boy2kink · 1 day
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boy2kink · 2 days
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You’ve waited patiently stuffed in my gym locker, just like you were in high school
As guys have come and gone, you’ve gotten glimpses of bodies. Some undressing some dressing.
Even some sneakers have come off, and the smell wafts into your tight locker. The hint of smelly sneakers and socks gets you excited for mine.
An hour and a half later, you recognize my legs and I open the door. You’re excited now. When my sneakers come off, the powerful stink intoxicates you.
Do you lean forward? Or stay hidden?
No one that day had stink like mine from my rank socks 😈
Do you want more?
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boy2kink · 16 days
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He hates when I do this before he's had his cuppa
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boy2kink · 17 days
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boy2kink · 18 days
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boy2kink · 23 days
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Happy Easter fag !
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boy2kink · 23 days
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Adam was the last person you expected to see in your hotel room right before your wedding, you guessed your future wife had let him since she never refused anything he demanded of her, he had made himself comfortable in the room, with a drink in his hand and a smirk when you walked in.
“Ugh hey Adam, this room isn’t for guests the ceremony is at th-“
He cut you off before you could finish “obviously I know this room isn’t for guests since I’m the only one here, I thought I’d do you a favor and have this conversation with you alone, since this might be your wedding day and all that”
Your mind starts to race, you’ve been avoiding being alone with Adam since you’ve known about him, afraid what he might say to you, embarrassed both of you knew he was fucking your fiancé before you met her and still is.
“Oh well I guess that’s nice of you thanks, what did you wanna talk to me about?”
“You never asked for my blessing to marry Amy did you”
“Well I never thought I would need your blessing to marry her”
“Well you’re fucking mistaken, you knew she’s been riding my dick for 3 years now, Amy is a good fuck, obedient, doesn’t complain and she got you to do all the boyfriend shit so she doesn’t bother me with that shit, and you know she wouldn’t marry you if I told her not to right? You realize that?”
You were confused by the conversation and how comfortable he was telling you all this about the woman you’re supposed to marry in an hour, but you also knew he was right, Amy would call off the wedding the second he tells her to, you had to find a way to save yourself from all this embarrassment.
“You’re right Adam, you’ve been here before me and I should’ve asked it slipped my mind, but please don’t do this, I love Amy and want to marry her more than anything please give me your blessing Adam”
His smile gets bigger “I knew you’d know the right thing to do, you’re a good cuck, and the bitch can do worse than you so I’ll tell you what, she told me how much you make, 50% of that will be transferred to me every month and I’ll let you go through with this thing”
50% of your income is a lot of money, you start to consider it for a second but you realize you can’t let yourself be humiliated in front of all your friends and family.
“Yes, okay, I can do that”
“Smart move”
You realize how desperate you must’ve sounded because he starts to push even further.
“Make sure you don’t miss a month cuz I’ll be quick to make that call, considering how generous I’m being with you, you’re gonna address me as Sir from now on”
You nod your head thinking about the possibility of losing your wife.
“Alright, thank you and I’m sorry for not asking for your blessing before” you say trying to calm him down and get the day to go smoothly.
“That’s not how you thank and apologize to a man” he said and he extends his barefoot to you, he doesn’t need to tell you what to do, you know what you have to do to keep your wife, you get on your knees, kiss his feet and say “thank you Sir”
“Good boi, I’ll send Amy tonight when I’m done emptying my cum in her”
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boy2kink · 1 month
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boy2kink · 1 month
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boy2kink · 1 month
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boy2kink · 1 month
Challenge For Beta Males
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For next 30 days, you will buy a different meal to a different MAN, once a day. It can be your male co-worker, your boss, your gym acquaintance or even a complete stranger. The only criteria : He should be an ALPHA. This challenge will be a reminder what your life is all about.
Reblog along with your experience so that other beta males can learn from you.
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boy2kink · 1 month
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boy2kink · 1 month
29 / 03 / 2023
HISTOIRE FICTIVE PERSONNELLE écrite en collaboration avec mon ami @tidodore2
PARTIE PAR @submissivegayfrenchboy
Le beau Matthias, un jeune lycéen à la peau hâlée et aux cheveux bruns frisés sur le dessus, regardait le rendu d'un de ses devoirs les jambes allongés sur une chaise. Ses longs pieds nus faisaient face au visage d'un garçon faible et efféminé qui n'attendait qu'une chose : la permission de pouvoir les lécher.
MATTHIAS : "Putain 18 / 20 ! Franchement tu t'es surpassé pour ce devoir ! Bon bah comme on avait dit, t'as le droit de lécher mes pieds pour une durée double de la note. 36 minutes à vénérer mes pieds, ça doit te faire plaisir depuis que j'ai encagé ta petite bite et que tu fais mes devoirs pour espérer gagner ta libération de ta cage."
