boosaot · 6 hours
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🤨,,, oh really?
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BRO I- like yeah I saw him looking at the poster earlier and I know he couldn’t say it before cuz the shop was closed BUT WHY DO YOU ACT SO SUS ALL THE TIME THEN???? AND WHAT ABOUT CHARLES????????
,,sorry I’ll calm down,,
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You,, literally didn’t tho??? Quite literally admitted that after 20 years she wouldn’t know what her son looked like,,,
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Am I interrupting something???????
(Honestly I don’t know what to think anymore bro)
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OK Fuck it,, FINE!! so WHO THE FUCK IS KILLING PEOPLE THEN????????????? If it isn’t ANY of the numbers THEN WHY?? WHO??????
7 is Ahn Taeho (RIP King)
11 is Sunghoon
12 is Jung Inseong and is ACTUALLY Jung Inseong
24 is Charles??? Potentially??
Caveman brain activated
Yoonjae tell Manchun to go after Jieun
Manchun see Jieun go in Sungjoon car
Manchun accuse Sungjoon at court of killing Jieun
Soongil recognize Taeho? at court or Sunghoon? OR Inseong? (??)
Manchun escape and go after Eunki
While Manchun at Eunki house, Hyejin die
Sunghoon at court house so not kill Hyejin
Soongil killed Hyejin!!
Moonkang and Kinam say Sungjoon = Yoonjae
Somewhere around here Moonkang kill Manchun
Soongil attacked by Taeho (understandably)
Soongil killed by,,, I forgor,,
Kang Youngki and Hana die at wedding
Taeho kidnapped and die
WHO KILL JIEUN?? (Did I know who yet?)
Why Sunghoon have yellow on shoe??
Why Charles and Inseong sussy?? (gay or murder?)
I forget many things because brain has no more storage,, the boosaot is eepy,,
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So wait it was,, his older brother who was at Hope Welfare Center and not Charles/Jungsoo
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My fucking tumblr updated mid ramble (past the photo above) and I lost EVERYTHING
Anyways,, so Hyunsoo/no.24 bought knife for Charles/Lee Jungsoo but Hyunsoo used knife to stab Sunghoon/no.11 WHY???? WHAT’D HE DO TO YOU BRO- (edit: JUNG INSEONG I’LL TOSS YOU OFF A BRIDGE)
Jung Inseong/no.12 is,, Jung Inseong,, but why is he so sussy???????? and not just in the gay way,,,
Is,,, ok and hear me out here,, Is Lee Hyunsoo pretending to be Jung Inseong pretending to be Jung Yoonjae???,,, I think I’ve lost the plot im ngl
Wait cuz theres no way Jung Inseong is older than Charles tho,, so yeah he can’t be Hyunsoo,,
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Dear creators of Blind, come outside I won’t jump you I promise 🫵
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boosaot · 9 hours
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I don’t know anymore man,,
(vv I’m tired and confused vv)
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OK SO,, a lil refresher for me who is confused,,
Gabriel/11 is Ryu Sunghoon (adopted)
Ryu Sungjoon thought he was Jung Yoonjae
13/Jung Yoonjae is potentially Jung Inseong
WHO THE FUCK IS CHARLES THEN???? Are you just here for the shits and giggles or ????
