brondua · 10 months
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De izquierda a derecha.
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brondua · 10 months
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De izquierda a derecha.
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brondua · 1 year
Astro game - Future spouse personality
Hello beautiful people! I missed you I have some time off and I want to do a game
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What do you get: Future spouse analysis of their personality based on your astrology chart
Follow the rules properly! Take your time and check if you followed all the rules
Must be a follower, if i have seen you interact with you my posts i will know.
Say hello and thank you.
Game closes when status below says it closes.
Feedback and interaction with the answer reading is must. I will give feedback for your part as well.
Reblog this post and one of my latest posts.(links below)
Juno in composite house.
Astro observations 20
Send me all the following things
🌻 Charts- now you can send either Western charts or vedic charts
(vedic)- birth chart & Navamsa(d9) chart and mention your darakaraka planet.
(Western) - natal chart and groom(5129)/breide(19029) persona chart
(groom pc if interested in men, briede pc if interested in women)
🌻 exchange - Now you need to do something for me to make this a fair trade
Tarot readings* (much welcome) about future spouse, marriage, dynamic, how we meet, channeled messages, how they show love basically anything unique and upto you (i would love new unique topics too)
For non tarot readers tell me what kind of partner do you think i ll be compatible with and why (ohh you can use fictional characters as well to describe if you want).
# Write in good amount. I will not give proper answers if you don't give me a fair trade. So good length is appreciated and must.
🌻Emojis-Send me emojis that you think represent you.
Game status: OPEN
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brondua · 1 year
Juno in Composite chart
Quick post because I was bored of my work.
Dont copy, reword, translate, plagiarise this.
Property of @notanastrologer
Check my pinned post for more cool stuff.
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House of Juno in Composite Chart what you need to maintain commitment in the relationship.
1st house- self confidence, self belief, to be surrounded by partner, equal commitment from both, working on yourselves together, working out together,supportive towards each other especially when it comes to appearance wise, being sexually active, being upfront with each other,
2nd house- sense of belonging and support and familiarity from each other, trust in the relationship, doing normal chores like shopping together can be helpful, emotionally being available to each other, food can be important to, eating together, spending time with families
3rd House- communication, having similar interests, tactful ness, learning together, being friends first, behaving like kids together, doing creative things together, travelling together, working together
4th house- Familiarity, feeling of comfort and trust and emotional vulnerability, emotional intimacy and getting to know each other deeply, spending time with each other's family, building a family together, nurturing each other, keeping each other fed with love and food
5th house- romance, childishness (not in a bad way but behaving as a kids together), creativity in relationship, sexual life too, participating in classes together, spending leisure time together, travelling together, partying
6th house- health, carrying out routinely chores together, consistency, spending time together, working out together, working together, helping others together, getting a pet, doing social work together, helping each other heal
7th house- commitment, romance, social life, doing social work together, travelling, doing things together, marriage could increase more willingness for commitment, maybe gossiping and chatting about others, doing a business together or working together
8th house- vulnerability, intimacy, sexual life, spending time together, spending money together, talking about past, doing or participating in occult or dissing occult, spirituality may help too, building wealth together
9th house- travelling, sharing thoughts and ideas, learning together, trust and support towards each other's beliefs, spiritual work, learning, teaching together, learning about each other's religion, practicing religion, pilgrimage travel
10th house- social outing, having good reputation as a couple, appreciating each other's work, being supportive of each other's career, taking responsibilities together, appropriate amount of attention to career.
11th house- having a social life, spending some time with your own friends separately, learning, communicating, having a friendship together, doing social work together, joining activities or some classes together.
12th house- spending time alone, spending time apart for others, doing creative stuff together, dancing together, taking walks together, sexual intimacy, talking about past
© @notanastrologer ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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brondua · 1 year
having moon in capricorn is not having no emotions or being an ice cube, having moon in capricorn is more like feeling but not wanting to bother with your feelings because at some point in your life they were devalued or rejected
everyone can be sad and having a bad time but not you, the reason for your sadness is not big enough to have it, so you choose to leave it there and concentrate on other things, "repress it"
you repressed it and now that sadness is somatized in your low self-esteem, you try to cover it up in goals or jobs that when you do not see an achievement, you feel it is your fault
you wish to meet your unconditional one, you are a hidden hopeless romantic, you dream of a fairy tale but your hard surface out of fear does not allow it to arrive, the fear lies in being your most intimate self and being treated again as if it were "too superficial and senseless"
even if you love and need solitude, sometimes it drowns you and makes you feel worthless but it is the only real thing you feel you have
remember that you are not alone and if you need to talk to someone close to you about your emotions, you can do it, they love you and care about you (even if you think they don't), they have the key to your heart but you need to take your hand out of the lock 🤍
🩰 ps. i don't speak english, i used a translator.
