brokenfromtime-blog · 7 years
’ Why are you all wet? ‘ 
’ Aloha! ’
’ You’re vile. You’re foul. You’re flawed. ‘ 
’ Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. ’
’ If you want to leave, you can. I’ll remember you, though. ’
’ I remember everyone that leaves. ’
’ You! You’re the cause of all this. ’
’ This is my family. I found it all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Ya. Still good. ’
’ Oh, good! My dog found the chainsaw. ’
’ No more caffeine for you. ’
’ Did you lose your job because of me? ‘ 
’ The managers a vampire. He wanted me to join his legion of the undead. ’
’ Trust me, this isn’t gonna end well. ’
’ I’m sorry I bit you. And pulled your hair. And punched you in the face. ’
’ GIve us a sign you understand any of this. ’
’ Show us that there is something inside you that is good. ’
’ I didn’t teach him that. ’
’ Come on, what’s the big deal? ’
’ Leave my mother out of this. ’
’ You are such a pain. ’
’ Then why don’t you sell me and buy me a rabbit instead? ’
’ I hate it when you use Ohana against me. ’
’ I’m lost. ’
’ Don’t interact with her. ’
’ Oh, we can’t do that. Uh-uh. That would be a misuse of resources. ’
’ Why do you act so weird? ’
’ You look familiar. ’
’ We’re a broken family, aren’t we? ’
’ I shouldn’t have yelled at you. ’
’ You are built to destroy. You can never belong. ’
’ We need something that can defend itself. Something that won’t die. ’
’ I hear you cry at night. ’
’ Do you dream about them? ’
’ You came back. ’
’ Nobody gets left behind. ’
’ I need someone to be my friend. Someone who won’t run away. ' 
’ His destructive programming is taking effect. ’
’ Did you ever kill anyone? ’
’ Are you.. happy? ’
’ I am the one they call when things go wrong and things have, indeed, gone wrong. ’
’ Our family’s little now, and we don’t have many toys. ’
‘ If you want, you could be a part of our family. ’
’ We’d raise you to be good. ’
’ She likes your butt and fancy hair. ’
’ I read her diary. ’
’ Not guilty! My experiments are only theoretical, and completely within legal boundaries. ’
’ He was designed to be a monster, but now he has nothing to destroy. ’
’ I never gave him a greater purpose. ’
’ What must it be like to have nothing, not even memories to look back on in the middle of the night? ’
’ If you promise not to fight anymore, I promise not to yell at you, except on special occasions. ’
’ Stupid head. ’
’ Did you catch fire again? ’
’ This is your badness level. It’s unusually high for someone your size. We have to fix that. ’
’ Don’t leave me, okay? ’
’ Do you want to be taken away? ’
’ You’re just jealous 'cause I’m pretty! ’
’ My friends need to be punished. ’
’ Heard you lost your job. ’
’ Thus far you have been adrift in the sheltered harbor of my patience. ' 
‘ After all you’ve put me through, you expect me to help you just like that? ’
’ He’s very persuasive. ' 
’ I know you had something to do with this. ’
’ Oh, good! I was hoping to add theft, endangerment and insanity to my list of things I did today. ’
’ I prefer to be called evil genius. ’
’ You smell like a lawn mower. ’
’ I have just determined the situation to be far too hazardous! ’
’ Don’t worry. I won’t hit her. ’
’ This is low even for you! ’
’ You are all mine. ’
’ You know I have no choice. ’
‘  Please don’t do this. ’
’ You’re making this harder than it needs to be. ’
’ She needs me. ’
’ Leave me alone to die. ’
’ What is that monstrosity? ’
’ Does this look infected to you? ’
’ You’d better not have rabies. ’
’ Hiding behind your little friend won’t work anymore. ’
’ Didn’t I tell you? We got fired this morning. ’
’ That is the ugliest thing I have ever saw! ’
’ It has no place among us. ’
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brokenfromtime-blog · 7 years
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brokenfromtime-blog · 7 years
Steve had known Bucky long enough to realize when he was trying to avoid a question, dodge giving an answer because he knew of the consequences it would bring. Still, that wasn’t enough for Steve. There was a time where he could stop pushing, but that time had long passed. There wasn’t going to be any instance of Bucky pushing Steve away, not anymore at least. They had been through far too much.
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A single sigh was the only thing to ooze out of the former soldiers mouth, there’s annoyance in both of their tones because the feeling is mutual. Steve feels the exact same way Bucky does, as usual. They’re both on the same page, the male diverts his attention to his side. Focusing on the various objects scattered around the nearby table, considering, thinking, debating. Before turning his head back to its starting position. “What are you suggesting? Sending out a search party, me and you going out to look for them?” He’s tired of feeling helpless, it’s the morals beating at his canvas. He wants to help, and both of them are being stopped from doing that exact thing.
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brokenfromtime-blog · 7 years
People aren’t bad, most of them are just lost or scared.
C.J (via wordsnquotes)
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brokenfromtime-blog · 7 years
When push came to shove, there was a big part of Steve that felt responsible for all of this. His actions, his decisions had caused them to end up in this predicament. On the run, hiding from the very people just months ago they were fighting to protect. The former solider had took certain measures to ensure that he and his team would be safe, but that still couldn’t ease the worry and concern in SOME of them. It wasn’t like he could blame them after all, if the roles were reversed and he was in their shoes. Steve would’ve probably felt a little sceptical too. That very aspect wasn’t going to stop him from trying to make things right at least, he needed his team to trust him. But right now, that feeling was strained. His eyes blasted over to the female as she turned him away, he could’ve walked off there and then. But both of them knew that wasn’t going to happen, Steve had been there when Wanda needed him the most. Nothing had changed, nothing ever would. “Talk to me.” Pressing his heels off the ground, he moved his frame in front of her. Now facing the younger female. “Don’t push me away, we need to stick together. You need to talk to me.”
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brokenfromtime-blog · 7 years
Steve had never been one for embracing an outgoing and open sort of nature, a complete polar opposite of the man sitting before him. Bucky had always been the brass one of the pair, and that whole dynamic seemed to work. Opposites attract for a reason after all. They’ve been through thick and thin together, but still..That can’t stop this, the eerie almost threatening silence consuming the room. The male’s eyes fire upwards as he spots the other’s smirk easing on his face, he can’t help but return with a faint one of his own.
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“I know just the same amount as you Buck.” His tone laced with the same frustrations as his friend, there’s a sense of helplessness that he can’t help but feel. This doesn’t sit right with either of them, that much is apparent. But it gives him time to ask something, what he’s been waiting to ask all day. “What’s eating you though?” Silly question, something is always eating away at someone these days. But even for Bucky, this is out of character.
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brokenfromtime-blog · 7 years
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brokenfromtime-blog · 7 years
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