:
You gain the most through…
Specializing in something specific
Endeavors related to healing or health
Being a specialist or and “expert” in something
Writing or media
Working with animals or veterinary industry
Being of service
Honing in a specific skill or craft
Being a doctor/nurse/medical professional
Y’all gain the most when you pick something specific and really become “perfect” at your craft! Whether it be music, arts, writing etc.
Libra 11H:
You gain the most through…
Collaboration with other people
Likely to gain through marriage (or have a wealthy spouse)
Business collaborations
Beauty-related endeavors or beauty/cosmetics industry
Fashion industry
Through fairness
Y’all gain a lot through networking and collaboration with people, you can be someone who is independent but find that you gain more in a team or partnership. You make a really good business person or entrepreneur bc of this ! A lot of the worlds wealthiest people have this placement.
Scorpio 11H:
You gain the most though…
Taking risks or go through extremes/turbulence
Occult related endeavors
S3x w0rk
“Crime” or illegal activities 
Other people’s money
Gaining through karma
Y’all can gain from controversy or being controversial
You can gain through the negative aspects of life: like profiting off of people hating you, humiliation, death etc. (aka Alchemy)
*this is a interesting placement, since Scorpio can represent “negative” things, immoral deeds, scarcity, violence, danger etc. So ironically enough if any of you have every been in “Scorpionic” situations you inadvertently gain from them since you have this since in the 11th house* karma tends to work in your favor! I think that’s where that “Capricorn karma” myth comes from. Since Capricorns (ascendant) have a Scorpio 11H.
Sagittarius 11H:
You can gain the most through…
Expansion and going beyond comfort zone
Being open minded
Spreading truth
Teaching/education/giving advice
Giving or gaining knowledge
Foreign relations
Living in foreign lands
Being spontaneous
Y’all gain a lot through spreading wisdom! When you follow your own “truth” or ��purpose” you find yourself on a path of fulfillment. You gain by teaching others through your own experiences. A lot of travel bloggers or lifestyle content creators have this placement too. Even public speakers, spiritual leaders etc
Capricorn 11H:
You gain the most through…
Dedication, effort, perseverance
Being involved in big business/starting your own business
You could be one to excel on the “corporate ladder”
The placement generally brings good karma
Being in an authority position
Repetitive action/dedication
Hard work/discipline
Doing things in a ethical way
Service related endeavors or industries
You guys gain a lot through mentorship or leadership positions. Many people with this placement gain success “later” in life or you can see a delay at first with gains. However, when it do receive it, it’s permanent!
Aquarius 11H:
You can gain the most through:
Breaking the status quo
Being innovative, different or unique
Social media/internet
Being a influencer/ content creator
Architectural endeavors
Having a taboo or outlandish approach to life
Y’all gain a lot from being different ! You thrive and gain the most in life when you’re literally doing your own thing/ different from what society tells you to do. Your world, your rules. A lot of inventors/pioneers have this placement.
Pisces 11H:
You gain the most through:
Spiritual practice, faith and using intuition
Music related endeavors/careers
Doing something where you advise people
Religious industries or positions
Living in foreign lands
The drug/pharmaceutical/alcohol industry
Aquatic industries
You guys gain a lot through sacrifice or generosity. Ironically you gin where you’re able to give! The spiritual/religious industry or activities is a place where you can gain the most. Many preachers, or motivational sort of leaders have this placement.
-starsandsuch ✌️💕
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buburrecka · 1 year
7th Ruler and Meeting Spouse
So on request from one of my follower, I decided to make this post. It is not necessary that the house placement of 7th ruler must always indicate the environment or how you meet them.
Sometimes, the house location of Venus or Jupiter can work. Sometimes even the sign placement of Venus or Jupiter can indicate where you meet spouse. So you need to apply this with judgment.
7th Ruler in 1st : In traditional societies, a classic arranged marriage where bride and groom meet in presence of family. Sometimes you may know the person from childhood, like they are your relative or stayed in same house as you did. In western world, this can mean your spouse sees you somewhere and then approaches you for marriage.
7th Ruler in 2nd: This can mean again a marriage arranged by your family. Even in western societies, this can mean your family has selected one particular person already, may be they are your family friend from childhood or your family does business with their parents and they take over etc..may meet them at work too or when you go to bank or shopping.