(I forgot which kid gave who the necklace and all that stuff)
I don’t give a shit who killed who anymore there’s so much confusion and it’s too much for my brain /lh
,,, I apologize for my behaviour,, this Kdrama is currently making me go insane 🫶
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,,, is it bad that I don’t really care,, like I cared more about Kang Minjung (Beyond Evil) I’m ngl,, like even her and Lee Dongsik’s whole goofy back and forth felt written better,,
Don’t get me wrong tho I am enjoying this Kdrama but theres 2 or 3 aspects that just feel a lil clunky or unnecessary but the plot and backstory is 🤌 (no matter how crazy it makes me feel)
Imma deffo have to rewatch this tho to form a solid opinion on certain characters cuz just like when I was watching Beyond Evil I was WAY too confused to fully focus on characters and their personalities,,
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He’s been to hell and back,, like ho-ly shit,, the fact that he’s been able to live the life he does after the Hope center is insane,,, like obviously he’s not Mr. Happy and Rainbows but still,,
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I just don’t get why he’s supposed to care? They’ve met a total of maybe 3-4 times,, if I’m to be generous then I’m assuming that the show is tryna show me that she is almost allowing him to have a decent look into the freedom of being a child/teen and all that but that’s all I got,, but iunno
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WOW,,,, like yeah I wasn’t too attached to her or anything but WOW
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But why??? She’s not related to Hope Center and yea sure maybe she was a casualty like maybe she saw something ahead wasn’t supposed to but she doesn’t fit the victim profile,, if she was mistaken as Jo Eunki then yea but who I assume is Jung Yoonjae would know what Jo Eunki looked like and Jo Insook is her mother,,
(Also,, slightly off topic but am I supposed to know who killed Baek Jieun or no? I swear I’m paying attention but my horrible memory and lack of braincells are not on my side,,)
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If meeting 3-4 times is close then sure,,
Did I miss something cuz like I’d understand if Yoona was dragging Sunghoon around like every other day and tbh I’d’ve preferred to have been shown that if that were the case but this just feels rushed to me,,
There was potential for them to have had a silly lil “having fun reluctantly as a friendship grows between Mr. “Bad at emotions” & “Wild-child” gal” but it felt far too quick for them to be that connected yknow??
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Yeah yeah yeah but I don’t believe that Jung Yoonjae is dead tho,, I haven’t seen a body or anything right?? Only a grave I think?? We saw Jung Yoonjung’s body yeah but I don’t believe that Sunghoon has been using Yoonjae’s name to get back at the Hope Center,, idk anymore man,,
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I mean I guess this exonerates Sunghoon but then again I think that Mr.Stabby is Jung Yoonjae and Jung Inseong is Jung Yoonjae,, but the shoe with the yellow confuses me cuz that would’ve had to have been Sunghoon no?
Am I supposed to be this confused or am I self-sabotaging myself?????
I don’t even know what I’m talking about anymore so If you do, good job 👍/gen
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boosaot · 1 day
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(vv I just needa shut up and stop pausing atp vv)
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YOUR TEARS CAN’T FOOL ME BITCH 🫵 I KNEW YOU WERE A SUSPICIOUS MFER AS SOON AS THAT “Clean Soul” COMMENT WAS MADE 🤨 “Clean Soul”, Split lip and the convenience of you being in a car crash and lost your memories?? Yeah fuckin’ right
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THAT’S WHAT I SAID 🫵 (I don’t believe that Yoonjae died tho?? Then again fuck do I know 🤷 yknow what he probably is dead actually,,, idk man,, maybe I’m dead)
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OH! Yknow I assumed those other scars I saw when he was cleaning his wounds from the fight were from SH but I didn’t wanna assume but 🕺 This most likely means that when he was cleaning off blood from after the scene of Hana’s death at the wedding it was just from this,,
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My exact question too like tf you doin here mister 🤨
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Ngl I also kinda saw this coming like not to bash Eunki but,, she’s not very important to the plot outside of her being a potential victim later on,,
Yeom Hyejin, Baek Jieun & Kang Hana make up the victim profile so yeah it makes sense for her too as well
I’m not trying to say I disagree with her being a target cuz it makes sense it’s just I kinda wish she was given more scenes so that I could connect with her and her story more,,
!! I dont mean to say that she isn’t a useful character tho, she’s just not standing out in the narrative to me ig? perhaps I’m being to harsh on her,,
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I do not wanna come off as a hater but I rolled my eyes,, The lil pockets of light hearted romance or crushes just feel written odd like they don’t really fit well,, like it just feels like it’s there,,
(This may seem hypocritical since “The Guest” has lil moments where they joke about Hwapyung/Gilyoung but the way it’s written/character reactions don’t feel outta place to me there,, I dunno,, maybe I’m just being bitter for no reason,,)
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I feel the urge to yell CUZ BITCH???? So Sungjoon wasn’t adopted(?) but Sunghoon was,, Sunghoon is 11/Gabriel
I’m assuming that Jung Inseong is Jung Yoonjae,,
Theres too much information I think my brain is logging out of my skull rn,, like how do I genuinely have a headache from thinking too hard,, I didn’t think that was a thing that could actually happen,,
I can’t even blame anyone for voting for this on a poll cuz I did a wheel spin to choose this,, never again,, idgaf how many times a poll ties at this point I’m never letting fate decide again,, (however I enjoy this Kdrama a decent amount so far,, I think I’m just angry at how stupid I feel watching it 💀)
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boosaot · 1 day
I can’t even write a coherent post about some of my fave characters cuz the emotions of how much I like them can’t be expressed by any words I know of,, like I genuinely get a surge of positive emotions just thinking of them,, I just !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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boosaot · 2 days
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Beyond Evil crack 1/?
