boytransmission ¡ 10 hours
Doms can ask for attention too.
Doms can be needy for attention too.
Doms can ask for reassurance too.
Doms can be clingy too.
Doms can be not in the mood too.
Doms can get jealous and insecure too.
They're not weaker or less of a dom for any of it. They're humans, too, not just Doms. And the fact that people genuinely think otherwise is kind of weird to me.
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boytransmission ¡ 11 hours
reluctant friend: puppy dog city is a myth, we should turn back
grizzled mercenary: it's getting dark, keep moving
puppygirl: puppy dog city's real. it's a city full of puppy dogs, a place i'll belong & fit in, it's home. i saw it
eccentric scientist: the implications are astounding
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boytransmission ¡ 12 hours
my owner is lowkey enriching my enclosure with activities puzzles treats and games. and i' m here for it..
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boytransmission ¡ 12 hours
(6/6/24) Once again just putting feelers out for any potential takers - if there's any folks out there with space for a trans dyke to crash with her lil black cat (and can maybe help with transportation a bit) throw me a DM please. I've got 24 days left where I am here in Ohio maximum, and I am happy to sit down and discuss helping with costs and general household stuff (I fucking love doing the dishes tbh.)
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Once again, if you got a free space and are maybe okay with a little road trip (which I can also help cover expenses on) then shoot me a DM here or send me a message on Discord @ riotrhea.
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boytransmission ¡ 12 hours
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My arm hair is officially visible in photos :)
Please help me get top surgery here ⭐️
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boytransmission ¡ 12 hours
i made a grindr and in under 24 hours i got the most insane unsolicited nude to ever exist. hes fully nude on the beach and in his right hand is a black tipped reef shark i could not make this shit up if i tried
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boytransmission ¡ 12 hours
post bottom surgery tgirl and pre bottom surgery tboy scissoring. send tweet
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boytransmission ¡ 12 hours
question for the ages; you’re getting spit roasted by a werewolf and a Minotaur, who’s in the front and who’s in the back?
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boytransmission ¡ 14 hours
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y'all ever get that thing where ur titties hold the crop top fully off ur tummy? it's pretty cool I think
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boytransmission ¡ 17 hours
“why are there so many subs???” you say while casually deeming signs of domination in your social circle as morally evil, forcing every dom you meet to fit a role only you want and fearing any expression of dominant sexuality that is not ordained permissible by the holy mouth of the submissive, i have no idea why you don’t see any doms that’s so weird
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boytransmission ¡ 20 hours
Diversity win, whatever these shirts are implying
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[ID: a picture of two neon yellow shirts hanging on display. The left one says "Enjoy my cock" in bold letters with small letters underneath saying "tail"; and the right one says "I think she's Lesbian" with an arrow pointing at the other shirt]
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boytransmission ¡ 20 hours
it's so cute how you can be talking to the smartest sub ever and the minute you say something even slightly mean or praise them a little they get sooo dumb sooo fast! and then you can bully or praise them for being so dumb and it just keeps going and going!
extreme violence/misogyny/detrans/etc. blogs DNI. if you’re not sure if you fit the bill, check my pinned!
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boytransmission ¡ 20 hours
Well, it's official! According to my surgeon's office, I'll be getting GRS this year! Still waiting for an official word from the scheduling team but I should hear back by the end of the week
To make sure that I have all of the money saved that I need to be ready for San Francisco and to recover, I've set up a go fund me.
Please only donate if you're comfortable financially right now.
Thank you in advance to anyone that's willing to donate !
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boytransmission ¡ 20 hours
mommies (sexual) of tumblr…
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my friend found this i just wandt to know if it’s deserving of its name
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boytransmission ¡ 20 hours
car hammer
Ai! You can’ta scare me likea that, signore! I almosta ban you onna the reflex!
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boytransmission ¡ 20 hours
Hello butch tgirl. This is your sign to try the transtape you've been thinking about. Wear the muscle tank with no bra. Trust me.
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boytransmission ¡ 24 hours
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October 1978
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