7th Ruler in 3rd : This can mean marriage through matrimony or newspaper classifieds in traditional societies. In western world, can men through dating apps, all kinds of social media. You may meet them as team mates at office. You travel to a seminar or lecture and meet them there. You may meet at school, college, places of learning or your friends/siblings introduce you to them. They may be friends of friends.
7th Ruler in 4th: This can mean an arranged marriage by family in traditional societies. You may marry a relative too or someone known to your family circle. They may be distantly connected to your family. you may marry someone from your childhood, so someone you went to school with and later you propose them. Similar to 2nd house at times. You may also meet at office.
7th Ruler in 5th: This can mean you meet your spouse at a very young age like 7 to 10 years as 5th house is children. So you may meet them in school, playgrounds or they were your neighbors when you were a kid. Can meet at social parties, places of fun , drama theatres, magic shows, exhibition, political events, theme parks for children, children birthday parties etc.
7th Ruler in 6th: This can mean you meet them at work, you may meet at supermarket, gym, when you visit a doctor, or places where animals are cared for like PETA, medical shops, relief camps, donation places, NGO's etc.
7th Ruler in 7th: This can mean a formal arranged marriage. You may meet at foreign places or at weddings, social events or through your business partners.
7th Ruler in 8th : Nothing specific, you may meet them during emergencies or they come into your life suddenly out of nowhere like friends turning into lovers which you didn't plan for or marrying your friend's spouse after they get divorce..may be when you go to a funeral, you may meet at night clubs, forbidden places or they may be introduced when you get some therapy like they are your psychiatrist friend or your astrologer's friend. An astrologer may even give hints about your spouse. someone who may have had marriage already. You may also meet at places related to money like insurances, taxes, bank loans etc.
7th Ruler in 9th: You may meet them at college, university, when you pursue bachelors or masters. You may meet at religious places like temple or church or when you go to a pilgrimage. Sometimes this can also mean a marriage based on law like court marriage, you may meet at a trial, you may meet when you go abroad or you meet a foreigner online.
7th Ruler in 10th : You may meet them at work, in context of your job, or your boss introduces you to them, I have seen some cases where the person was personal assistant to boss and then they got married later, you may meet through business conferences or at Government offices, may be you need to renew some Govt. document etc.
7th Ruler in 11th: You may meet them over internet, dating apps, matrimony websites, business meetings or through professional colleagues. They may be your friend initially and becomes lover later. You both may have common friends. If you do business, then in context of advertisements, promotion campaigns etc, They may even be a celebrity.
7th Ruler in 12th: You may meet in foreign lands, when you go abroad, in hospitals, airports. I have seen one case, the guy was a travel agent and booked tickets for his client and went to airport to send off his client and met his wife there as she was client's sister. Meeting could be destined or fated in some way.
Book your Spouse Reading now. DM here.
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buburrecka · 1 year
sometimes I have brief moments of clarity like oh yes. love and joy should be guiding me and it will all work out. documenting so i remember to express this
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buburrecka · 1 year
random astro
observations p6 !! ☆° ✩࿐
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take what resonates leave what doesn't!!
