MGMT 520
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MGMT 520 You Decide
MGMT 520 You Decide  
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  MGMT 520 You Decide
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MGMT 520 You Decide Week 6
MGMT 520 You Decide Week 6  
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  MGMT 520 You Decide Week 6
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MGMT 520 Midterm Exam
MGMT 520 Midterm Exam  
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  MGMT 520 Midterm Exam
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MGMT 520 Final Week 8
MGMT 520 Final Week 8  
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  MGMT 520 Final Week 8
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MGMT 520 Final Week 8 Updated Legal – Political – And Ethical Dim
 MGMT 520 Final Week 8 Updated Legal – Political – And Ethical Dim
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(TCOs A, E, F)  John and Janet Fonda, siblings and actors, decide to retire after years on the road. They remember a town in New Jersey they were familiar with from their travels. From the internet, they learn…(Points : 30)
(TCOs G and I) In the 1930s, after immigrating to the U.S. from a region in central Europe threatened by the onset of World War II, Luigi and Maria Spongee opened a bakery in Chicago. They specialized in snack cakes. Spongee Cup Cakes became so popular in the area that the family stopped being actual bakers and became…(Points : 30)
(1) Herbal Snacks’ advertising campaign is  a direct  hit on Spongee Cup Cakes, which..
(2) Both have entered into a competitive campaign to gain more shelf space and better…
(3) Herbal Snacks was using preservatives based on Canada’s standards, which were…
(TCOs A, E, F) John, Lionel, and Evelyn Harrymore, siblings and actors, decide to retire after years on the road. They remember a town in Illinois they were familiar with from their travels. From the internet…(Points: 30)
(TCO C) Three professors from Keller’s New Jersey campus, Robinson, Romney, and Obama, decide to visit ABC Go-kart facility together in Pennsylvania. This decision is made after a lengthy faculty brunch, at which unlimited alcoholic mimosas…(Points: 30) (a) Professor Robinson’s widow can claim negligence due to a proximity cause against ABC Go-Kart facility for not…
(b) ABC Go-Kart can claim that they are not liable for Professor Robinson’s death because the three professors signed a contract waiving their legal rights for holding ABC liable for…
© The case should be brought in the state of…
(TCOs A, B, F, H) PART A
Paul and Thomas Hamilton, brothers, are college students and web designers. While at the University of Megalopolis, a private, for-profit college in the “Quad State” area, they started an online chat service called LinkTime. Paul attended and resided…
LinkTime has been a phenomenal success for over ten years. They are now a worldwide social networking phenomenon. Over the years and the various incarnations of the business enterprise, they are now a corporation with just under 100 shareholders. In…(Points: 60)
(TCOs A, D, E) Marvin worked at the local country club pool as a lifeguard, not a swim teacher, for the summer of 2013. Marvin was a public school physical education teacher. The country club did not do a background check or confirm any references…(Points: 30) (TCOs A, E, F) John and Edwin Booth, brothers and actors, decide to retire after years on the road. They remember a town in Louisiana they were familiar with from their travels. From the internet, they learn of a farm a few miles outside of town that seems ideal. There…(Points: 30) 
(TCOs B, C, G, I) KWRF, a small market radio station, learns from reading in the industry trade magazine that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed a regulation change. The regulation will require radio stations to do an additional 20 minutes…(Points: 15)
(TCOs G and I) In the 1930s, after immigrating to the U.S. from a region in central Europe threatened by the onset of World War II, Bruno and Helga Kreamie opened a bakery in Brooklyn. They specialized in snack cakes. Kreamie Cup Cakes…(Points : 30)
(1) Granola Snacks’ advertising campaign is  a direct  hit on Kreamie Cup Cakes, which…
(2) Both have entered into a competitive campaign to gain more shelf space and better…
(3) Granola Snacks was using preservatives based on Mexico’s standards, which were…
(TCOs D, E, F) Frank Jones is a college student who had a plow attached to his jeep so he could earn extra money plowing during the winter. Jones was under contract to plow the driveways of Mr. Washington and Ms. Adams, two neighbors down the street. John Smith lives between Washington and Adams. Jones took it upon himself to plow Smith’s lot the seven…(Points : 15)
Jones can enforce his $600 bill through a quasi-contract. More specifically, a quasi-contract is  not a contract at all, but rather an obligation imposed by the court to bring about…
(TCOs B, C, G, I) Lonestar Trucking, a large freight carrier servicing the Southwest, learns from reading in the industry trade magazine that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has proposed a regulation change. The regulation, proposed pursuant to a statute that restricts…(Points : 15)
To oppose this change, Lonestar Trucking can exercise their right of referendum. This is the right of the people to approve or reject an act of the legislature, or the right of “the people…
(TCO C) Three professors from Keller’s Illinois campus, Favre, Bush, and Clinton, decide to visit XYZ Go-kart facility together in Minnesota. This decision is made after a lengthy faculty brunch, at which unlimited alcoholic mimosas were served. XYZ Go-kart..
(a) What claims may Professor Favre’s widow bring against the various parties?  Professor
(b) What defenses might each party bring against the possible claims asserted by Professor Favre’s widow
(c) In what state should the case be brought? (Points : 30) 
(TCOs A, D, E) Judy Collinsworth, a then-unknown folk singer, signed a three album recording contract with Mercury Apollo Music, Inc. Mercury Apollo Music was a boutique label specializing in folk artists. Collinsworth’s first album for Mercury Apollo was moderately… (a) What causes of action might NastiCondiMedia bring against Collinsworth and EasyListening?
NastiCondiMedia can file a breach of contract case against Collinsworth and it can file a case against EasyListening that their contract…
(b) What causes of action might Collinsworth and EasyListening bring against NastiCondiMedia?