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brondua · 1 year
when I say “everyone’s on their own timeline”, I mean it.
there’s no right age to learn something by. there’s no right age to be settled down, to move out of home, or to start your own family. there’s no right age to start working, if you work at all. there’s no right age to graduate.
life isn’t a series of boxes you need to tick. do things at your own pace. slow down if you need to. it’s okay.
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brondua · 2 years
Unearthly love, deep understanding, intense eye contact, vivid dreams, ethereal presence, that’s on 12th house synastry.
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brondua · 2 years
i wonder what the taste of your lips will be like or hold your hand i feel like my body is about to explode from the repressed feelings i have for you i like you like no one else but it’s not mutual i can only tell you everything in writing dreaming that you see me differently
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brondua · 2 years
La peor parte de tener baja autoestima es el constante pensamiento de querer un cambio, buscar algo diferente, conocerse a uno mismo; pero quedarse en el deseo y no realizar eso porque algo inconsciente te hace sentir que no vas a poder, que no sos merecedor y tampoco realmente lo vales. 
Para los que están pasando por esto o intentan formar su autoestima pero decaen, quiero decirles, que la autoestima se crea en el momento que hacen frente a estos pensamientos. Tu existencia es muy valiosa para muchas personas aunque no lo creas, es valiosa hasta para tu propio cuerpo, así que no piensen lo contrario por más difícil que sea. Vos te sentirías bendecido en ser otra persona, pero alguien se sentiría bendecido en ser vos.
Recordar. Nada es imposible en esta vida, nosotros lo hacemos posible.
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brondua · 2 years
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brondua · 4 years
Una carta para los amigos...
Conozco a personas que con solo decir una palabra; prende la luz más buena de mi misma, que con solo sonreír entre los ojos, me invita a viajar por zonas no descubiertas y me hacen recorrer toda la magia. Gente que con solo entregar mi mano rompe la soledad; esas personas que solamente empuñando una guitarra hacen una sinfonía de entrecasa. Al abrir su boca, llega hasta los confines del alma, alimenta una flor, inventa sueños, hace cantar al vino en las tinajas y se queda después como si nada. Esta gente es necesaria. Gente como tú.
Y los sabios me dicen que no debo agradecer tu amistad, tu cariño y las razones que me generas despertarme cada mañana; pero no puedo no hacerlo, te quiero, y demasiado. Sé que si nos separamos, y nos dejamos de ver, moriré de pena por la falta de tu amistad, por la falta de tus conversaciones y alocadas ideas. Porque los amigos son como los zapatos, podemos tener muchos, pero siempre andamos con los que nos sentimos más a gusto; agradezco con todo mi corazón que nos hayamos juntado.
Siempre dices que los amigos se cuentan con los dedos, y cuanta razón tienes, tú estas en los míos.
Hay ciertas horas en que no necesitamos de un amor, no necesitamos de la pasión desmedida; hay ciertas horas en que solo queremos la mano en el hombro, el brazo apretado, o solo, el estar allí, quieto, al lado sin nada decir. Alguien que ría de nuestros chistes sin gracia, que sienta que nuestras tristezas son las mayores del mundo, que nos brinda elogios sin fin. Y que, a pesar de todas esas mentiras útiles, nos sea de una sinceridad incuestionable. Que nos haga callar la boca o nos evite un gesto impensado, alguien que pueda decirnos: pienso que estás equivocado pero estoy a tu lado.
Y con mi corazón deseo, que este sentimiento sea correspondido.
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brondua · 4 years
Algunas veces me siento como si me estuviera ahogando en un océano del que no quiero salir. Un océano profundo, helado y un poco aburrido. Se siente como si me estuviera muriendo, pero el sentimiento es tan placentero que me quedo allí sin importarme nada.
Siempre me siento como si estuviera ahogando en un océano. 
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brondua · 4 years
Miro al cielo y me pregunto que se sentirá ser amada, que tus seres cercanos o a los que tu amas no te hagan sentir una mierda de insuficiencia. Pero me duermo con esos pensamientos y tal vez también muera con ellos.
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