▪2H aqua/cap (both saturn ruled) can have bad self esteem !!tw : ed!! : they can even struggling with food & body image !!end of tw!! ☆
▪we 12th housers need alone time to process thoughts and feelings ! ☆
▪4H gemini/IC-mercury/4H mercury can mean that u r oversharing family issues that u have or ur childhood trauma ☆
▪mutable dominants can changing their personality alot even without meaning this its just comes naturally to them !! ☆
▪u cant change minds peoples who r fixed dominants lmao ☆
▪3H uranus/aquarius mercury/mercury-uranus have very chaotic minds ☆
▪3H moons/gemini moons wants venting 2 someone when feeling bad about how they r feeling or just about this situation 2 feel better or u maybe like writing ur feelings alot bc this can help u ! ☆
▪3H placements (esp venus) + gemini placements in big 6 have pretty hands ☆
▪4H saturns/4H cap have parents that never allow u to have fun bc they were very strict :-( ☆
▪pisces placemets/stelliums can have artistic gifts ! ☆
▪5H is telling u about ur hobbies so here r some examples which hobbies u can have based of ur 5H placement/s , 5H cusp + 5H ruler :
5H pisces/5H neptune - drawing, spirituality/occultism, paranormal things, psychology, music, astrology, numerology ☆
5H gemini/5H virgo/5H mercury - writing, literature, history, sociology, mbti (u can like finding who u r bc u can struggle with this or just 4 fun) also with 5H virgo im thing of health relating topics like u can b very interested in reading about mental health issues for example also u can b very picky about ur hobby hmm with 5H gemini u can change ur hobby alot or have many hobby at once lolol and u can be very open 2 new hobbies ! ☆
5H scorpio/5H pluto - occultism, psychology, criminology, taboo topics (traumas etc), astrology, mbti, horror movies/games, with this placement u can b secretive about ur hobbies or only small group of peoples close 2 u know about them yea ☆
5H libra/5H taurus/5H venus - fashion, designing clothes, makeup, drawing ☆
5H sagittarius/5H jupiter - learnings new languages, others countries/cultures, philosophy and u can also b very open to trying new hobbies i think its just mutable signs energy lol ☆
5H aquarius/5H uranus - games, astrology, mbti, hmm im thinking of some unique hobby with aquarius energy like ur hobbies can be very different from others peoples ☆
▪aquarius placements/dominants can makes that u will fighting for lgbt+ rights etc u just cant stand homophobic, racism etc !
▪6H uranus + 10H uranus can changing their jobs alot ☆
▪u can relate to ur draconic chart more if u dont relate to ur natal chart ☆
▪persona charts can tell u alot more about specific placement than looking ONLY in this placement in ur natal chart ☆
▪12th house rules hidden enemies .. when u r like me 12th houser then u need to b careful with peoples bc they can b ur hidden enemies hmm (esp when u have 12h sun, 12h mercury, 12h venus, 12h lilith, 12h pluto, 12h mars) ..
when u have for example ☆ :
mercury in 12h then ur hidden enemies can be peoples that r "friends" with u .. they will b just faking that they like u but .. they will b secretly hate u and talk shit about u .. ☆
▪when u r 12th houser then peoples energy can draining u alot .. so thats why its important 2 have alone time ! ☆
▪chiron in 1h, 4h, 7h and 10h can makes that others easly see ur pain (this can apply also 2 asc-chiron and sun-chiron peoples (esp. conjunctions) ☆
▪virgo 2h/aquarius 2h r picky when it comes 2 eating food ☆
▪3h also rules school hmm ur 3h sign + 3h ruler sign and house + aspects can give u how u r in school, how others see u in school !! ALSO CHECK 3H PLANETS IF U HAVE ANY ! ☆
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buburrecka · 1 year
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🖤the eighth house and the love we fantasize about🖤🥀
*venus is in Pisces rn and I’m feeling like a hopeless romantic haha. please do NOT plagiarize my posts.*
We merge and become one with others in the eighth house. we don’t get choked up over minor details because there is such a strong focus on completeness. We can feel a sense of urgency when we can’t get close enough. The sign in your eighth house, I believe, can represent the kind of love and passion we crave, which fuses our physical and spiritual selves. It’s the kind of love we hope will save us, but we know all too well that it can also destroy us, and even then, we can still find the bittersweet beauty in that. 🥀
8h in aries: wanting someone that will go to the end of the earth for you. someone not afraid to profess their love for you and shout it from the roof tops. someone you can argue with and then have the best s*x of your life after. craving a love that is unapologetic and will take initiative. dreaming of someone that will walk in and sweep you off your feet and will make you willing to send everything else to hell if it means you can be together just a little bit more. wanting to feel like you got each other’s backs always and that your lover will fight for you. wanting someone that has a strong spirit. that can overcome any obstacle in their way. wanting a lover that will complete you. that through all the chaos they can be the only thing and person that just makes sense. daydreaming about someone that’s not afraid to not just fall in love but to completely crash into it and let it consume you both like a flame.