Collinsworth can justify her breach of contract with an excuse by failure of presupposed conditions. This means that a party has a…
(c) What types of relief might either party seek? (Points : 30)
NastiCondiMedia may seek damages against Collinsworth for the profits they would have gained had Baker completed the three albums indicated in her…
(TCOs A, B, F, H) PART A Paul and Thomas Franklin, brothers, are college students and web designers. While at the University of Megalopolis, a private, for-profit college in the “Quad State” area, they started an online chat service called FaceLinked. Paul attended and resided at the college’s…
PART B FaceLinked has been a phenomenal success for over ten years. They are now a worldwide social networking phenomenon. Over the years and the various incarnations of the business enterprise, they are now a corporation with just under 100 shareholders. In anticipation of a public offering, they have just completed a private stock offering and allowed several of the initial…(Points: 60) 
(TCOs A, B, F, H) PART B
(TCOs A, D, E) Woody worked at the local country club pool as a lifeguard, not a swim teacher, for the summer of 2013. Woody was a public school physical education teacher. The country club did not do a background check or confirm any references when they hired him. They relied on the “say-so” of Woody’s brother, a member of the country club board of directors. The country…(Points : 30)
(TCOs G and I) In the 1930s, after immigrating to the U.S. from Ireland at the onset of World War II, Shamus and Mary McCream opened a bakery in Boston. They specialized in snack cakes. McCream Cup Cakes became so popular in the area that the family stopped being actual bakers and became manufacturers/ food processors…
(1) Healthy Snacks’ advertising campaign is a direct  hit on McCreamie Cup Cakes, which they
(2) The marketing and distribution campaigns both companies have engaged in.
(3) The liability issues Healthy Snacks faces regarding their use of food manufactured outside of the United States. (Points : 30) 
(TCOs A, E, F) John and Edwin Booth, brothers and actors, decide to retire after years on the road. They remember a town in Louisiana they were familiar with from their travels. From the internet, they learn of a farm a few miles outside of town that seems ideal. There…(Points : 30) 
(TCO D) Short Answer Question and Facts for Page 1 Questions:
A well-known pharmaceutical company, Robins & Robins, is working through a public scandal. Three popular medications that they sell over the counter have been determined to be tainted with small particles of plastic explosive. The plastic…(Points : 15)
(TCO B) The FDA decides to require all pharmaceutical companies to immediately implement the tracking bars (UPC) as a result of the disaster with Robins & Robins. Robins & Robins decides not to challenge this and begins the process of adding them to all of their products. However, McFadden, Inc., a New York pharmaceutical…(Points: 30)
Two ways in which McFadden can contest the FDA ruling, and challenge the requirement that is imposed by the FDA are discussed below:
(TCO C) Robins & Robins immediately issued a massive recall for the tainted medication upon learning of the situation. Despite the recall, 1,400 children and 350 adults have been hospitalized after becoming very ill upon taking the tainted medication. Each of them had failed to note the recall after having already purchased the medication. It is quickly determined that they will need liver transplants and many of them are on a waiting list. During the wait…(Points : 30)
 Here is a second version of this question
You are the public relations advisor for Robins & Robins, and your boss tells you to write him a memo that he will use to draft a public announcement. He needs you to explain to him why Robins & Robins should not be found negligent for these deaths and illnesses. Draft the memo utilizing the elements of 402A and negligence. Include (and fully explain) any defenses you feel that Robins & Robins may have. Recall that your boss needs all pertinent information for him to write an announcement to the public after reading your memo.
(TCO A)  It is discovered that Robins & Robins knew about the tainted medication 2 months earlier than they announced the recall. They hid it and, in fact, sent out contract buyers to try to buy up all of the medication off the shelves. Their “fake” recall failed. Using the…(Points: 30)
(TCO I)  A Canadian citizen whose son (resident of Ontario) died from the medication sues Robins & Robins in a California court. The court there is well known for being victim friendly and providing huge pay-outs to victim families. In Canada, the cap on non-pecuniary damages is around $300,000. Punitive damages in Canada are rarely…(Points: 15)
This is a same scenario, but the last question is different.  See answer below to the last part.
(TCO I)  A Canadian citizen whose son (resident of Ontario) died from the medication sues Robins & Robins in a California court. The court there is well known for being victim friendly and providing huge payouts to victim families. In Canada, the cap on non-pecuniary damages is around $300,000. Punitive damages in Canada are rarely allowed. Will this Canadian citizen be permitted to sue Robins & Robins in this California court? Why or why not? 
(TCO E and H)  A private high school hires a new Superintendent, George Forester. The school is owned by a local Lutheran Church and is run by a board of directors chosen by church members. Supt. Forester shows up for his first day of work, and sends a memo via intercompany mail to all teachers:
Dear Staff: 
There is a new Sheriff in town – and it is me. As your new leader, I am implementing  a dress code that includes no slacks or shorts for women and no earrings for male teachers.  Men shall all be clean shaven.  Violators will be docked one week’s pay; 2nd offenses will…
 (TCO E)  Anna and Lisa both sue the school and Pastor  Forester for discrimination and further, for liability for their injuries  (the stabbing damages and the damages to Lisa’s son’s health.) You are one of  the board of directors and need to analyze the liability of the school.  Limit your answer to the SCHOOL’S liability only.  
Write a  brief memo as to whether Pastor Forester committed illegal or  discriminatory…
 Here is a second version of this question
(TCO E) Anna and Lisa both sue Pastor Forester and the school under Title VII. Analyze their Title VII lawsuit against the school and Pastor Forester. Explain whether you feel that the two injured teachers have cases for recovery (describe the theories and whether you feel they will be successful). Discuss whether the school being a religious, private school has…
(TCO H and E)  In the discovery portion of the case, it is determined that Pastor Forester is really not a Pastor. His real name is Jerry Birches, who is a parolee with convictions for child molestation. His parole agreement prohibits him being closer than 1000 feet to any school.  In order to cut costs, the school had stopped doing background checks on new employees, and this slipped through the cracks.  The President of the Board of Directors immediately…(Points: 30)
(TCO F and G)   Laura Etheridge and Rita O’Donnell, the CEO and Creative Director of Clean Clothes (a Texas based lesbian women’s clothing line) brainstormed together  and came up with a tagline for their new slacks line:  “Masculine Attitude, Feminine Fit.”  They market the product on YouTube, Twitter, and Face Book showcasing their “Funky Femme” slacks collection, made from a material which resembles alpaca wool, but is actually organic cotton….
Using the above fact pattern, analyze fully, the following questions:
(TCO F)  Ellen DeGeneres sues Clean Clothes for the use of a look-alike model for the slacks advertisement. She includes  Lanham Act, misappropriation, and “Right of Publicity” claims in her complaint.  Clean Clothes countersues for product disparagement.  Joseph…(Points: 30)
(TCO G) It is discovered that two weeks before the Ellen show, she had sold $2 million in JOSB stock (at a gain of about $2,200).  The morning after her show, Ellen sold JOSB short (which means she was betting the stock price would go down), and she made another $210,000 in the next week on that trade.  The swing in the price was not directly tied to her…(Points: 30) (TCO B)  Name one argument that Robins & Robins could have used to fight against the imposition of a tracking bar (UPC) requirement in the event their lobbying efforts during public comments had failed. Explain the argument and the procedural method Robins would use to fight it. If Robins had not gotten involved in the public comments period, would your answer change?