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Mais le beau Matthias n'avait pas face à lui n'importe qui. Dans l'intimité de sa chambre, il avait transformé en son esclave nul autre que.... son grand frère !
Homosexuel efféminé attiré par les pieds de beaux jeunes hommes, ce raté ne parvenant pas à trouver de boulot était utilisé par Matthias comme lécheur de pieds depuis qu'il l'avait surpris en train de se branler sur des pieds d'adolescents !
Depuis, le frère aîné plus faible que son cadet avait une cage de chasteté, faisait les tâches ménagères à la place de son frère Matthias, même si celui-ci faisait comme si c'était lui qui les avait fait, et il réveillait Matthias en lui léchant les pieds.
Quand leurs parents n'étaient pas là, Matthias obligeait son frère aîné à porter une robe rose à froufrou, une couche culotte rose, des rubans roses dans les cheveux et du maquillage de fille, afin de vraiment l'humilier et le dégrader par une féminisation qui renforçait le fait que Matthias, quoique plus jeune, était nettement plus musclé, grand, fort, masculin et dominant que son frère aîné.
PARTIE PAR @tidodore2
MATTHIAS : "Si la prochaine note comme ça, et je serai peut être encore plus généreux... j'te froterai ta petite queue en cage avec mon pieds pendant que tu lèche l'autre !"
PARTIE PAR @submissivegayfrenchboy
"Ce serait pour moi un immense honneur, maître", répondit l'esclave une larme à l'œil.
Une éjaculation, il n'osait plus en rêver.
MAÎTRE MATTHIAS : "Bon j'ai pas mal de devoirs, des exposés à préparer et des leçons à écrire dans mes cahiers donc tu resteras la nuit assez occupé. Mais t'inquiète t'auras le droit à mes chaussettes sales dans la bouche et mon caleçon souillé sur le nez pour que ça te relaxe. Je sais que ton cerveau fonctionne mieux avec mes odeurs."
Le frère aîné ayant eu des bonnes notes lorsqu'il était au lycée, Matthias l'avait contraint à faire ses devoirs à sa place. Faisant la fierté de la famille pour être fort, beau, drôle et en plus intelligent, Matthias savait que son frère aîné serait prêt à tout pour pourvoir ejaculet à nouveau. Passant ses après-midis à faire les devoirs de son frère cadet et de ses amis pendant qu'ils s'amusaient ou faisaient du sport, le frère aîné était humilié par eux lorsqu'ils rentraient car il était vêtu d'humiliantes robes roses à froufrous, devait lécher leurs pieds, leurs culs et leurs aisselles suantes.
Quand les parents n'étaient pas là lors des week-ends, Matthias obligeait son frère aîné à servir de soubrette lors des soirées qu'il organisait, heureux de ne pas avoir à obliger ses amis à l'aider à nettoyer après, et les amis de Matthias étaient réveillés le matin par le frère efféminé qui leur léchait les pieds, suants après avoir bien dansé.
Ayant obtenu son diplôme grâce à ses devoirs faits par son frère aîné, Matthias ne mit pas longtemps avant de se mettre en couple, emménager avec son amoureuse, se marier avec elle et avoir des enfants.
Durant tout ce temps, le frère aîné resta sa femme de chambre efféminé, et il mit du temps avant de révéler à ses fils devenus masculins et forts que leur oncle vivait avec eux depuis toujours en tant que la femme de chambre ! C'était donc leur oncle qui les avait torché quand ils étaient bébés, qui les avait aidé à s'habiller, qui accomplissait les tâches ménagères, qui léchait les pieds de leurs parents matin et soir.
Oui, jamais le frère aîné n'a reçu l'ouverture de sa cage de chasteté, mais il est devenu une soubrette obéissante qui servait à table lors des dîners familiaux dont il avait été banni depuis longtemps, ne provoquant que l'amusement de ses parents qui riaient de voir leur fils Matthias obliger son frère aîné à manger ses restes à quatre pattes dans une gamelle de chien sur le sol froid de la cuisine et en étant constamment vêtu de robes roses dégradantes.
PERSONAL FICTIONAL STORY written in collaboration with my friend @tidodore2
PART BY @submissivegayfrenchboy
The handsome Matthias, a young high school student with tanned skin and curly brown hair on top, was watching the rendering of one of his assignments with his legs stretched out on a chair. His long bare feet faced the face of a weak, effeminate boy who only wanted one thing: permission to lick them.
MATTHIAS: "Damn 18/20! Honestly, you've outdone yourself for this homework! Well, as we said, you have the right to lick my feet for twice the duration of the grade. 36 minutes of worshiping my feet, that's must please you since I caged your tiny dick and you do my homework to hopefully earn your release from your cage."