8h in taurus: wanting someone that provides you with stability and makes you feel safe. finding someone you don’t have to have your guard up with and can be romantic with. someone that can know how to balance the s*x life and be able to be dominant and rough and then the opposite of that. wanting someone that brings beauty in your life. that is a source of comfort and all you look forward to in the day is getting back home to them and basking in their presence. wanting someone that will not allow any harm to come your way and they’re a steady and solid presence in your life. someone that you can enjoy every single aspect and sensory experience of life with them, whether it’s a brush against each other’s lips or going on a walk together. being able to immerse and feel ecstasy and connected in all those moments. craving to be with someone that is patient with you. this is the love where they show up to your place with flowers and your favorite food after a bad day. someone that always knows exactly what you need.
8h in gemini: wanting someone that you don’t have to put walls up with and you can tell them your whole entire life and pour out your deepest, darkest secrets and they will listen and understand. and they will stay. wanting someone you can stay up at night laying in the dark giggling together and talking and whispering. having intense communication to the point where you can easily pick up on each other’s moods without having to say anything or understanding each other’s micro-expressions and body language. wanting to be with someone that encourages you to be brave and to take initiative. someone that does not mind falling down the rabbit hole with you haha and ending up in strange places, but still making unforgettable memories with them. wanting a lover and a best friend all in one. wanting someone that can tell you exactly how they feel about you with their mouth and hands. and also wanting them to memorize the details of your body. someone that smiles when you smile. that is proud of your joy and if anything, they crave it. needing someone that values your happiness and actively adds to it.
8h in cancer: wanting someone that makes you feel like they’re your safe haven. being able to feel like you’re at home with them no matter where you two are at. someone that you can show the shadow sides of you and they will not judge or flinch or back away and embrace all the parts of you that the rest of the world does not see. wanting someone that will care for you in the ways you care for them. wanting your energy to be reciprocated. wanting someone you can spend a lot of private time with. craving a partner that brings you so much peace that you much rather prefer to stay in with them rather than go out. wanting someone that you can feel comfortable crying to & expressing emotions you’ve been forced to repress. wanting s*x to be deeply personal and private. being possessive over each other. this is the love of reassuring touches, whether it be your lover squeezing your hand or giving you a soft kiss as you drift off to sleep. it is safe and beautiful and everything you have ever wanted and more. someone that accepts you in all the ways you never were as a child.
8h in leo: you daydream about being with someone you truly respect. wanting to be someones inspiration on their out look on life and passions. wanting someone to see your presence as something that pushes them to new heights. daydreaming about a lover that treats you like royalty and sees you as their muse. this reminds of the quote from throne of glass that says, “He saw her face each time he closed his eyes. She haunted his thoughts, made him wish to do grand and wonderful things in her name, made him want to be a man who deserved to wear a crown.” craving to be with someone strong enough that you don’t mind revealing your softer sides and being submissive and getting taken care of. needing someone that doesn’t make it hard to accept their love because you know its unconditional, you know its not because they demand something in return. daydreaming about someone that absolutely adores you and rightfully so. needing someone that gets turned on by the way you take charge. daydreaming about a lover whose eyes light up every single time you walk into a room. 
8h in virgo: craving to be with that person that is there through all the moments in life, whether they be the most exciting or the most mundane. dreaming about someone that will be there to gently brush a strand of hair out of your face or later be the one pulling it hehe. wanting to be with someone that grounds you with their words and actions. again someone that will notice the smallest details about you whether it be your mannerisms, the things you mention that you like and your body. someone that adores you and listens to you and will never stop until their last breathe. wanting someone that makes you feel comfortable about all your dreams and thoughts and things that you never say out loud because you think it’s silly but they’ll think it’s wonderful and lovely. wanting someone that looks at you and just sees you and only you. not just what you can do for them or provide for them. wanting to be with someone that provides you with that reassurance that you can live out all your fantasies and wildest dreams and they’ll be by your side through it all.
8h in libra: wanting someone that feels like your prince charming or your princess. just that person that you can call truly yours and yours only. wanting it to feel like it’s a true partnership and it’s you two against the world. wanting intelligent and mentally stimulating conversations but also passionate conversation. declaring your love for each other. wanting someone that can make you feel beautiful. wanting someone that will worship you and your body. this is the love from the romance novels haha like you know the intense eye contact across the room. wanting the kind of love that sends you head over heels. wanting someone that is very attentive & remembers all your interests, likes and dislikes. wanting s*x to feel like no one else in the world matters but just you two in that very moment. you want love to always feel sweet and never like a chore. wanting someone that can deliver swift and unapologetic justice in your honor. that will defend you and protect you. someone that makes being in the present much more worth it than remaining in the daydreams in your head.
