bokuno-zuko · 4 years
   “Touya…Dabi. Whoever that man is, it’s obvious enough to proclaim his intentions are to kill Endeavor. Enji…your father.” Rei flinched, not daring to think of the implications of what this meant if it was true. “I know you mean that, and I now you’ll do your best to stay safe, but I’m not a fool. I know you’re curious as well and sooner or later you and this man will meet yet again especially if it comes between your fathers life which looks like that will eventually come to pass.”
Remember everything I’ve told you for when that day comes…remind him of me his siblings and his once earthshaking desire to protect you once. If nothing you say gets through to him than he truly is lost. Touya will be gone…as for my husband? Your father isnt a good man but he dosen’t deserve death…I don’t want our family to kill eacother that won’t solve anything…”
“I however trust in your an your decisions. You’re not a child anymore…you’re a Hero. Well, close to it.” She teased weakly with a quiet chuckle. “I know whatever choice you make will be the right one…and hopefully, if this man  truly is Touya-….you can perhaps talk some sense into him. You might be the only one who ever can now.”
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“If he is Touya, his love for you would never sway. He won’t hurt you. I’m sure of it. Touya would have moved the world for you sweetheart. You were the sun to all our lives. All his siblings were. But just know I have faith in whatever you choose to do about him. Always my son.”
Caught so easily... but if anyone could read Shouto so well, it was his mother. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as she spoke. He should have guessed that she would see through him; he was a hero student, with a provisional license that allowed him to go out and fight crime. With that and working with Endeavor, Rei’s prediction was bound to come true. No matter how much he despised his father, Shouto acknowledged that working with his agency was the best opportunity he could have to grow-- even if it brought him in contact with more dangerous elements.
He really wished he’d gotten to know Touya better when they were younger. It wasn’t fair, wasn’t right that Enji had separated him from the others, singling him out as the bearer of his legacy when Touya had failed. However, when he watched his siblings play together in the courtyard, he knew that those bonds were unbreakable. Would Touya resent him for his success, he wondered, as the potential successor to Endeavor? Or would he reach out to the little brother he’d meant to protect?
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Even so, as Rei reassured him, he smiled. “I won’t let you down,” he said. “I want us to be a family, too. Fuyumi has been working so hard for us... it’d be a shame to waste all her effort.” He thought to his sister taking care of the house while everyone else was so busy: Enji with the agency, Natsuo with university, and himself living in the dorms at U.A. Every time he went home, she got so happy, and yet the picture was incomplete.
“Do you think you’ll be able to come home, too? I know it’s probably too much to ask...” Her doctors still didn’t approve of any direct contact with Enji. Going back to the house with him there would be immensely stressful, at best. Still, Shouto had missed her more than he thought he had.
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bokuno-zuko · 4 years
((can i pls cut my text posts thanks))
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bokuno-zuko · 4 years
The realization in his mother’s eyes... Shouto didn’t want to give her false hope that his brother might still be alive somewhere. What if it wasn’t the case? Regardless of the implications, he’d been wrong about similar things before. The resemblance may have been uncanny, but so too was the resemblance between Midoriya’s quirk and All Might’s. Midoriya had denied that, and Shouto believed him. Dabi would likely deny that he was Touya, too.
Of course, that would only make sense. If it were true, and his identity were revealed, that would cause a major stir for him. He seemed to enjoy being enigmatic... Hiding his identity then would still be the ideal course of action.
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The more he stewed over it, the more he wanted to go searching for the answer. Even if it would cause trouble, if it meant bad news for the villains it might be worth trying. If Dabi really was Touya, would he really kill his own little brother? But as Rei touched his hand, he paused his train of thought and looked up at her.
I can’t lose you, too.
“You’re not going to lose me, Mom. Promise.” He squeezed her hand back to reassure her. “I won’t go looking for him.” That didn’t mean that they would never encounter each other, though. The League of Villains might be targeting hero students, and since they’ve gone after his class on multiple occasions, Shouto had reason to believe that he’d see Dabi again before long.
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bokuno-zuko · 4 years
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((Minty here with a freshly revamped Tomura Shigaraki from Boku no Hero Academia - give me a like or reblog if you’re interested in playing! Don’t forget to read my rules first!))
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bokuno-zuko · 4 years
@cupids-flight​ ❤’d this post
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This homework was taking far too long. On top of that, it was too late to join Yaoyorozu and the others for a study session, since he’d already declined. Shouto was also pretty sure that the general studies students weren’t learning calculus in their first year. Since he was in the hero course, though, these concepts needed to be mastered to the point of being able to utilize them out in the field, without calculating them on paper. Becoming a hero sure was hard work...
“Hasimoto,” he addressed his classmate. “Have you done the math homework yet?” Two heads were surely better than one, in this case. Even if he hadn’t done it, it was worth asking. “I think these derivatives are wrong...”
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bokuno-zuko · 4 years
((tiny starter call maybe?? hit that ❤ for something))
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bokuno-zuko · 4 years
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Good Shouto!
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bokuno-zuko · 4 years
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BNHA ☁ one gifset per episode - 30/?
“ My friend might be in trouble. ”
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bokuno-zuko · 4 years
((tiny starter call maybe?? hit that ❤ for something))
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bokuno-zuko · 4 years
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“Never forget who you want to become.”
Indie Shoto Todoroki from BnHA. Multi-verse and multi-ship. Please read the rules first! Mun is up to date with manga, so blog is not spoiler-free! Loved by Minty since 15 Feb 2019.
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bokuno-zuko · 4 years
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“Never forget who you want to become.”
Indie Shoto Todoroki from BnHA. Multi-verse and multi-ship. Please read the rules first! Mun is up to date with manga, so blog is not spoiler-free! Loved by Minty since 15 Feb 2019.
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bokuno-zuko · 4 years
((should i revive this blog, or...?))
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bokuno-zuko · 5 years
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((hey guys sorry i was busy the past week or so. my sister got married! it was exciting! but i should be back to normal life now and i’ll commence replies and requested starters soon))
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bokuno-zuko · 5 years
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Never forget who you want to become!
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bokuno-zuko · 5 years
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Brows rose upwards as she turned to him. Plans for the weekend? There was quite a big on her agenda between the holiday and holiday preparations. “This weekend? I’m planning on going to look for something to wear for Halloween. Did you need something?”
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“Not really,” Shouto answered. “Actually, that sounds kind of fun. I haven’t dressed up since I was a kid.” After his mother was hospitalized, he didn’t exactly have anyone to take him out for trick-or-treating or anything. Even if his father weren’t busy, though, he probably wouldn’t have gone with him out of spite. “Do you think I could join you?”
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bokuno-zuko · 5 years
“... We need to catch up as soon as possible.”
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bokuno-zuko · 5 years
Now recruiting!
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