(TCO F) Eagle Standard AInc. (ESI) a major engineering firm specialized in designing aircraft parts for government contracts. ESI employees project managers and 42 engineers who are divided into project group of 6-7 members. The majority of project team leaders have spent time in France and Britain learning new technology. The Eagle 6 project team consisting of 6 engineers is developing new equipment for a jet fighter. The project has been ongoing for 18 months and all 6 engineers have…
(TCO B) Faxco Incorporated is a business with 500 employees.  The CEO of the company has recently learned based on employee surveys. That the employees are not very happy with the company in fact the CEO is starting to believe that this may be the reason why Faxco is experiencing slower sales and a recent budget crisis which threatens to shut down the company in 3 years if it is not fixed.
You are a consultant and the CEO has asked you to visit the company for a week and…(Points: 45)
(TCOs D, E, F) State Senator Leghornne, while filibustering the opposition party’s proposed statute on public education, accuses State Senator Gentile, the bill’s sponsor, of being an “unabashed child lover.” It is common knowledge that State Senator Gentile, who is gay, recently married an 18-year-old college intern who had worked in his legislative offices. The relationship and the marriage were covered in the local papers…(Points : 15) 
(TCOs D, E, F) Benjamin is a long-time key salesman for Morton and Dunderfield, a business supply company in Eastern Pennsylvania. The company decides to change its formal employer/employee relationship with all of its sales people, including Benjamin. Instead of compensating them with salary and a bonus based on quarterly sales, they change…(Points : 15)
(TCOs B, C, G, I) Vineyard Air, a small business with one twin engine airplane that shuttles people from Boston to Martha’s Vineyard, learns from reading in the industry trade magazine that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has proposed a regulation change. Instead of requiring planes to undergo a major 48 hour maintenance and inspection process after 1000 hours of flight time, the proposed regulation will….(Points : 15) 
(TCOs A, D, E) Anita Baker, a then-unknown jazz singer, signed a three album recording contract with Beverly Glen Music, Inc. Beverly Glen Music was a boutique label specializing in jazz artists. Baker’s first album for Beverly Glen was moderately successful. The second album, unfortunately, was panned by the critics and did not sell. Beverly Glen Music was acquired by MegaMedia, Inc. MegaMedia, in an effort to re-vitalize Baker’s career, encouraged
(a) What causes of action might MegaMedia bring against Baker and Elysium?
(b) What causes of action might Baker and Elysium bring against MegaMedia?
(c) What types of relief might either party seek? (Points : 30)
(TCOs A, D, E) Jane worked at the local country club pool as a lifeguard, not a swim teacher, for the summer of 2013. Jane was a public school physical education teacher. The country club did not do a background check or confirm any references when they hired her. They relied on the “say-so” of Jane’s brother, a member of the country club board of directors. The country club only did a cursory Internet search of the…
0 notes
MGMT 520 Discussions
MGMT 520 Discussions  
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  MGMT 520 Discussions
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MGMT 520 Complete Course
MGMT 520 Complete Course  
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Week 2
Pick an administrative agency of either the federal or a state government.  Find where the current and proposed regulation changes for that agency are located on the Internet…
1. State the administrative agency which controls the regulation. Explain why this agency and your proposed regulation interest you (briefly). Will this proposed regulation affect you or the business in which you are working? If so, how?
2.  Describe the proposal/change
3.  Write the public comment which you would submit to this proposal. If the proposed regulation deadline has already passed, write the comment you would have submitted. Explain briefly what you wish to accomplish with your comment.
4.  Provide the “deadline” by which the public comment must be made.  (If the date has already    passed, please provide when the deadline was).
5. a) Once you have submitted your comment, what will you be legally entitled to do later in the promulgation process (if you should choose to do so)?
b)  If the proposal passes, identify and explain the five legal theories you could use in an attempt to have the regulation declared invalid and overturned in court.
c)  Which of these challenges would be the best way to challenge the regulation you selected for this assignment if you wanted to have the regulation overturned and why?
Week 3
Go to Kubasek, Chapter 13, page 369, problem 13-16.  Use Lexis in the Keller library and look up the Nadel er al. v. Burger King Corp. & Emil, Inc. case…
Now, in the library, click the “Shepardize” button in the top right of the LexisNexis page on the case.  This provides you with all of the case which have used Nadel et al. v. Burger King Corp. & Emil, Inc…
1.       What must a party establish to prevail on a motion for summary judgment? (3 points)
2.       2.      What court decided the case in the assignment? (2 points)
3.       3.      Briefly state the facts of this case, using the information found in the case in LexisNexis. (5 points).
