boyishisblue · 12 days
It's actually funny when you hear their misconceptions of you. When they think you connect different things and say you're stupid for doing so. When you point out how your family could go leaps and bounds for others but can't do the same thing to you and your own kins; how sometimes they oppose you of what you think, and they won't admit their own faults, expressing their anger at you of being too opinionated and opposing their own knowledge with 'baseless' facts when you're supposed to be the intelligent one in the family.
They think you only find them when you need something from them. Like asking them for allowance because you're still in the curriculum—cause sometimes they forget you're not yet qualified to be employed, thinking you already have money when you're not even working, and cause you never ask them money unless you really had to regardless of their responsibility on you—and you needed the allowance to travel from one subject to another; and accuse you of not giving them your own hard-earned money because you're greedy and inconsiderate of their feelings. All with the fact that they don't see your small purchases for them. Those food you buy, those small things you purchase for them after you heard them wanting those, and paying for their shoppings whenever you can cause you wanted to ease their worry.
It's funny how they have so many misconceptions of you, so inaccurate, that you can't just defend against because you realized how they don't see the small things you do for them, nor they appreciate it. That, it makes you realize that you're slowly unlearning how to do those small things as they continue to believe their misconceptions of you.
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boyishisblue · 12 days
There was never two kinds of me. However, they created one I didn't realize.
I wasn't the life of the party, but being with my safe people pull out the real talkative me. However, I realized there is another me; the one who couldn't even talk in front of those I thought were my 'safe' people. Being told to shut up made me mum. It made me not want to talk unless I'm spoken to. It was completely different from my usual self.
True, not talking and not getting understood and being excluded to a narrative save my energy to the point I'm brimming with it, but it doesn't mean I am 'me' in those times I'm with them. I realized that the true 'me' was that kind of person who will talk and talk for minutes, then suddenly goes quiet and listen to others as I recharge my social battery for a second, before going active again to the point that I felt spent with energy and I immediately fall asleep afterwards.
And they said a well-spent day is an energy-drained day. That's when I realized I'm not 'me' with my saved energy
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boyishisblue · 5 months
take figures out of their boxes btw. sew patches on your favorite jacket. go to bed with your favorite plushes. wear the pants you usually save for special occasions. draw something cool on your wall. put a sticker on your laptop. dye your hair and pierce your lips. glass is meant to break, metal is meant to rust. items are meant to be used. that's how the world knows that somebody loved them.
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boyishisblue · 6 months
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Can I just say how I love this kind of comments? 😍😍 My heart is so full~ Thank you~
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boyishisblue · 6 months
Bakugo Katsuki! Why so fine even in this state?! 😍🙈🫣
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