8h in scorpio: daydreaming about a love that transcends boundaries, truly a physic kind of connection. you fantasize about someone being completely devoted to you, after all why shouldn’t they? this gives me the energy of when fitz told olivia, “I live for you, you own me. my every feeling is controlled by the look on your face. I cant breathe without you. I exist for you. I belong to you. we’re in this together.”  fantasizing about the kind of love and s*x that leaves you having flashbacks all throughout the day, desperately waiting to see them again. craving a passionate relationship that is your own beautiful secret where you both go through cycles of transformation together -all the highs and lows- and tell no one. because it is yours. craving to be with someone strong, who can handle any challenge coming their way even when the challenge is coming from you. fantasizing about a lover that just cant keep their hands off of you, where you both make eye contact and silently agree to leave the event early because there are much more important things to take care of. and that is each other. 
8h in sagittarius: wanting someone that will teach you about different cultures or religions or philosophies of life. someone that encourages you to be vocal about your values and needs. someone that makes love feel like it’s a never ending adventure. this is a love full of I dare you’s and smirks and intense eye contact. trying new things together. exploring the world together. being playfully mean to each other and no one getting offended. having your own inside jokes. wanting someone that shows you exactly why life is worth living. never getting bored of each other. wanting the s*x to feel like it’s so good it can’t get any better yet every time it does. wanting a lover where there is an insatiable desire to always want more of each other. needing someone that earns it all whether it be your time, effort and anything and everything else. needing someone that will prove themselves to you. who can show you through their actions and your conversations everything they think and feel about life, philosophy, death and s*x.
8h in capricorn: wanting to be with someone that makes you feel safe and secure enough to let your hair down. where you can show with your bodies all the vulnerability you might be hesitant or shy to say with your words. craving to be with someone that makes you feel like you’re on top of the world being with them. like nothing is impossible because they’re right there. craving this perfect mix of roughness but also a sweet gentleness. this is the slow burn that feels like torture at first but it’s worth it at the end of it. this is like when anthony told kate “you are the bane of my existence. the object of all my desires. night and day I dream of you,” energy. wanting a forever love. wanting someone you will never get bored of. a lover that knows and lets you know just how important you are every single day. someone you can show your fear and concerns to and they won’t get upset or try to rush you. craving to be with someone that even when they don’t understand exactly how you feel, will always try their best to. needing someone solid and secure enough that you don’t always have to be strong around them because you know you are safe. 
8h in aquarius: wanting someone that you can stay up talking to the whole night about anything and everything. craving to be with someone that can teach you more about the world, your body and life. someone that you can banter with and they don’t take things so seriously. craving a love that will completely change your outlook on how you view relationships and s*x for the rest of your life. wanting to be with someone that helps you learn how to stop trying to control the world around you and to just be. fantasizing about someone that is truly a force to be reckoned with but that also recognizes that you are too. wanting someone that will show just how much you matter and encourages you to put yourself first. wanting someone that you can be your unfiltered and most natural self with and they still look at you with love and longing. wanting someone that doesn’t back down easily and is loyal to the very end. craving to be with someone that takes part in, enjoys and brings to life all the sexual fantasies in your head.
8h in pisces: wanting a lover that will rescue you, that will completely blow your mind when it comes to the relationship & reach new heights that you have never experienced before. craving the type of love that is so passionate and dedicated that it’s almost painful. seeking someone that can be by your side through the worst and best moments of your life. Who can be by your side when you break down and be there to help you stand back up. this is a ride or die type of love. wanting to be able to transform with them and to transform as one spiritually. fantasizing about having a lover where the s*x feels so good that you cry. wanting someone that doesn’t mind going on this journey you call life standing side by side, ready to conquer all as long as you have each other. this is craving a life changing love where you become part of each other and remain that way even after death and beyond that. 
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