DILF (in which the D stands for Dongsik)
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boosaot · 2 days
sorry for being shy and having disgusting kinks. it's called balance
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boosaot · 2 days
Rereading my posts on Blind and good lord,, I mean I wrote it but it doesn’t even make sense to ME,,, like how am I reaching certain conclusions and why??
I’m gonna have to rewatch this just like Beyond Evil just so that I can actually watch without feeling like I have an IQ of -5
(I’m too gullible for shows that show stuff outta order and trick the viewer constantly,, brain small and smooth and afraid,, I can only take a minimal amount of confusion before I just give up,,)
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boosaot · 2 days
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OH SHIT!! 🫵 MR. BAE,, (my bad for suspecting u homie,, this Kdrama is makin’ me paranoid,,)
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I hate to be talking outside the Kdrama Universe but that’s straight up OK Taec’s voice (altered yes but the cadence is the same),,,, like this Kdrama is tryna gaslight me or smth,,
Yes I know I was gna grant the main 3 immunity and the fact that Sungjoon and the dude in the black hoodie were seen as two separate entities is telling me that Sungjoon isnt Yoonjae,,, yknow what,, I’m confused about why I’m confused atp,,
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SHAHSBSBA I FUCKINF SPAT OUT MY DRINK YOURE SHITTING ME 💀 Straight up launched himself at Moonkang-
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Cuz he’s hot (duh), next question.
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OK FINE- So wait no cuz ???? Theres gotta be more than just this mfer in this coat cuz it wouldn’t make sense for Ahn Taeho to call out Yoonjae’s name when he was kidnapped and also the whole Manchun thing ?? Didn’t Manchun tell Moonkang that Yoonjae killed his daughter so why would he’ve needed to get rid of him other than just for the shits and giggles??
What I’m gathering here is,,
Manchun was called by Yoonjae to go after Moonkang’s daughter Jieun.
Sungjoon let Jieun into his car to get away from Manchun.
Jieun was then killed by Yoonjae(?)
Hyejin was killed by,, Soongil,,?
Soongil was attacked by Taeho and killed by Moonkang(?),,cloaked figure man,, Yoonjae??
Who tf killed at the wedding tho,, was that Taeho???
Taeho was kidnapped and killed by,,, someone,,
Manchun’s family was killed by Moonkang ft. That one cop that got attacked by Moonkang later,,
Manchun was killed by Moonkang
*boosaot.exe has stopped working*
All I know is that everyone but Jung Inseong and Charles are explained,, like unless they were also kids at the Hope Welfare Center then I got nothin man 🤷
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Safe to assume these are photos of Jung Yoonjung cuz Yeom Kinam was all weird at her in a flashback n stuff
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Yknow what,, maybe it,, wasn’t,, Sungjoon,, like was i gaslighting myself to believe it sounded like Ok Taec orr,,,,
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Yknow what,, I’ll just go fuck myself then (👀 he lookin’ real pretty sad tho I’m ngl,,, *sits in a corner to self reflect on my thoughts*)
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boosaot · 3 days
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At this point I’m just waiting for how Bae Chulho, Jung Inseong and Charles are connected,, my predictions are than Inseong and Charles were at Hope center (maybe?) and Bae Chulho,,,, idk actually,, he’s just kinda there atm
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He’s acting sus,, but I distrust the show now like it’s TOO convenient that they showed me him washing off blood after showing me Hana dead,,, from now on idgaf what I see,, I’m giving immunity to the main 3 now ✋ bouta put blind faith in these people and just hope that it doesn’t bite me in the ass later 💀,,
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Man,, Sungjoon telling Sunghoon that as kids when they sat and ate across from eachother it felt like they were a family I’m *agony*,, Having it cut to this scene after that aougg
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#Free my mans Ahn Taeho he ain’t do shit
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Ok,,, the first thing that popped into my head was either
1) Sungjoon isn’t Jung Yoonjae and he has fabricated memories (but then why would he have the necklace,, like yeah a diff kid had the same necklace but,,he gave that necklace to Yoonjae)
2) Sungjoon has some sorta dissociative thing or smth??? (but,, I know they were kids but if Taeho recognized hooded figure as Yoonjae then wouldn’t he’ve recognized Sungjoon if Sungjoon was Yoonjae)
3) Yknow what there was about to be a 3rd point but I’m lost and confused,, so far 2 Kdramas have made me doubt my intelligence,, Beyond Evil and this one,,, am I being gaslit? Yknow what at this point maybe I’m the killer cuz who fuckin knows man,,
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This mfer was one a them guards at the Hope center wasn’t he 🤨🫵
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Or,,, not?