4.       4.      According to the case, why was this not defamation, and what tort did the court approve a filing for? (5 points)
5.       5.      In the decision, why does the court state further proceedings will be required? (5 points)
6.       6.      Do you agree with this decision? Why or why not? (5 points)
7.       A.     The name and citation of the case (5 points):
8.       B.     The name of the court which decided the case (3 points):
9.       C.     The year of the decision (2 points):
10.   D.    The facts of the case (5 points):
11.   The issue of the case (5 points):
12.   F.     The “decision” of the case (5 points):
13.   G.    The principle of law the case was used (cited) for in the case (5 points):
Week 4
You Decide: Contract Dispute Group Discussion (75 point):
Scenario Summary
This group project covers a contract dispute situation. As a group, work through the following questions. Feel free to ask further questions in the thread of your group members, and answer your group members questions as well. The best work will be where all…
Week 5 Midterm Exam
(TCO I)  Marianne Jennings wrote an article, “Why an International Code of Ethics would be good,” which was assigned to be read at the beginning of the course.  As you have worked…Great Depression
(TCO A) Use the fact pattern you received in the above Marianne Jennings “International Code of Ethics” question to answer this question. Analyze and propose a…(Points: 40)
(TCO I) Marianne Jennings wrote an article, “Why an International Code of Ethics would be good,” which was assigned to be read at the beginning of the course.  In 2009-10 Toyota…
(TCO A) Use the fact pattern you received in the above Marianne Jennings “International Code of Ethics” question to answer this question. Analyze and propose a solution to the problem you received above using the Professional Obligation School…(Points: 40)
(TCO I) Marianne Jennings wrote an article, “Why an International Code of Ethics would be good.” which was assigned to be read at the beginning… CEO was removed by BP…
(TCO A) Use the fact pattern you received in the above Marianne Jennings “International Code of Ethics” question to answer this question. Analyze and propose (Points: 40)
(TCO F) Target sells bags that appear to be Prada, Gucci, and Coach handbags but are priced much lower. The brand labels on the bags say “Pardna,” “Guchy,” and “Coaching.” The prices…
(TCO B) The “public comment” period closes on an OSHA proposed regulation, and your business had filed a public comment against the proposed regulation explaining that the…
(TCO C)  One summer, David Baxter and his wife, Melissa, were on their new boat with another couple, tubing on the Mississippi river. David and the other couple had been drinking…
(TCO C) Will E. Chancit, a 36-year-old attorney, was killed when his Ford Fairlane collided with some metal fence on the Harbor Freeway in Los Angeles. He was traveling at a speed between…
(TCO F) In Midler v. Ford Motor Co., Bette Midler sued Ford for unauthorized appropriation. Explain what appropriation is. Tell me what type of civil claim appropriation…
(TCO B) Infuriated when Harry Reid is re-elected during the 2010 fall election, the Republicans in Congress decide to take matters into their own hands. In 2011, the House…
(TCO C) Bud Johnson owns a General Motors dealership in Pierre, South Dakota. At the request and expense of General Motors, Bud travelled to Phoenix, Arizona, for…
(TCO D) (This is a fictional scenario.) Billy Joel decided he wanted to learn to play the violin for his next set of concerts.   He called a violin salesman in New York and asked…
(TCO B) After the 2010 full election, the democrats in congress decided to take matters into their own hands. During the lame duck session, they passed a new “election…
(TCO D) SpongeBob is a farmer who contracted with Progresso to provide 6 tons of clams worth $3,000/ton to be delivered at Progresso each month. Progresso…
(TCO F) When Vanna White sued Samsung for appropriation and under the Lanham Act, she won her case under California common law right of publicity claim…
Week 1 Discussions 1 National and International Ethics-Patent Rights  41 Pages
In the fall of 2001, anthrax was used as a weapon of terror in the United States, when it was sent to numerous media and political organizations and individuals, including Tom Brokaw of NBC News, Dan Rather of CBS News, and U.S. senators. According to a report from the CDC, 22 people were…
Week 6
Scenario Summary – Week 6 Individual Project (100 points)
Virginia Pollard worked as a cashier and clerk for Teddy’s Supplies, a family-owned chain of film production equipment supply stores in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. During a routine performance evaluation, Virginia’s supervisor at Teddy’s complained that she made too many personal phone calls when she worked in the West Orange store. The supervisor ….
Week 8 Final Exam
(TCOs G and I) In the 1930s, after immigrating to the U.S. from a region in central Europe threatened by the onset of World War II, Luigi and Maria Spongee…(Points : 30)
(TCOs A, E, F)  John and Janet Fonda, siblings and actors, decide to retire after years on the road. They remember a town in New Jersey they were familiar with…(Points : 30)
(TCOs A, E, F) John, Lionel, and Evelyn Harrymore, siblings and actors, decide to retire after years on the road. They remember a town in Illinois they were…(Points: 30)
(TCO C) Three professors from Keller’s New Jersey campus, Robinson, Romney, and Obama, decide to visit ABC Go-kart facility together in Pennsylvania…(Points: 30)
(TCOs A, B, F, H) PART A  Paul and Thomas Hamilton, brothers, are college students and web designers. While at the University of Megalopolis, a private, for-profit college…
PART B LinkTime has been a phenomenal success for over ten years. They are now a worldwide social networking phenomenon. Over the years and the various…(Points: 60)
(TCOs A, D, E) Marvin worked at the local country club pool as a lifeguard, not a swim teacher, for the summer of 2013. Marvin was a public school physical…(Points: 30)
(TCOs A, E, F) John and Edwin Booth, brothers and actors, decide to retire after years on the road. They remember a town in Louisiana they were familiar with from their…(Points: 30)
(TCOs B, C, G, I) KWRF, a small market radio station, learns from reading in the industry trade magazine that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed…
(TCOs G and I) In the 1930s, after immigrating to the U.S. from a region in central Europe threatened by the onset of World War II, Bruno and Helga Kreamie opened…(Points : 30)
(TCOs D, E, F) Frank Jones is a college student who had a plow attached to his jeep so he could earn extra money plowing during the winter. Jones was under contract to plow the driveways…(Points : 15)
(TCOs B, C, G, I) Lonestar Trucking, a large freight carrier servicing the Southwest, learns from reading in the industry trade magazine that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration…(Points : 15)
(TCO C) Three professors from Keller’s Illinois campus, Favre, Bush, and Clinton, decide to visit XYZ Go-kart facility together in Minnesota. This decision is made after…(Points : 30)
(TCOs A, D, E) Judy Collinsworth, a then-unknown folk singer, signed a three album recording contract with Mercury Apollo Music, Inc. Mercury Apollo Music was a…(Points : 30)
(TCOs A, B, F, H) PART A Paul and Thomas Franklin, brothers, are college students and web designers. While at the University of Megalopolis, a private, for-profit
PART B FaceLinked has been a phenomenal success for over ten years. They are now a worldwide social networking phenomenon. Over the years and the various…(Points : 60)
(TCOs A, D, E) Woody worked at the local country club pool as a lifeguard, not a swim teacher, for the summer of 2013. Woody was a public school physical education teacher….(Points : 30)
(TCOs G and I) In the 1930s, after immigrating to the U.S. from Ireland at the onset of World War II, Shamus and Mary McCream opened a bakery in Boston…(Points : 30)
(TCOs A, E, F) John and Edwin Booth, brothers and actors, decide to retire after years on the road. They remember a town in Louisiana they were familiar with…(Points : 30)
(TCO D) Short Answer Question and Facts for Page 1 Questions:
A well-known pharmaceutical company, Robins & Robins, is working through a public scandal. Three popular medications that they sell over the counter have been…(Points : 15)
(TCO B) The FDA decides to require all pharmaceutical companies to immediately implement the tracking bars (UPC) as a result of the disaster with Robins & Robins. Robins…(Points: 30)
(TCO C) Robins & Robins immediately issued a massive recall for the tainted medication upon learning of the situation. Despite the recall, 1,400 children and 350 adults have…(Points : 30)
Here is a second version of this question: You are the public relations advisor for Robins & Robins, and your boss tells you to write him a memo that he will use to draft a public announcement. He needs you to explain to him why Robins & Robins should not be…
(TCO A)  It is discovered that Robins & Robins knew about the tainted medication 2 months earlier than they announced the recall. They hid it and, in fact, sent out contract..(Points: 30)
(TCO I)  A Canadian citizen whose son (resident of Ontario) died from the medication sues Robins & Robins in a California court. The court there is well known for being…(Points: 15)
(TCO I)  A Canadian citizen whose son (resident of Ontario) died from the medication sues Robins & Robins in a California court. The court there is well known for being
This is a same scenario, but the last question is different.  See answer below to the last part.
