bobthesamurai · 6 years
Me: *former bookworm who hasn’t read more than one or two actual books in over a year*
Friend: Whatcha doin’?
Me: *unable to tear attention from particularly angsty fanfic* Nothing, just reading
Friend: Oh my god, how do you read all the time??! Is there anything you haven’t read?? I just can’t read! How many books did you read in the holidays??
Me: đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«
Friend: Ten?? Twenty?!
Me: *after going home*
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
Imagine your OTP #3
Person A: I challenge you to an arm wrestling battle!
Person B: ok
Person A:
Person B:
Person A: *whispers* we’re holding hands now
Person B:
Person A:
Person B: *whispers* it appears so
Person A:
Person B: *slams A’s hand on table*
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
I hate when I get too invested in a fic and then try and watch the show, like??? Those characters got married 2 chapters ago, what are y’all trying to pull.
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
Mom: What are you reading?
Me: Fanfiction
Mom: Oh sounds interesting, whose it by?
Me: The Gays
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
my date: so, what are your hobbies?
me: uhh,,,I like to read
my date: oh, what do you read?
me: *thinks of all the smut and fanfiction I read until the early hours of the morning* anything, really. Anyway, let’s look at the menu I’m starving-
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
how we fit
so stiles likes to tease derek, okay? rile him up a bit, get in his face, make derek get that adorable flush he gets, when they’re arguing.
and derek always lets him, so stiles assumes it’s like
mutual. he’s too chicken to actually do something about it, but he hopes they’re kind of flirting, or something.
and one day the pack is in a bar, and stiles and derek both want the same thing.
well derek really, really wants the thing, and stiles pretends to want the thing, but actually just wants to bicker with derek.
and derek doesn’t back down, because he cares and maybe the thing is important to him.
and stiles says something along the lines of “winner gets it”
and derek says “okay.”
and someone from the pack – maybe jackson because he’s an asshole, or maybe erica ‘cause she lives for the drama – calls for a kissing contest.
maybe stiles misunderstands or they meant for it to  be a “who gets the most kisses” thing, but that’s what stiles starts doing. he gets up and kisses
a lot of people.
when he returns, he is smirking.
“dude, your turn!” he says to derek.
but derek looks weird, stiles notes. blank, pale face with just a twitch of underlying hurt.
“you ok, derek?” he asks, but derek just shakes himself and gets his jacket.
“you can have it, stiles,” he says, “i don’t want it anymore.”
and with that derek leaves.
stiles is confused. it wasn’t supposed to end like this. he wanted to win, and smirk at derek and maybe cave in and give it to derek anyway.
that’s what they do. bickering and teasing, but then maybe doing something nice for each other.
but suddenly everyone in the pack can’t meet his eyes anymore, and cora looks more disappointed than angry, and stiles is confused.
“what?” he asks the pack.
“i really thought you would have turned that stupid idea down,” lydia says and for once jackson agrees.
“i wouldn’t have said anything otherwise,” jackson grumbles, “didn’t thought you were that stupid
and stiles doesn’t really understand, because in his head, derek’s not into him. he’s learned to live with it, despite their weird pseudo-flirting.
“dude,” scott says, “you kinda broke his heart there.”
and stiles just
he runs after derek.
Keep reading
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
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                             The Greatest Show-man AU
How could he have known that saying yes to john’s proposal would’ve led him to this man? this amazing bright and beautiful man, who jumps from swing to swing as if wings are embedded into his back, who has a smile like no other. a man who had looked at Derek for who he is, not his family or his money. a man who’s every step Derek wants to follow no matter where it’ll lead him.
The way to following his feelings may be hard, will be filled with hate and dishonor to his family, but if it means to have Stiles at his side, to walk this damned earth with this man and to face everything together. isn’t it good enough? like john said, its time to live a little.
Thanks to our lovely live stream from today i was able to finish this awesome sauce piece! thank u guys again!!!♄♄♄♄ *kisses u all*
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
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New piece that will be appearing at Howler Con for the charity auction. 
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
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Sterek Campaign piece for Amanda. She asked for Magic!Stiles protecting an injured Wolf!Derek. This was loads of fun to do, specially creating the spells. :)
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
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🌕 đŸș 💕
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
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i sincerely don’t even know

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bobthesamurai · 6 years
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Sneak peek for the last chapter of Home. 
(Also you should totally click for full res to see all the detail that took me two weeks to paint *weeps on the floor*)
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
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Day Five: Cuddles
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
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đŸ’„ I love this brush đŸ’„
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bobthesamurai · 6 years
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It’s been way too long since I drew my favorite hq couple & au~( ÂŽ â–œ ` ) had to indulge myself a bit haha
[Do not repost / edit / redistribute / etc]
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