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boosaot · 3 days
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Im goin’ to bed,, my brain is small and smooth and needs a break,,
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boosaot · 3 days
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Why are you making this harder for me sir
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OK SO,,, Baek Jieun was killed by “Yoonjae”? Yeom Hyejin was killed by Choi Soongil and Choi Soongil was attacked by Ahn Taeho
Jung Manchun was killed by,, “Yoonjae”?
And Choi Soongil was attacked the second time by “Number 13/Yoonjae”
“SHUT UP AND KEEP WATCHING” says the crowd
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Ok so it WAS only Sungjoon that was adopted and Sunghoon never was at Hope center,, okokok sorry I’m a lil slow,, we gettin there tho 💪
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Ngl the whole number thing is really fuckin me up cuz I’m incapable of remembering who is which number
(7 (or was it 11?) was Ahn Taeho and 13 was Jung Yoonjae)(Was 11 even an important number for me to remember??)
I bet y’allr just sitting back and laughing at my dumbass rn 💀
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I was gonna speak about him and his damn incriminating woodcarvings but wau,, he’s got some nice hands,,
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Ok so finally I know why he doesn’t remember fuckall about the Hope center,, shit was driving me crazy,,
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I THOUGHT I RECOGNIZED THE MEAT DELIVERY DRIVER GUY FROM THE BEGINNING- talkin’ bout his daughter Hana’s piano n stuff and I thought I recognized her name from the wedding invitation,,
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Welp,, saw that coming from a mile away
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I think it would be cathartic to fist fight the writers of this show for the stress they’re causing me rn
This is just as confusing as watching Beyond Evil,, I need an easy Kdrama to watch after this,, one that makes me feel smart when I understand it,, cuz this is going to give me grey hairs,,
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boosaot · 3 days
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I mean it worked on me but that’s cuz I’m dumb :)
(vv Observe my spiral into stupidity & madness vv)
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Your honour,, *sheds a tear*
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Ok fuck you too then damn- sue me for thinking you cared I guess 💀 (but cmon you care a lil right?)
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tf you lookin so adorable for sir??? put them big ol’ puppy dog eyes away
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HOLLERING- her lil “It suits you” 💀 (not us both trying not to laugh)
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OK SO BUT WHAT??? SO THEY BOTH GOT ADOPTED???? Ok sorry I’m stupid but wait,, Sungjoon and Sunghoon being at the Hope center was indeed something I knew (or assumed at least) but,,why didn’t they both not remember the ppl from the Hope center tho???? (what about the adoption records??? I thought there were none????)
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OKAY FINE,, he has un-sussy baka’d himself ✋🙄
Welcome to the Mid-Episode Confusion Corner 🕺!! (Stay with me here I needa get all my ducks in a row)
Sungjoon WAS adopted, Sunghoon was,,,n’t (?)
Sungjoon is Jung Yoonjae
Someone is trying to frame Yoonjae
Sunghoon and Murder man have the same hobby but to be fair woodcarving isn’t a Sunghoon Only hobby so imma let it slide (also Sunhhoon was at the courthouse when Yeom Hyejin was
WAIT JUROR 9/YEOM HYEJIN WAS YEOM KINAM’S DAUGHTER??? Do I even fucking read the subtitles???? Jesus man get it together
It looks like the Ryu bros don’t remember their time at Hope centre though so they’re innocent of killing them for revenge so who tf?????