(TCO E and H)  A private high school hires a new Superintendent, George Forester. The school is owned by a local Lutheran Church and is run by a board of directors chosen…
 (TCO E)  Anna and Lisa both sue the school and Pastor  Forester for discrimination and further, for liability for their injuries  (the stabbing damages and the damages to Lisa’s…
Bottom of Form
Here is a second version of this question
(TCO E) Anna and Lisa both sue Pastor Forester and the school under Title VII. Analyze their Title VII lawsuit against the school and Pastor Forester. Explain whether you…
(TCO H and E)  In the discovery portion of the case, it is determined that Pastor Forester is really not a Pastor. His real name is Jerry Birches, who is a parolee with convictions for…(Points: 30)
(TCO F and G)   Laura Etheridge and Rita O’Donnell, the CEO and Creative Director of Clean Clothes (a Texas based lesbian women’s clothing line) brainstormed together…
(TCO F)  Ellen DeGeneres sues Clean Clothes for the use of a look-alike model for the slacks advertisement. She includes  Lanham Act, misappropriation, and “Right of…(Points: 30)
(TCO G)  It is discovered that two weeks before the Ellen show, she had sold $2 million in JOSB stock (at a gain of about $2,200).  The morning after her show, Ellen sold…(Points: 30) (TCO B)  Name one argument that Robins & Robins could have used to fight against the imposition of a tracking bar (UPC) requirement in the event their lobbying efforts…
(TCO F) Eagle Standard AInc. (ESI) a major engineering firm specialized in designing aircraft parts for government contracts. ESI employees project managers and 42 engineers who are..
(TCO B) Faxco Incorporated is a business with 500 employees.  The CEO of the company has recently learned based on employee surveys. That the employees are not…(Points: 45)
(TCOs D, E, F) State Senator Leghornne, while filibustering the opposition party’s proposed statute on public education, accuses State Senator Gentile, the bill’s..(Points : 15)
(TCOs D, E, F) Benjamin is a long-time key salesman for Morton and Dunderfield, a business supply company in Eastern Pennsylvania. The company decides..(Points : 15)
(TCOs B, C, G, I) Vineyard Air, a small business with one twin engine airplane that shuttles people from Boston to Martha’s Vineyard, learns from reading in…(Points : 15)
(TCOs A, D, E) Anita Baker, a then-unknown jazz singer, signed a three album recording contract with Beverly Glen Music, Inc. Beverly Glen Music was a boutique label…(Points : 30)
(TCOs A, D, E) Jane worked at the local country club pool as a lifeguard, not a swim teacher, for the summer of 2013. Jane was a public school physical education..(Points : 30)
 Week 1 Discussions 1 National and International Ethics-Patent 41 Pages
In the fall of 2001, anthrax was used as a weapon of terror in the United States, when it was sent to numerous media and political organizations and individuals, including Tom Brokaw of NBC News, Dan Rather of CBS News, and U.S. senators. According to a report from the CDC Week 1 Discussions 2 Disbarment of Lawyers 35 Pages
Read the “Disbarment of Lawyers” case on pages 225 and 226 in the Kubsek text and frame your answer around the four questions for the case study which are located on page 226.  In evaluating this scenario, focus upon the question of what you would do if you are directed to do something that…
Week 2 Discussions 1 Chapter 5 Problems  35 Pages
What compelling governmental interests would have to exist for these laws to be sustained?  How else could the government justify their enactment?  How could the laws be modified so as not to be a deemed an unlawful seizure or taking? Please study the following problems:
Week 2 Discussions 2 Chapter 19 Problems  33 Pages
Did the agencies involved violate Due Process or other Constitutionally mandated safeguards? What type of evidence would the agencies need to justify their actions. How might the aggrieved parties demonstrate that the agencies were acting in an arbitrary and capricious manner? How might the agencies defend against such a charge?
Week 3 Discussions 1 Breach of Warranty  38 Pages
Arvo Lake, a retired 71-year-old man, bought an air conditioner in May. The unit was installed and operated according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Unbeknownst to Lake, the unit contained a hole in the refrigeration system that allowed Freon, the coolant, to escape from the unit. By August…
Week 3 Discussions 2 Environmental Liability and Due Process  34 Pages
In 1979, Paul and John Reardon purchased 16 acres of land located next to a manufacturing plant in Massachusetts. In 1983, a state environmental agency, responding to a citizen’s report, tested soil samples from both properties and discovered extremely high levels of polychlorinated…
Week 4 Discussions 1 Shirley Parker v. Twentieth  39 Pages
Our textbook discusses monetary and equitable remedies in the event that a contract is breached. These issues presented themselves in the case Shirley Parker v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. (Case 11-4) on page 297 of your eBook. Read Case problem 11-8 on page 307 of your e-book…
Week 4 Discussions 2 Larry Podder or Harry Potter  35 Pages
You are a newly promoted supervisor for Playing with God, a company that makes computer games for a Christian bookstore. One of the directors on the corporate board is Jon Bakker, a long-lost nephew of TV evangelists Jim and Tammy Faye. Jon’s son, Larry Bakker, is a member…
Week 5 Discussions 1 Pusey v. Bator  40 Pages
Please read Case problem 16-13 at the end of Chapter 16 in your eBook regarding the lawsuit by Pusey in the case Pusey v. Bator. Under what theory might Ms. Pusey argue that Greif Brothers…
Week 5 Discussions 2 The Lemon Tree Dilemma  39 Pages
The website EEOC.gov should be a bookmarked site for any individual who is working as or plans to work as a manager in a business with more than one (i.e., the owner) employee. This website contains the information that the federal government expects companies and…
Week 6 Discussions 1 Restraint of Trade and Antitrust  42 Pages
Look at problem 25-14 found on page 718 of your eBook. We will begin our discussion this week by working through this “credit card” problem to help us understand “per se” violations and how they…
Week 6 Discussions 2 Consumer Protections  35 Pages
To start our discussion this week – let’s review Case problem 26-17 on page 761 of your eBook. In addition to the question presented by the problem: 1. What responsibilities did Easton and Source One Associates, Inc. have to the individuals and…
Week 7 Discussions 1 Multinational Companies 33 Pages
Let’s finish up this term with a discussion about moving our personal and business ethics into the international business realm. Let’s look at how ethics and laws span the concepts of all of our TCOs to date and discuss them in a realistic perspective, with particular emphasis….
