bonernas · 3 years
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what kinda foreplay is this
based on this !!!
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bonernas · 3 years
Maybe you aren’t annoying, maybe they were just annoyed. Maybe your entire personality can’t be boiled down to actions others found disruptive. Maybe peoples feelings are subjective views of you, not objective. The same way we teach kids to say “I feel angry when you do this thing” instead of “you made me angry!” maybe you should consider that people, due to their own personal beliefs about social interaction, felt annoyed in response to your actions but that that doesn’t necessarily mean you did something bad or are something bad. And while its sweet that you want to make sure people don’t have negative feelings, there’s a lot of humans in this world and we’re always going to be stepping on each others toes so maybe don’t let people feeling annoyed with you define you. 
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bonernas · 3 years
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“But I don’t want to go home yet So I’m gonna talk to my cigarette”
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bonernas · 3 years
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bonernas · 3 years
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what are backgrounds i don’t know such thing
(tanaka and noya stole kageyama’s clothes from his locker and replaced his shirt with an absolutely gorgeous yellow sequin top. Kageyama has yet to see the funny side of their prank)
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bonernas · 3 years
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Mans be buffff 😤
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bonernas · 3 years
—singularity before chaos | iwaizumi h.
synopsis: hajime loves you infinitely, but the finite words of humanity could never deliver.
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it’s not as if the world makes sense, because truth be told a lot of shit doesn’t make sense.
calculus and physics never made sense. not learning about the reality of adult life in school doesn’t make sense. iwaizumi hajime comes to learn that chaos really is everywhere. the universe, he recalls oikawa exclaim in one of his drunken speeches once, even claimed that the universe was born from chaos.
even to our very core, the explanations to why even atoms exist doesn’t make any fucking sense. so ofcourse, hajime thinks, that’s when the finite minds of well, people, scramble to try to corral the infinite with the little words we have.
it’s a headache, if anything. so iwaizumi hajime settled at that.
until you, because when he wakes up with the gold of your rings shining like ten thousand suns under the morning light and your legs intertwined under the sheets, his brain erupts into chaos to try to connect words with emotion.
reason, he thinks in those moments, has never been so far out of his reach. so for a while, he tried to just be content and let himself settle within the chaos. the one taking space in his mind, his heart—his dick.
he doesn’t question why it’s him you chose but rather the how. how, in the one in a trillion chance of you meeting in this life and living in this now as you lay foundations for this future. how, that you still said yes even if he asked to kiss you in the rain and yes you were sure if he asked to love you while you were sniffling with a cold the day after.
“hajime,” you call and at the sound of your name he swears that this must have been what the big bang felt like. just a burst of everything all at once. chaos, life, you, and him, somehow connected within chaos.
it’s overwhelming, and he knows that this is just because he’s in love but hajime swears on this life and every life after that he’s rendered breathless with just your voice.
and so you smile, chuckling as you see his breath hitch even more. your hand, warm against his chest, where you let your stillness try to quell the big bang in his chest.
“haji,” he hears a little more softly this time, and he chuckles right as his body relaxes with your touch. he doesn’t question the how and why anymore because even as though no answer comes to him, he feels that his enlightenment has already come.
“chaos,”he finally remembers oikawa say, “is really fuckin’ cool iwa chan.”
“why?” hajime remembers he asked his friend without much interest.
“because it came from singularity. that teeny dot made all this happen,” oikawa replied, looking at the ceiling with a familiar wonder in his eye.
“we owe all chaos and beauty to that little dot.”
singularity, hajime smiles, is you.
dancing in the rain and kissing like fevers don’t exist you. jumping in puddles and twirling with your hair sticking to your face and dress drenched you. your hand on his chest, warm and steady, infinite and beautiful, calming his chaos—his big bang, you.
and the chaos—the scattered patterns and miscolored swirls suddenly blend into a harmony of all the colors called beautiful.
it doesn’t make sense, still, because the world still doesn’t make any fucking sense.
but this. you and him, and this—soars above the boundary of the finite and the restraints of the questionable chaos.
“hajiiiii,” you smile again. “what’s up?”
“something just finally made sense that’s all,” he replies with a laugh.
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bonernas · 3 years
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Kaminari’ s shame box
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bonernas · 3 years
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So this arc huh
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bonernas · 3 years
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2020!!! officially one of the worst years in history tbh and while i continue to curse this website and the kind of stuff i get to see here, i’m also grateful for all of the people i’ve met here, some of whom who have become dear friends and a lot of others who inspired me to be more creative with their talent and creations. so yeah, just a little list of people who i have had the joy of seeing on my dash as well as interacting with this year. thank u for making 2020 tolerable for me over here. happy holidays and stay safe y’all!
Keep reading
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bonernas · 3 years
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Smol tsumtsum. 
Other Ver. 
Sakusa Kiyoomi
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bonernas · 3 years
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bonernas · 3 years
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i wasn’t gonna post this but then i thought why tf not the world needs soft boyfriends
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bonernas · 3 years
Who or what is Kuroo in the undercover cop au?
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bonernas · 3 years
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AU where university athlete Bokuto has a major gay panic over his new work-out buddy, who also happens to be his biggest rival, so Bokuto just wants to run into a wall most of the time because this rival, who he is supposed to hate, is super cool, way too nice for his own good aaand hot as fuck
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bonernas · 3 years
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college athlete au, frat parties, copious amounts of alcohol and tipsy kisses in the bathroom
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bonernas · 3 years
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don’t mind me i just wanted to draw faces and fuck around with colors fjfhdgj
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