I understand that the Murder man is one of the kids from the Hope center but why do they have a photo of the Jung siblings and who I assume to be Ryu Sunghoon beside them?? If so ??? If that other kid ISNT Sunghoon then fine,, might be the Murder man,,
Ryu Sungjoon is the CEO of horrible timing
Ok,, I resume watching episode now
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YOU 🫵 (I lowkey forgot about this man)
So this means that Sunghoon isn’t number 7,, was Sunghoon even at Hope center????? Cuz if Sunghoon wasn’t the one Choi Soongil recognized then it has to be either Jung Inseong OR Ahn Taeho cuz they were the only ones in his line of sight,,
ALSO on the day that Choi Soongil was bonked on the nog Inseong was late and Taeho was just a straight up no-show,, ALSO ALSO Taeho got upset at Hyejin taking photos that possibly had him in them,,
Conclusion: Brain hurt from thinking too hard yowch
(All that thinking just for me to look like a raving madman who gets 90% of the things wrong 💀)
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boosaot · 4 days
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OK SO!! What I’m gathering so far is:
Sungjoon = Yoonjae
Yoonjae had a sister and a brother(????)
The brother is (I assume) Ryu Sunghoon(?)
Sunghoon does woodcarving which leads me to believe he’s the mouth carve-y man due to the lil figures with pictures stuck to ‘em
Yoonjae is getting mistaken for the one responsible for Mr. “Face-Carve-y Man who might be Sunghoon”
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Now why would you touch it bare handed
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🤨Ok queer 🫵🏳️‍🌈 /hj (obvs not on purpose but he gives queer,, idgaf how side character-y a character is,, if I get the vibes then so it shall be,, hell if “background extra no.4” alerts the queer-dar then who am I to say otherwise)
(I’m still sus of you tho,, but for what 🤨🫵,, you and Charles r giving sussy baka energy) (maybe it’s just cuz I find them attractive tho 💀)
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Oh fuck off like you’re one to talk 🙄
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Ok so it’s like all his memories at the Hope center are blocked off or smth okokok got it got it
Still leaves me with questions but wtv
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Wait ok so only he was adopted??? so who tf???? Stabby knife man had a photo of Jung Yoonjung and Jung Yoonjae with another kid,, nd if we assume stabby knife man is Sunghoon then??
So was Choi Soongil not talking about both Sunghoon and Sungjoon,, why would he approach him and say remember me? I assumed he was speaking about recognizing Sunghoon no?
Yknow what maybe stabby knife man isnt Sunghoon cuz once again with the Juror 9’a death,, like that wasn’t him but she was shown in that lil lair stabby man has,,
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Waltzed up to the cops RIGHT AWAY!
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OKAYYY I misjudged you mister,, maybe you do care?
(LOOK AT SUNGJOONS FUCKING FACE IM *launches myself into space* AUHHHHHHG)
(I’m still wildly confused by everything but i’ll just have to keep watching,,)
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boosaot · 4 days
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Damn- kid had plans to kill from the start huh 💀 plotting since he was like 9,,
(vv prepare to witness the extent of my stupidity vv)
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🤨 “Ordinary building” Yeah fuckin right bud
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Welp shit,, I had faith in you Sungjoon smh
If he remembers that his sister gave him the necklace tho wouldn’t he remember being Jung Yoonjae?
There was a comment made by Eunki that Sunghoon and Sungjoon didn’t look alike so because they were both kids at the Hope center they were prolly adopted together?? There wasn’t any record of adoption tho??
I have too many thoughts and no coherent way of writing them down,, like I have 50 questions but my brain is scrambling them and leaving me uber lost,,
(Y’know what Imma just shut up and watch cuz I clearly know less than nothing,,, I feel the same confusion as I did watching Beyond Evil,,,)
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Yknow what,, fine,,,I thought it was gonna be a framing the MC to be the bad guy when he’s innocent but this man has WAY too much pointing to him,, like,, I fear that it would be stupid of me to refuse Sungjoon as the “bad guy” now 💀
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nvm WE BACK ON PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY 🕺 or not? cuz the necklace thing still,,, and the earring and fake nail,, and the fact that he had a track record of violence before becoming a cop,,
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I’m so conflicted cuz like I don’t think it was him but so much points to him and he himself said that the necklace that was Yoonjae’s was given to him by Jung Yoonjung which would mean that Sungjoon IS Yoonjae but ???????????????? The way he’s behaving here feels genuine tho *agony*
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Wait so do we know whats going on or not Sungjoon????
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^^ me rn,, yknow what,, I’m rewatching this episode,, cuz ????????????
Post Rewatch
I am still on the fence like I have no fuckin clue man- like in the video of Yeom Kinam’s daughter the voice has the cadence that Sungjoon speaks with,, but he’s at the funeral at the same time,, if couldn’ve been recorded earlier but??