Week 7 Discussions 2 SOX and Insider Trading 33 Pages
Review problem 24-15, found on page 677 of your eBook. Let’s look at corporate malfeasance, both specifically as it is seen in the case of Mr. Bleakney and NMC, and more generally, at companies
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MGMT 520 Assignment Week 3
MGMT 520 Assignment Week 3  
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MGMT 410
MGMT 410  
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  MGMT 410
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MGMT 410 (Human Resource Management) Entire Course – DeVry
MGMT 410 (Human Resource Management) Entire Course – DeVry  
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MGMT 410 Week 1 Strategic Linkages Assignment
MGMT 410 Week 1 DQ 1 The Purpose of HRM
MGMT 410 Week 1 DQ 2 Functions of HRM
 MGMT 410 Week 2 Case Study; Off-the-Job Behaviors
MGMT 410 Week 2 DQ 1 EEO Laws
MGMT 410 Week 2 DQ 2 Privacy and Technology
 MGMT 410 Week 3 DQ 1 Job Analysis
MGMT 410 Week 3 DQ 2 Recruitment and Selection
MGMT 410 Week 3 Web Exercise; Understanding Job Analysis
 MGMT 410 Week 4 DQ 1 Employee Orientation
MGMT 410 Week 4 DQ 2 Career Management
MGMT 410 Week 4 Midterm Exam (Set 1)
MGMT 410 Week 4 Midterm Exam (Set 2)
 MGMT 410 Week 5 DQ 1 Performance Appraisals
MGMT 410 Week 5 DQ 2 Pay Systems
MGMT 410 Week 5 Simulation; JVA Corporation
 MGMT 410 Week 6 Case Study; A Perky Way to Productivity
MGMT 410 Week 6 DQ 1 Benefit Packages
MGMT 410 Week 6 DQ 2 Health and Safety
 MGMT 410 Week 7 Case Study; Collective Bargaining at West University
MGMT 410 Week 7 DQ 1 Labor Laws
MGMT 410 Week 7 DQ 2 Why We Hate HR Article
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MGMT 404
MGMT 404  
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MGMT 303 Final Exam
MGMT 303 Final Exam  
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  MGMT 303 Final Exam
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MGMT 303 Final Exam  DEVRY  2014
MGMT 303 Final Exam  DEVRY  2014
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 Question 1.1.(TCO 1) At the      _____ managerial level, technical skills are particularly important.      (Points : 7)
top management    operational employee    middle management    first-line supervisor    board of directors
 Question 2.2.(TCO 2) Which of      the following is an example of a merger? (Points : 7)
Brown Electronics and Kelvin Data    Systems form a new company, and Brown and Kelvin cease to exist.    Brown Electronics buys Kelvin Data Systems and    continues to operate as Brown Electronics.    Brown Electronics buys Kelvin Data Systems, and    Kelvin operates as a subsidiary of Brown.    Brown completes a hostile takeover of Kelvin.    None of the above
 Question 3.3.(TCO 3) The      Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires _____ to vouch for the truthfulness and      fairness of the firm’s financial disclosures. (Points : 7)
all employees    managers    senior managers    board members    senior managers and board
 Question 4.4.(TCO 4)      McDonald’s operates restaurants around the world in airports. The      agreement between McDonald’s and the airports is a(n) (Points : 7)
global sourcing agreement.    strategic alliance.    global business.    exporting agreement.    direct investment.
 Question 5.5.(TCO 5) _____      planning is the process by which managers identify alternative courses of      action that the organization might follow if various conditions arise.      (Points : 7)
Strategic    Standard    Contingency    Integrative    Goal optimization
 Question 6.6.(TCO 6) The      overall purpose of a business plan is to (Points : 7)
identify all actions required up to    the point when the firm opens its doors.    outline activities for the business in its first year    of operation.    provide prospective lenders with a blueprint for    action.    determine potential demand for the firm’s product or    service.    determine the most appropriate form of ownership.
 Question 7.7.(TCO 7) A      regional manufacturing operation has the following divisions:      manufacturing, finance, human resources, marketing, and      shipping/receiving. This is an example of _____ departmentalization.      (Points : 7)
functional    location    product    customer    sequential
 Question 8.8.(TCO 8) According      to Herzberg, when _____ factors are adequate, employees won’t be      satisfied, but they won’t be dissatisfied either. (Points : 7)
intrinsic    hygiene    motivating    neutral
 Question 9.9.(TCO 9) Which of      the following statements does NOT describe an advantage of verbal      communication? (Points : 7)
It is easy to use.    It is accurate.    It facilitates feedback.    It is comfortable for managers.    It can be done with little preparation.
 Question 10.10.(TCO 10) Income      statements, balance sheets, and audits are examples of the control of      (Points : 7)
physical resources.    cybernetics.    financial resources.    organizational complexity.    human resources.
Question 1.1.(TCO 2) How is environment scanning helpful to a  manager and the organization? (Points : 10)
 Question 2.2.(TCO 3) You are the CEO of a factory that  manufactures furniture. Explain briefly why your company needs to be socially  responsible. Briefly comment on any two areas of social responsibility.  (Points : 10)
  Question 3.3.(TCO 7) Briefly describe the matrix structure of  organization design. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this  design? (Points : 10)
  Question 4.4.(TCO 8) Briefly explain one performance appraisal  method. Explain an error that can occur in the performance appraisal process  and one way to effectively deal with such an error. (Points : 10)
  Question 5.5.(TCO 9) Briefly explain two ways in which  communication effectiveness can be improved. (Points : 10)
  Question 6.6.(TCO 10) What are the different levels of control?  What are the relationships between the different levels? (Points : 10)
  Question 7.7.(TCO 1) Briefly describe any five of the 10  managerial roles described by Henry Mintzberg. Give an example of each.  (Points : 10)
  Question 1.1.(TCO 2) Organizations have both an internal and an  external environment. Describe the general environment and give at least one  specific example of each dimension, other than the examples given in the text  and in the lectures. (Points : 20)
  Question 2.2.(TCO 8) You are a manager of a Consulting firm with  25 employees under your supervision. Employee Motivation appears to be  slipping, as well as employee performance. Employees seem to have a negative  attitude about their work, which has led to some turnover of employees and an  increase in absenteeism. You have been asked to provide upper management with  recommendations of how to improve motivation of the employees. Please create  a motivation plan and list the main motivational theories you are applying in  this plan. You should come up with a minimum of three ideas on how to improve  motivation. (Points : 20)
  3.(TCO 9) You are the plant    manager at Acme Plastics. You are running two shifts, a day shift and an    evening shift. Before the day shift leaves each day, the workers must get    an adequate supply of raw materials from the warehouse for the evening    shift to use. On several occasions, they have failed to do so. By the time    the evening shift gets to work, the warehouse is locked up, and it takes    about 3 hours to get someone out to unlock it and get the production line    rolling again. The two shift supervisors are at each other’s throats, and    you have to do something to correct the situation. What is the basic    problem causing this conflict? What could you do to solve it? (Points : 20)
  Question 4.4.(TCO 10) Our text    defines the four functions of a management as planning, organizing, leading    and controlling. Briefly put, the plan states the desired outcome or goal    and the process for achieving it. Control is the regulation of    organizational activities and processes in such a way as to facilitate goal    attainment. Assume that you are a manager of a business. State the type of    business you are managing (it can be any business you choose). Give two    examples of controls that you would implement in the business and how they    could facilitate goal attainment.
