brainvomitinabucket · 20 days
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title of this is just ‘lesbian sex’
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brainvomitinabucket · 2 months
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Finally bought some good china
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brainvomitinabucket · 2 months
It's dishonest work and it's a lot. And nobody needs to do it
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brainvomitinabucket · 2 months
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Homage to the 50’s pinup Hilda with my beautiful friend María, who is damn proud of her body and is never scared to show it.
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brainvomitinabucket · 3 months
so like say you became god and had complete control over your own physical form. what do you do with your dick. because obviously everyone’s gonna be like “oh you used flesh magic to enhance that thang” if it’s big, organically or not. and if it’s average to small then everyone’s gonna be like “wym you’re god and it’s four inches.” maybe you mix it up, tell people you’re gonna fuck like. you pick. what do you wanna get nasty with. yes i can do tentacles. otherwise like there’s no winning. i guess at that point i’d just found my new universe with the primary cultural view being that my dick is the absolute pinnacle of dicks. definitely a day 1 issue regardless.
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brainvomitinabucket · 3 months
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Hilda by Duane Bryers
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brainvomitinabucket · 3 months
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Shark and octopus tiles
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brainvomitinabucket · 3 months
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brainvomitinabucket · 3 months
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diesel dyke i doodled to cheer myself up
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brainvomitinabucket · 3 months
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photography by alexandra leese
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brainvomitinabucket · 3 months
they should invent a life that is liveable and a sleep that comes easy and a winter that doesn't feel like decay and a spring that doesn't feel like the past and a head that doesn't hurt and a heart that doesn't sit in your chest like a rock and a body that doesn't hate you and a hometown that doesn't make you lose your mind and a university that won't kill you they should invent a me that is normal I think that would be really neat. ok good night I love you
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brainvomitinabucket · 3 months
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brainvomitinabucket · 3 months
One thing people often don’t know is you should never ever ever ever and I really mean NEVER use silicone lube with a silicone toy of any kind*.
The reason silicone makes such a great sex toy is that it’s so inert- it basically has no give and take with your body. Unlike plastic or rubber toys that your body can absorb things from, silicone is just staying in its lane.
The reason silicone lubricant is so great for sex is that it’s so inert. The body can’t absorb it like water so it just stays slick forever until you wipe it away.
But there’s one thing silicone loves in this world. And that’s itself. When mixed the two can bond, forming a chemical reaction and I’m going to tell you a story about that. This story happened pretty soon after I started working at the sex shop.
A couple was looking at lubricant and when I mentioned a silicone lube but that they should be careful not to use it with toys they both froze. Then shared a secret look. I paused and they said they knew that.
“It was our honeymoon,” he told me.
“We’d been having sex with silicone and then he went to use a toy on me. We didn’t know any better.”
I waited with horrified fascination. They were both wry, the story had happened long enough ago that it had moved into absurdity for them. But I know some of the reactions silicone can have, and none of them you’d want to happen inside you. It can bubble, melt, or-
“It swelled up so big inside me we couldn’t get it out. We had to go to the emergency room and they cut it out of me piece by piece.”
“Kinda took the steam out of the rest of the honeymoon.”
They were both laughing and I did too but mine was more haunted by the thought of toddling into an ER with a dildo the size of a zucchini sticking out of my crotch.
*As a technicality you CAN but you should be extremely careful. Silicone comes in different levels and a low level silicone toy won’t react to a high level lube. If you ever want to test it you can put a little lube at the base of the toy to check for a reaction, but honestly it’s better to just use water based.
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brainvomitinabucket · 3 months
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brainvomitinabucket · 3 months
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Lemos + Lehmann - Echo V, 2021
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brainvomitinabucket · 3 months
Hey, take it from someone creeping towards 40:
Ignore the fun police.
If you like it, order your steak well done. Get your bagel toasted with jam and butter. Put ice in your scotch and ketchup on your hotdog. Get red wine with fish and white with steak. Who cares?
If you want to, listen to pop music. Watch blockbuster popcorn flicks. Read dime store novels. Enjoy them.
Dye your hair or cut it off. Paint your fingernails blue. Wear whatever the fuck you want on your own time (ie, when not at a job or school or whatever where you can get penalized for breaking rules) as long as you aren’t like welding or shoveling snow.
Anyone who tries to tell you you’re wrong? Say “okay” and go back to what you were doing. You’re not hurting them by enjoying yourself or having things the way you like them.
There are no caveats or addendums to this. No “but what about x?” Nah. You’re allowed the things you like. You don’t have to justify your taste or apologize for it if it’s not hurting anyone.
And likewise, let other people live their lives. We’re all dead in the long run, so tend your own garden before you become fertilizer in it.
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brainvomitinabucket · 3 months
on-screen lovers and off-screen besties is literally the best dynamic ever
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