But the handsome Matthias did not face just anyone.
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In the privacy of his room, he had transformed into his slave none other than... his big brother! An effeminate homosexual attracted to the feet of handsome teen men, this jobless failure was used by Matthias as a foot licker ever since he caught him jerking off on teenage feet!
Since then, the elder brother, weaker than his younger brother, had a chastity cage, did the household chores instead of his brother Matthias, even if the latter acted as if he had done them, and he woke Matthias up licking his feet. When their parents were away, Matthias made his older brother wear a frilly pink dress, pink diaper, pink ribbons in his hair and girlish makeup, in order to really humiliate and degrade him with a feminization which reinforced the fact that Matthias, although younger, was significantly more muscular, tall, strong, masculine and dominant than his older brother.
PART BY @tidodore2
MATTHIAS: "If the next note like that, and maybe I'll be even more generous... I'll rub your little caged cock with my feet while you lick the other one!"
PART BY @submissivegayfrenchboy
"It would be a great honor for me, master", replied the slave with a tear in his eye.
An ejaculation : he no longer dared to dream of it.
MASTER MATTHIAS: "Well I have a lot of homework, presentations to prepare and lessons to write in my notebooks so you will stay pretty busy at night. But don't worry, you will have the right to my dirty socks in your mouth and my soiled boxer shorts over my nose to relax you. I know your brain works better with my smells."
The older brother having had good grades when he was in high school, Matthias had forced him to do his homework for him. Making the family proud for being strong, handsome, funny and smarter, Matthias knew his older brother would do anything to get his cum again.
Spending his afternoons doing homework for his younger brother and his friends while they had fun or played sports, the older brother was humiliated by them when they came home as he was dressed in humiliating pink dresses with frilly, had to lick their feet, their asses and their sweaty armpits.
When the parents were away on the weekends, Matthias made his older brother serve as a maid at the parties he threw, glad he didn't have to make his friends help him clean up afterwards, and the Matthias's friends were awakened in the morning by the effeminate brother licking their feet, sweating after a good dance.
Having obtained his diploma thanks to his homeworks done by his older brother, Matthias did not take long before getting into a relationship, moving in with his lover, marrying her and having children. During all this time, the elder brother remained his effeminate maid, and it took time before revealing to his sons who had become masculine and strong that their uncle had always lived with them as the maid!
So it was their uncle who had wiped them when they were babies, who had helped them get dressed, who did the household chores, who licked their parents' feet morning and evening.
Yes, the eldest brother never received the opening of his chastity cage, but he became an obedient maid who served at the table during the family dinners from which he had long been banished, causing only the amusement of his parents who laughed to see their son Matthias forcing his older brother to eat his leftovers on all fours from a dog bowl on the cold kitchen floor and while constantly dressed in degrading sissy pink dresses.
Another story about a dominant brother 😊
@feetmakesmehard @feeterotica @torinya @fartfagoutlet @squashingstories @sissy-sex-life @faggotscometoworship @gayhopefullove @lovefanfiction01 @smells2205 @7kbuttcheeks @innerpiratefun @bat-woodfeet-us @leftprogrammingroadtripdean @piedsdemecs @faggotdreams @fagsworshipalphas
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boy2kink · 1 month
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boy2kink · 1 month
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boy2kink · 1 month
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boy2kink · 1 month
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Your phone dinged and vibrated in your pocket. You knew it was him. You could feel it. You finished ringing in the customer at your computer; a #2, large with a Coke. You signaled to a co-worker to take over, explaining you needed a bathroom break. You rushed into the employee bathroom, closed and locked the door, and pulled out your phone. You were right.
A new message from your Straight Alpha Dom. You felt a rush of endorphins surge through Your body. You opened the message, delighted and overwhelmed to discover it contained a photo of him (and his best friend) in all their Alpha Straight shirtless glory, grabbing lunch and seemingly thoroughly enjoying the vacation you had spent so much of your money on booking and planning for them. As you drooled over the picture, an accompanying text came through.
“What up, faggot? We know you’re currently slaving away at your fast food weekend gig, so we figured we’d honor your efforts and take a break from all the fresh seafood and incredible steaks we’ve been gorging ourselves on with your money and pay homage to the cuisine you’ve been shoveling out in order to pay for it all haha. Every time we finish at another amazing restaurant or close our tab at a luxury bar or club, we laugh when we throw down the “fast food faggot card,” knowing that months and months of making you work that second job is paying for all our fun! Definitely need to make these trips a more regular thing, so when I get back, we need to see how we can squeeze a couple extra shifts into your week. Enjoy the rest of your shift!”
You moaned, but felt your little penis flood your underwear with a pathetic load. You hated how much you loved to please Him.
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