bobbieyay · 1 year
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Wish I could live in between the mountain and the beach. 🏝
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bobbieyay · 1 year
—yet is hope
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bobbieyay · 1 year
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Do I regret cutting my long hair?
: yes, bisag wa pay bulan nga nagupitan!
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bobbieyay · 1 year
"If you desire the sun and the moon, all you have to do is go out and shoot at the sky"
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bobbieyay · 1 year
Oh dear, help me disengage.
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bobbieyay · 1 year
As the dusk turned into night, an agitated wind blew its rampage. Tonight, Friday the 16th, we lost you, my friend, Scofield. I will miss your barks, the way u grit your teeth and wag your tail. sob 😭
Now, please be happy with Elias, wherever you both may be. 🥺🐾
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bobbieyay · 1 year
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Take me to the lakes [river] where all the poets went to die
I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you 🎶🥺
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bobbieyay · 2 years
you're bad news, i gotta have you.
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bobbieyay · 2 years
Tonight, as i look at the sky while listening to Taylor's cardigan, i saw a falling star. as it disappear, i uttered these words "everything will be better" then the song ended.
I ended the day wishing to a thing that is so far away from me. the universe is vast. will my wish be granted? Oh dear heavenly shining particle that appears and disappeared so quickly than my blinking eyes...
will you grant the wish of this hopeless fellow of yours?
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bobbieyay · 2 years
i want to die
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bobbieyay · 2 years
i’m having panic attack again. 
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bobbieyay · 2 years
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pray tell. i bet he still can't see balance in the middle of his chaos.
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bobbieyay · 2 years
unfinished and will never be completed,
They say, BIRTHDAYS during childhood is quite exciting, fun and something you always expect whenever a new year comes. And it's indeed TRUE. I was that kind of a child during my childhood birthdays. Even though we lived in a remote area and the life we had was something you can say, below the margin; but I had the MOST fun on the days I celebrated the date I was born. You see, we didn't have to make it grand, and we really can't, most especially with the life that we had; but a chicken was more than enough to celebrate it. There's even an exciting part where they put a cross on my forehead using the chicken's blood out of our superstition. Believe me, you'll expect and make sure it happens during your birthdays. Haha Growing up, it's still the same, if we somehow manage to have a little extra money, we'll add another menu to the table; until comes a time where birthdays ARE NO LONGER exciting and most of all, thinking of it would only put a toll in your mind.
Before this year added to my age, i thought some things would somehow mend and calm but i am definitely wrong. Things have gone haywire even more. I worked my but off to keep things in order, yet nothing was working. I have disappointed myself even more. I have always thought that I was always doing my best, but none were enough. I thought I had it all figured out, but truth is, I am stuck.  ... [cont] 
Now I am that I will be turning 24, just six months before today: my life and our life just sank deeper than it was. I was rushed to the ER four times already, followed by the few check-ups and outpatient care, plus taking different kind of meds. It's AGGRAVATING. I want to curse everything, though one fact is that my life has been cursed already. I have lost hope. I cannot see any silver-lining in every difficult situation I am into.  I wish I would've worn all black already to commemorate and celebrate the life I have none. All these feelings I can't understand and articulate only waiting to explode. I can't CRY!  I have lost FAITH. Yes, it's not just losing it but I have resented the GODS, all the myths and greatest of them all, I have LOST myself. I hate myself more than anything and anyone. ... [cont] 
Honestly speaking, I hate to admit it but I feel like my mind is not in stable condition. I would LOVE to commit suicide, but I can't BRING myself to doing it. Something and probably someone is holding me from doing it. (What a lame excuse) Truth is, I COWER. I am AFRAID. Not of death but afraid that if I do it, then I may regret things on the other side of life: of not struggling to live till the end. (Funny right, as if there's 'on the other side')
my point is. I want things to END...
life. death. MYSELF
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bobbieyay · 2 years
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bobbieyay · 2 years
drowned into worlds’ harshest criticism of what I am capable. I am really annoyed with myself. haha life sucks. 
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bobbieyay · 2 years
Though unusual and peculiar,
Today, I got rejected and disconnected. All this time, I was quite confident with myself. 
But I was WRONG. and I knew it from the very beginning. 
My mind and my actions were always contradicting. It’s as if I am against someone who is me but not me. I could not articulate what’s really on my mind. I could not even identify and think of what do I really want. 
What do I really want to ATTAIN? 
and what could I possibly ACHIEVE. 
(HAHA I don’t even know if this post make sense)
This is the time where I throw myself into doubt. my capabilities. I doubt my goals. I doubt every little or big things. I doubt “good”. I doubt even that little faith of mine. 
this is nothing, but mere DOUBT to my self. Haaa, funny, doubting oneself yet underestimating the doubt with a “mere”. 
it’s embarrassing, I though of myself highly yet nothing comes but disappointment in the end. 
Fucksake, I want to DIE! 
I really do. 
But I can’t bear the fact that I will be leaving so may responsibilities. 
I am really quite a laughing stock, haha. responsibilities my foot. I haven’t fulfilled even a single one, yet I am worried. How dare of me! 
in the end, thinking of every single mistake and failure I have so far as unusual and peculiar just proves that I am only making excuses in life. 
Gusto ata ng awa. Kamatay na uy! 
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bobbieyay · 2 years
                                                                                            Agosto katorse,
Today, I have done NOTHING. 
and as ALWAYS,  nothing and no one can remind me how FAILURE I am besides MYSELF. No matter how hard I tried, I have been FALLING repeatedly to the same cycle. 
TRYING yet NOT enough. 
How will I ESCAPE? I am not in NEED of help. i R E FU S E! 
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