Also the necklace,, it’s Yoonjae’s and Sungjoon acknowledges that his sister gave it to him and is confused how people know the name “Yoonjae” so he remembers his past but
Wait I think I’m confused because Manchun told Moonkang that Yoonjae told him to go after Jieun.
Manchun didn’t know Sungjoon was Yoonjae because they only spoke on the phone.
BUT WHY DIDNT SUNGJOON RECOGNIZE MOONKANG- like If Sungjoon is Yoonjae then wouldn’t he recognize Moonkang, Soongil and Kinam??
Is he confused why they know that name? Why doesn’t he recognize those three tho????
I could’ve sworn that there was a line insinuating that Sungjoon doesn’t remember his past,, like when the shaman lady started to bark and stuff he was like ???? Even when she said smth like “you dont know who you really are”
But wait if Manchun wanted to speak to Sungjoon about Y,, no but Manchun doesn’t know that Sungjoon is Yoonjae and Sungjoon doesn’t know that Manchun knows Yoonjae,, like he explained the whole “son being in a coma which is why he took up Yoonjae’s deal in the first place”
BUT IF SUNGJOON WAS YOONJAE HE’D’VE KNOWN ABOUT THIS ALREADY BRO- HOWEVER the voice that spoke to Manchun didn’t have Sungjoon’s cadence so that could be someone pretending to be Yoonjae?
Wait but why would Manchun try to say Sungjoon killed Ji- oh yeah cuz he saw her get in his car and Yoonjae said he’d kill Jieun and Sungjoon was the last seen with her ok ok
,,but why would,, Did Manchun put two and two together that Sungjoon was Yoonjae or no cuz why would he recount the whole “child in coma” thing if he knew Yoonjae was Sungjoon,,
NO WAIT Sungjoon was confused when Moonkang said Manchun was told that name by him on the phone so Sungjoon 100% was there just by pure coincidence? He didn’t kill Jieun,,
He also only clocked that it was Mad Dog because of the whistling and was confused to see Moonkang,, He also looked confused why Moonkang laughed about the necklace and the whole killing Jieun for revenge,,
Conclusion: I’m stupid
Yknow what Imma just shut up and go to the next episode,,,
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boosaot · 5 days
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“Yea cuz my brother’s a lil bitch #no bawlls #YOLO #did it for the vine”
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Sungjoon you dumbass,, 0.5 braincells in this man’s head,, (/lh)
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Well if it isn’t the consequences of your own actions
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🤨🫵 Didn’t the brother do wood carvings,,, l’m falling into the trap of suspecting everyone again,, (unless 👀) (He doesn’t have motive to kill any of the Jurors tho and he was in the court house when Juror 9/Yeom Hyejin died,,)(yeah ok wasn’t him I’m just going crazy)(,,,unless 👀 /j)
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“Girl what the hell-“
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Nope sorry I don’t buy it 🤷 they’re tryna frame you king but ion buy it ✋ (by they I mean the writers)
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boosaot · 5 days
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I ain’t believing shit till I see it and even then,,, “Beyond Evil” has taught me to never trust anyone ✋ (not even yourself /meme)
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Juror 3 a cutie (so is Juror 6 ngl) (4 and 9 got a few chuckles outta me too)
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*Insert meme of that one guy just launching himself at the judge*
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PETTY-ASS (I chuckled) He’s such a child like “I’ll mess up his water bottles,, that’ll show him”
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WOW (Y’know what I’d mess up the water bottles too, face all the can labels the other way just outta spite 😤)
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Heyyyyyyyyy 💅 (*smacks myself* “Watch the damn show you harlot”)
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Ok well now I don’t trust this man,, like solely based on this comment,,,
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You FOOLS,, you’re telling me no one noticed this before now?? If i face palmed any harder I’d give myself brain damage
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Nah it was Juror 3 ✋ ion trust shit,, my evidence is they both got last name Jung,,, and that “clean soul” comment was weird as fuck,, LOCK HIM UP 👏👏 (now if my bullshit joke here is right I’m going to throw my phone) (Beyond Evil has me paranoid bro,, like any side character is my enemy rn)
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boosaot · 5 days
Just finished Blind episode 1 and damn,, Sungjoon’s fam r kinda dicks to him,,,, like yeah he’s a lil unhinged but still,,
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