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MATH 533
MATH 533  
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  MATH 533
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MATH 221
MATH 221  
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MATH 221 Complete Course (Dqs – Labs – Final) Devry
MATH 221 Complete Course (Dqs – Labs – Final) Devry  
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Week 1
Descriptive Statistics (graded)
If you were given a large data set such as the sales over the last year of our top 1,000 customers, what might you be able to do with this data? What might be the benefits of describing the data?
Week 2
 Regression (graded)
Suppose you are given data from a survey showing the IQ of each person interviewed and the IQ of his or her mother. That is all the information that you have. Your boss has asked you to put together a report showing the relationship between these two variables. What could you present and why?
Week 3
Statistics in the News (graded)
Keep your eyes and ears open as you read or listen to the news this week. Find/discover an example of statistics in the news to discuss the following statement that represents one of the objectives of statistics analysis: “Statistics helps us make decisions based on data analysis.” Briefly discuss how the news item or article meets this objective. Cite your references.
 Week 4
Discrete Probability Variables (graded)
What are examples of variables that follow a binomial probability distribution? What are examples of variables that follow a Poisson distribution? When might you use a geometric probability?
  Week 5
Interpreting Normal Distributions (graded)
Assume that a population is normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Would it be unusual for the mean of a sample of 3 to be 115 or more? Why or why not?
Week 6
 Confidence Interval Concepts (graded)
Consider the formula used for any confidence interval and the elements included in that formula. What happens to the confidence interval if you (a) increase the confidence level, (b) increase the sample size, or (c) increase the margin of error? Only consider one of these changes at a time. Explain your answer with words and by referencing the formula.
Week 7
 Rejection Region (graded)
How is the rejection region defined and how is that related to the z-score and the p value? When do you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? Why do you think statisticians are asked to complete hypothesis testing? Can you think of examples in courts, in medicine, or in your area?
Statistics – Lab Week 2
 Statistical Concepts:
· Using Minitab
· Graphics
· Shapes of Distributions
· Descriptive Statistics
· Empirical Rule
   Data in Minitab
 Ø Minitab is a powerful, yet user-friendly, data analysis software package. You can launch Minitab by finding the icon and double clicking on it. After a moment you will see two windows, the Session Window in the top half of the screen and the Worksheet or Data Window in the bottom half.
 Ø Data have already been formatted and entered into a Minitab worksheet. Go to the eCollege Doc sharing site to download this data file. The names of each variable from the survey are in the first row of the Worksheet. This row has a background color of gray to identify it as the variable names. All other rows of the Minitab Worksheet represent a certain students’ answers to the survey questions. Therefore, the rows are called observations and the columns are called variables. Included with this lab, you will find a code sheet that identifies the correspondence between the variable names and the survey questions.
 Ø Complete the questions after the Code Sheet and paste the Graphs from Minitab in the grey areas for question 1 through 3. Type your answers to questions 4 through 11 where noted in the grey areas. When asked for explanations, please give thorough, multi-sentence or paragraph length explanations. The completed iLab Word Document with your responses to the questions will be the ONE and only document submitted to the dropbox. When saving and submitting the document, you are required to use the following format: Last Name_ First Name_Week2iLab.
  Code Sheet
Do NOT answer these questions. The Code Sheet just lists the variables name and the question used by the researchers on the survey instrument that produced the data that are included in the Minitab data file. This is just information. The first question for the lab is after the code sheet.
 Variable Name
Question 1 – How long does it take you to drive to the school on  average (to the nearest minute)?
Question 2 – What state/country were you born?
Question 3 – What is the temperature outside right now?
Question 4 – Rank all of the courses you are currently taking.  The class you look most forward to taking will be ranked one, next two, and  so on. What is the rank assigned to this class?
Question 5 – What is your height to the nearest inch?
Question 6 – What is your shoe size?
Question 7 – How many hours did you sleep last night?
Question 8 – What is your gender?
Question 9 – What is your race?
Question 10 – What color of car do you drive?
Question 11 – How long (on average) do you spend a day watching  TV?
Question 12 – How much money do you have with you right now?
Question 13 – Flip a coin 10 times. How many times did you get  tails?
Question 14 – Roll a six-sided die 10 times and record the  results.
  Creating Graphs
 1. Create a Pie Chart for the variable Car – Pull up Graph > Pie Chart and click in the categories variables box so that the list of variables will show up on the left. Now double click on the variable name ‘Car” in the box at the left of the window. Include a title by clicking on the “Labels.” button and typing it in the correct text area (put your name in as the title). In this same labels window, select the tab- Slice Labels and click on all; Category name; Frequency; Percent; Draw a line from label to slice and then click OK. Click OK again to create graph. Click on the graph and use Ctrl+C to copy and come back here, click below this question and use Ctrl+V to paste it in this Word document.
   2. Create a histogram for the variable Height – Pull up Graph > Histograms and choose “Simple”. Then set the graph variable to “height”. Include a title by clicking on the “Labels…” button and typing it in the correct text area (put your name in as the title) and click OK. Copy and paste the graph here.
   3. Create a stem and leaf chart for the variable Money – Pull up Graph > Stem-and Leaf and set Variables: to “Money”. Enter 10 for theIncrement: and click OK. The leaves of the stem-leaf plot will be the one’s digits of the values in the “Money” variable. Note: the first column of the stem-leaf plot that you create is the count. The row with the count in parentheses includes the median. The counts below the median cumulate from the bottom of the plot. Copy and paste the graph here.
    Calculating Descriptive Statistics
 4. Calculate descriptive statistics for the variable Height by Gender – Pull up Stat > Basic Statistics > Display Descriptive Statisticsand set Variables: to Height. Check By variable: and enter Gender into this text box. Click OK. Type the mean and the standard deviation for both males and females in the space below this question.
Standard deviation
   Ø Select File > Save Worksheet As to save the data set. You must either keep a copy of this data or download it again off the web site for future labs.
  Short Answer Writing Assignment
 All answers should be complete sentences.
 5. What is the most common color of car for students who participated in this survey? Explain how you arrived at your answer.
  1.       What is seen in the histogram created for the heights of students in this class (include the shape)? Explain your answer.
   1.       What is seen in the stem and leaf plot for the money variable (include the shape)? Explain your answer.
  1.       Compare the mean for the heights of males and the mean for the heights of females in these data. Compare the values and explain what can be concluded based on the numbers.
  1.       Compare the standard deviation for the heights of males and the standard deviation for the heights of females in the class. Compare the values and explain what can be concluded based on the numbers.
  1.       Using the empirical rule, 95% of female heights should be between what two values? Either show work or explain how your answer was calculated.
  1.       Using the empirical rule, 68% of male heights should be between what two values? Either show work or explain how your answer was calculated.
 Statistics – Lab Week 4
 Statistical Concepts:
· Probability
· Binomial Probability Distribution
   Calculating Binomial Probabilities
 Ø Open a new MINITAB worksheet.
 Ø We are interested in a binomial experiment with 10 trials. First, we will make the probability of a success ¼. Use MINITAB to calculate the probabilities for this distribution. In column C1 enter the word ‘success’ as the variable name (in the shaded cell above row 1. Now in that same column, enter the numbers zero through ten to represent all possibilities for the number of successes. These numbers will end up in rows 1 through 11 in that first column. In column C2 enter the words ‘one fourth’ as the variable name. Pull up Calc > Probability Distributions > Binomial and select the radio button that corresponds to Probability. Enter 10 for the Number of trials: and enter 0.25 for the Event probability:. For the Input column: select ‘success’ and for the Optional storage: select ‘one fourth’. Click the button OKand the probabilities will be displayed in the Worksheet.
 Ø Now we will change the probability of a success to ½. In column C3 enter the words ‘one half’ as the variable name. Use similar steps to that given above in order to calculate the probabilities for this column. The only difference is in Event probability: use 0.5.
 Ø Finally, we will change the probability of a success to ¾. In column C4 enter the words ‘three fourths’ as the variable name. Again, use similar steps to that given above in order to calculate the probabilities for this column. The only difference is in Event probability: use 0.75.
   Plotting the Binomial Probabilities
 1. Create plots for the three binomial distributions above. Select Graph > Scatter Plot and Simple then for graph 1 set Y equal to ‘one fourth’ and X to ‘success’ by clicking on the variable name and using the “select” button below the list of variables. Do this two more times and for graph 2 set Y equal to ‘one half’ and X to ‘success’, and for graph 3 set Y equal to ‘three fourths’ and X to ‘success’. Paste those three scatter plots below.
    Calculating Descriptive Statistics
 Ø Open the class survey results that were entered into the MINITAB worksheet.
 2. Calculate descriptive statistics for the variable where students flipped a coin 10 times. Pull up Stat > Basic Statistics > Display Descriptive Statistics and set Variables: to the coin. The output will show up in your Session Window. Type the mean and the standard deviation here.
 Standard deviation:
  Short Answer Writing Assignment – Both the calculated binomial probabilities and the descriptive statistics from the class database will be used to answer the following questions.
  3. List the probability value for each possibility in the binomial experiment that was calculated in MINITAB with the probability of a success being ½. (Complete sentence not necessary)
 4. Give the probability for the following based on the MINITAB calculations with the probability of a success being ½. (Complete sentence not necessary)
P(4<x ?7)
P(x<4 or x?7)
  5. Calculate the mean and standard deviation (by hand) for the MINITAB created binomial distribution with the probability of a success being ½. Either show work or explain how your answer was calculated. Mean = np, Standard Deviation = 
 Standard deviation:
   6. Calculate the mean and standard deviation (by hand) for the MINITAB created binomial distribution with the probability of a success being ¼ and compare to the results from question 5. Mean = np, Standard Deviation = 
 Standard deviation:
   7. Calculate the mean and standard deviation (by hand) for the MINITAB created binomial distribution with the probability of a success being ¾ and compare to the results from question 6. Mean = np, Standard Deviation = 
 8. Explain why the coin variable from the class survey represents a binomial distribution.
 he mean and standard deviation for the coin variable and compare these to the mean and standard deviation for the binomial distribution that was calculated in question 5. Explain how they are related. Mean = np, Standard Deviation = 
  Week 6 ilab
Statistical Concepts: • Data Simulation • Discrete Probability Distribution • Confidence Intervals
Calculations for a set of variables
? Open the class survey results that were entered into the MINITAB worksheet.
? We want to calculate the mean for the 10 rolls of the die for each student in the class. Label the column next to die10 in the Worksheet with the word mean. Pull up Calc > Row Statistics and select the radio-button corresponding to Mean. For Input variables: enter all 10 rows of the die data. Go to the Store result in: and select the mean column. Click OK and the mean for each observation will show up in the Worksheet.
? We also want to calculate the median for the 10 rolls of the die. Label the next column in the Worksheet with the word median. Repeat the above steps but select the radio-button that corresponds to Median and in the Store results in: text area, place the median column.
Calculating Descriptive Statistics
? Calculate descriptive statistics for the mean and median columns that where created above. Pull up Stat > Basic Statistics > Display Descriptive Statistics and set Variables: to mean and median. The output will show up in your Session Window. Print this information.
Calculating Confidence Intervals for one Variable
? Open the class survey results that were entered into the MINITAB worksheet.
? We are interested in calculating a 95% confidence interval for the hours of sleep a student gets. Pull up Stat > Basic Statistics > 1-Sample t and set Samples in columns: to Sleep. Click the OK button and the results will appear in your Session Window.
? We are also interested in the same analysis with a 99% confidence interval. Use the same steps except select the Options button and change the Confidence level: to 99.
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